scholarly journals Sustainable Development of Sugar Beet Subcomplex

The study aims at developing theories and practical recommendations for ensuring the sustainable development of the Russian sugar beet subcomplex. The following methods were used during the study: statistical and economic, monographic, economic and mathematical, as well as calculation and constructional. The article determines that the impact of factors of the external and internal environment causes the unsustainability of the sugar beet production. The main sustainability criterion should be to ensure the beet sugar production at the level of 80 % of the national consumption. Therefore, it is possible to consider the volume of production, the supply of sugar factories with raw materials, the level of beet sugar consumption by the population, the level of food security, and the level of provision of material and technical resources for the sugar beet production as the main indicators characterizing its mission. According to the studies, the main producers of sugar beet are the agricultural organizations that produce 85 – 90 % of the gross production. Peasant farms (farms) produce up to 15 % of the gross production. Individual entrepreneurs and the population’s households produce sugar beet insignificantly. The analysis has revealed that the main objective and subjective reasons that hinder the development of the modern Russian sugar beet production include yield fluctuations, fluctuations of sown areas and gross production of sugar beet by beet-growing regions and by years, the lack of proportionality of development between the production capacities of sugar factories and their raw material zones. It is possible to stabilize the production and economic activity in the context of the changing market environment and the increased competitiveness of all participants of the sugar beet production due to developing integration processes and creating a structure that can occupy its niche in the sugar beet market.

Urban Science ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 54
Yuejuan Yang ◽  
Hao Zhang ◽  
Xinquan Zhao ◽  
Zhizhang Chen ◽  
Aiguo Wang ◽  

Ecosystem services are the material basis of economic and social development, and play essential roles in the sustainable development of ecosystems. Urbanization can remarkably alter the provision of ecosystem services. Most studies in this area have focused on densely populated metropolises with poor ecological environments, while comparatively few studies have focused on cities with low ecological pressures. Therefore, to avoid continuing to engage in the repetitive pattern of destroying first and rehabilitating later, quantitative analyses of urbanization and ecosystem services should be carried out in representative cities. In this study, based on partial least squares-discriminant analysis, kernel density estimation, and correlation analysis, we quantitatively evaluated the impact of urbanization on ecosystem services in Weifang city. The Data Center for Resources and Environmental Sciences at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research provided remote sensing data on land use, the gross domestic production (GDP), population data, and ecosystem services. The results were as follows: (1) The variation in population, GDP, and built-up areas consistently increased throughout the study period, whereas the ecosystem service values (ESVs) decreased; (2) food production, raw material production, nutrient cycle maintenance, and soil conservation were decisive ecosystem services that led to vast reductions in ESVs during the process of urbanization; and (3) the negative correlation coefficient between built-up areas and ecosystem services was greater than that between the population or GDP and ecosystem services, which indicated that the impacts of population and economic urbanization on ecosystem services lagged behind the impact of land urbanization. This study provides references for fully recognizing the ecological effects of urbanization, and make suggestions regarding the application of ecosystem services in sustainable development.

Б.Т. Базарова ◽  
Б.Қ. Копбулсынова ◽  
Ж.А. Аймешева ◽  
B. Bazarova ◽  
B. Kopbulsynova ◽  

