A showcase on reading and writing: Visual resources for analyzing, teaching and learning how to write academic texts

Sandra Hofhues ◽  
Anna Heudorfer

In this chapter it is assumed that students have only limited interest in reading and writing academic texts. After a brief introduction to the problem, the impact of academic reading and writing skills is shown. Furthermore, the authors want to emphasize how these literacies can support students’ development, pedagogically speaking, by using action-based projects. The University of Augsburg provides examples for publishing projects in which students can participate. The examples demonstrate the positive effects of students’ participation in such projects on the development of media literacies, especially in the areas of text comprehension and writing. Finally, prospects for student-publishing projects at universities are identified as well as the challenges associated with cross-media development, social software and Web 2.0 (Mayrberger, 2012).

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (21) ◽  
pp. 31-45
Orisell Medina Lagrange

Resumen Este artículo se deriva del proyecto de investigación-acción realizado durante el Diplomado de Lectura y Escritura a través del Currículo en el Nivel Superior, del Programa de Alfabetización Académica del Centro de Excelencia para la Investigación y Difusión de la Lectura y Escritura de la PUCMM. El objeto de estudio de esta investigación fue el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la escritura en la asignatura Propuesta de Proyecto de Grado de Arquitectura. Los datos fueron recopilados en el período septiembre-diciembre de 2013, con el propósito de determinar las estrategias que facilitan la mejora de la escritura académica en los estudiantes de último año de Arquitectura. Las conclusiones principales fueron que al conocer el proceso de producción escrita y los elementos del discurso, los estudiantes se sintieron capaces de abordar la escritura de textos académicos, que es posible replicar esta experiencia y que se ha sistematizado la asignatura de Propuesta de Proyecto basada en fundamentos científicos. AbstractThis article is derived from the action research project conducted during the course “Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum in Higher Education” offered by the Literacy Program directed by the Academic Center of Excellence for Research and Dissemination of Reading and Writing in PUCMM. The purpose of this research was to study the teaching and learning of writing on the subject Proposal Project Degree in Architecture. Data were collected during the September December 2013 term, which aimed to identify strategies that facilitate the improvement of academic writing in seniors Architecture students. The main conclusions were that knowing the process of writing and the elements of discourse, the students were able to approach the writing of academic texts, that it is possible to replicate this experience and that the subject Project Proposal has been systematize based on scientific foundations.

Indra Yoga Prawiro

Many students have difficulties in writing the text. Some of the problems in writing such as the difficulties in expressing their idea into the words, time consuming activities and the limited number of vocabularies. This study focused on the effectiveness of GIST (Generating Interaction between Schemata and Text) strategy in improving students’ writing skill at the second grade of SMK Negeri 1 Sindang. The GIST is strategy for taking notes while the students are reading and writing good summaries. This strategy works on many levels, this allows students to put concept into their own words. This activity helps teachers and students to identify key concept. By using quasi-experimental method non-equivalent design, the instruments of this research were pre-test and post-test. The participants of the research were class XI TOI 1 and XI TOI 2 of first semester in SMK Negeri 1 Sindang. Each class consisted of 33 students. The statistical analysis showed the value of Tobs was 2.23 while the value of Ttable was 1.669 which means Tobs was higher than Ttable 2.23>1.669 (Tobs>Ttable). It means that the GIST strategy is effective in teaching and learning writing especially in report text.Key words: GIST strategy; writing skill; report text

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-53 ◽  
Syayid Sandi Sukandi ◽  
Dian Noviani Syafar

This research presents the responses from Indonesian EFL students to teaching-learning basic reading and writing skills in the context of Indonesian higher education. The 120 respondents, who completed questionnaires, were students enrolled in Writing 1 and Reading 2 courses in the English Education Study Program of the Teachers Academy in West Sumatra [STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat]. There were four findings from the survey, namely: 1) EFL students preferred studying reading (37%) more than writing (27%), 2) EFL students read about the same amount of literary texts (25%) as they did popular texts (23%) and academic texts (22%), 3) grammar and spelling are the most difficult aspects for EFL students to learn with 33% having difficulty with basic reading skills, and 53% with basic writing skills, and finally 4) EFL students prefer to open a dictionary when they encounter difficult words in reading a text (62%) and do the same when they have difficulties in expressing their thoughts in writing English (38%). These findings show that EFL students have a variety of responses in terms of learning basic reading and writing in EFL English. In addition, the findings show that the tendency of EFL students to prefer reading to writing is relatively high.

Radha Iyer ◽  
Carmen Luke

The shift from traditional definitions of literacy focused upon print, primarily reading and writing, to multiple literacies has highlighted the significance of attending to different modes of text design and multiple forms of knowledge processes. Today’s students engage with complex semiotic systems; therefore, while teaching and learning attends principally to print media, multimodality and multiliteracies have become central to effective pedagogical practice. Some teachers have moved away from a singular focus on print texts to incorporating multiple design modes that are linguistic, spatial, visual, gestural and aural – to enable valuable, comprehensive learning for today’s multiliterate, multiskilled students. In this chapter, the authors discuss the Design modes proposed by the New London Group (1996; 2000), and the Learning by Design pedagogy advocated by Kalantzis and Cope (2005) to highlight effective learning based on multimodal, multiliteracies. The chapter provides a vignette of a multimodal activity in a primary class and argues for the extension of such learning through the incorporation of multiliteracies. They conclude the chapter by providing a framework for a possible multiliteracies project incorporating multiliteracies pedagogies and learning from the classroom vignette.

