2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 541-547
Mohammad Rizal Muzaky ◽  
Yosep Agus Pranoto ◽  
Nurlaily Vendyansyah

Hobi merawat binatang bagi sebagian orang dari usia muda sampai orang dewasa memiliki minat tersendiri, salah satunya memelihara binatang berjenis landak mini atau mempunyai bahasa latin hedgehog yang termasuk kedalam keluarga erinaceinae. Mengontrol suhu dan kelembaban kandang landak mini sangat penting bagi para pemelihara hewan tersebut apalagi ketika pemilik sedang tidak dirumah, landak mini dapat dipelihara dalam kotak kayu atau aquarium akrilik sebagai tempat pemeliharaan sehingga tidak memakan tempat yang lebih besar. Dengan permasalahan latar belakang tersebut, penelitian mengembangkan sistem monitoring hewan jenis landak mini berbasis internet of things(IOT) agar pemilik dapat melakukan pemantauan kandang saat sedang tidak dirumah dan memberikan informasi secara langsung melalui internet, pada sistem ini terdapat beberapa sensor, modul dan aktuator ke dalam pembuatan sistem monitoring kandang hewan jenis landak mini berbasis Arduino seperti sensor DHT11, Motor Servo, sensor WaterLevel dan sensor Load Cell, Waterpump, Motor servo, lcd Display i2c,Hx711, L298N, Kipas dan Esp8266 yang digunakan untuk memonitoring kandang, sensor DHT11 digunakan untuk mendeteksi suhu dan kelembaban pada kandang,  sensor Water Level digunakan untuk mendeteksi air minum pada kandang. Dari hasil perhitungan, diketahui  pengujian alat menggunakan sensor dht11 memiliki nilai keakuratan sebesar ± 93.82 % dengan rata presentase error sebesar 6,28%, sensor load cell memiliki nilai rata presentase error sebesar 3,08% sedangkan tingkat error pada sensor waterlevel sebesar 0,18%, kipas dapat menyala dengan kecepatan yang telah dihasilkan menggunakan basis aturan fuzzy mamdani, ketika suhu dan kelembaban kandang mencapai kondisi keanggotaan dingin, dan normal maka kipas akan berputar sedang, jika suhu dan kelembaban kandang mencapai panas dan lembab maka kipas akan menyala dengan cepat.

2018 ◽  
Vol 197 ◽  
pp. 16003
Aris Haris Rismayana ◽  
Castaka Agus Sugianto ◽  
Ida Bagus Budiyanto

When the rainy season arrives, flooding is a common phenomenon. Almost every street, housing, village, river, even in the city center, wherever floods can occur. One effort to prevent the flooding is to create a floodgate on reservoirs or dams that are used to control the water distribution. The water level at this dam must be checked frequently to anticipate if the water level is at a dangerous level. The inspection of water levels will be very difficult if it must be conducted by humans who must be available in the field at any time. This research aims to create a prototype system that can replace the human role in monitoring the dam water level condition at any time by developing an integrated system between hardware and software using IoT (Internet of Things) technology approach and social media (twitter and telegram). The developed system consists of the height sensor (distance), microcontroller and wifi module, which is placed on the water gate. This system serves to measure the water level at any time and send data in real time to the server. The results of system testing performed shows that when the system is in normal circumstances, the system sends data to the server every minute, and updates the status of water level in twitter every 5 minutes. In case the water level has exceeded a predetermined limit, the system sends data to the server every 5 seconds and passes the warning message to all registered telegram contacts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2111 (1) ◽  
pp. 012024
Efrizon ◽  
M. Irmansyah ◽  
Era Madona ◽  
N Anggara ◽  

Abstract The purpose of this study is to create a prepaid PDAM clean water distribution system using a microcontroller based on the Internet of Things (IoT). The hardware used to realize the system consists of ultrasonic sensors, water flow sensors, relays, LCD buzzers and Arduino. ESP 8266 01 for delivery to the Thingspeak app. From the test results obtained HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor reading error occurs when the water level is low and too high, the maximum measurable water level is 95%. When calculating the comparison between the water discharge that is read by the sensor and that measured by the measuring cup, the results are always not the same. The error when testing the water flow sensor at the water level is less than 49% this is influenced by the speed of the water fired by the pump, where the pump will be under low pressure when the water level is below that value. The system can monitor data readings from the water flow sensor using the ESP8266 monitored on the thinkspeak web server using a smartphone. Overall the tool can function well.

