Social Responses to Conversational TV VUI

2017 ◽  
pp. 1709-1726
Eun Kyung Park ◽  
Kwan Min Lee ◽  
Dong Hee Shin

The study investigated whether apologetic synthetic gendered voices affect users' perception of an error-prone VUI. In a TV viewing task, participants interacted with the conversational TV, and executed eight menus in a 2 (apologetic error message: yes vs. no) by 2 (voice gender) by 2 (subject gender) gender balanced, between participants experiment. When participants encountered errors, the TV provided verbal error messages, with or without an apology. The results revealed significant two-way interaction effects of apology (yes) and voice gender (male) on perception of the TV, and the voice. Irrespective of gender, participants responded to a male voice more, when it offered apologies for errors. It is interpreted that the context in which genuineness of apology was regarded as important made participants perceive a male voice as being more trustworthy than a female voice. The participants seem to have applied gender stereotypical perceptions to gendered VUI, as they do to other humans.

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-32 ◽  
Eun Kyung Park ◽  
Kwan Min Lee ◽  
Dong Hee Shin

The study investigated whether apologetic synthetic gendered voices affect users' perception of an error-prone VUI. In a TV viewing task, participants interacted with the conversational TV, and executed eight menus in a 2 (apologetic error message: yes vs. no) by 2 (voice gender) by 2 (subject gender) gender balanced, between participants experiment. When participants encountered errors, the TV provided verbal error messages, with or without an apology. The results revealed significant two-way interaction effects of apology (yes) and voice gender (male) on perception of the TV, and the voice. Irrespective of gender, participants responded to a male voice more, when it offered apologies for errors. It is interpreted that the context in which genuineness of apology was regarded as important made participants perceive a male voice as being more trustworthy than a female voice. The participants seem to have applied gender stereotypical perceptions to gendered VUI, as they do to other humans.

2021 ◽  
Vol 57 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-55
Gordana Varošanec-Škarić ◽  
Siniša Stevanović ◽  
Iva Bašić

In this study, we examined changes in the voice quality of a transgender client who had previously undergone male-to-female (MtF) transition. We conducted a longitudinal phonetic analysis after obtaining recordings from our client before and after undergoing laser-assisted voice adjustment (LAVA) surgery. The following acoustic parameters were compared: fundamental frequency (F0) measures, local jitter, shimmer, harmonic to noise ratio, phonation time, and long-term average spectrum. We assumed that the voice would not change significantly as a result of previous hormonal and vocal therapy, and that its timbre would be closer to female values after LAVA surgery. Since the client was on hormone therapy before the surgery, the average values of F0 corresponded to the values of a normal female voice (190.1 Hz), and, after surgery, the voice became significantly higher in phonation (235.6 Hz). Before surgery, the voice was high for a male voice during reading (mean F0 = 150.19 Hz for non-fricative text (NT) and mean F0 = 158.06 Hz for fricative text (FT)). After surgery, the voice exhibited higher F0 values (F0 = 184.72 Hz for NT and F0 = 191.87 Hz for FT). Before surgery, the voice was average high for a male voice during spontaneous speech (F0 = 119.90 Hz), while after surgery the F0 was 161.33 Hz during spontaneous speech, which is somewhat lower than the average pitch values of the female voice, but its timbral quality is more feminine. Since spontaneous speech is very important for comparison vocal timbre, we can conclude that the 42 Hz difference observed is notable. Although the minimal and maximal values of F0 based on phonation were significantly higher after surgery (p < 0.001), the range was limited. The total results of the F0 measures are higher than expected, while the shortened phonation time points to the need for voice therapy. Considering all our results, we can conclude that it is important to discuss a client’s profession before considering LAVA surgery.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Ahmad Subki ◽  
Bambang Sugiantoro ◽  
Yudi Prayudi

