scholarly journals Reviews

2011 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Philip Barker ◽  
Andrea Frank ◽  
Chris Jones ◽  
Elaine Pearson ◽  
Gillian Jordan ◽  

The theme of this year's International Simulation and Gaming Yearbook - 'Transition and Change' - addresses the topical discourse on the improvement of pedagogy by the introduction of active and student-centred learning in UK higher education. Although the value of 'learning-by-doing' and experiential learning is well recognized by researchers in education, many subjects and university courses continue to employ teaching methods (such as lectures) that favour a passive reproduction of information rather than the fostering of student understanding. In this regard, simulations and games are powerful tools that not only promote an active, student-centred approach to learning but have the potential to help realize government policies to improve the quality of teaching and learning in higher education institutions in the UK.DOI:10.1080/0968776010090208 

CCIT Journal ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 335-354
Untung Rahardja ◽  
Muhamad Yusup ◽  
Ana Nurmaliana

The accuracy and reliability is the quality of the information. The more accurate and reliable, the more information it’s good quality. Similarly, a survey, the better the survey, the more accurate the information provided. Implementation of student satisfaction measurement to the process of teaching and learning activities on the quality of the implementation of important lectures in order to get feedback on the assessed variables and for future repair. Likewise in Higher Education Prog has undertaken the process of measuring student satisfaction through a distributed questioner finally disemester each class lecture. However, the deployment process questioner is identified there are 7 (seven) problems. However, the problem can be resolved by the 3 (three) ways of solving problems one of which is a system of iLearning Survey (Isur), that is by providing an online survey to students that can be accessed anywhere and anytime. In the implementation shown a prototype of Isur itself. It can be concluded that the contribution Isur system can maximize the decision taken by the Higher Education Prog. By using this Isur system with questions and evaluation forms are submitted and given to the students and the other colleges. To assess the extent to which the campus has grown and how faculty performance in teaching students class, and can be used as a media Isur valid information for an assessment of activities throughout college.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Carlos Manosalvas Vaca ◽  
Luis Manosalvas Vaca ◽  
Ruth Barba

La presente investigación, analiza los conceptos más importantes del pensamiento Crítico, así como su importancia y utilidad en los procesos de formación profesional a nivel de Posgrado. Se hace un análisis detallado de los conceptos más ampliamente aceptado y de los factores inmersos en el desarrollo y aplicación de este tipo de pensamiento. Finalmente se propone un modelo que engloba los conceptos y factores analizados y como se interrelacionan entre ellos; el objetivo final es brindar a los docentes y directivos de Instituciones de Educación Superior, una herramienta que posibilite la inclusión de este tipo de pensamiento en sus procesos enseñanza-aprendizaje con el fin último de mejorar la calidad de los procesos de formación. Palabras Clave: Pensamiento Crítico, Educación Superior, Educación ABSTRACT This research analyzes the most important concepts of critical thinking as well as their importance and usefulness for the educational processes at graduate level. A detailed analysis of the most widely accepted concepts and factors involved in the development and application of this kind of thinking has been made. Finally, a model that includes the concepts and analyzed factors and their interrelations is proposed; the ultimate goal is to provide teachers and directors of Institutions in Higher Education, a tool that enables the inclusion of this type of thinking in their teaching and learning processes with the ultimate intention of improving the quality of the training processes. Keywords: Critical thinking, Higher Education, Education Recibido: mayo de 2016Aprobado: septiembre de 2016

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 35-48
Jiří Rybička ◽  
Petra Čačková

One of the tools to determine the recommended order of the courses to be taught is to set the prerequisites, that is, the conditions that have to be fulfilled before commencing the study of the course. The recommended sequence of courses is to follow logical links between their logical units, as the basic aim is to provide students with a coherent system according to the Comenius' principle of continuity. Declared continuity may, on the other hand, create organizational complications when passing through the study, as failure to complete one course may result in a whole sequence of forced deviations from the recommended curriculum and ultimately in the extension of the study period. This empirical study deals with the quantitative evaluation of the influence of the level of initial knowledge given by the previous study on the overall results in a certain follow-up course. In this evaluation, data were obtained that may slightly change the approach to determining prerequisites for higher education courses.

Alessia Plutino ◽  
Kate Borthwick ◽  
Erika Corradini

This volume collects selected papers from the 9th annual conference in the Innovative Language Teaching and Learning at University series (InnoConf), which was hosted by the Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics at the University of Southampton on the 28th of June 2019. The theme of the conference was ‘Treasuring languages: innovative and creative approaches in Higher Education (HE)’. The conference aimed to address the consistent decline in recent years in applications to study languages at UK universities by igniting discussions and seeking innovative and creative approaches to raising awareness about the value of learning languages.

