scholarly journals Interest and Self Motivation as Correlates of Capacity Building and Career Commitment

2014 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 29-46
Mercy Ariomerebi Iroaganachi ◽  
Ifeakachuku Enwefa

The study investigated Interest and Self Motivation as Correlates of Capacity Building and Career Commitment of Female Librarians in Nigeria. This was with a view to providing valuable data for stakeholders to guide in organizing career development progammes. The survey method of research was adopted for the study and the instrument for collecting data were the questionnaire, interview and focus group discussion. Findings of the study revealed that majority of female librarians in Nigeria never were interested in the profession before going in for it, but are now that they are in the field and are committed to their career to a great extent. However, their capacity building opportunities and efforts are very low. Therefore, the study recommends that the Nigerian Library Association (NLA) and other Organizers of Conferences and workshops for Librarians should make the dues affordable; arrange more training outlets and make workshops more of practical training sessions. Also, stakeholders of institutions with libraries should endeavor to make fund available for the provision of ICT infrastructure and platform, acquisition of current professional literatures on librarianship etc.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 106-124

Buruh migran memiliki sumbangan yang besar dalam pembangunan ekonomi dan peningkatan kesejahteraan melalui remitan yang dikirim ke daerah asal. Remitan yang dikirimkan ke daerah asal akan mampu mengangkat status ekonomi keluarga migran ke tingkat yang lebih baik apabila dikelola dengan baik. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tatakelola/ pengelolaan remitansi buruh migrani di kabupaten Lombok Timur. Metode atau pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan  kualitatif dengan menerapkan beberapa metode pengambilan data yaitu  Observasi/Pengamatan, Indepth Interview dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Sementara analisis data dilakukan secara dekriftif kualitatif berdasarkan data atau informasi lapangan. Beberapa point yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini adalah ; masih diperlukannya mekanisme pengiriman remitansi yang aman dan murah, remitansi masih lebih digunakan untuk kebutuhan konsumsi, diperlukannya capacity building untuk membantu BMI memulai usaha, masih kentalnya budaya patriarki dalam pemanfaatan remitansi yang datang dari buruh migran perempuan.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Mutamimah Mutamimah ◽  
Suryani Alifah ◽  
Gunawan Gunawan ◽  
Made Dwi Adnjani

Purpose This paper aims to propose a framework for information and communication technology (ICT)-based collaborative zakat management to improve zakat management in Indonesia, especially in collection, distribution and empowerment. Design/methodology/approach This paper used a constructive method that used the 3 C (communication, coordination and cooperation) model to develop a framework. This included initial assessment of the current usage of ICT in zakat management and the expectation of collaborative zakat management through in-depth interviews and questionnaires. A focus group discussion was conducted to validate the model. Findings ICT is currently used for the administration of zakat management, providing zakat online services and reporting zakat to the public; ICT is not used for collaboration. The proposed collaboration using the 3 C model consists of communication, coordination and cooperation. The focus group discussion validates the proposed ICT-based collaboration framework as an effective strategy for increasing zakat management. Practical implications The results highlight strengthening institutional capacity and decreasing overlaps in zakat collection, distribution and empowerment. Zakat institutions need to restructure and reconstruct business processes based on ICT collaboration, and government must provide regulations and ICT infrastructure. Social implications The results increase equity and capacity in zakat distribution and empowerment, therefore it can improve poverty alleviation. Originality/value The potential and usage of ICT for collaboration among zakat management organisations have not been thoroughly explored. This paper proposes a conceptual framework for collaboration among zakat institutions using ICT to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of zakat management.

