Johnson and Borges

Greg Clingham

Greg Clingham’s “Johnson and Borges—Some Reflections” considers whether (and how) Johnson’s cultural value changes when he is placed in relation to Jorge Luis Borges, the great modern fantasist, conversationalist, essayist, poet, and director of the National Library of Argentina. It explores Borges’ life-long love of and imaginative engagement with Johnson found not only in his literary and cultural criticism, but also in fifty-five years of recorded conversations with his Argentine colleague and friend Adolfo Bioy Cesares and others, such as Willis Barnstone, and in the fact that Borges and Bioy translated the Lives of the Poets into Spanish (a work, lamentably, that was never published). Clingham argues that Borges saw in Johnson not the embodiment of enlightenment hegemony, and thus a figure to be spurned or patronized, but (along with Shakespeare) the quintessential writer of the English language, and a radiant image of the blind modern writer’s own magical poetic and expansive self.

Светлана Александровна Калинина

Введение. Раскрывается понятие топонима как маркера географического пространства и роль топонимики в системе наук. Определяется роль топонима, входящего в структуру фразеологической единицы (ФЕ), и культурологическая ценность самого устойчивого оборота с компонентом-топонимом. Обосновывается актуальность исследования, его цель и новизна. Материал и методы. Материалом послужили топонимические фразеологизмы современного английского языка (213 единиц), исследованные посредством методов статистического и лингвокультурологического анализа. Результаты и обсуждение. В топонимических фразеологизмах вербализации подвергаются различные сегменты объективной реальности, репрезентирующие материальный и духовный мир человека. Топонимические фразеологизмы раскрывают отношение человека к окружающей его действительности, отношение к окружающим его людям и к самому себе. Они также анализируют внешние и внутренние стороны человеческой личности, акцентируя внимание на внешнем виде человека, особенностях его голоса, походки, умственного склада ума, на морально-нравственных качествах и характере человека, создавая при этом определенный позитивный или негативный образ. Заключение. Топоним является маркером национальной культуры, поскольку отражает природно-географические особенности страны, историко-культурную специфику этноса, ее населяющего; связан с менталитетом и особенностями характера нации, ее психологией и социально-бытовыми факторами. В английских ФЕ с компонентом-топонимом также находит отражение национально-культурное своеобразие жизни народа. Топонимические фразеологизмы современного английского языка распределяются по двум большим группам: ФЕ, отражающие материальный мир человека, и ФЕ, отражающие духовный мир человека. Фразеологизмы, характеризующие материальный мир человека, можно распределить по десяти подгруппам, большинство из которых соотносятся с бытом человека. Топонимические фразеологизмы, характеризующие духовный мир человека, включают шесть подгрупп, представляющие отношение человека к действительности и людям. Introduction. The concept of a toponym as a marker of the geographical space and the role of toponymy in the scientific system are revealed. The role of the toponym included as a component of the phraseological unit and the cultural value of these idioms are determined. The relevance of the research, its purpose and novelty are substantiated. Material and methods. The research material is the phraseological units of the modern English language with a toponym as a component (213 units). The methods of the study are the statistical method and the method of the linguacultural analysis. Results and discussion. Toponymic phraseological units reflect and verbalize the various segments of the objective reality including the material and spiritual world of a personality. Toponymic phraseological units reveal a person’s attitude to the reality surrounding him/her, a person’s attitude to the people near him/her and the attitude to self. They also analyze the external and internal aspects of the personality, focusing the view on the appearance of a man or woman, on his/her voice, on gait, on mental state of mind, on the moral qualities and the character of a personality. The image of a personality creating by phraseological units can be positive or negative one. Conclusion. Any toponym (especially if it belongs to the “native” culture) has a national identity. It reflects (except the historical, territorial and geographical peculiarities of the nation), the national mentality, character, and specific features of the people’s life. The English phraseological units with a toponym as a component reflect the national identity as well. These idioms are divided into two large groups: 1) those which show the material comforts of the everyday life and 2) those which tell us about the inward habits of the people. Toponymic phraseological units of the second group include six subgroups. Subgroups including the idioms reflecting the people’s attitude to the social reality and to the other people prevail.


