scholarly journals Performance and Religion: Dancing Bodies in Macedonian Orthodox Fresco Painting

Arts ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 88
Sonja Zdravkova Djeparoska

Although dance as a topic has been explored through various theoretical and thematic discourse, little attention has been paid to the presence of dance motifs in Christian imagery. An examination of Orthodox Macedonian medieval fresco painting provides a fascinating point of entry into this overlooked subject. Analysis reveals the presence of two dominant approaches, conditioned primarily by the position of dancing in the philosophical-ethical discourse present in the Bible and other late antique and medieval theological texts. Some frescoes and icons show the body as a channel through which the Lord is glorified. Others show it as an instrument and reflection of immorality instigated by demonic powers. As in each approach, the bodies have differing semantic qualities, valuable information can be obtained about the performing practices present in this historical period.

Raphael A. Cadenhead

Although the reception of the Eastern father Gregory of Nyssa has varied over the centuries, the past few decades have witnessed a profound awakening of interest in his thought, particularly in relation to the contentious issues of gender, sex, and sexuality. The Body and Desire sets out to retrieve the full range of Gregory’s thinking on the challenges of the ascetic life through a diachronic analysis of his oeuvre. Exploring his understanding of the importance of bodily and spiritual maturation in the practices of contemplation and virtue, Raphael Cadenhead recovers the vital relevance of this vision of transformation for contemporary ethical discourse.

Ildar Garipzanov

This chapter shows the unquestionable role of the sign of the cross as the primary sign of divine authority in Carolingian material and manuscript culture, a role partly achieved at the expense of the diminishing symbolic importance of the late antique christograms. It also analyses the appearance of new cruciform devices in the ninth century as well as the adaptation of the early Byzantine tradition of cruciform invocational monograms in Carolingian manuscript culture, as exemplified in the Bible of San Paolo fuori le mura and several other religious manuscripts. The final section examines some Carolingian carmina figurata and, most importantly, Hrabanus Maurus’ In honorem sanctae crucis, as a window into Carolingian graphicacy and the paramount importance of the sign of the cross as its ultimate organizing principle.

2021 ◽  
Dharakorn Chandnasaro ◽  

The Series of Archaeological Dances is a creative work of Thai dance inspired by information and evidence of ancient antiquities and sites discovered in Thailand to make the archaeological evidence found to be alive again in the form of Thai theatre and dance. The name of the historical period of art identified by the scholars are used to define the names of five performance of the Archaeological Dances, namely, Dvāravatī Dance, Srīvijaya Dance, Lopburi Dance, Chiang Saen Dance, and Sukhothai Dance. Each performance has its own unique style with no related content to each other. This series of dances were premiered on 25 May 1967, in front of King Rama IX and Queen Sirikit. Regarding to the movement of the body, there is unique identity that reflects the ethnicity of the area and the civilization from the land where the archaeological evidence of each era was discovered. They were created according to the imagination of the choreographers of the dance posture. In addition, The Series of Archaeological Dances are popularly performed on various occasions continuously until present day. ระบ􀄬ำชุดโบรำณคดี เป็นผลงำนสร้ำงสรรค์ด้ำนนำฏศิลป์ของประเทศไทยที่ได้รับแรงบันดำลใจจำกข้อมูลและหลัก ฐำนด้ำนศิลปะโบรำณวัตถุสถำนที่ถูกค้นพบได้ในพื้นที่ประเทศไทย เพื่อต้องกำรให้หลักฐำนโบรำณคดีที่ค้นพบได้ กลับมำมีชีวิตชีวำอีกครั้งในรูปแบบของนำฏศิลป์ โดยใช้ชื่อยุคสมัยทำงศิลปะที่นักวิชำกำรประวัติศำสตร์ระบุไว้ มำ ก􀄬ำหนดเป็นชื่อของกำรแสดงจ􀄬ำนวน 5 ชุด คือ ระบ􀄬ำทวำรวดี ระบ􀄬ำศรีวิชัย ระบ􀄬ำลพบุรี ระบ􀄬ำเชียงแสน และระบ􀄬ำ สุโขทัย กำรแสดงแต่ละชุดเป็นลักษณะแบบเอกเทศ ไม่มีเนื้อหำเกี่ยวข้องกัน จัดแสดงรอบปฐมทัศน์เมื่อวันที่ 25 พฤษภำคม พ.ศ. 2510 ต่อหน้ำพระที่นั่งของในหลวงรัชกำลที่ 9 และพระรำชินีในรัชกำลที่ 9 ในด้ำนกำรเคลื่อนไหว ร่ำงกำยมีเอกลักษณ์ที่สะท้อนควำมเป็นชำติพันธุ์ของพื้นที่และอำรยธรรมดินแดนที่ค้นพบหลักฐำนโบรำณคดีแต่ละ ยุคสมัย ซึ่งใช้รูปแบบกำรสร้ำงสรรค์ของนำฏศิลป์ไทยตำมจินตนำกำรของผู้ประดิษฐ์ท่ำร􀄬ำ นอกจำกนี้ระบ􀄬ำชุด โบรำณคดีได้รับควำมนิยมในกำรจัดแสดงอย่ำงต่อเนื่องในวำระต่ำง ๆ มำจนถึงปัจจุบัน