2012 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 22
Rizal Fauzan Adi Rahardjo ◽  
Heru Winarno

Rizal Fauzan Adi Rahardjo, Heru Winarno, in paper water level detection based atmega 8 microcontroller with lcd display, led, buzzer and seven segment as early warning of post water (rob) increase based CP1E-E40DR-A programmable logic controller explain that as a result of the overflow of the tidal sea water in rural areas sriwulan sayung District of Demak , the tidal water easily entered into the residential area , which can be fatal if not in further tackle. Tidal flood has become commonplace in the area Sriwulan Sayung District of Demak . However , the longer the tidal flood is troubling and very disturbing society . So I took the initiative to create a miniature tidal flood prevention . Height of the water level of a river that flows directly into the sea will be detected by the sensor. The sensors will send data to the PLC and will be displayed by the seven segment . Further increase in the water level of the river will also affect the water level in the ditch homes residents . Height of the ditch water level is detected by the sensor which will send data to the PLC and then displayed by seven segment LCD and previously through the microcontroller atmega 8. The maximum height of the water level gutter will be marked with berbunyinya buzzer and LED life. Keywords : Sensor , Seven Segment , Microcontroller Atmega 8 , LCD , LED, buzzer.

Shivani A Lohabade ◽  
Tanzila J Pathan ◽  
Shawni S Hasija ◽  
Sachin S Patil

Nowadays activities such as shopping at big malls is really increasing in various cities. We can see huge crowd at the shopping malls on public holidays ,weekends and specially during the festivals which can cause rush at the billing counters. After purchasing the products the customers need to wait in long queues at the billing counter for payments. At billing counter the cashier needs to scan each product using barcode scanner for calculating the amount of product to generate a bill which is very time consuming. In this project, we are going to implement the RFID card scanner on the trolley itself and an automatic billing system in the shopping malls using the WI-FI to transfer the data into the database . The structure of the trolley consists of a door which will block the products to be entered without scanning for security purpose. The trolley has the inbuilt product code reader. The use of product code reader is to read the RFID cards/tags attached to all products to define the name ,weight ,quantity and price of the products. Depending on the signal from the reader, the controller display the name and price of the each product on the LCD display. The wireless billing system is uses the Wi-Fi for data transfering to the cashier . A load cell has been attached so that even if the RFID is not read, the weight of the product is also been measured. If the weight of the products appears to be more than displayed on the LCD screen product code reader then an error message in billing system so that bill can be generated only for the scanned products.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 11-19
Andi Abdullah

Sistem monitoring kebutuhan pokok merupakan sebuah sistem yang digunakan untuk melihat ketersediaan kebutuhan bahan pokok. Pentingnya sistem monitoring kebutuhan pokok adalah untuk mengetahui jumlah ketersediaan bahan pokok setiap saat, sehingga apabila ketersediaan kebutuhan pokok berkurang atau habis pengguna dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pokok tersebut. Penelitian ini akan merancang sistem monitoring kebutuhan pokok menggunakan Internet of Things (IoT). IoT adalah sebuah konsep/skenario dimana suatu objek yang memiliki kemampuan untuk mentransfer data melalui jaringan tanpa memerlukan interaksi manusia ke manusia atau manusia ke komputer. Sistem ini menggunakan sensor load cell untuk mengukur berat beras dan sensor limit switch untuk menghitung jumlah telur. Data yang dihasilkan sensor akan diproses oleh arduino dan dikirimkan ke website thingspeak. Proses pengiriman data dari arduino ke thingspeak melalui ethernet shield dan router yang terhubung ke internet menggunakan modem, kemudian dimonitoring menggunakan smartphone android. Hasil uji coba membuktikan bahwa sistem ini dapat mengirimkan informasi yang akurat dari manapun tanpa terhalang jarak, selama sistem terhubung dengan internet.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 22
Heki Apriyanto

