scholarly journals Occurrence, Diversity of Listeria spp. Isolates from Food and Food-Contact Surfaces and the Presence of Virulence Genes

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 294
Franca Rossi ◽  
Carmela Amadoro ◽  
Daniele Conficoni ◽  
Valerio Giaccone ◽  
Giampaolo Colavita

This study evaluates the hazards posed by foodborne bacteria of the Listeria genus by analyzing the occurrence, diversity and virulence of Listeria food and food-manufacturing plants. Seventy-five isolates obtained from the routine analysis of 653 samples taken by three diagnostic laboratories in Northern Italy were genotypically differentiated by Repetitive Extragenic Palindrome (rep) PCR, with the GTG5 primer identified by sequencing the 16S rRNA gene and examined by specific PCR tests for the presence of L. monocytogenes virulence determinants occasionally found to occur in other species of the genus. Within this sample, 76% (n = 57) isolates were identified as L. innocua, 16% (n = 12) as L. monocytogenes, 6.6% (n = 5) as L. welshimeri and 1.3% (n = 1) as L. seeligeri. All L. monocytogenes isolates belonged to the serotype 1/2a and were predicted to be virulent for the presence of the inlJ internalin gene. Potentially virulent strains of L. innocua, L. seeligeri and L. welshimeri, carrying the L. monocytogenesinlA gene and/or hly gene, were identified, and most isolates were found to possess the toxin–antitoxin system mazEF for efficient adaptation to heat shock. Results indicated the need to reinforce food-contamination-prevention measures against all Listeria species by defining efficiently their environmental distribution.

Franca Rossi ◽  
Carmela Amadoro ◽  
Daniele Conficoni ◽  
Valerio Giaccone ◽  
Giampaolo Colavita

This study aimed to evaluate the hazards posed by foodborne bacteria of the Listeria genus by analyzing prevalence, diversity and virulence of Listeria spp. in food and food manufacturing plants. Seventy five isolates obtained from the routine analysis of 653 samples by three diagnostic laboratories in Northern Italy were genotipically differentiated by Repetitive Extragenic Palindrome (rep) PCR with the GTG5 primer, identified by sequencing the 16S rRNA gene and examined by specific PCR tests for the presence of L. monocytogenes virulence determinants occasionally found to occur in other species of the genus. The identity of the amplification products was confirmed by sequencing. Fifty seven isolates were identified as L. innocua, 12 as L. monocytogenes, 5 as L. welshimeri and one as L. seeligeri. All L. monocytogenes isolates belonged to the serotype 1/2a and were predicted to be virulent for the presence of the inlJ internalin gene. Potentially virulent strains of L. innocua, L. seeligeri and L. welshimeri, carrying the L. monocytogenes inlA gene and/or hly gene, were identified, and most isolates were found to possess the toxin-antitoxin system mazEF for efficient adaptation to heat shock. Results indicated the need to reinforce food contamination prevention measures against all Listeria species by efficiently defining their environmental distribution.

Konrad Egli ◽  
Anna Roditscheff ◽  
Ursula Flückiger ◽  
Martin Risch ◽  
Lorenz Risch ◽  

Abstract Background The resistance of Neisseria gonorrhoeae to ceftriaxone is unusual in Switzerland. The underlying genotype responsible for resistance is suspected to be novel. Generally, resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae (Ng) involves a comprehensive set of genes with many different mutations leading to resistance to different β-lactams and fluoroquinolones. Case presentation A patient had a positive result from specific PCR for Ng. We routinely culture all clinical specimens with a positive NG-PCR. In this particular case, we isolated a strain with resistance to ceftriaxone in Switzerland. A total of seven different genes (penA, ponA, porinB, mtr, gyrA, parC, 23S rRNA gene) in this strain were partially sequenced for comparison with phenotypic susceptibility testing. Interestingly, two different mutations in the porinB gene were observed, and data on this gene are limited. Information on the identified allele type of the penA gene is very limited as well. Three different mutations of parC and gyrA that correlate with ciprofloxacin resistance were found. The combination of ceftriaxone and ciprofloxacin resistance makes an appropriate treatment difficult to obtain due to multidrug resistance. Conclusion The combined results for all genes show the appearance of new mutations in central Europe either due to worldwide spread or the emergence of new genetic combinations of mutations.

2007 ◽  
Vol 73 (20) ◽  
pp. 6682-6685 ◽  
Daniel P. R. Herlemann ◽  
Oliver Geissinger ◽  
Andreas Brune

ABSTRACT The bacterial candidate phylum Termite Group I (TG-1) presently consists mostly of “Endomicrobia,” which are endosymbionts of flagellate protists occurring exclusively in the hindguts of termites and wood-feeding cockroaches. Here, we show that public databases contain many, mostly undocumented 16S rRNA gene sequences from other habitats that are affiliated with the TG-1 phylum but are only distantly related to “Endomicrobia.” Phylogenetic analysis of the expanded data set revealed several diverse and deeply branching lineages comprising clones from many different habitats. In addition, we designed specific primers to explore the diversity and environmental distribution of bacteria in the TG-1 phylum.

