scholarly journals Correlation Analysis of Different Measurement Places of Galvanic Skin Response in Test Groups Facing Pleasant and Unpleasant Stimuli

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (12) ◽  
pp. 4210
Andres Sanchez-Comas ◽  
Kåre Synnes ◽  
Diego Molina-Estren ◽  
Alexander Troncoso-Palacio ◽  
Zhoe Comas-González

The galvanic skin response (GSR; also widely known as electrodermal activity (EDA)) is a signal for stress-related studies. Given the sparsity of studies related to the GSR and the variety of devices, this study was conducted at the Human Health Activity Laboratory (H2AL) with 17 healthy subjects to determine the variability in the detection of changes in the galvanic skin response among a test group with heterogeneous respondents facing pleasant and unpleasant stimuli, correlating the GSR biosignals measured from different body sites. We experimented with the right and left wrist, left fingers, the inner side of the right foot using Shimmer3GSR and Empatica E4 sensors. The results indicated the most promising homogeneous places for measuring the GSR, namely, the left fingers and right foot. The results also suggested that due to a significantly strong correlation among the inner side of the right foot and the left fingers, as well as the moderate correlations with the right and left wrists, the foot may be a suitable place to homogenously measure a GSR signal in a test group. We also discuss some possible causes of weak and negative correlations from anomalies detected in the raw data possibly related to the sensors or the test group, which may be considered to develop robust emotion detection systems based on GRS biosignals.

Andres Sanchez-Comas ◽  
Kåre Synnes ◽  
Diego Molina-Estren ◽  
Alexander Troncoso-Palacio ◽  
Zhoe Comas-González

The Galvanic Skin Response (GSR, also widely known as electrodermal activity EDA) is one of the signals related to this emotional reaction. Given the sparsity of studies related to and the variety of devices, we experimented at the Human Health Activity Laboratory with 17 healthy subjects. The goal is to know the variability of detection changes in the electrodermal activity among a test group with heterogeneous respondents in response to valence and arousal stimuli, correlating GSR biosignals measured from different body sites. We experiment with the right and left wrist, left fingers, the right foot's inner side using Shimmer3GSR, and Empatica E4 sensors. Results indicate as the most promising homogeneous GSR measure place the left fingers and right foot. Results suggest that due to a significantly strong correlation among the inner side of the right foot and left fingers and moderate correlations with the right and left wrist, the foot is a good place to measure EDA. This paper also contributes knowledge about some wearable sensor technologies available in the market. Shimmer3GSR sensor may be better reliable to homogenous detecting electrodermal activity changes, as these have fewer anomalies among the respondents. However, we found some anomalies in signals from the Empatica E4 sensor, which we discuss in this work.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2014 ◽  
pp. 1-12 ◽  
Giovanni Vecchiato ◽  
Anton Giulio Maglione ◽  
Patrizia Cherubino ◽  
Barbara Wasikowska ◽  
Agata Wawrzyniak ◽  

Neuromarketing is a multidisciplinary field of research whose aim is to investigate the consumers’ reaction to advertisements from a neuroscientific perspective. In particular, the neuroscience field is thought to be able to reveal information about consumer preferences which are unobtainable through conventional methods, including submitting questionnaires to large samples of consumers or performing psychological personal or group interviews. In this scenario, we performed an experiment in order to investigate cognitive and emotional changes of cerebral activity evaluated by neurophysiologic indices during the observation of TV commercials. In particular, we recorded the electroencephalographic (EEG), galvanic skin response (GSR), and heart rate (HR) in a group of 28 healthy subjects during the observation of a series of TV advertisements that have been grouped by commercial categories. Comparisons of cerebral indices have been performed to highlight gender differences between commercial categories and scenes of interest of two specific commercials. Findings show how EEG methodologies, along with the measurements of autonomic variables, could be used to obtain hidden information to marketers not obtainable otherwise. Most importantly, it was suggested how these tools could help to analyse the perception of TV advertisements and differentiate their production according to the consumer’s gender.