<strong>Abstrak</strong><br />Audio forensik merupakan salah satu ilmu yang mnyandingkan antara ilmu pengetahuan dan metode ilmiah dalam proses analisis rekaman suara untuk membantu dan mendukung pengungkapan suatu tindak kejahatan yang diperlukan dalam proses persidangan. Undang-undang ITE No.19 Tahun 2016 menyebutkan bahwa rekaman suara merupakan salah satu alat bukti digital yang sah dan dapat digunakan sebagai penguat dakwaan. Rekaman suara yang merupakan barang bukti digital sangatlah mudah dan rentan dimanipulasi, baik secara sengaja maupun tidak disengaja. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisis terkait tingkat kemiripan antara rekaman suara voice changer dengan rekaman suara asli menggunakan analisis pitch, formant dan spectogram, rekaman suara yang dianalisis ada dua jenis rekaman suara yaitu suara laki-laki dan suara perempuan. Rekaman suara voice changer  dan rekaman suara asli, diekstrak menggunakan tools praat kemudian informasi yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan analisis statistik pitch, formant dan spectrogrammenggunakan tools gnumeric. Penelitian ini menghasilkan bahwa analisis rekaman suara voice changer dengan rekaman suara asli dapat menggunakan analisis statistik pitch, formant dan spectrogram, rekaman suara voice changer A memiliki tingkat kemiripan yang paling tinggi dengan rekaman suara asli pada posisi low pitch, sedangkan voice changer yang lain lebih sulit untuk diidentifikasi.<br />Kata Kunci: Audio Forensik, Voice Changer, Rekaman Suara, Pitch, Formant, Spectogram<br /><br /><strong>Abstract</strong><br />Audio forensics is one of the sciences that mnyandingkan between science and scientific methods in the process of sound recording analysis to assist and support the disclosure of a crime required in the trial process. The ITE Act No.19 of 2016 states that voice recording is one of the most valid digital instruments and can be used as an indictment. Voice recordings that are digital evidence are extremely easy and prone to be manipulated, either intentionally or unintentionally. In this research, there is an analysis related to the similarity level between the voice changer voice recording with the original sound recordings using pitch, formant and spectogram analysis. The sound recording that is analyzed are two types of sound recording, namely male voice and female voice. Voice recording of voice changer and original sound recording, extracted using praat tools then the information obtained is analyzed by pitch, formant and spectrogram analysis using gnumeric tools. This study resulted in the analysis of voice changer voice recording with original sound recording using pitch, formant and spectrogram statistical analysis, voice changer A voice recording has the highest level of resemblance with original sound recording in low pitch position, while other voice changer more difficult to be identified<br />Keywords: Audio forensics, Voice Changer, Sound Recording, Pitch, Formant, Spectogram

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 607-614
Jean Abitbol

The purpose of this article is to update the management of the treatment of the female voice at perimenopause and menopause. Voice and hormones—these are 2 words that clash, meet, and harmonize. If we are to solve this inquiry, we shall inevitably have to understand the hormones, their impact, and the scars of time. The endocrine effects on laryngeal structures are numerous: The actions of estrogens and progesterone produce modification of glandular secretions. Low dose of androgens are secreted principally by the adrenal cortex, but they are also secreted by the ovaries. Their effect may increase the low pitch and decease the high pitch of the voice at menopause due to important diminution of estrogens and the privation of progesterone. The menopausal voice syndrome presents clinical signs, which we will describe. I consider menopausal patients to fit into 2 broad types: the “Modigliani” types, rather thin and slender with little adipose tissue, and the “Rubens” types, with a rounded figure with more fat cells. Androgen derivatives are transformed to estrogens in fat cells. Hormonal replacement therapy should be carefully considered in the context of premenopausal symptom severity as alternative medicine. Hippocrates: “Your diet is your first medicine.”