2008 ◽  
Vol 74 (6) ◽  
pp. 1740-1747 ◽  
Andrew Dopheide ◽  
Gavin Lear ◽  
Rebecca Stott ◽  
Gillian Lewis

ABSTRACT Free-living protozoa are thought to be of fundamental importance in aquatic ecosystems, but there is limited understanding of their diversity and ecological role, particularly in surface-associated communities such as biofilms. Existing eukaryote-specific PCR primers were used to survey 18S rRNA gene sequence diversity in stream biofilms but poorly revealed protozoan diversity, demonstrating a need for protozoan-targeted primers. Group-specific PCR primers targeting 18S rRNA genes of the protozoan phylum Ciliophora were therefore designed and tested using DNA extracted from cultured protozoan isolates. The two most reliable primer combinations were applied to stream biofilm DNA, followed by cloning and sequencing analysis. Of 44 clones derived from primer set 384F/1147R, 86% were of probable ciliate origin, as were 25% of 44 clones detected by primer set 121F/1147R. A further 29% of 121F/1147R-detected clones matched sequences from the closely related phylum Apicomplexa. The highly ciliate-specific primer set 384F/1147R was subsequently used in PCRs on biofilm DNA from four streams exhibiting different levels of human impact, revealing differences in ciliate sequence diversity in samples from each site. Of a total of 240 clones, 73% were of probable ciliate origin; 54 different putative ciliate sequences were detected from throughout seven taxonomic ciliate classes. Sequences from Oligohymenophorea were most commonly detected in all samples, followed by either Spirotrichea or Phyllopharyngea. Restriction fragment length polymorphism profile-based analysis of clones suggested a potentially higher level of diversity than did sequencing. Nevertheless, newly designed PCR primers 384F/1147R were considered to provide an effective molecular basis for characterization of ciliate diversity in stream biofilms.

2003 ◽  
Vol 69 (11) ◽  
pp. 6380-6385 ◽  
R. Temmerman ◽  
L. Masco ◽  
T. Vanhoutte ◽  
G. Huys ◽  
J. Swings

ABSTRACT The taxonomic characterization of a bacterial community is difficult to combine with the monitoring of its temporal changes. None of the currently available identification techniques are able to visualize a “complete” community, whereas techniques designed for analyzing bacterial ecosystems generally display limited or labor-intensive identification potential. This paper describes the optimization and validation of a nested-PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) approach for the species-specific analysis of bifidobacterial communities from any ecosystem. The method comprises a Bifidobacterium-specific PCR step, followed by purification of the amplicons that serve as template DNA in a second PCR step that amplifies the V3 and V6-V8 regions of the 16S rRNA gene. A mix of both amplicons is analyzed on a DGGE gel, after which the band positions are compared with a previously constructed database of reference strains. The method was validated through the analysis of four artificial mixtures, mimicking the possible bifidobacterial microbiota of the human and chicken intestine, a rumen, and the environment, and of two fecal samples. Except for the species Bifidobacterium coryneforme and B. indicum, all currently known bifidobacteria originating from various ecosystems can be identified in a highly reproducible manner. Because no further cloning and sequencing of the DGGE bands is necessary, this nested-PCR-DGGE technique can be completed within a 24-h span, allowing the species-specific monitoring of temporal changes in the bifidobacterial community.

2003 ◽  
Vol 69 (12) ◽  
pp. 7430-7434 ◽  
Trevor G. Phister ◽  
David A. Mills

ABSTRACT Traditional methods to detect the spoilage yeast Dekkera bruxellensis from wine involve lengthy enrichments. To overcome this difficulty, we developed a quantitative real-time PCR method to directly detect and enumerate D. bruxellensis in wine. Specific PCR primers to D. bruxellensis were designed to the 26S rRNA gene, and nontarget yeast and bacteria common to the winery environment were not amplified. The assay was linear over a range of cell concentrations (6 log units) and could detect as little as 1 cell per ml in wine. The addition of large amounts of nontarget yeasts did not impact the efficiency of the assay. This method will be helpful to identify possible routes of D. bruxellensis infection in winery environments. Moreover, the time involved in performing the assay (3 h) should enable winemakers to more quickly make wine processing decisions in order to reduce the threat of spoilage by D. bruxellensis.