Djoko Budiyanto Setyohadi ◽  
Sri Kusrohmaniah ◽  
Sebastian Bagya Gunawan ◽  
Pranowo Pranowo ◽  
Anton Satria Prabuwono

Emotion detection is a very exhausting job and needs a complicated process; moreover, these processes also require the proper data training and appropriate algorithm. The process involves the experimental research in psychological experiment and classification methods. This paper describes a method on detection emotion using Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) data. We used the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) method to get a good data training. Furthermore, Support Vector Machine and a correct preprocessing are performed to classify the GSR data. To validate the proposed approach, Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve, and accuracy measurement are used. Our method shows that the accuracy is about 75.65% while ROC is about 0.8019. It means that the emotion detection can be done satisfactorily and well performed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (27/28) ◽  
Taavet Jansen ◽  
Aleksander Väljamäe

Abstract: Technological innovations like physiological computing offer new possibilities when exploring audience-performer interaction. To avoid technological solutionism that often accompanies biosensor applications in performing art, an artistic interventions approach was used. This paper describes a recent art-science residency consisting of three artistic experiments: the audience’s electrodermal, activity-driven soundscape in a dance improvisation, a “lie detector” applied to the actor just after the performance, and a heart-rate-driven personal discotheque installation. Both artist and scientist provide reflections on future development of this transdisciplinary field from the performing art perspective.   Nüüdisaegne interaktiivne teater toetub tehnoloogilistele uuendustele ja järjest enam kasutatakse uusi tehnoloogiaid ka kunstiteose sisu loomisel: on need siis vaatajate reaktsioone tajuvad riided, voogteatri etendus või vaatajate neurofüsioloogilisi reaktsioone mõõtvad sensorid. Etenduskunstnik Taavet Jansen ja neuroteadlane Aleksander Väljamäe töötasid publiku ja esinejate füsioloogiliste reaktsioonidega kunstiteaduse residentuuris Tallinna Ülikoolis veebruarist 2019 kuni juunini 2019. Füsioloogilisi reaktsioone uuriti kolme kunstilise eksperimendi jooksul või järel ning see artikkel kirjeldabki neid eksperimente, kunstniku mõtisklusi oma uurimisreisist ja arutleb, kuidas selliseid interaktsioonivõimalusi saaks kasutada voogteatri platvormidel. Iga kirjeldatud eksperimendi kohta avaldavad autorid ka oma mõtteid ja teevad ettepanekuid, mida eksperimendi kordamisel võiks teha teistmoodi. Kunstilises eksperimendis „Neurokoreograafiline eksperiment nr 4“ kasutati interaktiivset lahendust, kus neljale vaatajale kinnitatud sensorid mõõtsid nende erutuse taset (electrodermal activity galvanic skin response) improvisatsioonilise tantsuetenduse vältel Tallinnas, Kanuti Gildi SAALis 06.06.2019. Vaatajate reaktsioone kasutati reaalajas helikujunduse manipuleerimisel. Selline interaktiivne lahendus tekitas kunstiliselt intrigeeriva tagasiside-efekti, kus vaatajate tahtmatud reaktsioonid hakkasid mõjutama kogu lavastuse tervikut. Vaatajad said tahtmatult endale „hääle“, mida said interpreteerida kõik osalised kogu terviku kontekstis. Kunstilises eksperimendis „Macbeth“ kasutati erutust mõõtvaid sensoreid, salvestamaks näitleja reaktsioone intervjuu ajal, kus esitati küsimusi tema rolliloome kohta etenduses, mis oli lõppenud 10 minutit enne intervjuu algust. Tegemist oli Alo Kõrve Macbethi rolliga Tallinna Linnateatri lavastuses „Macbeth“. Prokurör Steven-Hristo Evestuse läbi viidud intervjuu eesmärgiks oli mõista, milliseid tehnikaid kasutab näitleja oma rolli luues, ning tehnoloogiat kasutades analüüsida, kas näitleja on teadlik laval tehtud otsustest. Heli- ja valgusinstallatsioon „Heartrate Party“ põhines kontseptsioonil, kus külastaja südamerütm mõjutas kogu installatsiooni heli- ja valguskujunduse tempot. Südamerütmi mõõdeti spetsiaalse sensoriga ja kasutatud videokujundus nii instrueeris osalejaid kui ka andis tagasisidet õnnestumisest või ebaõnnestumisest. Installatsioon oli avatud Tallinnas, Kanuti Gildi SAALi keldrisaalis 05.–07.06.2020 ja seda külastas 20 vaatajat. aasta esimeses pooles, kui COVID-19 pandeemia põhjustas eriolukorra kogu maailmas, ei tohtinud teatrid ja etendusasutused avalikke üritusi korraldada. Teatrid hakkasid oma etendusi andma voogedastust võimaldavatel platvormidel. Kuna voogteater avab etenduste mängimiseks palju uusi võimalusi, siis me analüüsime residentuuris kasutatud kontseptsioone ka voogteatri perspektiivist. Kõiki eelpool mainitud kontseptsioone oleks võimalik osaliselt kanda üle ka veebikeskkonda, kuid need eeldavad kasutajapoolset tehnoloogilist valmisolekut. Sensortehnoloogiad võimaldavad voogteatri etenduste vaatajate reaktsioone ja käitumist analüüsida ja salvestada. Kuna nende tehnoloogiate kasutus sellises kontekstis on veel uus, siis küsimused, mis puudutavad eetikat ja isikuandmeid, vajavad alles väljatöötamist. Kokkuvõttes väidame, et väga palju uurimistööd on alles ees ja meetodid, kuidas interpreteerida esinejatelt ja vaatajatelt kogutud andmeid, on alles vaja välja töötada. Tihti kasutatakse andmeid interaktsiooni eesmärgil pigem otseseid tõlgendusi luues – biosignaalide numbriline väärtus tõlgitakse otse mõneks audiovisuaalses kujunduses oluliseks väärtuseks. Selline tõlgendus annab küll laval toimuvale perfektse sünkrooni, kuid vastust jääb ootama oluline küsimus, mida need andmed väljendavad, mida nad tähendavad. Kunstis jääb tihti puudu teoreetilistest teadmistest, mis aitaksid intuitiivselt tehtud kunstilisi otsuseid raamistada. Selline teadmiste ülekandmine kunsti ja teaduse vahel avaks uusi võimalusi kunstiteoste interpreteerimisel, aga ka teaduse rikastamisel.

