scholarly journals Sustainability Mindsets for Strategic Management: Lifting the Yoke of the Neo-Classical Economic Perspective

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (17) ◽  
pp. 6977 ◽  
Gerard Farias ◽  
Christine Farias ◽  
Isabella Krysa ◽  
Joel Harmon

While sustainability has attracted the attention of managers and academicians for over two decades, the macro-level indicators of sustainability are not moving in the right direction. Climate change continues to be an existential threat for humanity and other indicators of sustainability do not fare much better. The logic of the business case and the associated framing of tension between financial outcomes and sustainability have generated a limited and inadequate response to the existential challenges before humanity today. In this essay, we analyze the evolution of sustainability in the business context and call for a recognition that social and environmental outcomes must supersede economic ones in corporate sustainability thinking. We call for a widening of the spatial, temporal, and moral lenses in the formulation and execution of business strategy to ensure that it is in alignment with the needs of current and future generations of humanity and proportionate to planetary conditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (6) ◽  
pp. 71
Marco A. Paganini

In the present paper, I have modelled the Degree of Operating Leverage (DOL) and the Degree of Financial Leverage (DFL) using the percentage variations of the economic quantities. I devoted a great effort to encompass the investment dynamic and its financing mix to design a robust model implementable in a business context. The relationship discovered between DOL and DFL is complex and manifold: first, it appears asymmetrical because DOL can influence DFL, but the former is unrelated to the latter. Second, there is an infra-annual relationship measurable through partial derivatives. Finally, the stress tests shed light on some long-term impacts of one-off shocks even when the steady-state conditions are restored, disclosing an inter-annual relationship. The DOL-DFL nexus appears to be negatively related, but I also discovered positive relations and unrelated conditions. As argued in the economic literature, they cannot always behave as substitutes. The mathematical DOL-DFL model developed can admit positive, negative, and unrelated relations even though management might intervene to choose the right combination. Also, the Business Case shows positive and negative relationships, both at the infra-annual and inter-annual levels. The DOL-DFL nexus depends on circumstances and management decisions. Empirical evidence should find how management uses such a nexus and how effective such decisions have been over time.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 521 ◽  
Fotis Kitsios ◽  
Maria Kamariotou ◽  
Michael A. Talias

Sustainability is becoming an increasing issue for decision-makers and scholars worldwide and many managers understand the significance of the strategic approach of corporate sustainability. However, they face difficulties in aligning sustainable development and strategic management as well as to implement it in practice. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to conduct a bibliometric analysis exploring the integration of strategic management, decision-making and corporate sustainability, providing a framework of interrelated issues according to the current literature in this area. 72 peer-reviewed papers were analyzed based on Webster’s and Watson’s (2002) methodology. The results of this review revealed that the number of publications in this domain has increased in the last decade, and there is a need to foster research (especially empirical) in this field because managers should find out ways to implement, in action, corporate sustainability strategies and integrate their action plans with their business strategy. This review concludes with a framework that includes the most commonly addressed issues of this topic and provides opportunities and challenges for further research.

Li Jingjing ◽  
Nuno Guimarães Costa ◽  
Pedro Neves

Purpose – This paper aims to analyze the adjustment experience of Chinese expatriate managers in Portugal. Design/methodology/approach – This exploratory study is based on the qualitative analysis of 12 semi-structured, open-ended interviews to Chinese expatriate managers in Portugal. Expatriates varied in terms of international experience, stage of career and industry. All expatriates had at least one-year working experience in Portugal. The coding process followed a reflexive approach between data and existing theory. Findings – The process of adjustment of Chinese expatriate managers to the Portuguese context is arranged in five dimensions: perception: expatriates tend to perceive the differences between China and Portugal as not significant; guanxi replication: similarities between the two countries raised the question of whether the guanxi model could be replicated; resistance: although the two countries are perceived as close, there are significant differences, namely, in terms of some cultural aspects, the legal framework and the level of acceptance of the guanxi; adaptation: given these resistances, it is necessary for expatriates to change some practices that are commonly used in the Chinese context; and identity construction: Chinese expatriates are particularly concerned by their identity as foreigners and of the corresponding need to adjust. Originality/value – This exploratory study revealed that guanxi should not be seen as a purely cultural product grounded in the Confucian tradition but instead should be taken as a business strategy that depends on the existence of specific factors, such as the relevance and quality of interpersonal relationships in a business context.