Jeffrey Yasin A. Noor

The population of the peoplein the province of Tawi-Tawi is densely inhabited by the BangsaSama. The BangsaSama scholars agreed that all people have varied traditional socio-political practices. Thus, Tawi-Tawi consists of different cultures in contrast with the more complex migrant groups. The triangulation technique method of qualitative research is utilized in this study. The descriptive-narrative survey method with key informant’s personal interview and the organized focus group discussion were used as data gathering tools to look into the influences of the migrants to the traditional socio-political practices of the BangsaSama in Tawi-Tawi. The different between the BangsaSama and the migrants lie in the degree of their complexity and rapidity of influences taking place within the group. Along this, the BangsaSama no matter how simple in their ways of living has a culture of their own. Undeniably, this study looked into the changes of the traditional socio-political practices of the BangsaSama as influenced by the migrants within the Tawi-Tawian context.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 113 ◽  
Achmad Azizi ◽  
Hikmah Hikmah ◽  
Sapto Adi Pranowo

Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis peran gender dalam pengambilan keputusan pada rumah tangga nelayan dan telah dilakukan pada tahun 2007. Riset ini menggunakan metoda survei dengan studi kasus di kota Semarang Utara. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara Focus Group Discussion (FGD) dan wawancara terstruktur dengan menggunakan kuesioner tertutup terhadap 30 orang responden. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis statistik deskriptif. Hasil riset menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada pengaruh gender atau pengambilan keputusan dilakukan secara bersama-sama antara suami istri pada kegiatan domestik, kegiatan produktif berupa investasi serta sosial kemasyarakatan. Pengaruh gender, yaitu didominasi oleh laki-laki (suami), hanya ditemukan pada pengambilan keputusan terkait dengan pengelolaan usaha perikanan masih didominasi oleh laki-laki (suami).Tittle: The Role of Gender in Household Decision-making at Fisherman in the City of North Semarang, Central Java Province a Case Study in the City of North SemarangThe study aims to analyze the role of gender in decision-making at the household fishermen have been done in 2007. This research used a survey method with a case study in the northern city of Semarang.The method of data collection is done by Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and structured interviews using questionnaires covered the 30 respondents. Data analysis method used is descriptive statistical analysis. The results showed that there was no effect of gender or decision made jointly between husband and wife in domestic activities, such as investment in productive activities and social. The influence of gender, which is dominated by men (husbands), was found only in decision making related to the management of fishing effort is still dominated by men (husbands).

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-39
Zamdial Zamdial ◽  
Deddy Bakhtiar ◽  
Ari Anggoro ◽  
Dede Hartono ◽  
Ali Muqsit

Pulau Enggano merupakan salah satu pulau kecil terluar di Indonesia yang terletak di perairan Pantai Barat Sumatera, Samudera Hindia. Pulau Enggano adalah sebuah kecamatan dalam wilayah Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara, Provinsi Bengkulu. Untuk kepentingan ekologis dan ekonomi, semua potensi sumberdaya hayati kelautan yang ada  di Pulau Enggano, harus dikelola secara optimal dan berkelanjutan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menyusun Dokumen Rencana Pengelolaan dan Zonasi Kawasan Konservasi Perairan Daerah (KKPD) Pulau Enggano, Provinsi Bengkulu. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survei.  Data primer  yaitu kondisi bio-fisik dan persepsi masyarakat, dikumpulkan dengan metode obesrvasi, wawancara dan FGD (Focus Group Discussion). Data dikumpulkan dengan metode studi kepustakaan. Semua data di analisis dengan metode deskriptif-kualitatif. Luas wilayah daratan Pulau Enggano, ±  400,6 km² atau ± 40.600 hektar. Ekosistem utama adalah hutan mangrove ± 1414,78 ha (141,478 km2), dan terumbu karang ± 5.097 ha (± 50,97 km2). Potensi sumberdaya hayati lainnya adalah padang lamun, berbagai jenis  rumput laut,  ikan karang, ikan pelagis dan ikan demersal yang ekonomis penting. Kebijakan pengelolaan KKPD Pulau Enggano diarahkan untuk pemanfaatan kegiatan pariwisata dan perikanan berkelanjutan.  Lokasi KKPD Pulau Enggano di tetapkan di Kawasan Desa Banjarsari dan Desa Kahyapu. Visi Pengelolaan Kawasan Konservasi Perairan Daerah (KKPD) Pulau Enggano Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara adalah “Mewujudkan pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan Kawasan Konservasi Perairan Enggano secara optimal, terpadu, dan berkelanjutan, sehingga bermanfaat bagi kesejahteraan dan kemakmuran masyarakat”. Pengelolaan KKPD Pulau Enggano untuk Rencana Jangka Panjang (RJP) adalah selama 20 tahun yang meliputi 4 tahapan Rencana Pengelolaan jangka Menegah (RPJM).MANAGEMENT PLAN AND ZONING OF THE CONSERVATION AREA OF THE ENGGANO ISLAND, BENGKULU PROVINCE. Enggano Island is one of the outer small islands in Indonesia which is located in the waters of the West Coast of Sumatra, Indian Ocean. Enggano Island is a district in the region of North Bengkulu Regency, Bengkulu Province. For ecological and economic interests, all potential of marine living resources that exist on the island of Enggano, must be managed by optimally and sustainably. The purpose of this study was to compile the Document of Management Plan And Zoning of The Enggano Island Regional Marine Conservation Area (RMCA), Bengkulu Province. The study was conducted by survey method. Primary data, namely bio-physical conditions and community perceptions, were collected by observation, interviews and FGD (Focus Group Discussion) methods. Secondary data were collected by the literature study method. All data were analyzed by descriptive-qualitative methods. The total land area of Enggano Island, ± 400.6 km² or ± 40,600 hectares. The main ecosystem is mangrove forest ± 1414.78 ha (141.487 km2), and coral reef ± 5,097 ha (± 50.97 km2). Other potential biological resources are seagrass beds, various types of seaweed, reef fish community, pelagic and demersal fish which are economically important. The management policy of the Enggano Island RMCA is directed for the utilization of sustainable tourism and fisheries activities. The location of the Enggano Island RMCA was determined in the Banjarsari and Kahyapu Villages. The Vision of the Management of the Enggano Island KKPD of North Bengkulu Regency is "Realizing the management and utilization of the Enggano Marine Protected Area in an integrated, optimal and sustainable manner, so that it is beneficial for the welfare and prosperity of the community". The Management of the Enggano Island RMCA for the Long-Term Plan (LTP) is for 20 years which includes 4 stages of the Medium-Term Management Plan (MTMP).

