scholarly journals Locus of Control : Teori Temuan Penelitian dan Reorientasinya dalam Manajemen Penanganan Kesulitan Belajar Peserta Didik

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 144-164
Syatriadin Syatriadin

The purpose of this research is to study the locus of control from the theoretical side, findings of research on locus of control in the context of education and learning and reorient it in management handling student learning difficulties. Using a qualitative, non-interactive approach with literary study methods. Methods of data analysis using meta-analysis with combination of content analysis and trend analysis techniques. The results showed that locus of control is one of the individual personality variables regarding belief in self-control over events experienced in self-determined life (internal locus of control) or controlled by the external locus of control. This theory was first proposed by Rotter which also offer the measurement and grouping instruments through Internal-External Scale. From a research perspective, the locus of control has an influence on the learning achievement of learners. Learners with internal locus of control have a better performance than the external group. Considering the importance of the focus of control in the development of education and learning, reorientation can be done by developing it in the management of learning difficulties. The process includes: identification of cases and problems, diagnosis, prognosis, remedial / referral, and evaluation and follow-up by integrating locus of control system.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 100
Sugeng Sugeng

The purpose of this study was to find out an overview of: 1) locus of control in general 2) Differences in locus of control between adolescent boys and girls in adolescents MTs Al-Hikmah Proto Kedungwuni Pekalongan; and 3) Analysis of adolescent locus of control in a gender perspective. The results showed that locus of control is one of the individual personality variables regarding the belief in self-control of events experienced in a self-determined life (internal locus of control) or controlled by an external environment (external locus of control). Field data on adolescent MTs al-Hikmah Proto Kedungwuni Pekalongan shows that both men and women obtained results that their Internal Locus of Control is higher than external Locus of Control. Based on the results that have been obtained, that there is no significant difference in scores between locus of control between male and female students at MTs Al-Hikmah Proto Pekalongan. Therefore parallels between men and women should be considered in all matters of duties and responsibilities, both in education and daily life and society.

1982 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-42 ◽  
Nancy J. Cohen ◽  
Lynda Thompson

Fifteen hyperactive children and their mothers were interviewed regarding their knowledge, perception, and attitudes toward treatment with methylphenidate 6 months after commencing a stimulant regime with the child. Measures of locus of control and self-esteem were also administered to the child. The results indicated that mothers and children agreed on the effects of medication and knowledge about the cause of hyperactivity. Both mothers and children had mixed feelings about medication. Most of the children felt that continuing with this treatment was important and seemed to be more concerned than their mothers over negative consequences if medication was stopped. Although it has been suggested that impaired self-esteem may be a consequence of children seeing improved behaviour as a result of medication rather than self-control, the results indicated an increase in both self-esteem and internal, locus of control during the 6-month period of the study.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Dr. Javnika Sheth

Internal control refers to the perception of an event as contingent upon one’s own behavior, capacities or one’s relatively permanent characteristics. External control, on the other hand, indicates that a positive or negative reinforcement following some action of the individual is perceived as not being entirely contingent upon his or her own action but the result of chance, fate, or luck or it may be perceived as under the control of powerful others and unpredictable because of the complexity of forces surrounding the individual (Anastasi, 1988). If we believe that we are the cause of most events, we have a highly internal locus of control. If we believe that most events in our life are caused by luck, fate or powerful others, we have a highly external locus of control. (Morgan

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-18
Emil Salim ◽  
Nefi Darmayanti ◽  
Mulia Siregar ◽  
Astri Delia Razi

Discipline is a condition of employee self-control and orderly behavior that indicates the true level of teamwork within an organization. One important but often difficult aspect of internal employee relations is the application of disciplinary action. This study aims to look at the relationship between the locus of internal control and the discipline of work. The subjects in this study were personnel of the Mobile Brigadier Unit in the North Sumatra Regional Police with a total of 80 personnel. The data analysis method used in this study was Pearson's correlation and obtained a very significant positive relationship between the locus of internal control and the work discipline, where r = 0.4714 and p < 0.01. This means that the higher the locus of internal control, the higher the work discipline. On the contrary the less locus of internal control, the lower the discipline of its work. The internal locus of control contributes to the work discipline of 0.510. This means 51% of internal locus control affects personnel work discipline. From this percentage, it can be stated that there is still 49% influence of other factors on the work discipline of Mobile Brigadier personnel, among them are leadership style factors, and work environment.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Capt(ex) Deepika Chamoli ◽  
Dr Rita Kumar ◽  
Prof. (Dr.) Abha Singh