2020 ◽  
Vol 52 (4) ◽  
pp. 726-732
Claire Beaugrand

In a tweet posted on 29 March 2018, a bidūn activist—who was later jailed from July 2019 to January 2020 for peacefully protesting against the inhumane conditions under which the bidūn are living—shared a video. The brief video zooms in closely on an ID card, recognizable as one of those issued to the bidūn, or long-term residents of Kuwait who are in contention with the state regarding their legal status. More precisely, the mobile phone camera focuses on the back of the ID card, on one line with a special mention added by the Central System (al-jihāz al-markazī), the administration in charge of bidūn affairs. Other magnetic strip cards hide the personal data written above and below it. A male voice can be heard saying that he will read this additional remark, but before even doing so he bursts into laughter. The faceless voice goes on to read out the label in an unrestrained laugh: “ladayh qarīb … ladayh qarīna … dālla ʿalā al-jinsiyya al-ʿIrāqiyya” (he has a relative … who has presumptive evidence … suggesting an Iraqi nationality). The video shakes as the result of a contagious laugh that grows in intensity. In the Kuwaiti dialect, the voice continues commenting: “Uqsim bil-Allāh, gaʿadt sāʿa ufakkir shinū maʿanāt hal-ḥatchī” (I swear by God, it took me an hour to figure out the meaning of this nonsense), before reading the sentence again, stopping and guffawing, and asking if he should “repeat it a third time,” expressing amazement at its absurdity. The tweet, addressed to the head of the Central System (mentioned in the hashtag #faḍīḥat Sāliḥ al-Faḍāla, or #scandal Salih al-Fadala), reads: In lam tastaḥī fa-'ktub mā shaʾt (Don't bother, write what you want).

Naoko Saito

This article broaches what can sometimes be seen as the suppression of the female voice, sometimes the repression of the feminine. To address these matters involves the reconsideration of the political discourse that pervades education and educational research. This article is an attempt to disclose inequity in apparently equitable space, through the acknowledgment of the voice of disequilibrium. It proposes to re-place the subject of philosophy, and the subject of woman, through an alternative idea of the feminine voice in philosophy. It tries to reconfigure the female voice without negating its fated biological origin and traits, and yet avoiding the confining of thought to the constraints of gender divides. In terms of education, it shall argue for the conversation of justice as a way of cultivating the feminine voice in philosophy: as the voice of disequilibrium. This is an occasion of mutual destabilization and transformation of man and woman, crossing gender divides, and preparing an alternative route to political criticism that not only reclaims the rights of women but releases the thinking of men and women, laying the way for a better, more pluralist, and more democratic politics. The feminine voice can find a way beyond the dominance of instrumental rationality and calculative thinking in the discourse on equity itself. And it can, one might reasonably hope, have an impact on the curriculum of university education.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 73
Ellys Lestari Pambayun

Penelitian tentang Pendekatan Feminist Communication Theory pada Cybercommunity “Wacana Cerdas Menonton Televisi” di internet berasal dari pengamatan tentang fenomena aktivitas percakapan para perempuan di e-forum Cerdas Nonton Televisi di internet yang memuat kondisi pertelevisian Indonesia di mana di tuang ini ditemukan masalah bahwa internet dengan facebook nya telah membangun suatu hubungan dan wacana para anggotanya secara terbuka, lugas, dan kritis, tanpa melihat status, gender, ekonomi, sosial, agama, dan gaya hidup tentang krisis televisi tanah air yang masih memiliki banyak masalah, baik pada penyiar, produser maupun berita atau program-programnya. Teori yang digunakan adalah paradigma kritis dengan salah satu variannya yaitu feminist communication theory yang bertujuan untuk melihat representasi perempuan di ruang publik yang menyuarakan atau mengkomunikasikan semua aspirasi, rasa keadilan, dan keberadaan mereka. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis cybercommunity perempuan di e-forum ”Cerdas Nonton Televisi” yang menyuarakan atau mewacanakan permasalahan pertelevisian Indonesia. Secara metodologis, penelitian ini menggunakan metode netnografi untuk melihat aktivitas budaya komunitas maya perempuan dalam bentuk percakapan di internet. Hasil pengamatan ini memberikan deskripsi bahwa para perempuan dalam e-forum Cerdas Nonton Televisi (CNT) ini telah berupaya mengoptimalisasikan ruang CNT untuk berkomunikasi atau bersuara kritis bagi terciptanya reformasi pertelevisian untuk lebih prokhalayak dan mencerdaskan bangsa. Namun, suara kritis perempuan masih lebih sedikit dibanding suara laki-laki dalam berwacana dalam ruang CNT ini. Selain, itu suara perempuan yang muncul lebih banyak pada hanya mengikuti status laki-laki, dibanding membuat status sendiri. Pada sisi substansi kritisisme perempuan pun cenderung menyiratkan keprihatinan secara emosioanal dibanding pada pengupayaan ke arah tranformasi secara nyata. Research on Feminist Theory Communication Approach on Cybercommunity “Cerdas Nonton Televisi”(CNT) on the Internet comes from the observation of the phenomenon of conversations activity of women in the e-forum CNT which contains conditions on Indonesian TV in the room where it was found that the problem with the internet (facebook) it has built up a relationship and discourse of its members openly, straightforwardly, and critical, regardless of status, gender, economic, social, religious, and lifestyle on television crisis that the country still has many problems, both on the broadcaster, producer and news or programs. The theory used is critical paradigm with one of its variants, namely feminist communication theory which aims to look at the representation of women in public spaces are voiced or communicate all the aspirations, sense of justice, and their whereabouts. The research objective was to analyze cybercommunity women in e-forum “Smart Watch Television” are voiced or mewacanakan issues on Indonesian TV. Methodologically, this study using netnografi to see the virtual community cultural activity of women in the form of a conversation on the internet. These observations provide a description that the women of the e-forum Smart Watch Television (CNT) has sought to optimize this space to communicate or speak CNT critical for the creation of television for more prokhalayak reform and educate the nation. However, critical voices are still fewer female than a male voice in the discourse in this CNT space. In addition, the voice of women who appear more on just follow the status of men, rather than making their own status. On the substance of the criticism of women also tend to imply concern is emosional than at the insistence towards real transformation.

