scholarly journals Real UAV-Bird Image Classification Using CNN with a Synthetic Dataset

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (9) ◽  
pp. 3863
Ali Emre Öztürk ◽  
Ergun Erçelebi

A large amount of training image data is required for solving image classification problems using deep learning (DL) networks. In this study, we aimed to train DL networks with synthetic images generated by using a game engine and determine the effects of the networks on performance when solving real-image classification problems. The study presents the results of using corner detection and nearest three-point selection (CDNTS) layers to classify bird and rotary-wing unmanned aerial vehicle (RW-UAV) images, provides a comprehensive comparison of two different experimental setups, and emphasizes the significant improvements in the performance in deep learning-based networks due to the inclusion of a CDNTS layer. Experiment 1 corresponds to training the commonly used deep learning-based networks with synthetic data and an image classification test on real data. Experiment 2 corresponds to training the CDNTS layer and commonly used deep learning-based networks with synthetic data and an image classification test on real data. In experiment 1, the best area under the curve (AUC) value for the image classification test accuracy was measured as 72%. In experiment 2, using the CDNTS layer, the AUC value for the image classification test accuracy was measured as 88.9%. A total of 432 different combinations of trainings were investigated in the experimental setups. The experiments were trained with various DL networks using four different optimizers by considering all combinations of batch size, learning rate, and dropout hyperparameters. The test accuracy AUC values for networks in experiment 1 ranged from 55% to 74%, whereas the test accuracy AUC values in experiment 2 networks with a CDNTS layer ranged from 76% to 89.9%. It was observed that the CDNTS layer has considerable effects on the image classification accuracy performance of deep learning-based networks. AUC, F-score, and test accuracy measures were used to validate the success of the networks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 2723
Fatih Uysal ◽  
Fırat Hardalaç ◽  
Ozan Peker ◽  
Tolga Tolunay ◽  
Nil Tokgöz

Fractures occur in the shoulder area, which has a wider range of motion than other joints in the body, for various reasons. To diagnose these fractures, data gathered from X-radiation (X-ray), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or computed tomography (CT) are used. This study aims to help physicians by classifying shoulder images taken from X-ray devices as fracture/non-fracture with artificial intelligence. For this purpose, the performances of 26 deep learning-based pre-trained models in the detection of shoulder fractures were evaluated on the musculoskeletal radiographs (MURA) dataset, and two ensemble learning models (EL1 and EL2) were developed. The pre-trained models used are ResNet, ResNeXt, DenseNet, VGG, Inception, MobileNet, and their spinal fully connected (Spinal FC) versions. In the EL1 and EL2 models developed using pre-trained models with the best performance, test accuracy was 0.8455, 0.8472, Cohen’s kappa was 0.6907, 0.6942 and the area that was related with fracture class under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC) was 0.8862, 0.8695. As a result of 28 different classifications in total, the highest test accuracy and Cohen’s kappa values were obtained in the EL2 model, and the highest AUC value was obtained in the EL1 model.

Entropy ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (5) ◽  
pp. 456 ◽  
Hao Cheng ◽  
Dongze Lian ◽  
Shenghua Gao ◽  
Yanlin Geng

Inspired by the pioneering work of the information bottleneck (IB) principle for Deep Neural Networks’ (DNNs) analysis, we thoroughly study the relationship among the model accuracy, I ( X ; T ) and I ( T ; Y ) , where I ( X ; T ) and I ( T ; Y ) are the mutual information of DNN’s output T with input X and label Y. Then, we design an information plane-based framework to evaluate the capability of DNNs (including CNNs) for image classification. Instead of each hidden layer’s output, our framework focuses on the model output T. We successfully apply our framework to many application scenarios arising in deep learning and image classification problems, such as image classification with unbalanced data distribution, model selection, and transfer learning. The experimental results verify the effectiveness of the information plane-based framework: Our framework may facilitate a quick model selection and determine the number of samples needed for each class in the unbalanced classification problem. Furthermore, the framework explains the efficiency of transfer learning in the deep learning area.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (9) ◽  
pp. 2027-2031
Xu Yifang

Hyperspectral image classification refers to a key difficulty on the domain of remote sensing image processing. Feature learning is the basis of hyperspectral image classification problems. In addition, how to jointly use the space spectrum information is Also an important issue in hyperspectral image classification. Recent ages have seen that as further exploration is developing, the method of hyperspectral image cauterization according to deep learning has been rapidly developed. However, existing deep networks often only consider reconstruction performance while ignoring the task itself. In addition, for improving preciseness of classification, most categorization methods use the fixed-size neighborhood of per hyperspectral pixel as the object of feature extraction, ignoring the identification and difference between the neighborhood pixel and the current pixel. On the basis of exploration above, our research group put forward with an image classification algorithm based on principal component texture feature deep learning, and achieved good results.