The present study analyses the effect of meditation on locus of control of two groups(regular practitioners of meditation and non meditators) at two different altitudes (2535ft and 13500ft above sea level). The two groups comprised of Buddhist monks/Regular practitioners of meditation) and some locals in Yol Cantt (2535ft) and Lamayuru (13500ft). In the study it has been hypothesized that group one (Buddhist monks/Regular practitioners of meditation) at both the altitudes are inclined towards internal locus of control (internalism) whereas the second group is more inclined towards external locus of control (externalism). Total 100 individuals, 25 monks and 25 laymen from both areas were assessed by administering Rotter’s locus of control scale. Self-reported responses of the subjects were recorded, scored and subjected to ‘t’test analysis. It was established that group practicing regular meditation (monks) is more inclined towards internal locus of control. The study has suggested that the individual practicing meditation at both the altitudes have more inclination towards internal locus of control and non regular practitioner have also shown inclination towards internal locus of control at higher altitude. Subjects who are following some religious practices, creative art etc. also have more of internalism. Internalism is also more prevalent in high altitude.

2021 ◽  
Vol 273 ◽  
pp. 11021
Valentina Kolmakova ◽  
Denis Shalkov

The article examines the features of the expression of psycho-emotional conflict within a person within the framework of external and internal loci of control through the creation of graphic art objects. The authors argue that communicative strategies for resolving problems in stressful situations and seeking social support are associated with the question of the individual's ability to independently solve emerging problem situations and find internal resources to overcome them by releasing psychoemotional stress, based on the structure of the cognitive sphere of a person, the characteristics of his perception and thinking. Typical external semantics of graffiti consists in an attempt to convince others of the hopelessness of being. The internal locus of control is associated with the conceptual sphere of social activity and is embodied in a wide variety of imperative forms, including a call, order, request, advice, and so on. In other words, the psycho-hermeneutics of graffiti is conditioned, on the one hand, by communicative and pragmatic strategies of social empathy (internal locus of control), and, on the other hand, by the conflict of the individual with society and the desire for spiritual and moral escapism, escape from reality to self-isolation and loneliness (external locus of control). The study proposes a classification of graphic art objects, which is based on the form of public expression of the individual's inner world, which is associated with the implementation of the compensatory-pragmatic function of graffiti as a universal code of modern urban communication.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 155-165
I.A. Zharinov ◽  
A.S. Kalashnikova

The article is devoted to studying of psychological features of persons influencing the choice of tactics of interrogation of witnesses. In this study 70 students took part with incomplete higher education between the ages of 18 to 21 years. The experimental group consisted of 35 people with type external locus of control, a control group – 35 people with type internal locus of control. Was conducted a multifaceted study of the individual and identified groups of people with hysteroid, schizoid and psychasthenic personal orientation, which were selected ten theory-based, efficient tactic, allowing to improve the effectiveness of testimony. According to the results the efficiency of testimony depends on the type of locus of control, when the person has a internal locus control efficiency response without the use of tactics is significantly higher than in subjects with external type of locus of control. Were given ecommendations to improve the effectiveness of testimony to persons with internal and external locus of control in the process of interrogation depending on the personal profile.

Karl Mann ◽  
Klaus Ackermann

Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden erste Ergebnisse eines Pilotforschungsprojektes vorgestellt, dessen empirischer Fokus auf das in der bundesrepublikanischen Drogenforschungslandschaft weitgehend ausgesparte Feld eines sozial integrierten Umgangs mit illegalen Drogen in gesellschaftlich etablierten Sozialkontexten gerichtet ist. Besonderes Interesse gilt dem Vermittlungsgeschehen zwischen formeller und informeller sozialer Kontrolle: Wie geht der Einzelne mit konfligierenden Botschaften einer auf ein generelles Drogenverbot abgestellten Rechtssphäre und dem darauf abgestellten institutionellen Kontext strafrechtlicher und sozialmedizinischer Kontrolle einerseits und etwaigen gebrauchsmotivierenden Botschaften der Peer-Group, des Freundes- und Bekanntenkreises andererseits um? </P><P> Innerhalb der Pilotphase wurden 34 sozial integrierte Konsumenten diverser illegaler Drogen interviewt. Die Stichprobenbildung folgte der Methode des Snowball Samplings. Die bisherigen Beobachtungen lassen sich zu zwei für den weiteren Forschungsverlauf relevanten Arbeitshypothesen verdichten: <UL><LI>Der Drogenkonsum untersteht offenbar in der Selbstwahrnehmung im Sinne einer Selbstattribution einem ›internal locus of control‹. <LI>Auch wenn es trotz des bestehenden Drogenverbots zum Konsum illegaler Drogen kommt, scheint mit dem Verbotsstatus bestimmter Substanzen häufig ein informeller Kontrolleinfluss assoziiert, welcher Konsum regulierend unterhalb der Schwelle des generalpräventiven Anspruchs des BtMGs wirksam wird.</UL>

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