2018 ◽  
Vol 138 ◽  
pp. 55-66
Graeme Miles
The Body ◽  

AbstractThe fragmentary biographical work by Damascius, known as either the Life of Isidore or Philosophical History, appears to have begun with the myths of the dismemberment of Osiris and Dionysus. These programmatic allusions establish an important theme in the text that followed: ‘becoming a Bacchus’. This, as is clear from Damascius’ Phaedo Commentary, refers to the process of unifying and liberating oneself from the body at the ‘cathartic’ stage in the Neoplatonic scale of virtues. The acquisition of likeness to this specific deity is, therefore, a vital though far from final stage in the progression towards the ultimate goal of late antique Platonic philosophy: ‘becoming like god as far as possible’.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 542-566
Jessica Wright

In late antique theological texts, metaphors of the brain were useful tools for talking about forms of governance: cosmic, political, and domestic; failed and successful; interior discipline and social control. These metaphors were grounded in a common philosophical analogy between the body and the city, and were also supported by the ancient medical concept of the brain as the source of the sensory and motor nerves. Often the brain was imagined as a monarch or civic official, governing the body from the head as from an acropolis or royal house. This article examines two unconventional metaphors of the brain in the work of the fifth-century Greco-Syrian bishop Theodoret of Cyrrhus—the brain as a treasure within the acropolis, and the brain as a node in an urban aqueduct—both of which adapt the structural metaphor of governance to reflect the changing political and economic circumstances of imperial Christianity. Drawing upon medical theories of the brain, Theodoret expands upon the conventional governance metaphor of brain function to encompass the economic and the spiritual responsibilities of the bishop-administrator. Just as architectural structures (acropolis, aqueduct) contain and distribute valuable resources (treasure, water) within the city, so the brain accumulates and redistributes nourishing substances (marrow, blood, pneuma) within the body; and just as the brain functions as a site for the transformation of material resources (body) into spiritual goods (mind), so the bishop stands as a point of mediation between earthly wealth and the treasures of heaven.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Andrianus Nababan

AbstrackThe Christian religious education teacher is an educator who provides knowledge about Christianity based on the Bible, centered on Jesus Christ, and relied on the Holy Spirit. Christian Religious Education teachers must be able to offer their bodies in Romans 12:1-3. The understanding of offering the body include: 1)the Christian religious education teacher always i approaches the loving and generous God 2)give advice by encouraging, directing convey the truth of God's Words. 3). renewal of the mind by distinguishing which is good and pleasing to God. Thus, each Christian religious education teacher can understand that a true educator must surrender his/her body as a true offering according to will of God.Key word: Christian education teacher; Offering the body Romans 12:1-3.ABSTRAKGuru Pendidikan Agama Kristen merupakan seorang pendidik yang memberikan ilmu pengetahuan tentang agama Kristen yang berdasarkan Alkitab, berpusat pada Yesus Kristus, dan bergantung pada Roh Kudus kepada peserta didik dalam kegiatan belajarmengajar. Guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen harus mampu mempersembahkan tubuhnya dalam Roma 12:1-3 sebagai ibadah sejati. Pemahaman mempersembahkan tubuh yaitu 1)guru Pendidikan agama Kristen senantiasa menghampiri Allah yang penuh kasih dan kemurahan 2)memberikan nasihat dengan mendorong, mengarahkan dan berdasarkan kebenaran Firman Tuhan. 3)pembaharuan budi dengan membedakan mana yang baik dan yang berkenan kepada Allah. Demikian Guru Pendidikan Agama kristen mampu memahami mempersembahkan tubuh menyangkut kehendak Allah sebagai pendidik yang sejati.Kata Kunci: Guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen; Mempersembahkan tubuh.

