2020 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 55
Efrén Antonio Zambrano Pinargote ◽  
Karina Luzdelia Mendoza Bravo

El presente trabajo aborda la temática del embarazo adolescente, problemática que lleva a 6487 mujeres de entre 12 y 18 años a abandonar sus estudios en el Ecuador, cada año, según las estadísticas del Ministerio de Salud del país; éste proceso tiene impacto no sólo en sus cuerpos, también repercute en sus relaciones familiares y sociales, además de su vida académica. La presente investigación, de corte cualitativo, se ha llevado a cabo con las estudiantes (y sus familias) de la UEFP, de la provincia de Manabí. Se planteó como objetivo conocer el impacto en las adolescentes de primero, segundo y tercero de bachillerato que estaban embarazadas durante la el proceso investigativo (en junio del 2017) y de las adolescentes madres, de los mismos años de bachillerato, como contribución a la propia institución, al sistema educativo en general y a las familias, para la prevención del embarazo adolescente y de atención oportuna y adecuada a las mujeres adolescentes en esta situación. Los resultados obtenidos se centran en tres aspectos de la vida de las adolescentes estudiadas; los efectos en su vida personal, con cambios en lo biológico, lo psicológico y en su autopercepción; los impactos sobre su vida familiar, en la esfera relacional dentro de las familias, la afectación económica; y, también, la que está relacionada con la percepción comunitaria de la familia con una madre adolescente. Finalmente, los impactos en la vida académica de quienes formaron parte del estudio vinculados con exclusión por pate de docentes y compañeros, afectación en las notas y en el comportamiento por faltas y atrasos recurrentes. PALABRAS CLAVE: embarazo adolescente; vida personal; vida familiar; vida académica. EARLY PREGNANCY AND ITS IMPACT ON THE PERSONAL, FAMILY AND ACADEMIC LIFE OF THE BACHELORATE STUDENTS OF THE PORTOVIEJO FISCAL EDUCATIONAL UNIT ABSTRACT This paper addresses the issue of teenage pregnancy, a problem that leads 6487 women between 12 and 18 years old to abandon their studies in Ecuador, every year, according to statistics from the Ministry of Health of the country. This process has an impact not only on their bodies; it also has an impact on their family and social relationships, as well as their academic life. The present qualitative research has been carried out with the students (and their families) of the UEFP, in the Manabí province. The objective was to know the impact on teenagers of first, second and third years of High School, who were pregnant and teenage mothers during the investigation process (June 2017), as a contribution to the institution, to the education system in general and to families, for prevention of teenage pregnancy and timely and adequate care for adolescents in this situation. The results obtained focus on three aspects of the adolescents studied; the effects on their personal life, with changes in the biological, the psychological and self-perception; the impacts on their family life, in the relational sphere within families, the economic impact; also, which is related to the community's perception of the family with a teenage mother. Finally, the impacts on the academic life of those who were part of the study related to exclusion by teachers and classmates, affectation in grades and behavior due to recurrent absences and delays. KEYWORD: teenage pregnancy; personal life; family life; academic life.

1980 ◽  
Vol 12 (10) ◽  
pp. 1103-1118 ◽  
Clare M Stapleton

The conventional concept of linear progression through a traditional life cycle underlies much of social science theory. The utility of retaining the traditional life-cycle framework has declined rapidly as patterns of family and nonfamily structure and behavior have become more diversified. A more comprehensive framework which encompasses these new household types is suggested. The utility of this expanded life-cycle model is explored, with particular reference to single-headed family households and primary households.

Marion H. Wijnberg ◽  
Thomas Holmes

Identifying the role orientation of recently divorced women holds promise for further understanding the divorce process and the family life cycle of nonnuclear families. The authors describe how 30 female heads of family perceived their adaptation to divorce and to the reconstruction and development of their family units. Results of this exploratory study further suggest that the meaning and value a divorced woman attaches to the mothering component of her role as well as the comfort she feels in accepting a work identity affect the ways in which she adapts to being a single parent. The consequences of this adaptation, in turn, alter the content of the family life cycle.