2021 ◽  
pp. 5-19
Yurii Skyba ◽  
Hanna Lebedynets

Ensuring and improving the quality of teaching and learning, in particular the academics’ potential development, is reflected in strategic European and domestic documents, namely in the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union, the Paris Communiqué, the Strategy for Higher Education in Ukraine for 2021-2031 and others. The expediency for academics’ potential development is confirmed by the results of a national survey on the needs for the development of Ukrainian universities in the process of reforming higher education in the context of European integration. The article highlights the problems of academics’ potential development. Based on foreign and domestic experience, the theoretical bases for academics’ potential development, in particular the conceptual and terminological apparatus and structural components of teaching metacompetence are substantiated. The concept «potential of an academic» is defined as a set of intellectual, intangible resources, conditions and opportunities created for the production and accumulation of new knowledge, ideas, technologies, competencies and other productive properties at the university, which combines two levels of connections functioning in unity. The first level of connections are resources that are the result of past and present, and the second – opportunities, i.e. those abilities and connections that are future-oriented, constantly changing, evolving, forming new abilities, characteristics, including elements of the future development. The following components are distinguished in the structure of teaching metacompetence: prognostic; design; objective; innovative; pedagogical partnership; organizational; information and digital; reflexive; linguistic and communicative; inclusive; motivational; health-preserving; emotional-ethical and evaluative-analytical. The development of the above components of teaching metacompetence will help ensure the quality of higher education and increase the competitiveness of the university in the educational services market.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
Agoeng Koerniawan SA

The purpose of this study was to determine the role of academic information systems in improving the quality of higher education implementation in PGRI STKIP Bangkalan, and the extent to which the policies of implementing higher education before and after the use of information systems and how satisfaction is felt by students towards academic information systems at STKIP PGRI Bangkalan, named STKIP PGRI Bangkalan’s Siakad.The study was conducted by conducting a survey of users of the internet-based academic information system (Siakad STKIP PGRI Bangkalan), namely lecturers, students and employees with the method of observation and conducting in-depth interviews to obtain as much information as possible from all respondents/informants. The number of informants was 5 people consisting of the chairman of STKIP PGRI Bangkalan, Vice Chairman I, Head of BAAK and two students who had experience in their respective fields of work, knew deeply and had many roles in the process of using information systems.Based on the results of the study, it was shown that with the use of the information system/ STKIP PGRI Bangkalan’s Siakad which is one of the facilities for the smooth activities of the teaching and learning process, it proved to provide convenience, many benefits and benefits that greatly support the duties of serving lecturers, students and outsiders requiring. This is evidenced by the support of the support of lecturers and students, capacity, namely the ability of employees to process data and value, namely the benefits felt by lecturers, employees and students as well as outside parties in need.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 196-203
Iu. O. Pavlova ◽  
K. A. Tymruk-Skoropad ◽  
L. M. Tsizh

The problem of ensuring the quality of higher education and the formation of a culture of quality causes a significant interest. That determines the practice of collecting, analyzing, and taking into account information about the academic environment, requires identifying and constantly monitoring of factors that affect the effectiveness of curricula, and determines student success. To better monitor the effectiveness of the proposed approaches, keep up with emerging challenges, and adjust decisions, it is necessary to develop special tools to study participants’ opinions of the educational process. Such tools should have sufficient validity and meet current trends and approaches. The purpose of the study was to check the internal structure and validate the Ukrainian version of the content part “Experiences of teaching and learning” of the ETLQ tool. Materials and methods. The study involved students (n = 632, 59.81 % were women; age (M±SE) – 21.5±0.2 years old) of Ivan Boberskyj Lviv State University of Physical Culture, who studied in the specialty 227 “Physical therapy, occupational therapy”. Data collection was conducted during the 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 academic years upon completing mandatory special subjects. The convergent, discriminant, and criterion validity of the “Experiences of teaching and learning” part of the ETLQ tool were evaluated. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were used in the research; α-Cronbach values, composite reliability coefficient, and average extracted variance were calculated. Results and discussion. Based on the results of the work, a modified version of the questionnaire was proposed, which contained 29 questions and had a sufficient level of validity. The final model consisted of four factors, which explained 51.353% of the total variance (the first factor – 39.339 %, the second – 5.224 %, the third – 4.281 %, the fourth – 2.509 %). The model was characterized by satisfactory indices: χ² / df (920/344) = 2.67, CFI = 0.923, TLI = 0.935, RMSEA = 0.055, SRMR = 0.058. Based on the validation results, a modified Ukrainian version of the questionnaire “Experiences of teaching and learning” was proposed, which is one of the content parts of the ETLQ tool. It consists of separate scales “Organization and structure,” “Teaching, learning, assessments and other set work”, “Teachers’ enthusiasm and responsiveness to students”, “Climate and support from peers”. The proposed questionnaire has sufficient validity to assess the quality of the academic environment, the effectiveness of specialists’ educational process in physical therapy, occupational therapy, and physical culture and sports