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Masitoh Indriani

Abstrak  KOPTRAS adalah sebuah organisasi non-profit yang didirikan untuk  mewadahi para pembina dan pelatih ekstrakurikuler di Surabaya. KOPTRAS lahir dilandasi rasa senasib  yang dimiliki pembina dan pelatih ekstrakurikuler. Masing-masing sekolah memilki kebijakannya dalam memberikan hak dan kewajiban terhadap para pelatih/pembina ekstrakurikuler. Dalam praktiknya, hak-hak sebagai pekerja para pembina/pelatih ekstrakurikuler ini seringkali dilanggar. Hasil identifikasi dan inventarisasi masalah menunjukkan bahwa, terdapat dua permasalahan krusial yang dihadapi oleh KOPTRAS, yakni ketidakjelasan status pembina dan pelatih akibat proses rekruitmen  dan juga masalah pembayaran honorarium, karena tidak ada standar pembayaran ekstrakurikuler. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah melalui focus group discussion, capacity building dan pendampingan hukum melalui pendampingan proses pendaftaran KOPTRAS sebagai organisasi yang berbadan hukum. Dalam pelaksanaannya, rekomendasi bentuk badan hukum yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan KOPTRAS adalah perkumpulan. Pendaftaran KOPTRAS sebagai organisasi yang berbadan hukum dapat memperkuat posisi dan status hukum KOPTRAS dalam melakukan proses advokasi hak-hak pembina/pelatih ekstrakurikuler sebagai pekerja. Sehingga nantinya dapat meraih penghidupan yang layak, tidak mendapatkan diskriminasi dan mendapatkan perlindungan hukum yang memadai.

