scholarly journals Ground Deformation and Source Geometry of the 30 October 2016 Mw 6.5 Norcia Earthquake (Central Italy) Investigated Through Seismological Data, DInSAR Measurements, and Numerical Modelling

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 1901 ◽  
Emanuela Valerio ◽  
Pietro Tizzani ◽  
Eugenio Carminati ◽  
Carlo Doglioni ◽  
Susi Pepe ◽  

We investigate the Mw 6.5 Norcia (Central Italy) earthquake by exploiting seismological data, DInSAR measurements, and a numerical modelling approach. In particular, we first retrieve the vertical component (uplift and subsidence) of the displacements affecting the hangingwall and the footwall blocks of the seismogenic faults identified, at depth, through the hypocenters distribution analysis. To do this, we combine the DInSAR measurements obtained from coseismic SAR data pairs collected by the ALOS-2 sensor from ascending and descending orbits. The achieved vertical deformation map displays three main deformation patterns: (i) a major subsidence that reaches the maximum value of about 98 cm near the epicentral zones nearby the town of Norcia; (ii) two smaller uplift lobes that affect both the hangingwall (reaching maximum values of about 14 cm) and the footwall blocks (reaching maximum values of about 10 cm). Starting from this evidence, we compute the rock volumes affected by uplift and subsidence phenomena, highlighting that those involved by the retrieved subsidence are characterized by significantly higher deformation values than those affected by uplift (about 14 times). In order to provide a possible interpretation of this volumetric asymmetry, we extend our analysis by applying a 2D numerical modelling approach based on the finite element method, implemented in a structural-mechanic framework, and exploiting the available geological and seismological data, and the ground deformation measurements retrieved from the multi-orbit ALOS-2 DInSAR analysis. In this case, we consider two different scenarios: the first one based on a single SW-dipping fault, the latter on a main SW-dipping fault and an antithetic zone. In this context, the model characterized by the occurrence of an antithetic zone presents the retrieved best fit coseismic surface deformation pattern. This result allows us to interpret the subsidence and uplift phenomena caused by the Mw 6.5 Norcia earthquake as the result of the gravitational sliding of the hangingwall along the main fault plane and the frictional force acting in the opposite direction, consistently with the double couple fault plane mechanism.

Pierluigi Confuorto ◽  
Silvia Bianchini ◽  
Davide Festa ◽  
Federico Raspini ◽  
Nicola Casagli

<p>Continuous monitoring of the Earth surface is fundamental for the development and the evolution of the society, to reduce the risks posed by major geo-hazards like landslides, subsidence and sinkholes, which have a large impact on urban areas and can cause direct and indirect socio-economic losses. The start of spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar systems represented a milestone for the control of the territory, since SAR-based monitoring enables accurate measurement of the surface deformation over large areas, with a frequency dependent on the revisit time of the satellites. In this sense, the launch of the European Space Agency Sentinel-1 mission, characterized by a 6-days repeat pass, portrayed a great innovation and a step towards near-real-time monitoring. In this work, we present the first results of the continuous monitoring of the Veneto region (Northeastern Italy) performed by means of Sentinel-1 data, in the framework of an operational monitoring service. The procedure applied is based on a systematic processing chain made of four steps: i) Continuous generation of Sentinel-1 ground deformation maps, providing Measurement Points (MP) characterized by annual average velocity (mm/yr) and displacement Time Series (TS); ii) TS screening and classification, applied after each new satellite acquisition, to identify any change in the deformation pattern, according to a selected threshold; iii) constant update of the “anomalies” and their classification, according to the type of deformation; iv) warning to local authorities, in case of persistent and significant anomalous trends which require further investigations and field surveys. Its first application on the Veneto region shows promising outcomes, evidencing those areas characterized by movements that can be detected by SAR satellites. A few examples of this operational procedure are here shown, such as the cases of Lamosano, where a translational slide involves the local village, or of Recoaro Terme, where the Mt. Rotolon landslide is constantly studied. Moreover, subsidence is also a major threat in Veneto region, testified by the long-term phenomena of the NE plain (Verona and Vicenza provinces) and by the city of Venice, where the interaction of tides and subsidence causes the periodical flooding (“acqua alta”) of the renowned UNESCO site. The presented results want to demonstrate that the constant and continuous monitoring of the territory through Sentinel-1 data represents a best practice for the detection of ground deformation events, aiming at the natural risk mitigation for the development of the human environment.</p>