Du Chunqi ◽  
Shinobu Hasegawa

In computer vision and computer graphics, 3D reconstruction is the process of capturing real objects’ shapes and appearances. 3D models always can be constructed by active methods which use high-quality scanner equipment, or passive methods that learn from the dataset. However, both of these two methods only aimed to construct the 3D models, without showing what element affects the generation of 3D models. Therefore, the goal of this research is to apply deep learning to automatically generating 3D models, and finding the latent variables which affect the reconstructing process. The existing research GANs can be trained in little data with two networks called Generator and Discriminator, respectively. Generator can produce synthetic data, and Discriminator can discriminate between the generator’s output and real data. The existing research shows that InFoGAN can maximize the mutual information between latent variables and observation. In our approach, we will generate the 3D models based on InFoGAN and design two constraints, shape-constraint and parameters-constraint, respectively. Shape-constraint utilizes the data augmentation method to limit the synthetic data generated in the models’ profiles. At the same time, we also try to employ parameters-constraint to find the 3D models’ relationship corresponding to the latent variables. Furthermore, our approach will be a challenge in the architecture of generating 3D models built on InFoGAN. Finally, in the process of generation, we might discover the contribution of the latent variables influencing the 3D models to the whole network.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (23) ◽  
pp. 7785
Jun Mao ◽  
Change Zheng ◽  
Jiyan Yin ◽  
Ye Tian ◽  
Wenbin Cui

Training a deep learning-based classification model for early wildfire smoke images requires a large amount of rich data. However, due to the episodic nature of fire events, it is difficult to obtain wildfire smoke image data, and most of the samples in public datasets suffer from a lack of diversity. To address these issues, a method using synthetic images to train a deep learning classification model for real wildfire smoke was proposed in this paper. Firstly, we constructed a synthetic dataset by simulating a large amount of morphologically rich smoke in 3D modeling software and rendering the virtual smoke against many virtual wildland background images with rich environmental diversity. Secondly, to better use the synthetic data to train a wildfire smoke image classifier, we applied both pixel-level domain adaptation and feature-level domain adaptation. The CycleGAN-based pixel-level domain adaptation method for image translation was employed. On top of this, the feature-level domain adaptation method incorporated ADDA with DeepCORAL was adopted to further reduce the domain shift between the synthetic and real data. The proposed method was evaluated and compared on a test set of real wildfire smoke and achieved an accuracy of 97.39%. The method is applicable to wildfire smoke classification tasks based on RGB single-frame images and would also contribute to training image classification models without sufficient data.

Sebatik ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 300-306
Muhamad Jaelani Akbar ◽  
Mochamad Wisuda Sardjono ◽  
Margi Cahyanti ◽  
Ericks Rachmat Swedia

Sayuran merupakan sebutan bagi bahan pangan asal tumbuhan yang biasanya mengandung kadar air tinggi dan dikonsumsi dalam keadaan segar atau setelah diolah secara minimal. Keanekaragaman sayur yang terdapat di dunia menyebabkan keragaman pula dalam pengklasifikasian sayur. Oleh karena itu diperlukan adanya pendekatan digital agar dapat mengenali jenis sayuran dengan cepat dan mudah. Dalam penelitian ini jumlah jenis sayuran yang digunakan sebanyak 7 jenis diantara: brokoli, jagung, kacang panjang, pare, terung ungu, tomat dan kubis. Dataset yang digunakan berjumlah 941 gambar sayur dari 7 jenis sayur, ditambah 131 gambar sayur dari jenis yang tidak terdapat pada dataset, selain itu digunakan 291 gambar selain sayuran. Untuk melakukan klasifikasi jenis sayuran digunakan algoritme Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), yang merupakan salah satu bidang ilmu baru dalam Machine Learning dan berkembang dengan pesat. CNN merupakan salah satu algoritme yang terdapat pada metode Deep Learning dengan memiliki kemampuan yang baik dalam Computer Vision, salah satunya yaitu image classification atau klasifikasi objek citra. Uji coba dilakukan pada lima perangkat selular berbasiskan sistem operasi Android. Python digunakan sebagai bahasa pemrograman dalam merancang aplikasi mobile ini dengan menggunakan modul Tensor flow untuk melakukan training dan testing data. Metode yang dapat digunakan dalam melakukan klasifikasi citra ini yaitu Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Hasil final test accuracy yang diperoleh yaitu didapat keakuratan mengenali jenis sayuran sebesar 98.1% dengan salah satu hasil pengujian yaitu klasifikasi sayur jagung dengan akurasi sebesar 99.98049%.