2020 ◽  
Hongmei Liu ◽  
Weiyan Ren ◽  
Yijie Duan ◽  
Wenqiang Ye ◽  
Yih-Kuen Jan ◽  

Abstract Background: One of the main causes for foot ulcers in diabetics is an excessive, constant load on the foot which over time leads to ischemia. The aim of this study is to explore whether vibration preconditioning can alleviate pressure-induced hyperemia responses in foot tissue.Methods: Fifteen healthy subjects were subjected to compression stimulation with or without vibration preconditioning, determined randomly. Skin blood flow and temperature were measured under the first metatarsal head of the right foot for each subject and compared across the test group.Results: The results showed that both test groups displayed a reactive hyperemia response, but the peak hyperemia was significantly decreased when vibration was used in combination with compression. In the group subjected to compression only (no vibration), the plantar skin temperature during the first minute after compression was significantly higher than the basal temperature, but this was not so when vibration was applied.Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that vibration preconditioning before the application of compression can decrease the degree of reactive hyperemia and alleviate pressure-induced ischemic damage. These findings may be used to develop methods to protect against pressure-induced foot lesions in diabetic people.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 188-194
Ojashwi Nepal ◽  
Abhishek Ranjan Ray ◽  
Sony Pokhrel ◽  
Reena Kumari Jha

Background: Blood vessels in body respond to sympathetic upsurge and, occlusion of blood vessels supplying vital organs excites autonomic reactions, building up chaos in homeostasis. Autonomic response to occlusion of major artery, not supplying to vital organs, remains least explored in the medical literature. Thus we have observed, in vivo, undulating autonomic response to heart beat and galvanic skin response for transient occlusion of left brachial artery, in this study. Methods: Occlusion of brachial artery was maintained approximately 10mmHg above the systolic pressure by mercury manometer with cuff inflated at two inches above the cubital fossa of left hand. Heart rate and skin conductance was picked up by the transducers placed at appropriate locations on body surface in 40 subjects. Results: Paired t test, repeated measures ANOVA and Pearson correlation are utilized to compare the recorded variables. Heart rate is significantly decreased (p=0.000) and amplitude of galvanic skin response is significantly increased (p=0.000) in all subjects for induced occlusion of brachial artery in left arm. ANOVA compared among levels of pre-occlusion, occlusion and post-occlusion is significant for heart rate (p=0.000). Pearson correlation between GSR and heart rate is weakly inverse (r = -0.028). Conclusions: Episodic occlusion of artery does excite the autonomic reactions in healthy young adults. Simultaneous rise in parasympathetic and sympathetic response is an obligatory autonomic response for the brief occlusion of left brachial artery.