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
pp. 135-155
Diana-Crina Marin ◽  
Mușata Bocoș

"In the context in which the teaching, learning, and assessment processes take place in the online environment, the question arises whether the currently organized learning situations are as effective as the learning situations carried out in the classroom, before the beginning of the pandemic. One of the disadvantages of online learning is related to the teacher’s low control over students’ activity. Factors such as initiative, creativity, efficient time management, intrinsic motivation, responsibility, and intellectual curiosity play an important role in students’ success in learning activities. Attendance at courses should not be formal and superficial and should be a process that involves the active and interactive participation of the students in the learning process. Providing high-quality educational opportunities to all students is a goal that is increasingly difficult to achieve in the context of the absence of face-to-face interactions. Also, applying a curriculum focused on the needs of the learner is becoming hard to achieve. Through this research, we aim to investigate issues related to how online learning takes place and to establish ways in which we can increase the efficiency of current teaching and learning processes. The study revealed that in the opinion of most of the students, the current epidemiological context has influenced in a negative way the quality of teaching and the student-teacher educational relationship. Keywords: Interactive learning, eLearning, independence in learning, higher education, efficient strategies "

Jonathan D. Owens ◽  
Usman Talat

This is an empirical investigation considering how the Knowledge Transfer Openness Matrix (KTOM) could facilitate accessibility and Knowledge Transfer (KT) for the UK Higher Education (HE) Management Education Teaching when utilising learning technologies. Its focus is where learning technologies applications currently assist the KT process and support accessibility for the HE teacher and learner. It considers the philosophy of openness, focusing on its usefulness to support accessibility within UK HE Management Education Teaching. It discusses how the openness philosophy may assist the KT process for the HE teacher and learners using learning technologies. In particular, the potential to support accessibility within HE Management Education Teaching environments is appraised. There appear several implications for both teachers and learners. These are characterized in the proposed KTOM. The matrix organises KT events based on the principles of the openness philosophy. The role of learning technologies in events is illustrated with regard to teaching and learning accessibility.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (4-1) ◽  
pp. 113-128
Andrey Ivanov ◽  
Irina Fotieva ◽  

The article considers two interrelated problems of modern Russian higher education: the strengthening of administrative coercion and control as well as the introduction of distance education. As a theoretical and methodological basis of the study, the authors rely on the socio-philosophical analysis of the problems of education in the famous S.I. Hessen’s work, where three basic principles of the effective functioning of the university are highlighted: the completeness of scientific knowledge, the freedom of teaching and learning, and self-government. The authors substantiate the view that at present all these principles are violated. Violation of the first of them is manifested in a decrease in hours devoted to the teaching of fundamental disciplines and in a general orientation toward the graduation of a “narrow” specialist; the second principle is incompatible with the extremely increased reporting of universities and overly formalized indicators of the quality of their work. Violation of the third principle is manifested in the gradual elimination of university autonomy, in particular, free election of rectors. The most negative manifestation of administrative pressure, according to the authors, today is the forced introduction of distance learning. The authors critically analyze the main arguments put forward in favor of this project: saving university budgets, ensuring a higher quality of teaching, the need to follow the general logic of modernization of education as a whole. The solution to financial problems, according to the authors, should not be based on forced economy, but on the competent organization of the country’s economic life. An appeal to a higher quality of teaching, which, it is argued, must be provided by teachers from the country’s central universities, is based on biased and unproven ideas. In addition, for mastering critical and systematic thinking skills, conducting scientific discussions, direct communication between teachers and students is necessary, which is not feasible in the conditions of online teaching with a very large number of students. In addition, the authors highlight the idea that nobody takes into account the need for close knowledge of a particular audience by a teacher to choose an adequate style of lecturing or conducting practical classes. The article concludes that the current administrative-bureaucratic style of managing higher education, in which not only the basic principles of the successful functioning of the latter are violated, but also destructive reforms are carried out, is destructive not only for education as such, but also for the state itself.

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