2014 ◽  
Vol 46 (2) ◽  
pp. 68-72 ◽  
Patrick Mayfield

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to illustrate what would happen if we were to ignore relationships when leading change. Many believe that project management, change management, and related fields, are a matter of marshalling stuff: working the right processes and tasks, writing the correct documents, having good governance mechanisms in place, etc. People just distract and get in the way. Some tend to concentrate on these technicalities working their computer tools, rather than leaning towards people. The result is huge waste. Organisational change will always cut across different business functions, boundaries and across silos of working. This is where stakeholder engagement leads to successful outcomes. Design/methodology/approach – It is a surprise to many, but listening is probably the most powerful influencing strategy of all. The key is to ask the person you seek to influence, first for their thoughts, fears, and aspirations. If you can show you are genuinely interested, you begin to break down any barriers to change. This helps focus on the need for change rather than present the solution first. Yes, time is money, but often we can let this get in the way of engaging successfully. Conversations like this do take time. It feels counter-intuitive. Findings – There is growing evidence that people who make better leaders have a leaning towards action, they are never victims of “paralysis by analysis”. The self-aware, pro-active manager leading change understands that relationships are central to success and are thinking about their relationships in a real and active way. They think about their mental landscape and on that landscape they see the vital importance of stakeholders and are prepared to spend a far higher proportion of their discretionary time devoted to engaging with other people, quite apart from the structured meetings and emails that we usually describe as “communicating”. Originality/value – Most management books are written with the assumption that the business world is rational, but when it comes to change, it appears this is far from the case. We are taught to put a reasonable proposition to people, the business case, the plan, and so on, then expect people to mull it over for a while, then jump into action – reason – analyse – act. But nearly always the actual sequence is – see – feel – act. There is little doubt that people engage with their stakeholders better if there is some kind of emotional connection.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-90
Meghna Borah ◽  
Arup Kumar Hazarika ◽  
Unmilan Kalita

For the survival of all forms of life, procreation is essential. However, natural procreation is not always scientifically possible. As such, the practice of surrogacy and the use of Assisted Reproductive Techniques have become more widely recognised and accepted in societies all over the world. However, various complex and controversial issues are bounded in such practices. The Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2019 introduced by Government of India makes an attempt to eradicate some of those issues associated with surrogacy. Nevertheless, the legislation seems to be in derogation to the Constitution of India and universal human rights. This study is designed to substantiate in detail the right to be a surrogate in light of the constitutional mandate along with an evaluation of the eligibility criteria to be a surrogate and its consequences with regard to the existing legal framework. Besides, the economic perspective of exploitation of surrogates via banning of commercial surrogacy has been briefly discussed. The discussion under this study is expected to put forward an essential perspective to the right to be a surrogate in relation to a woman’s right to life and personal liberty. Further, prohibiting commercial surrogacy may push practicing surrogates towards other economically unrewarding, poorly regulated and potentially hazardous forms of employment or even make them subject to human trafficking. Therefore, recognition of the right to be a surrogate vis-à-vis the Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2019, would help in avoiding blatant miscarriage of universal justice while upholding the supremacy of the Constitution of India.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  