1992 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
pp. 137-157
The Body ◽  

To love the Publick, to study Universal Good, and to promote the Interest of the whole World, as far as lies within our power; is surely the Height of Goodness, and makes that Temper which we call Divine. Ld Shaftesbury's Characteristicks, vol. I. p. 37.LONDON: Printed for R. Mountagu at the Bible in Shear-Lane near Temple-Bar, and sold by Mr. Graves in St-James's Street, Mr. Bettesworth in Paternoster Row, Mr. Meadows and Mr. Brotherton in Cornhill, and Mr. Stagg in Westminster-Hall. 1720. (Price One Shilling.)Chairman of the Quarter-Sessions held at the Devizes the 26th Day of April A.D. 1720.We the Grand Jury, sworn to serve on the behalf of our Sovereign Lord the King for the Body of this County, for the present Sessions; do take the liberty to return our hearty Thanks, for your Excellent Charge: wherein you have so fully instructed [4] us, in our Duty to God, our King and Country.

Jeyhun T. Eminli

This article is devoted to the consideration and interpretation of a peculiar detail of the funeral rite observed at the cemeteries of ancient period in the historical region of Qabala - the capital of Caucasian Albania. Attention is focused on ceramic vessels with intentionally made holes, which were revealed in the burials among the grave goods. The vessels with holes were found in the ground burials of Uzuntala and Gushlar cemeteries of the 1st century BCE – 1st century CE, along with skeletons in a contracted position on their sides; as well as in the catacomb burial of Salbir, dating to the I-III centuries CE. In burials nos. 3–7 of Uzuntala, vessels of this type had holes in the center of their bases, and were placed upside down in the grave. In the catacomb burial of Salbir, 1st – 3rd centuries CE, two vases of the same type had large holes on the side of the body. The specific detail of the funeral rite, which is of a particular nature, has been episodically traced in the territory of Azerbaijan since the Bronze Age and continued to exist until the Late Antique period. It allows us to talk of the existence of a ritual that was carried out during the funeral ceremony and reflected some religious ideas associated with the funeral ideology. The authors of the paper suppose that these vessels should, according to prevailing beliefs, symbolize the “exodus of the soul” of the deceased and have no connection with the custom of damage to the inventory.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 75-80
Rashid Bhikha ◽  

The use of plants to prevent and treat illnesses has been known since time immemorial. Blackseed has been used in different civilizations around the world for centuries. The curative properties of blackseed were mentioned in the Bible and further elaborated on by Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) as “Hold on to the use of blackseed, as it has a remedy for every illness except death”. Extensive research conducted over the past century into the phytochemistry of blackseed has identified many active ingredients and confirmed its pharmacological action in the treatment of a vast range of illness conditions across the different systems of the body, including the prevention and treatment of cancer, and optimum functioning of the immune system. Furthermore, the Tibb philosophical principles highlight the ability of the body’s inherent self-healing capacity, known as Physis, and the intricate functioning of the human body, based on the temperamental and humoral theory. This paper emphasizes the importance of Physis, and its role in the maintenance and restoration of health with the regular intake of blackseed, highlighting why blackseed can be a cure for all illnesses except death. Keywords: Blackseed, phytochemistry, pharmacological action, Tibb philosophical principles.

Will Stockton

This introduction begins with a brief survey of Reformation contests over the sacramental status of marriages. It discusses the different models of marriage on offer in the Bible, and argues that Shakespeare’s plays reflect these different models. It also sets this book’s Christian critique of monogamy against the backdrop of recent moves to legalize gay marriage.

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