Endris Seid Kassaw

The purpose of this study was to identify the prevalence of major problems in street life of people at ‘risk’, the case of Harari Region, Ethiopia. Participants’ sex, age and level of education were taken to be variables of the study. The researcher used descriptive survey method to study the problem. Study participants were selected using snowball and purposive sampling methods, and data were also collected by using questionnaire, interview, focus group discussion, observation and document review. Data collected through questionnaire were analyzed quantitatively using descriptive statistics; and data collected through interview, focus group discussion, observation and document review were analyzed qualitatively using narration. The study revealed that the prevalence of major problems in the study area were identified as migration (20.6%), begging (15.3%), drug abuse 11.8%), commercial sex work (11%) sexual abuse/harassment (10.4%), human trafficking (10.2%), conflict and aggression (9.2%) and traditional harmful practices (8.8%). Although there were differences in some specific problems, generally, more females than males, as well as more children than youths were faced with problems in street life of people at ‘risk’. Furthermore, more participants having elementary educational background than high school were also faced with problems. Study population, their families, community at large and other concerned bodies are recommended to get trainings and support in areas of conflict management, family education, community based empowerment, vocational education, advancing employment and job opportunity, rehabilitation, community health care initiatives, business education, entrepreneurship and recreational entertainment, psycho social support, and income generation initiatives.

Una Libkovska ◽  
Inese Lusena - Ezera

This article analyses the European Commission, OECD and Eurostat data, and the Latvian labour market data on youth unemployment rates during 2008–2014. It also examines the results of the empirical study on the Latvian youth’s development of creativity in the formation of intents about profession and its conformity with demands of the present labour market. For determination of the professional interest, methods of analysis and synthesis, time series analysis and mathematical statistics were applied. For the interpretation of models and facts, survey method, expert interview method, focus group discussion analysis, SWOT and PEST methods were applied. A questionnaire was used to examine the professional intents of youth from Latvian secondary schools, and a focus group discussion with parents and teachers of students was organised to determine concepts about the issues of vocational choice in the context of supply and demand in the labour market.   Keywords: Vocational choice, career, employment, labour market.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 179
Suryaman Suryaman ◽  
Hamdan Hamdan

 This study reports performance of lecturers of Serang Raya University (UNSERA) measured using scorecard balanced approach.  This study used survey method describing findings in numerical data and narrative data each of which was incurred in four perspective measures: finance, students’ satisfaction, business, and growth and instruction. Data were collected using questionnaire, documents, and Focus Group Discussion.  The study revealed that description of research and social charity in 2011-2014, (1) finance perspectives showed that lecturer incurred small attainment as lecturers received small amount of donor provided by other institutions;   (2) a significant increase was achieved in perspectives of growth and instruction in that lecturers were motivated to conduct researches and improved teaching-learning performances; (3) in all, lecturer performance of UNSERA was good, indicated by the increase of journal articles published in national and international journals.   

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-151
Rommy M. Abdullah ◽  
Imran Taeran ◽  
Nebuchadnezzar Akbar

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan tingkat keberlanjutan setiap domain atau aspek dalam EAFM dan menentukan tingkat keberlanjutan kegiatan perikanan tuna di Kabupaten Pulau Morotai. Metode pengambilan data dilakukan dengan metode survei dengan cara wawancara/kuesioner dan FGD (Focus Group Discussion). Penentuan jumlah sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Dengan analisis pendekatan EAFM, nilai komposit rata-rata seluruh domain berkisar antara 60-80 yang mencerminkan status dan kinerja sumber daya perikanan tuna yellowfin di Kabupaten Pulau Morotai yang baik dalam tingkat keberlanjutannya dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip EAFM. Namun, masih ada sejumlah indikator di setiap domain yang memiliki skor rendah sehingga diperlukan upaya untuk meningkatkan manajemen.EVALUATION OF TUNA FISHERIES MANAGEMENT BASED ON ECOSYSTEM APPROACH IN MOROTAI ISLAND DISTRICTS. This study aims to determine the level of sustainability of each domain or aspect in the EAFM and determine the level of sustainability of tuna fishery activities in the Morotai Island Districts. Methods of data taking was carried out with survey method by means of interview/questionnaires and FGD (Focus Group Discussion). Determination of samples quantity used purposive sampling. By the EAFM approach analysis, the average composite value of the entire domain was range of 60-80 which reflects the status and performance of yellowfin tuna fisheries resources in Morotai Island Districts was good in its level of sustainability by applying EAFM principles. However, there were still a number of indicators in each domain that had a low score so efforts are needed to improve management.

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