AbstrakKondisi pasar menjadi semakin kompetitif agar dapat eksis di tengah persaingan pasar tanpa kecuali harus meningkatkan strategi bisnis yang tepat dengan menyusun rencana strategi perencanaan dan pengembangan khususnya yang yang terkait dengan pasar. Departemen Marketing khususnya bagian penjualan memiliki peran yang penting sebagai ujung tombak perusahaan dalam bersaing di pasar. Salah satu perencanaan penjualan yang utama adalah membuat target penjualan. Diharapkan target penjualan merupakan angka yang realistis dengan kondisi pasar sekarang dan tentunya tetap mempertimbangkan aspek pertumbuhan di tahun target berdasarkan tahun sebelumnya.Metode yang digunakan dalam penyusunan target penjualan menggunakan metode Autorgresive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) Box Jenkins. Hasil dari analisa didapatkan prediksi penjualan selama 52 minggu kedepan. Dan mempertimbangkan faktor pertumbuhan tahunan 20% didapatkan nilai target penjualan 52 minggu ke depan. Dengan nilai target penjualan yang terukur maka nilai target penjualan menjadi realistis dan pencapaian target penjualan akan bisa terealisasi lebih baik. Selanjutnya pihak marketing dapat menyusun strategi pencapaian target dengan lebih jelas dan terarah dengan mempertimbangkan kondisi daya beli masyarakat, tingkat persaingan merek pada tahun prediksi dan kesiapan tim serta beban biaya.Kata Kunci: Pasar, Target Penjualan, Marketing, ARIMA Box JenkinsAbstractMarket conditions are becoming increasingly competitive in order to exist in the midst of market competition without exception must improve the right business strategy by developing a strategy plan of planning and development, especially those related to the market. Marketing Department, especially the sales department has an important role as the spearhead of the company in competing in the market. One of the major sales plans is to make sales targets. It is expected that the sales target is a realistic figure with the current market condition and certainly still consider the growth aspect in the target year based on the previous year.The method used in the preparation of sales targets using the method Autorgresive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) Box Jenkins. The results of the analysis obtained sales predictions for 52 weeks ahead. And considering the annual growth factor of 20% obtained value of sales target 52 weeks ahead. With the measured sales target value, the sales target value becomes realistic and the achievement of the sales target will be better realized. Furthermore, the marketing can develop a strategy of achieving the target with more clearly and directed by considering the condition of people's purchasing power, the level of brand competition in the year of prediction and team readiness and cost expenses.Keywords: Market, Sales Target, Marketing, ARIMA Box Jenkins

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 581
Anwar Romadhon ◽  
Erma Suryani

<p class="Abstrak">Perkembangan rumah sakit di Indonesia semakin meningkat, sejak tahun 2012 sampai 2018 mengalami peningkatan dengan rata – rata 5.2%. Tentunya hal tersebut memiliki dampak terhadap daya saing yang lebih kompetitif. Kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia  yang mengharuskan rumah sakit bekerja sama dengan Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) guna pemerataan  pelayanan kesehatan mempengaruhi jumlah pendapatan. Faktanya asuransi BPJS Kesehatan mengalami defisit anggaran yang nilainya sangat besar. <em>Manajement</em> rumah sakit harus mencari strategi dan kebijakan yang tepat dalam upaya memaksimalkan pendapatan khususnya di era JKN. Pembatasan jumlah kunjungan tidak mungkin dilakukan mengingat sebagian besar pasien berasal dari peserta BPJS Kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menemukan kebijakan dan solusi yang tepat bagi rumah sakit untuk mendapatkan keuntungan finasial dalam kondisi defisitnya anggaran asuransi kesehatan. Penting informasi membuat manajemen rumah sakit berupaya untuk memanfaatkan teknologi informasi sebagai media untuk merancang strategi bisnisnya, simulasi komputer seperti pemodelan sistem dinamik mempu menggambarkan dan mensimulasikan sistem secara nyata yang mengacu pada data,  sehingga pemangku kepentingan dapat memprediksi kondisi yang bisa terjadi dimasa depan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwasanya dengan merubah sistem pembayaran dari <em>Fee For Services</em> menjadi <em>INA</em> - <em>Case Base Groups</em> dapat memberikan keuntungan lebih bagi rumah sakit, hal ini dikarenakan tarif yang ditetapkan menyesuaikan dengan tarif rumah sakit di seluruh Indonesia. Temuan lain yang perlu diperhatikan adalah piutang pihak asuransi mengalami peningkatan, tentunya hal tersebut perlu perhatian lebih, serta bisa dijadikan bahan pertimbangan untuk mengubah sistem pembayaran karena sesuai hasil simulasi dapat memaksimalkan jumlah pendapatan . Lokasi penelitian di unit rawat inap, rumah sakit islam surabaya, diharapkan dari hasil pemodelan simulasi bisa dijadikan sebagai gambaran atau acuan bagi manajemen puncak rumah sakit dalam mengambil sebuah keputusan sebagai strategi bisnis.</p><p class="Abstrak"> </p><p class="Abstrak"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p class="Abstrak"></p><p class="Abstract"><em>Hospital development in Indonesia has increased, from 2012 to 2018 has increased by an average of 5.2%.. Of course this has an impact on more competitive competitiveness. Indonesian government policy that requires hospitals to work closely with the National Health Insurance (JKN) in order to equalize health services affects the amount of revenue. The fact is that BPJS Health insurance has a very large budget deficit. Hospital management must find the right strategy and policy in an effort to maximize revenue, especially in the JKN era. Limiting the number of visits is not possible considering that most patients come from BPJS Health participants. The purpose of this study was to find the right policies and solutions for hospital to obtain financial benefits in the health insurance budget deficit. Important information makes hospital management strive to utilize information technology as media for designing business strategies, computer simulations such as dynamic system modeling can describe and simulate real systems that refer to data, so that stakeholders can predict conditions that can occur in the future. The results showed that by changing the payment system from Fee For Services to INA - Case Base Groups can provide more benefits for hospital, this is because the rates set adjust to hospital rates throughout Indonesia. Another finding that needs to be considered is that the insurance receivables have increased, of course it needs more attention, and can be taken into consideration to change the payment system because according to the simulation results can maximize the amount of income. The location of research in the inpatient unit, Surabaya Islamic hospital, is expected from the results of simulation modeling can be used as an illustration or reference for top management of the hospital in making a decision as a business strategy.</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 1289-1316
Heidi Rhodes ◽  