2021 ◽  
Vol 136 (136) ◽  
pp. 9-22
Claudia Ivette Pedraza Bucio

 El objetivo de este texto es analizar la brecha digital de g.nero como vértice de las desigualdades estructurales que conforman la vida de las mujeres, en el marco de la pandemia mundial de Covid-19 que ha colocado a las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en el centro de la dinámica social. Para esto, en el primer apartado se recupera el concepto de brecha digital como un v.rtice en el cual convergen desigualdades que condicionan el acceso, uso y apropiaci.n de las de la información y comunicación, pero también como un condicionante de las mismas. A continuación, se presentan las implicaciones del género en el análisis de la brecha digital; y a partir de esto, se revisan los problemas potenciales que supone la brecha digital de género en el contexto de COVID. La intención final es argumentar la necesidad de políticas y programas que atiendan la brecha digital no como un resultado de las desigualdades de género, sino como eje emergente a través del cual se mantienen, refuerzan y renuevan las mismas  Palabras clave Brecha digital, g.nero, Covid-19, TIC, desigualdad.   Bibliografía Alva de la Selva, A. (2015). Los nuevos rostros de la desigualdad en el siglo XXI: la brecha digital. Revista mexicana de ciencias políticas y sociales, 60(223), 265-285. Animal Político (2020), “SEP estima deserción de 10% en educación básica y 8% en superior por la COVID. Consultado el 08/10/2020. Disponible en Badillo, N. S., Esteban, O., y Vall-Llovera, M. (2012). Romper la brecha digital de género. Factores implicados en la opción por una carrera tecnológica. Athenea Digital: revista de pensamiento e investigación social, 12(3), 115-128. Becerril, W (2018). Mujeres que codean: la apropiación tecnológica de estudiantes egresadas de Laboratoria en México. Controversias y concurrencias latinoamericanas,10(16), 67-75. Braidotti, R. (2002). Un ciberfeminismo diferente. Debats, vol. 76, 100-117. Collado, C. (2010). Género y TIC. Presencia, posición y políticas Barcelona: Editorial UOC. Crovi, D. (2008). Dimensión social del acceso, uso y apropiaci.n de las TIC. Contratexto, (016), 65-79. Derechos Digitales (2017). Derechos de las Mujeres en Línea, resultado de la Evaluación. Chile: Derechos Digitales. Godínez, A. L (2016). Brecha digital de género: usos y apropiaciones de las TIC´s en estudiantes adolescentes. Retos y posibilidades (Tesis de maestr.a). México: Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales-UNAM. IFT (2019 a). Uso de las TIC y actividades por internet en México: impacto de las características sociodemográficas de la población. M.xico: IFT IFT (2019 b). Encuesta de Usuarios de Servicios de Telecomunicaciones, Micro, Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas”. 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El Tecnofeminismo. Valencia: C.tedra. Zafra, Remedios (2005). Netianas. N(h)acer mujer en Internet.  Madrid: Lengua de Trapo. Zapata, C. B.;, P. M.; Silva, E. F. D.; Soares, E. D. C. (2017). Desaf.os de la Inclusi.n Digital: antecedentes, problem.ticas y medici.n de la Brecha Digital de G.nero. Psicología, Conocimiento y Sociedad , 7 (2), 121-151.    

1985 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-56 ◽  
Leslie Page Moch ◽  
Louise A. Tilly

Historians and sociologists have long been aware of variability in family structure and behavior and curious about the effects of large-scale change on the family. Nineteenth-century social scientists from Frederic LePlay to Lewis Henry Morgan interpreted family change in an evolutionary framework: LePlay discerned what he believed was the baleful effect of changes in the law on family life, Morgan, the progress due to changing economic and environmental factors. The twentieth-century revival of family history received its impetus from Philippe Ariés, who in both his early Histoire des populations françaises and the later Centuries of Childhood maintained the evolutionary perspective.

2020 ◽  
Vol Volume 4 (Issue 3) ◽  
pp. 192-207
Dr. Muhammad Shabbir Sarwar ◽  
Humara Gulzar ◽  
Muhammad Ahsan Bhatti

The purpose of this research paper is to explore the negative relationship between mobile phone and family life as well as negative impact of mobile phone usage on family life norms and traditions. The study is based on data collected through mixed method i.e. survey of a random sample of 1300 people and structured interviews conducted with a sub-sample of 13 people in Lahore, Pakistan. The study found that mobile phone is negatively affecting the family life due to its massive usage during family socialization time. The quantitative analysis found that over 85% of respondents use mobile phone for communication with the people other than their family members when they are with their family; over 50% make calls to others during their family time; 83% make SMS; 75 feel that they ignore their family due to cell phone; 86% thinks that mobile has influenced their family time face-to-face socialization negatively and 91% said that they exchanged harsh words with their family members for at least once or more due to using mobile phone during family time. The study reveals that male members of the traditional families are more responsible for using mobile phone during family time and damaging family traditions as compared to the female members. However, parents remain very concerned about the possibilities of misuse of mobile phone by female teenagers of the family. In most cases family elders were annoyed with the youth for adopting this change in their behaviors damaging the family traditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2(22)) ◽  
pp. 20-29
Abdirashid Mamasidikovich Mirzakhmedov ◽  
Khurshid Abdirashidovich Mirzakhmedov ◽  
Nasiba Alizhanovna Abdukholikova

The article presents the results of an anthropological analysis of the social life of a modern family. It is immersed in deep socio-economic and demographic problems, which are complicated by the impact of globalization and information technology. Analyzing the transformational processes of family relations, the author comes to the conclusion that in the modern family there is “alienation” of generations, the gap between parents and children, which affects the traditional ethno-confessional foundations of the family. We are talking about the foundations of the national mentality of the peoples of the region about intergenerational relationships between children and their parents, the transformation from a macro-family to a nuclear one.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3, jul.-dez.) ◽  
pp. 252-278
Milena Geisa dos Santos Martins