Upon leaving his post as director of the Mariano Moreno National Library in Buenos Aires, Jorge Luis Borges appointed a clerk to package and identify the ownership of the works in his personal collection, with a number of them remaining in the institution and classified as an official donation made by the writer. This text examines the works belonging to the personal collection and listed in the Borges, libros y lecturas [Borges, books, and readings] catalogue. The complete process for identifying all of the books took place almost 40 years later, by means of the research behind the publication of Borges, libros y lecturas in 2010. The following text focuses on the care Borges took in framing his work and with his author’s legacy, even including countless jokes and enigmas meticulously woven into his biographical fiction. We depart from the idea that it would not be absurd to suppose that the collection donated by the author to the library does not so much constitute an act that was purely casual, contingent, and spontaneous, but rather a conscious move strangely planned by the author and in which he was invested. The inclusion of Latin American authors in Modernism and Romanticism and their appropriations of culturalist epistemological innovations by means of their Catholicism are examined by means of the aesthetic-expressive method, in which we outline paths to clinical observation with the observer’s participation.

2007 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-34 ◽  
Bruce Whiteman

I would like to begin by disputing emphatically Gerald Beasley’s contention that librarians never become rich and famous. Sir Anthony Panizzi (1797–1879), Principal Librarian of the British Museum, was both, and so was Jorge Luis Borges (1899–1986), Director of the National Library in Buenos Aires. Well, perhaps Panizzi was not exactly a celebrity, and perhaps the source of Borges’s fame and riches was not his role as the National Librarian of Argentina. But what about the Abbé Rive, librarian to the Duc de la Vallière? He was infamous, if not famous, for being one of the most irascible . . .

Allanazarova Mamura Akhmedovna

That it is done in the framework of new anthropocentric linguistic trends-Cognitive linguistics and Linguoculturology; by the absence of researches of this concepts in the English language; by the importance of concepts Water and Fire in representing linguistic and national world pictures. Aim and tasks of research are the determination of linguocognitive, national-cultural value of concepts Water and Fire and specific features of its verbalization in lexical, word-formational, phraseological units, particularly in paremiologic, aphoristic texts in the English language. The degree of novelty of the research is determined by the fact that is the first investigation devoted to the cognitive and linguocultural study of concepts Water and Fire in the English language. The material of the research can be used in delivering lectures and practical lessons on General Linguistics, Cognitive Linguistics, Stylistics, Text linguistics, Text Analysis, Linguocultural Studies, in writing research works, text books and manuals. The results are complex method of cognitivecultural analysis has been worked out, the cognitive and linguocultural value of concepts Water and Fire has been determined, the cognitive interpretation of metaphorical nominations that represent concepts Water and Fire has been done and national-cultural specificity of concepts Water and Fire has been defined. The conceptophere Water and Fire plays a great role in linguistic world pictures of the English linguoculture and represented by lexical, word formation, phraseological units as well as texts. The research can be continued in the framework of the following topics: comparative study of this concept in different languages; taxonomical analysis of concepts and conceptospheres in different languages; investigation of gender factors reflected in different concepts.

1973 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 295-309 ◽  
R. Kohn ◽  
S. Radius

This bibliography lists references to selected publications facilitating cross-national comparisons of health services systems. Originally assembled for a graduate-level seminar, the bibliography grew to its present scope through a series of literature searches, including the Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System (MEDLARS) search of the National Library of Medicine. Currently, this bibliography presents only English language sources. It consists of an annotated bibliography of selected books, including both national and cross-national studies. Because of limitations imposed by size, selectivity was necessarily exercised in choosing subject areas as well as individual entries within the bibliography. The bibliography will be kept up to date, and in the future it will be expanded to incorporate new publications, non-English sources, and suggestions from readers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 232-249
Sebastián Bernal Rodríguez ◽  
Astrid Ramírez Valencia

