scholarly journals Documenting a People yet to Be Named: History of a Bar Hostess

Arts ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 44
Bill Mihalopoulos

The paper focuses on Imamura Shōhei’s History of Post-War Japan as Told by a Bar Hostess (Nippon Sengoshi—Madamu Onboro no Seikatsu), a documentary released for general viewing in 1970. The subject of the documentary was Azaka Emiko, the uninhibited middle-aged owner of the bar Onboro in the port city of Yokosuka, home to a U.S. naval base. Emiko embodied the phantasmagoric (chimimōryō) lowlifes who inhabited the nooks and crannies of Japanese cities and went about their lives without resentment or guilt, unburdened by familial responsibility and social norms that fascinated Imamura. While other intellectuals and film makers were obsessing about the status of Japanese democracy, Imamura chose to focus on people such as Emiko to identify the psychological and moral changes undergone by the Japanese people during three decades of post-war recovery and growth.

2019 ◽  
pp. 244-263
David Phillips

This chapter examines the work of E.R. Dodds during preparations for the post-war occupation of Germany. In 1940, Dodds joined Arnold Toynbee’s ‘Foreign Research and Press Service’, which had moved to Oxford, and he began to work on the history of education in Germany. Arnold’s group eventually became the Foreign Office Research Department (FORD), and Dodds produced for it lengthy memoranda to inform others working on the subject. He also lectured at many meetings and published a pamphlet, Minds in the Making, a study of the hollowness and barbarity of Nazi ideology and its effects on education. For FORD he also chaired committees on re-education and on textbook production. In 1947, he led a delegation to Germany of the Association of University Teachers, which produced a damning report on the state of German universities. He proved to be one of the most significant people involved in shaping educational policy as it developed in the British Zone of Germany.

Rhetorik ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
Johann Kreuzer

AbstractThe paper discusses the intellectual development of Augustinus by means of his discussion of the status, the sense, the function and his judgement on rhetoric. This discussion let Augustinus be an important station in the history of the philosophy of language. Starting point is the explanation of the dialectics of the topos (or pathos) of the ›ineffabilis‹. Augustinus shows that the antirhetoric meaning of the ineffable leads in selfcontradictions. Therefore he discusses the forms and the conditions of understanding. This begins with the early dialogue De magistro and reaches to De trinitate and one of the central subjects within this theoretical mainwork of Augustinus: the concept of the verbum intimum. With the (at first view) extreme reductionism in the theory of signs, presented in De magistro - a mental ›oracle‹ is claimed as instance and criterion of understanding -, he destructs the naive representation-belief in an 1:1-relation between outer signs and mental contents. The subject of the ›inner word‹ in De trinitate then is the question of understanding signs as signs. It is shown that only the explanation of the inner word as a mental achievement within ordinary language is sufficient to answer the question of understanding. An excursus elucidates that the sermocinalis scientia of Wilhelm v. Ockham in the 14th century continues the discoveries and philosophical innovations, Augustinus made at the end of antiquity. These discoveries are inalienable for present debates concerning the philosophy of language. And they are inalienable for concepts of rhetoric based in the hermeneutics of understanding. The critique of rhetoric as ›fair of talkativeness‹ brings up a purified sight of the art of language: of the art, language ›is‹.

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 451-465
Chika Tanaka ◽  
Takashi Naruse ◽  
Atsuko Taguchi ◽  
Satoko Nagata ◽  
Azusa Arimoto ◽  

1966 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-89 ◽  
J. C. G. Röhl

Ever since the First World War, but especially during the Weimar period, Bismarck's dismissal has exercised a strong attraction on German historians, and has probably received more attention than any other event in the history of the Second Reich. In the troubled post-war years, 20 March 1890 seemed to stand out prominently as the fateful turning point of Germany's history. Wilhelm Schvissler, the first to exploit the unprecedented wealth of evidence available in consequence of the monarchy's collapse, did not hesitate to claim that ‘even at that time [1890] the downfall (Untergang) of the German Reich was written in the stars’. ‘Who would doubt’, he asked, ‘that our misfortune began there…and led to the catastrophe of the Imperial Monarchy and the German Reich—exactly 20 years after his [Bismarck's] death!’ This highly emotional approach to the subject was fully shared by Wilhelm Mommsen, whose standard work on the role of the political parties in the crisis appeared in 1924. Bismarck's fall, he wrote, ‘appears to us today as a turning point of German history, and it is only with deep feeling that we can recall the events of March 1890’. It is perhaps partly for this reason that these early writers tended to misinterpret the nature of Bismarck's relations with the parties in the crucial months before his fall. There was, for one thing, an inclination to idealize the bygone age in which ‘the State’ was thought to have stood incorruptibly ‘above the parties’, and as a result the party struggles of 1889 and 1890 were relegated to a self-contained compartment whence, it was held, they were able to influence the course of events only in the negative sense of providing no obstacle to the chancellor's dismissal. The influential work of Hans Rothfels probably typified this attitude, but even Mommsen warned his readers that his study of the parties could throw at best an oblique light on the crisis ‘since the parties had no direct and at any rate no significant effect on the course of those events’. According to Hans Herzfeld's summary of the present state of knowledge on the subject, this view is still widely accepted today.

