scholarly journals A Note on Singularity Avoidance in Fourth-Order Gravity

Universe ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Luca Fabbri

We consider the fourth-order differential theory of gravitation to treat the problem of singularity avoidance: studying the short-distance behaviour in the case of black-holes and the big-bang we are going to see a way to attack the issue from a general perspective.

Jae-Kwang Hwang

Space-time evolution is briefly explained by using the 3-dimensional quantized space model (TQSM) based on the 4-dimensional (4-D) Euclidean space. The energy (E=cDtDV), charges (|q|= cDt) and absolute time (ct) are newly defined based on the 4-D Euclidean space. The big bang is understood by the space-time evolution of the 4-D Euclidean space but not by the sudden 4-D Minkowski space-time creation. The big bang process created the matter universe with the positive energy and the partner anti-matter universe with the negative energy from the CPT symmetry. Our universe is the matter universe with the negative charges of electric charge (EC), lepton charge (LC) and color charge (CC). This first universe is made of three dark matter -, lepton -, and quark - primary black holes with the huge negative charges which cause the Coulomb repulsive forces much bigger than the gravitational forces. The huge Coulomb forces induce the inflation of the primary black holes, that decay to the super-massive black holes. The dark matter super-massive black holes surrounded by the normal matters and dark matters make the galaxies and galaxy clusters. The spiral arms of galaxies are closely related to the decay of the 3-D charged normal matter black holes to the 1-D charged normal matter black holes. The elementary leptons and quarks are created by the decay of the normal matter charged black holes, that is caused by the Coulomb forces much stronger than the gravitational forces. The Coulomb forces are very weak with the very small Coulomb constants (k1(EC) = kdd(EC) ) for the dark matters and very strong with the very big Coulomb constants (k2(EC) = knn(EC)) for the normal matters because of the non-communication of the photons between the dark matters and normal matters. The photons are charge dependent and mass independent. But the dark matters and normal matters have the similar and very weak gravitational forces because of the communication of the gravitons between the dark matters and normal matters. The gravitons are charge independent and mass dependent. Note that the three kinds of charges (EC, LC and CC) and one kind of mass (m) exist in our matter universe. The dark matters, leptons and quarks have the charge configurations of (EC), (EC,LC) and (EC,LC,CC), respectively. Partial masses of elementary fermions are calculated, and the proton spin crisis is explained. The charged black holes are not the singularities.

F. Melia ◽  
T. M. McClintock

The recent discovery of the ultraluminous quasar SDSS J010013.02+280225.8 at redshift 6.3 has exacerbated the time compression problem implied by the appearance of supermassive black holes only approximately 900 Myr after the big bang, and only approximately 500 Myr beyond the formation of Pop II and III stars. Aside from heralding the onset of cosmic re-ionization, these first and second generation stars could have reasonably produced the approximately 5–20  M ⊙ seeds that eventually grew into z approximately 6–7 quasars. But this process would have taken approximately 900 Myr, a timeline that appears to be at odds with the predictions of Λ CDM without an anomalously high accretion rate, or some exotic creation of approximately 10 5   M ⊙ seeds. There is no evidence of either of these happening in the local Universe. In this paper, we show that a much simpler, more elegant solution to the supermassive black hole anomaly is instead to view this process using the age–redshift relation predicted by the R h = ct Universe, an Friedmann–Robertson–Walker (FRW) cosmology with zero active mass. In this context, cosmic re-ionization lasted from t approximately 883 Myr to approximately 2 Gyr ( 6 ≲ z ≲ 15 ), so approximately 5–20  M ⊙ black hole seeds formed shortly after re-ionization had begun, would have evolved into approximately 10 10   M ⊙ quasars by z approximately 6–7 simply via the standard Eddington-limited accretion rate. The consistency of these observations with the age–redshift relationship predicted by R h = ct supports the existence of dark energy; but not in the form of a cosmological constant.