2013 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 2043-2079
L. Bonini ◽  
D. Di Bucci ◽  
G. Toscani ◽  
S. Seno ◽  
G. Valensise

Abstract. Over the past few years the assessment of the earthquake potential of large continental faults has increasingly relied on field investigations. State-of-the-art seismic hazard models are progressively complementing the information derived from earthquake catalogues with geological observations of active faulting. Using these observations, however, requires full understanding of the relationships between seismogenic slip at depth and surface deformation, such that the evidence indicating the presence of a large, potentially seismogenic fault can be singled out effectively and unambiguously. We used observations and models of the 6 April 2009, Mw 6.3, L'Aquila, normal faulting earthquake to explore the relationships between the activity of a large fault at seismogenic depth and its surface evidence. This very well-documented earthquake is representative of mid-size yet damaging earthquakes that are frequent around the Mediterranean Basin, and is somehow paradigmatic of the nature of the associated geologic evidence along with observational difficulties and ambiguities. Thanks to available high-resolution geologic, geodetic and seismological data aided by analogue modeling, we reconstructed the full geometry of the seismogenic source in relation with surface and sub-surface faults. We find that the earthquake was caused by seismogenic slip in the range 3–10 km depth, and that the slip distribution was strongly controlled by inherited discontinuities. We also contend that faulting was expressed at the surface by pseudo-primary breaks resulting from coseismic crustal bending and by sympathetic slip on secondary faults. Based on our results we propose a scheme for hierarchizing normal faults through which all surface occurrences related to faulting at depth can be interpreted in the frame of a single, mechanically coherent model. Appreciating such complexity is crucial to avoid severe over- or under-estimation of the local seismogenic potential.

2020 ◽  
Vol 110 (5) ◽  
pp. 2216-2224
Megan Zecevic ◽  
Thomas S. Eyre ◽  
David W. Eaton

ABSTRACT Using geodetic methods, significant static ground deformation has been observed for many large natural earthquakes. Some of the largest earthquakes induced by hydraulic-fracturing operations have been observed in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin; however, because of the size and depths of these events, the associated static ground deformations have not yet been observed using traditional geodetic techniques. A seismic processing technique, developed for small volcano-seismic events, has the potential to resolve micrometer-scale static displacements using broadband seismic data. In this study, we test this processing method using vertical component broadband recordings of an Mw 4.1 event acquired at four nearby broadband seismometers. Estimated static displacements at the four stations are compared with the theoretical surface displacement field for a dislocation on a finite rectangular source within a homogeneous, elastic half-space. The theoretical displacements have the same polarities as the measured displacements across the seismic network and have similar amplitudes for three of the four stations. However, one station yielded unstable results, which shows that care must be taken when using this method. These results suggest that this processing method has potential for obtaining surface deformation for small to moderate-sized earthquakes using broadband data.

2011 ◽  
Vol 41 (3) ◽  
pp. 251-265
Ladislav Brimich ◽  
María Charco ◽  
Igor Kohút ◽  
José Fernández

3D analytical and numerical modelling of the regional topography influence on the surface deformation due to underground heat source Thermo-elastic strains and stresses play a considerable role in the stress state of the lithosphere and its dynamics, especially at pronounced positive geothermal anomalies. Topography has a significant effect on ground deformation. In this paper we describe two methods for including the topographic effects in the thermo-viscoelastic model. First we use an approximate methodology which assumes that the main effect of the topography is due to distance from the source to the free surface and permits to have an analytical solution very attractive for solving the inverse problem. A numerical solution using Finite Element Method (FEM) is also computed. The numerical method allows to include the local shape of the topography in the modelling. In the numerical model the buried magmatic body is represented by a finite volume thermal source. The temperature distribution is computed by the higher-degree FEM. For analytical as well as numerical model solution only the forces of thermal origin are considered. The comparison of the results obtained using both analytical and numerical techniques shows the qualitative agreement of the vertical displacements. In the numerical values small differences were obtained. The results show that for the volcanic areas with an important relief the perturbation of the thermo-viscoelastic solution (deformation and total gravity anomaly) due to the topography can be quite significant. In consequence, neglecting topography could give erroneous results in the estimated source parameters.