This paper attends to differing praxes of futurity circulating in Colombia, both in dominant and subaltern forms. It first considers temporality as an apparatus of governmentality, raison d’état, and settler colonial logics of violence deployed in the service of late liberalism, capitalist endeavor, and the so-called “peace dividend.” In contrast, it elaborates two distinct rights claims that counter official state claims on the future: the principle of the right to a distinct vision of the future in Colombia’s black Pacific social movement; and the legal claim of the right of future generations in a historic 2018 lawsuit brought against the government by several youth from diverse regions across the country. These claims pose what I name as a “chrono-logics” otherwise – temporal alterities that refuse the logics of settler colonial temporality and insist on an ecology of relations that pursue the survival and flourishing of diverse lifeworlds and futures. Este artículo se ocupa de diferentes praxis de futuridad que circulan en Colombia, tanto en formas dominantes como subalternas. En primer lugar, toma en consideración la temporalidad como un aparato de la gubernamentalidad, la razón de Estado, y las lógicas de violencia del colonialismo que se despliegan al servicio del liberalismo tardío, el empeño capitalista y el así denominado “dividendo de la paz”. Elaboramos dos reivindicaciones de derechos que contradicen las proclamas estatales oficiales sobre el futuro: el principio del derecho a una visión distinta del futuro en el movimiento social negro pacífico de Colombia; y la pretensión jurídica del derecho de las generaciones venideras en una demanda judicial histórica de 2018 que interpusieron jóvenes de diversas regiones del país contra el gobierno. Estas reivindicaciones plantean lo que denomino una “crono-logía” de otra manera – alteridades temporales que rechazan la lógica de la temporalidad colonialista y que insisten en una ecología de relaciones que persiguen la supervivencia y el florecimiento de diversos mundos y futuros.

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 127
Lucas Prabowo

Efforts to meet the economic needs of humans has resulted in severe damage to the ecosystem. Being aware that there is damage to natural resources and ecosystem are getting worse, various efforts underway to hold international conventions in the field of environmental protection has resulted in agreements, both of which are binding (hard law) and non-binding (soft law). Participating countries adopted the convention rules agrred up on into their legaislation, and even to strengthen the protection and enforcement of laws relating to environmental protection and the right to a good environment for the present dan future generations, environmental norms are then contained in the constitution including the Indonesian constitution, namely the post-UUD 1945 amandement. Keywords: environmental damage, international environmental law damage, intergerational equity, sustainable development, and constitution.

SinkrOn ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Reza Alfianzah ◽  
Rani Irma Handayani ◽  
Murniyati Murniyati

Any company or organization that wants to survive needs to determine the right business strategy. The product sales data carried out by Lakoe Dessert Pondok Kacang will eventually result in a pile of data, so it is unfortunate if it is not re-analyzed. The products offered vary with a wide variety of products as many as 45 products, to find out the products with the most sales and the relationship between one product and another, one of the algorithms is needed in the data mining algorithm, namely the a priori algorithm to find out, and with the help of the Rapidminer 5 application, with a support value 2,4% and a confidence value 50%, products that customers often buy or are interested in can be found. This study used sales data for March 2020, which amounted to 209 transaction data. From the research, it was found that the item with the name Pudding Strawberry and Pudding Vanilla was the product most purchased by consumers. With knowledge of the most sold products and the patterns of purchasing goods by consumers, Lakoe Dessert Pondok Kacang can develop marketing strategies to market other products by analyzing the profits from selling the most sold products and anticipating running out or empty of stock or materials at a later date.

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