In the English language learning, the technology is considered as a very important factor, even so, in the public-school context, teacher’s expertise, and knowledge to integrate are vitally important in the classroom. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the inclusion’s incidence of Duolingo platform in a third-grader's class led by a trainee teacher, who was concerned about why children presented several difficulties to assimilate a foreign language, this event motivated him to propose on his lesson plans permanently the inclusion of this platform during the development of his teaching practicum, which was convened with the home teacher, so he decided to investigate the effect of Duolingo’s use with his researcher sight, during its sessions. For the analysis of this study was considered theories from Čok (2016), Loeb, (2018), Ahmed(2016), Vesselinov & Grego (2012), among others, which were perceived Duolingo’s digital support as a facilitator element for the English language learning, it was also vital the teacher’s sight and expertise at the moment of including technology in the class space. For this research, three instruments were applied: Trainee teacher’s field notes, a survey, and a questionnaire, to measure children’s language knowledge knowing different perspectives of this experience, thus, to have arguments to invite the teachers to assume these challenges. Finally, the results let us to know the increase of the English grammar knowledge and vocabulary, after Duolingo’s implementation in the classroom, demonstrating a meaningful academic improvement also behavior changes were noticed and with that, value changes, tending to the education of an integral being, in the scholars.

Babel ◽  
1996 ◽  
Vol 42 (4) ◽  
pp. 211-221
Ke Wen-Li

Abstract This paper attempts to approach the relationship between culture and idiomaticity in translation. Beginning with a brief discussion on cultural as well as linguistic untranslatability, the paper divides into three parts and probes three cases in which different degrees of idiomaticity are achieved. In Part 1, the author cites an example from The Story of the Stone, an English version of the Chinese classical novel of manners Hong Lou Meng, translated by the British sinologist David Hawkes, to show that it is the most desirable when both idiomaticity and cultural transfer in translation are achieved. In Part II, the author employs Grice's conversational co-operative principle to prove that the seemingly faithful examples of translation do not conform to English language usage and therefore are not idiomatic translations. The author believes that it is possible and necessary to make some alterations in shifting the expression in order to achieve idiomaticity so long as there is no loss or distortion in meaning and cultural value. In Part III, the author points out that when what is to be translated is strongly culturally loaded, the translator would most likely risk shipwreck on one of the two rocks: either at the cost of the original cultural connotations and associations in order to translate idiomatically; or at the cost of idiomaticity in order to convey the cultural content and flavour. The author believes that in order to avoid confusion and misunderstanding, an attitude of cultural awareness in translation is preferable, even if at the expense of idiomaticity. Cultural transfer and idiomaticity in translation may perhaps be deemed to be unitary and contradictory. It is this contradiction that makes translation bristle with problems and difficulties. The translator will have to make a compromise in carefully weighing gain and loss. The paper also attempts to explain why the greatest difficulty lies in the difference of two cultures. Résumé Dans cet article, l'auteur tente d'étudier les rapports entre les aspects culturels et idiomatiques de la traduction. Dans l'introduction, il aborde brièvement le débat sur l'aspect d'intraduisibilité tant culturelle que linguistique. Ensuite, dans les trois parties de l'article, il examine trois cas présentant des niveaux idiomatiques différents. Dans la première partie, l'auteur cite un exemple emprunté à The Story of the Stone — une version anglaise du roman chinois classique Hong Lou Meng traduit par le sinologue britannique David Hawkes — pour démontrer que la traduction est optimale lorsqu'elle parvient à accomplir le transfert et des idiomes et de la culture. Dans la deuxième partie, l'auteur utilise le principe de la coopération conversationnelle de Grice pour démontrer que des traductions faisant preuve d'une apparente fidélité ne sont pas conformes au bon usage de la langue anglaise et qu'elles ne sont pas, dès lors, des traductions idiomatiques. L'auteur estime qu'il est possible, voire même nécessaire, d'opérer un certain décalage au niveau du mode d'expression en vue d'obtenir un langage idiomatique qui n'entraîne pas pour autant une perte ou une déformation de la signification et de la valeur culturelle. Dans la troisième partie, l'auteur fait remarquer que lorsque le message à traduire s'inscrit dans un contexte très culturel, le traducteur est confronté à une dilemme: soit être fidèle à l'aspect idiomatique de la langue d'arrivée mais au détriment des connotations et associations culturelles d'origine, soit rendre le contenu culturel et la saveur qui en est indissociable , mais au détriment de l'aspect idiomatique. L'auteur estime que pour éviter la confusion et les malentendus, le traducteur a intérêt à opter pour une attitude faisant preuve de sensibilité culturelle, même au détriment de l'aspect idiomatique. En matière de traduction, le transfert culturel et l'aspect idiomatique sont probablement voués à s'unir ou être contradictoires, et c'est précisément cette contradiction, avec ses problèmes et ses difficultés, qui fragilise la traduction. Le traducteur sera contraint de faire un compromis et d'équilibrer autant que possible les pertes et les profits. Dans cet article, l'auteur tente aussi d'expliquer que c'est la différence entre deux cultures qui constitue la plus grande difficulté de la traduction.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 39-42
Marisa Scigliano