2021 ◽  
Vol 225 (3) ◽  
pp. 1799-1811
Yingfeng Zhang ◽  
Xinjian Shan ◽  
Wenyu Gong ◽  
Guohong Zhang

SUMMARY The challenge of ruling out potential rupture nodal planes with opposite dip orientations during interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR)-based kinematic inversions has been widely reported. Typically, slip on two or more different fault planes can match the surface deformation measurements equally well. The ambiguous choice of the nodal plane for the InSAR-based models was thought to be caused by InSAR's 1-D measurement and polar orbiting direction, leading to its poor sensitivity to north–south crustal motion. Through synthetic experiments and simulations, this paper quantitatively demonstrates the main reason of the ambiguous InSAR-based models, which confuse researchers in the small-to-moderate thrust earthquake cases investigation. We propose the inherent 1-D measurement is not the principle cause of the fault plane ambiguity, since models derived from the same InSAR data predict similar, but not identical, 3-D deformation patterns. They key to differentiating between these different models is to be able to resolve the small asymmetry in the surface deformation pattern, which may be smaller in amplitude than the typical noise levels in InSAR measurements. We investigate the fault geometry resolvability when using InSAR data with different noise levels through ‘R’ value. We find that the resolvability does not only rely on the InSAR noise, but also on the fault geometry itself (i.e. depth, dips angle and strike). Our result shows that it is impossible to uniquely determine the dip orientation of thrust earthquakes with Mw < 6.0 and depth > 5.0 km with InSAR data at a noise level that is typical for mountain belts. This inference is independent from the specific data set (i.e. interferogram or time-series) and allows one to assess if one can expect to be able to resolve the correct fault plane at all.

Solid Earth ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 389-408 ◽  
L. Bonini ◽  
D. Di Bucci ◽  
G. Toscani ◽  
S. Seno ◽  
G. Valensise

Abstract. Over the past few years the assessment of the earthquake potential of large continental faults has increasingly relied on field investigations. State-of-the-art seismic hazard models are progressively complementing the information derived from earthquake catalogs with geological observations of active faulting. Using these observations, however, requires full understanding of the relationships between seismogenic slip at depth and surface deformation, such that the evidence indicating the presence of a large, potentially seismogenic fault can be singled out effectively and unambiguously. We used observations and models of the 6 April 2009, Mw 6.3, L'Aquila, normal faulting earthquake to explore the relationships between the activity of a large fault at seismogenic depth and its surface evidence. This very well-documented earthquake is representative of mid-size yet damaging earthquakes that are frequent around the Mediterranean basin, and was chosen as a paradigm of the nature of the associated geological evidence, along with observational difficulties and ambiguities. Thanks to the available high-resolution geologic, geodetic and seismological data aided by analog modeling, we reconstructed the full geometry of the seismogenic source in relation to surface and sub-surface faults. We maintain that the earthquake was caused by seismogenic slip in the range 3–10 km depth, and that the slip distribution was strongly controlled by inherited discontinuities. We also contend that faulting was expressed at the surface by pseudo-primary breaks resulting from coseismic crustal bending and by sympathetic slip on secondary faults. Based on our results we propose a scheme of normal fault hierarchization through which all surface occurrences related to faulting at various depths can be interpreted in the framework of a single, mechanically coherent model. We stress that appreciating such complexity is crucial to avoiding severe over- or under-estimation of the local seismogenic potential.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (18) ◽  
pp. 2112
Emanuela Valerio ◽  
Vincenzo De Novellis ◽  
Mariarosaria Manzo ◽  
Pietro Tizzani