Sebatik ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
Hanissa Anggraini Pratiwi ◽  
Margi Cahyanti ◽  
Missa Lamsani

Bunga atau kembang adalah alat reproduksi seksual pada tumbuhan berbunga. Pada bunga terdapat organ reproduksi, yaitu benang sari dan putik. Pada beberapa spesies, bunga majemuk dapat dianggap awam sebagai bunga (tunggal), ada sekitar 391.000 spesies tanaman vaskular yang saat ini diketahui sains, dimana sekitar 369.000 spesies (atau 94 persen) adalah tanaman berbunga. Klasifikasi jenis bunga merupakan pekerjaan yang membutuhkan waktu dan pengetahuan. Perkembangan visi komputer memungkinkan otomatisasi klasifikasi jenis bunga dengan efisien dan akurat. Deep Learning merupakan cabang ilmu machine learning berbasis Jaringan Saraf Tiruan (JST) atau bisa dikatakan sebagai perkembangan dari JST. Dalam Deep Learning, sebuah komputer belajar mengklasifikasi secara langsung dari gambar atau suara. Dengan menggunakan teknologi Deep Learning yang merupakan salah satu bidang ilmu baru dalam Machine learning dan berkembang dengan sangat pesat. Deep Learning memiliki kemampuan yang baik dalam Computer Vision, yaitu Image Classification atau kalsifikasi objek pada citra dalam bentuk dua dimensi misalnya gambar dan suara. Hasil final test accuracy yang diperoleh yaitu didapat keakuratan sebesar 100% dengan salah satu hasil pengujian yaitu klasifikasi bunga mawar  dengan akurasi sebesar 99,30%. Model data latih menggunakan dengan total dataset 460 gambar (yang diambil melalui pencarian gambar pada Google Image) sebanyak 30 kali dilatih, di mana setiap 13 langkah terhitung 1 training. Sehingga menghasilkan keluaran nilai akurasi dari data yang telah dilatih (val_acc) dan nilai akurasi dari data yang hilang atau miss (val_loss). Diharapkan dengan adanya implementasi aplikasi ini dapat membantu pengguna untuk memelihara bunga hias dengan jenis sesuai dengan keinginan.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (18) ◽  
pp. 2336
Asif Khan ◽  
Hyunho Hwang ◽  
Heung Soo Kim

As failures in rotating machines can have serious implications, the timely detection and diagnosis of faults in these machines is imperative for their smooth and safe operation. Although deep learning offers the advantage of autonomously learning the fault characteristics from the data, the data scarcity from different health states often limits its applicability to only binary classification (healthy or faulty). This work proposes synthetic data augmentation through virtual sensors for the deep learning-based fault diagnosis of a rotating machine with 42 different classes. The original and augmented data were processed in a transfer learning framework and through a deep learning model from scratch. The two-dimensional visualization of the feature space from the original and augmented data showed that the latter’s data clusters are more distinct than the former’s. The proposed data augmentation showed a 6–15% improvement in training accuracy, a 44–49% improvement in validation accuracy, an 86–98% decline in training loss, and a 91–98% decline in validation loss. The improved generalization through data augmentation was verified by a 39–58% improvement in the test accuracy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (22) ◽  
pp. 3839
Xiaomin Tian ◽  
Long Chen ◽  
Xiaoli Zhang ◽  
Erxue Chen

Deep learning has become an effective method for hyperspectral image classification. However, the high band correlation and data volume associated with airborne hyperspectral images, and the insufficiency of training samples, present challenges to the application of deep learning in airborne image classification. Prototypical networks are practical deep learning networks that have demonstrated effectiveness in handling small-sample classification. In this study, an improved prototypical network is proposed (by adding L2 regularization to the convolutional layer and dropout to the maximum pooling layer) to address the problem of overfitting in small-sample classification. The proposed network has an optimal sample window for classification, and the window size is related to the area and distribution of the study area. After performing dimensionality reduction using principal component analysis, the time required for training using hyperspectral images shortened significantly, and the test accuracy increased drastically. Furthermore, when the size of the sample window was 27 × 27 after dimensionality reduction, the overall accuracy of forest species classification was 98.53%, and the Kappa coefficient was 0.9838. Therefore, by using an improved prototypical network with a sample window of an appropriate size, the network yielded desirable classification results, thereby demonstrating its suitability for the fine classification and mapping of tree species.

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