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun sistem pintu air otomatis membuka ataupun menutup pintu berdasarkan ketinggian air pada bendungan yang sebelumnya masih bersifat konvensional atau masih menggunakan tenaga manusia. Pintu air yang bersifat konvensional dinilai kurang efektif, mengingat curah hujan yang cukup tinggi disertai sulitnya memperkirakan ketinggian air yang selalu berubah-ubah, selain faktor tersebut ketinggian air pada suatu bendungan dipengaruhi juga oleh banjir kiriman didaerah lain. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dengan menggunakan pengumpulan data dan pengembangan perangkat yang terdiri dari perencanaan, analisis, perancangan dan implementasi, dimana dalam analisis menggunakan analisis SWOT untuk menilai layak atau tidaknya rancangan ini diterapkan. Hasil yang diharapkan adalah terwujudnya pintu air otomatis untuk meringankan manusia dalam menjalankan tugas serta membuat sistem yang berjalan dengan lebih efisien. Rancang bangun pintu air otomatis ini menggunakan mikrokontroler arduino uno dan nano sebagai alat pemroses, serta dilengkapi dengan sensor ultrasonik, water level float switch sensor, LCD display, motor servo. Water level float switch sensor yang berfungsi untuk memutar motor servo untuk mengangkat atau menurunkan pintu air sesuai batas ketinggian air. Hasil yang diharapkan adalah terciptanya sistem pintu air otomatis pada suatu bendungan dan dapat mengurangi kelalaian manusia dalam bertugas mengingat sulitnya memperkirakan ketinggian air yang selalu berubah-ubah dalam waktu tertentu.

Thangavel Bhuvaneswari ◽  
J. Hossen ◽  
NurAsyiqinbt. Amir Hamzah ◽  
P. Velrajkumar ◽  
Oo Hong Jack

<p>Garbage waste monitoring, collection and management is one of the primary concerns of the present era due to its detrimental effects on environment. The traditional way of manually monitoring and collecting the garbage is a cumbersome process as it requires considerable human effort and time leading to higher cost. In this paper, an IoT based garbage monitoring system using Thingspeak, an open IoT platform is presented. The system consists of an Arduino microcontroller, an ultrasonic sensor, a load cell and a Wi-Fi module. The Arduino microcontroller receives data from the ultrasonic sensor and load cell. The depth of the garbage in the bin is measured using ultrasonic sensor and the weight of the bin with garbage is measured from the load cell. The LCD screen is used to display the data. The Wi-Fi module transmits the above data to the internet. An open IoT platform Thingspeak is used to monitor the garbage system. With this system, the administrator can monitor and schedule garbage collection more efficiently. A prototype has been developed and tested. It has been found to work satisfactorily. The details are presented in this paper.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (3) ◽  
Lean Karlo S. Tolentino ◽  
Patrick Carlos Bacaltos ◽  
Rica Mikaela V. Cruz ◽  
Neal Jhon S. Dela Cruz ◽  
Leah Ruth S. Medina ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-57
Mrs. P.Menaka ◽  
B. M. Shrinithi

As a Smart innovation with greatness suggestions gives the better outcome when contrast and Existing System. This work about the water level detecting inside the tank and interface it to Node MCU (which holds wi-fi module to send message) to send status of the tank to Blynk application through Arduino ide code. This gives a thought that the things get associated over organization roll out more brilliant improvement for later. In nowadays everything dependent on the advanced cell and its applications. Along these lines, this venture would be helpful in impending ages. The fundamental point of this framework is to screen the water level at rustic zones with the goal that they can identify the wastage of water and measures can be taken to dodge superfluous flooding of water in the zones where observing is tricky.

Internet of Things (IoT) is an advanced technology for monitoring and controlling device anywhere in the world. It can connect devices with living things. Agriculture is one of the major sectors which contribute a lot to the financial of India and to get quality product, proper irrigation has to be performed, to reduce man power using modern technology of internet of things IoT in today’s life. Soil moisture is an integral part of plant life, which directly affects crop growth and yield, as well as irrigation scheduling. This system will be a substitute to traditional farming method. We will develop such a system that will help a farmer to know his field status in his home or he may be residing in any part of the world. It proposes an automatic irrigation system for the agricultural lands. Currently the automation is one of the important roles in the human life. It is not only provides comfort but also efficiency and time saving. So here it is also designs a smart irrigation technology by using raspberry pi and connecting to the weather API. Raspberry-pi is the main heart of the whole system. An automated irrigation system was developed to optimize water use for agricultural crops. Automation allows us to control appliances automatically. The objectives of this to control the water motor automatically, To monitor the soil, water level using weather API.A robotized irrigation system framework might have been created should streamline water utilize to agriculture crops. Mechanization permits us with control appliances naturally. Those targets for this on control those water motor naturally monitor the soil, water level utilizing weather API In previously we are using the soil moisture control by using some set of sensors by this water is pumping continuously even though it is by this over flow of the water is taken place to overcome this problem we are using the cloud monitoring system based on the weather conditions.

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