2017 ◽  
Vol 26 (08) ◽  
pp. 1741003 ◽  
Riou Nakamura ◽  
Masa-Aki Hashimoto ◽  
Ryotaro Ichimasa ◽  
Kenzo Arai

We review the recent progress in the Big-Bang nucleosynthesis which includes the standard and nonstandard theory of cosmology, effects of neutrino degeneracy, and inhomogeneous nucleosynthesis within the framework of a Friedmann model. As for a nonstandard theory of gravitation, we adopt a Brans–Dicke theory which incorporates a cosmological constant. We constrain various parameters associated with each subject.

2004 ◽  
Vol 13 (06) ◽  
pp. 1073-1083

The generalized Szekeres family of solution for quasi-spherical space–time of higher dimensions are obtained in the scalar tensor theory of gravitation. Brans–Dicke field equations expressed in Dicke's revised units are exhaustively solved for all the subfamilies of the said family. A particular group of solutions may also be interpreted as due to the presence of the so-called C-field of Hoyle and Narlikar and for a chosen sign of the coupling parameter. The models show either expansion from a big bang type of singularity or a collapse with the turning point at a lower bound. There is one particular case which starts from the big bang, reaches a maximum and collapses with the in course of time to a crunch.

1982 ◽  
Vol 60 (5) ◽  
pp. 659-663 ◽  
J. W. Moffat ◽  
D. Vincent

The standard Friedmann–Robertson–Walker (FRW) big-bang model of the universe requires special initial conditions: the early universe is highly homogeneous and isotropic even though there exist causally disconnected regions (horizon problem). A plane symmetric (anisotropic) solution of a system of field equations in a generalized theory of gravitation, predicts the beginning of the universe as a vacuum instability at a specific fundamental time (which can be associated with the Planck time (tp)), after which matter is created as the universe begins to expand. At a time t = tc there is a singular expansion, the anisotropy vanishes, and the physical horizon becomes infinite. Thereafter the solution of the field equations goes over into the FRW model. Thus the special initial conditions of the FRW model at the big-bang singularity t = tc are predicted by the theory.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  

Recent observations show that there are many more and much older black holes than previously known. What is particularly puzzling is that supermassive black holes containing more than a billion solar masses already existed in the very early universe. To date, there is no conclusive explanation for how such gravity monsters could have been created in such a short time after the Big Bang. The "Cosmic Time Hypothesis (CTH)" offers a solution to this problem [1]. According to this hypothesis, the early universe had much more time at its disposal than according to the "present-time scale" and the material-condensing forces were much stronger than now. Therefore, objects with extremely large masses could form in a very short "today-time".

Recent observations show that there are many more and much older black holes than previously known. What is particularly puzzling is that supermassive black holes containing more than a billion solar masses already existed in the very early universe. To date, there is no conclusive explanation for how such gravity monsters could have been created in such a short time after the Big Bang. The “Cosmic Time Hypothesis (CTH)” offers a solution to this problem [1]. According to this hypothesis, the early universe had much more time at its disposal than according to the “present-time scale” and the material-condensing forces were much stronger than now. Therefore, objects with extremely large masses could form in a very short “todaytime”.

John W. Moffat

Civita criticized Einstein’s papers on gravitational waves: their energy momentum is frame dependent and therefore does not fit the covariance of Einstein’s gravity theory. Infeld and Rosen did not believe gravitational waves existed, and Einstein changed his mind on their existence repeatedly. Others did believe in them, such as Fock and Feynman. Weber constructed his “Weber bar” to detect gravitational waves, but when he claimed success, he was criticized. He then proposed using a Michelson-Morley type of interferometer with lasers to detect gravitational waves, as did Weiss. Merging black holes and neutron stars were proposed as detectable sources of gravitational waves. Taylor and Hulse, using the large Arecibo radio telescope, indirectly detected gravitational waves from inspiraling neutron stars. Primordial gravitational waves, still emanating from the Big Bang, were claimed to have been detected by BICEP2, but the waves were eventually shown to be a result of foreground dust.

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