2011 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 132 ◽  
Jia-Ying Lee

In recent years, learning English has become a national movement. This article examines the national K-12 English curriculum in Taiwan, with specific criticism offered against some the prevailing practices that occur in Taiwanese classrooms. Influenced by the philosophy of essentialism and by an institutional regard for college and high school entrance requirements, many Taiwanese teachers spend their time teaching to the tests. But the tests only assess a partial range of skills and knowledge that successful language learners need. Teaching is not neutral. So if we examine the implicit curriculum, we could begin to appreciate some of the latent messages sent by schools in Taiwan, including important ones about reading and writing skills and the attitudes toward learning. Even the register of speech varieties and the sociolinguistics aspects of language play some role in the implicit curriculum. At last, the implications of ACTFL standards for language teaching and learning are discussed to further guide the English curriculum in Taiwan.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (7) ◽  
pp. 01-12
Khalijah Mohd Nor ◽  
Masliza Mohd Razali ◽  
Nashrah Talib ◽  
Nurbarirah Ahmad ◽  
Siti Rosnita Sakarji ◽  

This study examined students’ problems in learning English as a second language in higher learning institutions. This paper reports on the results of an interview of 30 randomly selected MDAB students of Diploma in Office Management and Technology at UiTM Melaka. The aim of this paper is to identify the factors that contribute to the decreasing of students’ achievement in the English language. The discussion revealed the different reasons that students face in speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. In learning a second language, it is of utmost importance that learners receive maximum support in terms of a supportive and conducive learning environment as well as an adequate and meaningful language experience. This research hopes to enlighten students in learning the English language so that they may strive to improve their English skills, thus making language teaching and learning more effective and meaningful for both lecturers and students.

LingTera ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 89
Petrus Hariyanto ◽  
Suwardi Endraswara

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media Macromedia Flash untuk pembelajaran membaca dan menulis Bahasa Indonesia di SMA. Kegiatan ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan. Subjek uji cobanya siswa kelas X Semester 2 SMA Gama Yogyakarta. Penelitian dilakukan bulan Maret-Juni 2013. Pelaksanaannya melalui 10 tahap, dari analisis kebutuhan hingga uji lapangan. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner. Data kuantitatif dianalisis dengan statistika deskriptif. Data berupa saran digunakan untuk merevisi produk yang dihasilkan. Hasil penelitian ini berupa media Macromedia Flash yang berkualitas untuk pembelajaran membaca dan menulis Bahasa Indonesia SMA. Produk tersebut mencakup teks, gambar, warna, dan suara; bersifat interaktif. Isinya berupa materi pembelajaran membaca dan menulis Bahasa Indonesia SMA Kelas X Semester 2, khususnya berkenaan dengan kompetensi merangkum tabel dan menulis paragraf argumentatif berdasarkan tabel. Ketiga pakar media mengategorikan baik. Ketiga pakar pembelajaran mengategorikan sangat baik. Kedua guru mengategorikan baik. Siswa dalam uji coba kelompok besar (lapangan) mengategorikan baik. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa media ini layak dipergunakan dalam pembelajaran di SMA.Kata Kunci: media Macromedia Flash, pembelajaran membaca dan menulis, Bahasa Indonesia Developing macromedia flash media for learning reading and writing indonesian in senior high scool AbstractThe purpose of this study is to develop Macromedia Flash media as media for learning to read and write Indonesian in senior high school. This is a research and development study. The subjects of the research were grade 10 students in the second semester of SMA Gama Yogyakarta. The research was conducted from March to June 2013. The implementation covered 10 stages, of analysis needs to field testing. Data were collected through questionnaires. Quantitative data was analyzed by applying descriptive statistics. Suggestions data are used to revise the product. The research is as a Macro-media Flash-quality which has a goal for learning to read and write Indonesian in senior high school. The developed product includes media components of text, images, colors, and sounds (music); they are interactive in nature. The content of the product are the materials of learning to read and write Indonesian subject for class X semester II Gama Senior High School Yogyakarta, especially in relation to summarizing tables and writing argumentative paragraph based on table. Three media experts categorize the product as good. Three teaching and learning experts categorize it as very good. Two teachers categorize it good. Students on the testing of a large group (field) to categorize good. It can be concluded that the media is feasible to use in the learning in senior high school.Keywords: Macromedia Flash media, learning reading and writing, Indonesian

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-119
Putri Gayatri Ramadhanty ◽  
Indah Wahyuni

The implementation of Al-Qur'an reading and writing activities at SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Sambi Boyolali is carried out from Tuesday to Thursday, which is carried out after teaching and learning activities. This activity must be carried out by all students and students based on their abilities. For reading and writing Al-Quran Iqro 'takes place in each student's class, while for reading and writing Al-Quran and Tahfidz takes place in the mosque around the school. Application of Read and Write Al-Quran is the right way to form an Islamic character in oneself. Among the series of activities to read and write Al-Qur'an, the teacher always provides motivation, guidance and responsibility to students. The person in charge of reading and writing Al-Qur'an activities is the walikelas who holds each grade level. The series of activities to read and write Al-Qur'an are mandatory for students at SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Sambi because it is a work program of the school principal himself to shape the behavior and character of students who draw closer to Allah SWT. Islamic student character can be formed in a student by practicing good life habits and always worshiping Allah SWT.

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