Батыс Қазақстан облысындағы кәсіпорындардың эволюциясы экономикалық дамудың жалпы циклдік сипатына байланысты да, әр түрлі сыртқы және ішкі факторлардың осы салаға әсер етуінен, сондай-ақ даму процесінде сөзсіз ауытқулар салдарынан ауытқуларға ұшырайды. Батыс Қазақстан облысының аймақтық агроөнеркәсіптік кешенін тұрақты дамытудың басымдықтары талдау арқылы анықталуы керек. Зерттеудің мақсаты - Батыс Қазақстан облысының агроөнеркәсіптік кешенінің тиімді және тұрақты дамуын зерттеу болып табылады. Бұл тақырыпты зерттеу кезінде статистикалық-экономикалық әдіс, талдау және синтез қолданылды. Ауылшаруашылық кешенінің жеке аймақ ретінде тұрақты дамуы да, жалпы елдің де дамуы ауылшаруашылық кешенінің тұрақты қалыптасуынсыз мүмкін емес, себебі оның түпкі өнімі қайта өңдеу өнеркәсібі болып табылады, ал оның мақсаты - талаптарына сай халықты сапалы өніммен қамтамасыз ету. Талдау көрсеткендей, ауылшаруашылық өндірісінің қазіргі жағдайы, қолайсыз факторлардың әсерінің күшеюімен сипатталады, ең алдымен табиғи факторлардың өндірісінде, жалпы өсімдік шаруашылығы өнімінің жылдық айырмашылықтарын тудырады, және өз кезегінде мал шаруашылығындағы ауытқуларға әкеледі, сонымен қатар оның әсері өңдеуші салаларда сезіледі, ал бұл өнеркәсіптің шикізаты болып табылады. Зертеу барысында 2015 жылдан бастап Батыс Қазақстан облысының аумағында ауыл шаруашылығы өнімдері өндірісінің күрт төмендегені анықталды, бұл жалпы, сондай-ақ өсімдік шаруашылығы мен мал шаруашылығы салалары бойынша да өндіріс тұрақтылығының төмендеуіне әкелді, және ол бүгінгі күнге дейін жалғасуда. Агроөнеркәсіптік кешеннің шикізат саласындағы өндіріс тұрақтылығының төмендеуі қайта өңдеу өнеркәсібі өнімдерін өндіруде ауытқулардың артуына әкеліп соқтырды, бұның нәтижесінде халыққа азық-түлік өнімдерін ұсынуда тұрақсыздық пайда болды. Батыс Қазақстан облысының АӨК-ін оның салаларының өнімділігі мен кірістілігін арттыруға бағытталған одан әрі дамыту өндірісті жаңғыртуды және қайта жарақтандыруды, оның инфрақұрылымын дамытуды және салалық кластерлерді қалыптастыруды талап етеді. Кілт сөздер: агроөнеркәсіп кешені, тербеліс, аграрлық сектор, өндіріс, халық саны, агротехника, экономика, талдау, өнімдер, өсімдік шаруашылығы. The evolution of enterprise in the West Kazakhstan region is subject to fluctuations due to both the general cyclical nature of economic development and the impact of various external and internal factors on this industry, as also fluctuations unavoidable in the evolution process. The priorities for sustainable evolution of the regional agro-industrial complex of the West Kazakhstan region should be identified through analysis. The goal of the research is to study the effective and sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex of the West Kazakhstan region. Through studies this topic, the statistical-economic method, analysis and synthesis were used. Sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex of both a particular region and the country as a whole is impossible without the stable functioning of its core - agriculture, the final product of which is used by the processing industry, whose goal is to provide the population with high-quality products in volumes that meet their requirements. Current state of agricultural production, as the analysis shows, is characterized by an increase in the influence of unfavorable factors on production, first of all natural ones, which cause annual differences in the production of gross crop production, which, in turn, convey fluctuations to the livestock industry and, as a result, affects the processing industries. it is the raw material of the industry. In the course of the study, it was found that, since 2015, in the territory of the West Kazakhstan region, there has been a sharp decline in agricultural production, which led to a decrease in the stability of production in general, and in the fields of crop and livestock production, which continues to the present. A decrease in the sustainability of production in the raw materials sector of the agro-industrial complex entailed an increase in fluctuations in the production of products of the processing industry, which ultimately resulted in the emergence of an instability in the supply of food to the population. Further development of the agro-industrial complex of the West Kazakhstan region, aimed at increasing the productivity and profitability of its industries, requires the modernization and re-equipment of production, the development of its infrastructure and the formation of industry clusters.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 174-191
Anastasiya Sevastyanova ◽  
Victor Yatsenko

Numerous studies demonstrate that the goals of economic growth frequently take precedence over addressing social problems and problems of environmental degradation. The manifestations of this imbalance differ from country to country depending on the stage of development of the productive forces, and institutional framework that ensures the creation and adoption of new practices and approaches to exploitation of natural resources. This problem is entirely inherent into the economies of resource regions. The paper aims to examine the impact of the extraction of raw materials demanded by the national economy on the problems and prospects of the long-term sustainable development of northern Russian localities. Methodologically, the research rests on the theory of inclusive development and evolutionary economic geography. The comparative analysis of the formation of local budgets and dynamics of the Okrug in Russia reveals that the degree of their financial sufficiency depends insignificantly on the scales and dynamics of raw material production. The legislation on assigning revenues to local budgets takes into account the specifics of the northern oiland gas-producing territories rather poorly. The financial capabilities of local communities do not allow handling existing ecological problems. The growth in hydrocarbon production in current institutional conditions does not guarantee sustainable long-term development for such territories. Addressing environmental issues requires instituting serious changes at federal and regional levels, including making the alterations to the articles of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. It is also crucially important to give financial incentives to introduce new technologies, provide research grants, lower labour taxes, and raise taxes on the use of natural resources.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (5) ◽  
pp. 891-908
T.A. Smirnova

Subject. This article deals with the issues of functioning of the region as a system. Objectives. The article aims to identify the problems of the region's functioning as a system, develop methodological tools to monitor the sustainable development of the Siberian Federal District territories, and determine the the impact of socio-economic and environmental factors on the sustainable development of the region as a whole. Methods. For the study, I used the methods of theoretical, statistical, and empirical analyses taking into account an integrated approach. Results. The article reveals the impact of some individual components of regional development on the sustainability of the territorial system as a whole. Relevance. The results of the study can be used to analyze the sustainability of regions' development.