2012 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 201-208 ◽  
Carla Bertechini Faria ◽  
Giovana Caputo Almeida-Ferreira ◽  
Karina Bertechine Gagliardi ◽  
Tatiane Cristina Albuquerque Alves ◽  
Dauri José Tessmann ◽  

The detection of mycotoxigenic fungi in foodstuff is important because their presence may indicate the possible associated mycotoxin contamination. Fusarium graminearum is a wheat pathogen and a producer of micotoxins. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been employed for the specific identification of F. graminearum. However, this methodology has not been commonly used for detection of F. graminearum in food. Thus, the objective of the present study was to develop a molecular methodology to detect F. graminearum in commercial samples of bulgur wheat. Two methods were tested. In the first method, a sample of this cereal was contaminated with F. graminearum mycelia. The genomic DNA was extracted from this mixture and used in a F. graminearum specific PCR reaction. The F. graminearum species was detected only in samples that were heavily contaminated. In the second method, samples of bulgur wheat were inoculated on a solid medium, and isolates having F. graminearum culture characteristics were obtained. The DNA extracted from these isolates was tested in F. graminearum specific PCR reactions. An isolate obtained had its trichothecene genotype identified by PCR. The established methodology could be used in surveys of food contamination with F. graminearum.

Plant Disease ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 93 (3) ◽  
pp. 208-214 ◽  
Lia W. Liefting ◽  
Paul W. Sutherland ◽  
Lisa I. Ward ◽  
Kerry L. Paice ◽  
Bevan S. Weir ◽  

A new disease of glasshouse-grown tomato and pepper in New Zealand has resulted in plant decline and yield loss. Affected plants are characterized by spiky, chlorotic apical growth, curling or cupping of the leaves, and overall stunting. Transmission electron microscopy revealed the presence of phloem-limited bacterium-like organisms in symptomatic plants. The strategy used to identify the bacterium involved using specific prokaryote polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers in combination with universal 16S rRNA primers. Sequence analysis of the 16S rRNA gene, the 16S/23S rRNA spacer region, and the rplKAJL-rpoBC operon revealed that the bacterium shared high identity with ‘Candidatus Liberibacter’ species. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the bacterium is distinct from the three citrus liberibacter species previously described and has been named ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’. This is the first report of a liberibacter naturally infecting a host outside the Rutaceae family. A specific PCR primer pair was developed for its detection.

Fine Focus ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 171-186
Olivia J. Rickman ◽  
M. Auður Sigurbjörnsdóttir ◽  
Oddur Vilhemsson

Nine xylanolytic bacterial strains were isolated from fen and heath soils in northern Iceland. They were found by 16S rRNA gene sequencing to belong to the genera Paenibacillus, Bacillus, Pseudomonas, and Stenotrophomonas. Using a simple, plate-based semiquantitative assay with azo-crosslinked xylan as the substrate, it was determined that although isolated from cold environments, most of the strains displayed greater xylanolytic activity under mesophilic conditions, with only the paenibacilli displaying markedly cold-active xylanolytic activity. Indeed, for one isolate, Paenibacillus castaneae OV2122, xylanolytic activity was only detected at 15°C and below under the conditions tested. Of the nine strains, Paenibacillus amylolyticus OV2121 displayed the greatest activity at 5°C. Glycohydrolase family-specific PCR indicated that the paenibacilli produced multiple xylanases of families 10 and 11, whereas a family 8 xylanase was detected in Pseudomonas kilonensis AL1515, and a family 11 xylanase in Stenotrophomonas rhizophila AL1610.

Martin Hahn ◽  
Andrea Huemer ◽  
Alexandra Pitt ◽  
Matthias Hoetzinger

Current knowledge on environmental distribution and taxon richness of free-living bacteria is mainly based on cultivation-independent investigations employing 16S rRNA gene sequencing methods. Yet, 16S rRNA genes are evolutionarily rather conserved, resulting in limited taxonomic and ecological resolutions provided by this marker. We used a faster evolving protein-encoding marker to reveal ecological patterns hidden within a single OTU defined by >99% 16S rRNA sequence similarity. The studied taxon, subcluster PnecC of the genus Polynucleobacter, represents a ubiquitous group of planktonic freshwater bacteria with cosmopolitan distribution, which is very frequently detected by diversity surveys of freshwater systems. Based on genome taxonomy and a large set of genome sequences, a sequence similarity threshold for delineation of species-like taxa could be established. In total, 600 species-like taxa were detected in 99 freshwater habitats scattered across three regions representing a latitudinal range of 3400 km (42°N to 71°N) and a pH gradient of 4.2 to 8.6. Besides the unexpectedly high richness, the increased taxonomic resolution revealed structuring of Polynucleobacter communities by a couple of macroecological trends, which was previously only demonstrated for phylogenetically much broader groups of bacteria. A unexpected pattern was the almost complete compositional separation of Polynucleobacter communities of Ca-rich and Ca-poor habitats, which strongly resembled the vicariance of plant species on silicate and limestone soils. The presented new cultivation-independent approach opened a window to an incredible, previously unseen diversity, and enables investigations aiming on deeper understanding of how environmental conditions shape bacterial communities and drive evolution of free-living bacteria.

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