Bridget Sweet

The chapter describes how an understanding of the way the voice operates can empower both female and male adolescent singers as well as the teachers assisting them through the voice change process. It unpacks basic vocal anatomy and physiology, and then overlays physiological transformations that occur in the larynx during female and male voice change. A special section addresses the impact of hormones on the adolescent voice (especially for females) and promotes awareness of premenstrual vocal syndrome. The chapter encourages music educators to frequently discuss and reference vocal anatomy and physiology with adolescent singers in order to demystify vocal challenges and dispel myths and misunderstandings about how the voice and body function.

2006 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-128

This article considers the paradoxical manifestations of rejection or suspicion concerning the voice and the feminine at the very moment of the creation of tragédie lyrique at the end of the seventeenth century in France. It examines the relationship between these elements and asks what they have in common that may be perceived as threatening. What is at stake is not only the period's capacity to experiment with pleasure through the elaboration of rules, but also, beyond this delimited historical perspective, the appreciation of the element of danger that is inherent in the experience of any artistic performance, and the roles played by the voice and the feminine in such an experience.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (8) ◽  
pp. 1607-1613
Xinxin Sun ◽  
Wenkui Jin

Purpose: To analyze the elderly patients' demand in the field of language emotional attributes which is different from the particularity of the general population, and then used it to design the Smart Voice Assistant for elderly patients. Methods: The types of character are called the experts, assistants, family members and pets according to two evaluation scales which are 'friendly–unfriendly' and 'dominant–submissive.' Professional Mandarin Chinese broadcasters were invited to record their voice of a neutral sentence respectively. With differences in pitch, volume, tone color and sound quality, varied types of characters were simulated and eight pieces of voice record were generated. Twenty old people were selected to participate in the measurement test to grade these eight pieces of voice based on their acceptability of these voices. Results: Experiment shows that the male test group's preference value to the male voice is 4.4250, a little higher than their preference value to the female voice which is 3.9000. But the Independent Samples T Test shows that the significance of F Test is 0.345 > 0.05, while that of corresponding T test is 0.051, a little higher than 0.05. Hence it can be assumed that the male test group has almost no difference in the preference for voice gender. And the average of the female test group's preference value is 3.9500 for the male voice and 4.9750 for the female voice. Therefore, the female test group prefer female voice. In Independent Samples T Test, the significance of F Test is 0.909 > 0.05, while that of T Test is 0.000 < 0.05. Hence the female test group's voice gender preference has statistically significance difference. In terms of the individualization of voice type with different voice characters, the average grades from male test group to expert, assistant, family and pet type is 4.75, 4.85, 3.9, 3.15, while male test group is 3.65, 4.40, 5.40, 4.41. Conclusion: Based on the experimental results and verification, voice interaction among the elderly patients in the home environment, family-female type is the best choice.

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