L.Z. Khalishkhova ◽  
A. Kh. Temrokova ◽  
I.R. Guchapsheva ◽  
K.A. Bogаtyreva ◽  

Ensuring the sustainable development of agroecosystems requires research into the justification of the impact of environmental factors on the formation of territorial agroecosystems and identifies ways to take them into account in order to justify management decisions and ensure environmental safety. The main goal of the research within the article is to identify the most significant environmental factors in predicting the formation of agroecosystems. Provisions are devoted to the study of the laws governing the functioning of agroecosystems in order to increase their stability. The methods of comparative analysis, generalization, abstraction, logical analysis are applied. A number of provisions are formulated regarding ways to account for the influence of factors on the formation of key elements of agroecosystems.

2018 ◽  
Vol 35 (4) ◽  
pp. 133-136
R. N. Ibragimov

The article examines the impact of internal and external risks on the stability of the financial system of the Altai Territory. Classification of internal and external risks of decline, affecting the sustainable development of the financial system, is presented. A risk management strategy is proposed that will allow monitoring of risks, thereby these measures will help reduce the loss of financial stability and ensure the long-term development of the economy of the region.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (Supplement_5) ◽  

Abstract This workshop is dedicated on SDGs in the focus of environmental and health issues, as very important and actual topic. One of the characteristics of today's societies is the significant availability of modern technologies. Over 5 billion (about 67%) people have a cellphone today. More than 4.5 billion people worldwide use the Internet, close to 60% of the total population. At the same time, one third of the people in the world does not have access to safe drinking water and half of the population does not have access to safe sanitation. The WHO at UN warns of severe inequalities in access to water and hygiene. Air, essential to life, is a leading risk due to ubiquitous pollution and contributes to the global disease burden (7 million deaths per year). Air pollution is a consequence of traffic and industry, but also of demographic trends and other human activities. Food availability reflects global inequality, famine eradication being one of the SDGs. The WHO warns of the urgency. As technology progresses, social inequality grows, the gap widens, and the environment continues to suffer. Furthermore, the social environment in societies is “ruffled” and does not appear to be beneficial toward well-being. New inequalities are emerging in the availability of technology, climate change, education. The achievement reports on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also point out to the need of reviewing individual indicators. According to the Sustainable Development Agenda, one of the goals is to reduce inequalities, and environmental health is faced by several specific goals. The Global Burden of Disease is the most comprehensive effort to date to measure epidemiological levels and trends worldwide. It is the product of a global research collaborative and quantifies the impact of hundreds of diseases, injuries, and risk factors in countries around the world. This workshop will also discuss Urban Health as a Complex System in the light of SDGs. Climate Change, Public Health impacts and the role of the new digital technologies is also important topic which is contributing to SDG3, improving health, to SDG4, allowing to provide distance health education at relatively low cost and to SDG 13, by reducing the CO2 footprint. Community Engagement can both empower vulnerable populations (so reducing inequalities) and identify the prior environmental issues to be addressed. The aim was to search for public health programs using Community Engagement tools in healthy environment building towards achievement of SDGs. Key messages Health professionals are involved in the overall process of transformation necessary to achieve the SDGs. Health professionals should be proactive and contribute to the transformation leading to better health for the environment, and thus for the human population.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (14) ◽  
pp. 7738
Nicolás Gambetta ◽  
Fernando Azcárate-Llanes ◽  
Laura Sierra-García ◽  
María Antonia García-Benau

This study analyses the impact of Spanish financial institutions’ risk profile on their contribution to the 2030 Agenda. Financial institutions play a significant role in ensuring financial inclusion and sustainable economic growth and usually incorporate environmental and social considerations into their risk management systems. The results show that financial institutions with less capital risk, with lower management efficiency and with higher market risk usually make higher contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), according to their sustainability reports. The novel aspect of the present study is that it identifies the risk profile of financial institutions that incorporate sustainability into their business operations and measure the impact generated in the environment and in society. The study findings have important implications for shareholders, investors and analysts, according to the view that sustainability reporting is a vehicle that financial institutions use to express their commitment to the 2030 Agenda and to higher quality corporate reporting.

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