Sensors ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (13) ◽  
pp. 2894 ◽  
Alexander Samol ◽  
Kristina Bischoff ◽  
Blerim Luani ◽  
Dan Pascut ◽  
Marcus Wiemer ◽  

Aims: Feasibility study of accurate three lead ECG recording (Einthoven I, II and III) using an Apple Watch Series 4. Methods: In 50 healthy subjects (18 male; age: 40 ± 12 years) without known cardiac disorders, a 12-lead ECG and three bipolar ECGs, corresponding to Einthoven leads I, II and III were recorded using an Apple Watch Series 4. Einthoven I was recorded with the watch on the left wrist and the right index finger on the crown, Einthoven II with the watch on the left lower abdomen and the right index finger on the crown, Eindhoven III with the watch on the left lower abdomen and the left index finger on the crown. Four experienced cardiologists were independently asked to assign the watch ECGs to Einthoven leads from 12-lead ECG for each subject. Results: All watch ECGs showed an adequate signal quality with 134 ECGs of good (89%) and 16 of moderate signal quality (11%). Ninety-one percent of all watch ECGs were assigned correctly to corresponding leads from 12-lead ECG. Thirty-nine subjects (78%) were assigned correctly by all cardiologists. All assignment errors occurred in patients with similar morphologies and amplitudes in at least two of the three recorded leads. Erroneous assignment of all watch ECGs to leads from standard ECG occurred in no patient. Conclusion: Recording of Einthoven leads I-III by a smartwatch is accurate and highly comparable to standard ECG. This might contribute to an earlier detection of cardiac disorders, which are associated with repolarization abnormalities or arrhythmias.

1999 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 234-244
Uwe Niederberger ◽  
Wolf-Dieter Gerber

Abstract In two experiments with four and two groups of healthy subjects, a novel motor task, the voluntary abduction of the right big toe, was trained. This task cannot usually be performed without training and is therefore ideal for the study of elementary motor learning. A systematic variation of proprioceptive, tactile, visual, and EMG feedback was used. In addition to peripheral measurements such as the voluntary range of motion and EMG output during training, a three-channel EEG was recorded over Cz, C3, and C4. The movement-related brain potential during distinct periods of the training was analyzed as a central nervous parameter of the ongoing learning process. In experiment I, we randomized four groups of 12 subjects each (group P: proprioceptive feedback; group PT: proprioceptive and tactile feedback; group PTV: proprioceptive, tactile, and visual feedback; group PTEMG: proprioceptive, tactile, and EMG feedback). Best training results were reported from the PTEMG and PTV groups. The movement-preceding cortical activity, in the form of the amplitude of the readiness potential at the time of EMG onset, was greatest in these two groups. Results of experiment II revealed a similar effect, with a greater training success and a higher electrocortical activation under additional EMG feedback compared to proprioceptive feedback alone. Sensory EMG feedback as evaluated by peripheral and central nervous measurements appears to be useful in motor training and neuromuscular re-education.

Elif Gündoğdu ◽  
Uğur Toprak

Background: The middle ear cavity is ventilated through the aditus ad antrum. Aditus blockage contributes to the pathology of otitis media. Objective: To determine the normal values of the aditus ad antrum diameter on computed tomography and to investigate its relationship with chronic otitis media and related pathologies (tympanosclerosis and myringosclerosis). Methods: The temporal CT images of 162 individuals were evaluated retrospectively. In the axial sections, the inner diameter of the aditus was measured at the narrowest point at the cortex. The differences in diameter were compared between diseased and healthy ears. Results: In healthy individuals, the diameter was narrower in women. There was no difference between the right and left ears in healthy subjects. No correlation was found between age and diameter. In male patients with myringosclerosis, the diameter was slightly narrower on both sides but more marked on the left. In female patients with myringosclerosis, the diameter in both ears was slightly narrower. In cases of otitis media and tympanosclerosis, the diameter was less than that of healthy individuals, despite the lack of statistically significant result in all cases. Conclusion: The aditus ad antrum was narrower in diseased ears, indicating that a blocked aditus may contribute to the development of otitis media, as well as mucosal diseases.

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