Nosso objetivo neste artigo, a partir de entrevistas e netnografia, é mostrar-lhes que a partir do âmbito religioso emergem coletivos cujas as vozes dissonantes não compactuam com a subjugação feminina implementada pela religião e denunciam em ambientes virtuais a violência praticada contra a mulher em ambientes domésticos ou eclesiais. Além de trabalharem voluntariamente instruindo e acolhendo vítimas de violência, é importante destacar que as Feministas Evangélicas, por nós pesquisadas, lutam em favor da legalização do aborto, pois entendem que esta é uma questão de saúde pública. Porém, mesmo lutando em favor dos direitos femininos, elas são ameaçadas por indivíduos que possuem ethos familista e visão conservadora de mundo, pois estes entendem que elas querem destruir a família. Palavras-chave: Feminismo; religião; violência de gênero; política.   Abstract This article aims to present, through interviews and netnography, collectives that emerge from the religious sphere, where dissonant voices do not agree with the female subjugation implemented by religion who denounces in virtual environments the violence against women in environments domestic or ecclesial. Besides volunteer work, instructing, and supporting victims of violence, the Evangelical Feminists group fight for abortion legalization, as they understand it as a public health issue. However, even when fighting for women's rights, they are threatened by individuals who have a familist ethos and a conservative worldview because they understand that they want to destroy the family. Keywords: Feminism; religion; gender violence; policy.   Resumen Nuestro objetivo en este artículo, a partir de entrevistas y netnografía, es mostrar que desde el ámbito religioso surgen colectivos cuyas voces disonantes no concuerdan con la subyugación femenina implementada por la religión y denuncian en entornos virtuales la violencia practicada contra las mujeres en los ambientes doméstico y/o eclesial. Además de trabajar voluntariamente en la instrucción y acogida de víctimas de violencia, es importante destacar que las Feministas Evangélicas que hemos investigado luchan por la legalización del aborto, pues entienden que este es un tema de salud pública. Sin embargo, incluso cuando luchan por los derechos de las mujeres, son amenazadas por individuos que tienen un espíritu familista y una cosmovisión conservadora porque entienden que quieren destruir a la familia. Palabras clave: Feminismo; religión; violencia de género; política.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 79
M. Nur Kholis Al Amin

Family is the main foundation for character formation and the role of family members. In addition, the family also plays a major role in the patterns of interaction that exist in people’s lives.  However, the development and changes that occur in society can effect the pattern (role) of family life. Today, the development of science and technology is able to influence the shape of society’s life structure toward the “modern society”, one of the impact on family structure is the existance of madern family, which is characterized by the intensity of meetings among family members is increasingly “limit” due to the high level of activity outside the household, such as: children who are out of town school, husband and wife career, husband who works outside the city and see also. Moreover, because the development of communication, so this can be made as a means to build family resilience. Therefore, this article will try to examine communication systems as a significant element to build family resiliaence throught historical contex and sociological approaches, where the presentasion is by integrating, describing, and the analyzing social phenomena—modern family life patterns, changes and developments in technology, communication—using “nilai etik theory” through several rules of Islamic communication as the value of communicating in the family. So that, when viewed from “nilai etik theory” develop by Rahman, conclusions can be obtained, that there are several elements of a very close relationship to the principles of Islamic communication, development of family structure, and family resilience as a way to build a family that is a sakinah, mawaddan and rahmah.Dewasa ini, perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi mampu mempengaruhi bentuk struktur kehidupan masyarakat ke arah “masyarakat modern”, yang salah satu dampaknya berpengaruh terhadap struktur yang ditandai dengan terbatasnya tingkat intensitas pertemuan antar anggota keluarga karena tingginya aktivitas di luar rumah tangga, seperti; anak yang sekolah atau kuliah di luar kota, suami-istri yang berkarir, suami yang bekerja di luar kota, dan sebaliknya. Lebih lanjut, karena perkembangan alat komunikasi yang semakin maju, maka hal tersebut dapat  dijadikan sebagai salah satu sarana untuk membangun ketahanan keluarga. Oleh karena itu, artikel ini akan coba menelaah sistem komunikasi sebagai unsur yang signifikan untuk membangun ketahanan keluarga melalui pendekatan historis (historical contex) dan pendekatan sosiologis, di mana pemaparannya dengan cara memadukan, mendeskripsikan, dan kemudian menganalisis fenomena sosial—pola kehidupan keluarga modern, perubahan dan perkembangan teknologi, komunikasi—menggunakan teori nilai etik melalui beberapa kaidah komunikasi Islam sebagai nilai berkomunikasi di dalam keluarga. Sehingga, apabila ditinjau dari “teori nilai etik” yang dikembangkan oleh Rahman, dapat diperoleh kesimpulan, bahwa terdapat beberapa unsur hubungan yang sangat erat terhadap prinsip-prinsip komunikasi Islam, perkembangan struktur keluarga, dan ketahanan keluarga sebagai jalan untuk membangun keluarga yang sakinah, mawaddah dan rahmah.

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