Nineteenth Century Literary Society is drawn from archive of the House of John Murray publishing company, held by the National Library of Scotland. The family-run firm, with Scottish roots, spanned seven generations and flourished in London from 1768 until 2002. John Murray is especially remarkable for publishing seminal English-language works of the 19th century, including those by Charles Darwin, David Livingstone, Charles Lyell, and Samuel Smiles, the father of self-help. The largest collection of Lord Byron’s private writings and manuscripts, assembled by the publisher, form a large part of the resource. Women writers feature prominently in the John Murray’s collection, including Jane Austen, Isabella Bird, Elizabeth Eastlake, and Caroline Lamb.

2014 ◽  
Vol 04 (02) ◽  
pp. 152-157
Anupama Prasad D. ◽  
B. Rajendra Prasad ◽  
Veena Shetty ◽  
C.S. Shastry ◽  
Krishna Prasad D.

Abstract:This article is an attempt to review all the articles available in English language on tissue conditioner in theliterature through 1996-2012. A detailed search in the National Library of Medicine's PubMed database, Google search and Science Direct to include all studies and reviews published in English language. This paper tries to give an overview of the composition, properties and uses of tissue conditioning materials..

1993 ◽  
Vol 27 (5) ◽  
pp. 634-639 ◽  
John P. Rovers ◽  
John E. Janosik ◽  
Paul F. Souney

OBJECTIVE: To compare Dialog EMBASE with the National Library of Medicine's (NLM's) MEDLARS MEDLINE, TOXLINE, and TOXLIT to evaluate differences among the databases and vendors in a method consistent with routine drug information practice. DESIGN: Crossover comparison. METHODS: NLM MEDLARS databases MEDLINE, TOXLINE, and TOXLIT were searched directly. EMBASE was searched via Dialog Information Services. MEDLINE was searched back to 1980; TOXLINE and TOXLIT were searched back to 1981, reflecting the different database structures. EMBASE was searched back to 1980. To control bias, searches were randomized; identical strategies were used during the same session and were performed by the same trained searcher. RESULTS: Twenty-six drug information requests were compared. The MEDLARS and Dialog databases were generally similar, with no significant differences in the number of potentially relevant references, English references, clinically relevant references, available abstracts, unique citations, time online, and number of questions answered. EMBASE searches were more costly (p=0.0005). TOXLIT was costlier than TOXLINE and MEDLINE (p=0.0018). CONCLUSIONS: NLM MEDLARS databases were comparable to Dialog EMBASE. Although MEDLARS provided more total and English-language citations, the differences were small and did not influence the proportion of questions answered. The greatest difference between the vendors was the significantly lower cost of searching on MEDLARS. Although this difference may be partially offset by the significantly shorter search times on EMBASE, the mean 1.9 minutes saved would not recoup the mean $7.89 difference in cost. MEDLARS databases are less expensive for routine drug information requests.

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