During the last 20 years (1997 to 2017), four seismic sequences with Mw ≥ 5.5 mainshocks nucleated along the Central and Northern Apennines chain (Italy), causing casualties and damage: the 1997 Colfiorito, the 2009 L’Aquila, the 2012 Emilia, and the most recent 2016–2017 Central Italy seismic sequences. In this work, we perform a novel joint analysis of seismological and remote-sensing data to achieve new insights into the faulting process evolution during the considered seismic sequences. To this aim, we study these seismic sequences by exploiting the available seismological data and by applying fractals theory to them. In particular, we characterize the different behavior of compressional and extensional seismic sequences by examining the temporal evolution of the fractal dimension values. In addition, we compare the Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (DInSAR) displacement maps relevant to the considered seismic events (already published in our past papers) and the performed spatial and temporal seismological analyses, in order to emphasize some significant aspects of the different faulting processes active during these Italian seismic sequences. The analysis of the fractal dimension values shows that over time extensional seismic sequences are spatially distributed within a volume, whereas compressional ones are aligned along a preferential surface. These spatio-temporal patterns are confirmed by: (1) the spatial distribution of hypocenters for the events that occurred between the mainshock and the post-seismic synthetic aperture radar (SAR) acquisition; (2) the spatial extension of coseismic DInSAR ground-deformation patterns. The proposed seismic and ground-deformation analyses can thus typify different geodynamic contexts in Italy, providing a distinct image of articulated faulting processes.

2018 ◽  
Vol 199 ◽  
pp. 09001
Renaud Franssen ◽  
Serhan Guner ◽  
Luc Courard ◽  
Boyan Mihaylov

The maintenance of large aging infrastructure across the world creates serious technical, environmental, and economic challenges. Ultra-high performance fibre-reinforced concretes (UHPFRC) are a new generation of materials with outstanding mechanical properties as well as very high durability due to their extremely low permeability. These properties open new horizons for the sustainable rehabilitation of aging concrete structures. Since UHPFRC is a young and evolving material, codes are still either lacking or incomplete, with recent design provisions proposed in France, Switzerland, Japan, and Australia. However, engineers and public agencies around the world need resources to study, model, and rehabilitate structures using UHPFRC. As an effort to contribute to the efficient use of this promising material, this paper presents a new numerical modelling approach for UHPFRC-strengthened concrete members. The approach is based on the Diverse Embedment Model within the global framework of the Disturbed Stress Field Model, a smeared rotating-crack formulation for 2D modelling of reinforced concrete structures. This study presents an adapted version of the DEM in order to capture the behaviour of UHPFRC by using a small number of input parameters. The model is validated with tension tests from the literature and is then used to model UHPFRC-strengthened elements. The paper will discuss the formulation of the model and will provide validation studies with various tests of beams, columns and walls from the literature. These studies will demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed modelling approach.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 136-144
P.K. Gautam ◽  
S. Rajesh ◽  
N. Kumar ◽  
C.P. Dabral

Abstract We investigate the surface deformation pattern of GPS station at MPGO Ghuttu (GHUT) to find out the cause of anomalous behavior in the continuous GPS time series. Seven years (2007-2013) of GPS data has been analyzed using GAMIT/GLOBK software and generated the daily position time series. The horizontal translational motion at GHUT is 43.7 ± 1 mm/yr at an angle of 41°± 3° towards NE, while for the IGS station at LHAZ, the motion is 49.4 ±1 mm/yr at 18 ± 2.5° towards NEE. The estimated velocity at GHUT station with respect to IISC is 12 ± 1 mm/yr towards SW. Besides, we have also examined anomalous changes in the time series of GHUT before, after and during the occurrences of local earthquakes by considering the empirical strain radius; such that, a possible relationship between the strain radius and the occurrences of earthquakes have been explored. We considered seven local earthquakes on the basis of Dobrovolsky strain radius condition having magnitude from 4.5 to 5.7, which occurred from 2007 to 2011. Results show irrespective of the station strain radius, pre-seismic surface deformational anomalies are observed roughly 70 to 80 days before the occurrence of a Moderate or higher magnitude events. This has been observed for the cases of those events originated from the Uttarakashi and the Chamoli seismic zones in the Garhwal and Kumaun Himalaya. Occurrences of short (< 100 days) and long (two years) inter-seismic events in the Garhwal region plausibly regulating and diffusing the regional strain accumulation.

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