Neophilology ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 202-212
Ekaterina S. Lunkova

The work is focused on specific underived nouns that are functioning in the Smolensk patois and in the Belarusian language at the present stage of the existence of these language systems and are quite close, but not identical formations in semantic and structural terms. The subject of the study is the volume of lexical meaning and potential derivational connections of nouns recorded in two synchronous language formations. The relevance of the study is determined by the complex history of the Russian and Belarusian borderland, which is reflected both in the Smolensk patois and in the Belarusian language, which had been created on the dialect basis. The vocabulary of the Russian and Belarusian borderland belongs to a single cultural and historical continuum de-termined by the history of the region, it reflects the diverse material and spiritual ties of the two language idioms’ speakers. The complexity of the historical relations between the two language systems, one of which is codified and has the status of an official language (Belarusian language), and the second exists only in an oral form and has a norm due to internal language laws of devel-opment (Smolensk patois), has led to the fact that when studying two language formations at the present stage, it is possible to speak not only about unambiguous types of relations between words, but also about peripheral types, about zones of various transitions, changes in lexical and grammatical semantics, which can potentially be points of development of two idioms in the future and are therefore valuable for study.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (4 (202)) ◽  
pp. 293-310
Valeria S. Kuchko ◽  

This article studies Russian verbs which name the action of gratuitous material assistance to those in need, i.e. благотворить, благотворительствовать, благодетельствовать, меценатствовать, жертвовать, спонсировать, and their few derivatives. The author focuses on the history of their origin and use in the Russian language, the development of their meanings, semantic features, and functioning in the text. The analysis of these characteristics of the life of the word in the language allows the author to identify and formulate some norms of the use of these verbs in modern charity discourse for those who speak and write about charity. The study is based on historical and modern lexicographic sources, such as explanatory dictionaries of the Old Slavic Language, Old Russian Language, Russian language of different time periods, as well as examples of word usage, retrieved from The National Corpus of the Russian Language. In spite of the fact that the verbs studied realise the predicate of a situation of charity and designate the subject’s action of providing a poor or deprived object with material support, they considerably differ in terms of time of their appearance in the language, periods of usage, and semantic capacity. The analysis demonstrates that there is no verb that could claim the status of a nuclear verbal lexeme of the semantic field of charity: the word with the widest neutral semantics благотворить has almost fallen out of use, the verbs благодетельствовать and меценатствовать have a narrower application, while жертвовать imposes semantic restrictions on the choice of words for the positions of the object and the instrument of charity, and in the case of the verb спонсировать a specific context of “market” charity is important, in which the subject receives a certain benefit from their contribution.

Adam Nadolny

This article focuses on the inter-dependencies between the film image and architecture. The author has attempted to define what sort of historical background preconditions the film image to gain the status of a source for research on the history of Polish urban planning and post-war architecture, with particular emphasis placed on the 1960s.

Oskar Stanisław Czarnik

The subject of this article is an overview of Polish publishing in the exile during the World War II and first post-war years. The literary activity was mostly linked to the cultural tradition of the Second Polish Republic. The author describes this phenomenon quantitatively and presents the number of books published in the respective years. He also tries to explain which external factors, not only political and military, but also financial and organizational, affected publications of Polish books around the world. The subject of the debate is also geography of the Polish publishing. It is connected with a long term migration of different groups of people living in exile. The author not only points out the areas where Polish editorial activity was just temporary, but also the areas where it was long-lasting. The book output was a great assistance to Polish people living in diasporas, as well as to readers living in Poland. The following text is an excerpt of the book which is currently being prepared by the author. The book is devoted to the history of Polish publishing in exile.

Lauma Mellēna-Bartkeviča

“History Research Commission” staged by Alvis Hermanis in New Riga Theatre (2019) is an example of post-truth coming onto the theatre stage in terms of a rather sensitive subject – historical traumas and unsolved issues that still influence today’s society in Latvia. Hermanis’s production accepts the post-truth as an inevitable and obvious present framework of modern thinking; meanwhile, the subject itself (“cheka bags”) implies the impossibility to find out any “truth” due to its distorted nature from the very beginning. “History Research Commission” paradoxically leads to conclude that the post-truth approach in theatre might be the most honest in terms of today’s world, where the truth has lost its previous status of value. The article covers the short history of “post-truth” analysed by Ralph Keyes, Lee McIntyre, and Yael Brahms. It aims to apply the notion to performing arts through the example of KGB’s experiences in Hermanis’s production (co-created with the actors of the New Riga Theatre) that seems to accept the post-truth and the tragedy of Western rationalism facing the impossibility to find out the provable truth regarding certain subjects. The message of absurdity to chase the truth in “cheka bags” confirms post-truth as the status quo of our time.

2008 ◽  
Vol 43 (6) ◽  
pp. 1385-1419 ◽  

AbstractIn the 1920s and 1930s, the Modern Girl emerged in advertisements, cinema and public discourse all over the globe. While she was implicated in nationalist projects of social reform in post-war Britain and Japan, in multicultural, port-city environments such as Penang, the Modern Girl was central to a discourse of ‘cosmopolitanism’. Lively debates about the Modern Girl in Penang's English press wrestled with the tensions between cultural authenticity, diversity and modernity. Male and female readers of the Straits Echo, from different ethnic backgrounds, engaged with each other in a shared public space about issues ranging from education and politics to women's liberality and fashion. The Modern Girl thus represents a new way of looking at the history of colonial Malaysia in the interwar period: one not focused on ethnic nationalism and communalism, but on a shared, multi-ethnic mode of belonging rooted in the globalist environment of the late colonial port-city.

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