scholarly journals Holistic redemptive pastoral ministry in the fragmented transit hall of existence

Johann-Albrecht Meylahn

The grand narratives have all but gone – what is left are numerous narratives, each addressing a certain aspect of our lives; there is a different narrative for our professional lives, another for our family lives, for our social lives and yet another for our spiritual lives. We find ourselves in this ‘transit hall’, forever changing flights or trains, depending on which narrative sphere we are entering or leaving. In each narrative we take on a different character, defined and shaped by the specificities of that narrative. Thus, ‘transition’ in the sense of change can no longer be understood as only linear, but as constant and multidimensional. With the use of Lacan’s discourse theory, this fragmented existence will be unpacked and a redemptive alternative sought.This paper is an attempt to address this multi-narrative existence without imposing yet another grand narrative. Thus it focuses on offering a narrative space that is, (1) holistic, in the sense that it addresses all the different narratives, (2) pastoral, in that it addresses the person and (3) redemptive, in that it offers something new, meaningful and hopeful. Such a narrative space moves the church from its ‘ghetto mindset’, where traditions and values are maintained, to being fully open and vulnerable to the present reality, whilst yearning for the Messianic to reveal an alternative future.

Mikha Agus Widiyanto ◽  
S Susanto

This research aim to test the influence of pastoral visiting ministry to the spiritual growth of the church. Research executed in Gereja Kemah Injil Indonesia of Tenggarong, Kutai Kartanegara District, Kalimantan East. The results showed that there was an influence of pastoral visiting ministry on the spiritual growth of the congregation as indicated by the correlation coefficient of 0.340 which was significant at α = 0.05. Pastoral visiting ministry will bring the pastor closer to the congregation that he serves, making the pastoral ministry effective, thereby impacting the spiritual growth of the congregation. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh pelayanan kunjungan pastoral terhadap pertumbuhan rohani jemaat.Penelitian dilaksanakan di Gereja Kemah Injil Indonesia Tenggarong, Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa terdapat pengaruh pelayanan kunjungan pastoral terhadap pertumbuhan rohani jemaat yang ditunjukkan melalui koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,340 yang signifikan pada α = 0,05. Pelayanan kunjungan pastoral akan mendekatkan gembala dengan jemaat yang dilayaninya, membuat pelayanan penggembalaan menjadi efektif, sehingga berdampak pada pertumbuhan rohani jemaat.

2019 ◽  
pp. 286-292
Николай Сергеевич Черепенин

Изучение жизненных обстоятельств священнослужителей первой половины XX в. является важной составляющей изучения истории Русской Православной Церкви. Оно позволяет детально проследить некоторые процессы и явления, происходившие в Церкви того периода, на конкретных примерах. Данная статья посвящена священнику Петру Ильинскому, около сорока лет прослужившему на сельском приходе. Его служение раскрывается в статье в хронологическом порядке: педагогическая и хозяйственная деятельность пастыря дополняется описанием его публицистических трудов и заканчивается описанием его семьи и исповеднического подвига. Данная работа служит свидетельством незаурядного пастырского служения священника Петра в переломный момент жизни нашего государства и в достаточной мере иллюстрирует историческую эпоху конца XIX - первой половины XX веков на конкретном примере. The study of the life circumstances of clergymen in the first half of the 20th century is an important part of the study of the history of the Russian Orthodox Church. It allows us to trace in detail some of the processes and phenomena that took place in the Church in that period, using concrete examples. This article is about the priest Peter Ilyinsky, who served forty years in a rural parish. His ministry is presented in chronological order: his teaching and economic activities are followed by a description of his publicist writings and ending with a description of his family and confessional deeds. This work is a testimony to the extraordinary pastoral ministry of the Priest Peter at a crucial point in the life of our nation, and illustrates the historical era of the late 19th century and the first half of the 20th century with concrete examples.

2005 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 273-281
S. Steve Kang

Upon briefly examining how the modern church in America has relinquished its soul to the soul of the nation, the author offers a future trajectory of the church from a vantage point of one who longs to see the church in America rediscover its roots and mission. By situating himself as one who has been involved in the educational ministry of the church, the author then puts forth a Trinitarian vision of the church and its educational ministry that involve the on-going process of cultivating the Christocentric identity, virtues and practices that are informed by the biblical narrative, which functions as the only grand narrative of God's eternal kingdom.

Horizons ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 47 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-68
Brent Little

Through the writings of Jean Vanier, this paper encourages Catholic theologians to examine critically their theological sources and their own rhetoric for the context of developmental disabilities. Specifically, this thought experiment is an invitation for the Catholic academy to consider how its theologies of charity can assist the church to reflect on its pastoral ministry to people with developmental disabilities. Some Catholic discourse is built on an assumed one-directional concept of charity that emphasizes the agency and gifts of the giver over the receiver. Such a one-sided model of hospitality tends to emphasize the giver as the person without developmental disabilities, whereas the person with disabilities is described as the receiver of hospitality; their own gifts and agency thereby are either unacknowledged or downplayed. This paper argues, instead, that Catholic theologies of charity, particularly regarding developmental disabilities, should be built on a mutuality that affirms each person's agency to be both a giver and a receiver of charity.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-52
Eric Sorenson

It was a universal conviction among the leaders of the ancient church that vocational ministry is attended by certain spiritual hazards that threaten to undo the very soul of the minister. This notion is revived in William Paley’s 1795 sermon, “Dangers Incidental to the Clerical Character.” The pastoral ministry, he warns, is comprised of “dangers inherent to the very nature of our profession.” In this ordination sermon, Paley not only identifies certain spiritual hazards, but he traces their roots to the unique context and responsibilities of daily ministry. A close reading of Paley’s sermon highlights its clear relevance to ministers in the twenty-first century, who, like all ministers throughout the history of the church, are constantly exposed to the spiritual dangers lurking in ministry itself. Such a close reading also reveals practical means by which today’s minister can be constantly vigilant to overcome these dangers.

Kurios ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 92
Alvian Apriano

Pastoral care ministry persists in the minister's concept as the sole actor of pastoral ministry in the church. On the other hand, there has been growing awareness that pastoral care ministry also gives space to members of the congregation to presenting the pastoral care ministry in context. In these persist circumstances, questions arise is how do pastoral care ministry gives space to members? Can the paradigm be expanded by taking into account the communal context? What kind of model does it produce? With the development of a communal-contextual paradigm in pastoral theology began to raise awareness of expanding that understanding. In addition, contemporary pastoral theologians show that there has been a paradigm shift in pastoral ministry with communal nuance; however, the ministry also gives space to the members of the congregation in practice. My aim is to construct the concept and model of pastoral care ministry with the community within the framework of communal-contextual paradigm.AbstrakDiskusi pelayanan pastoral dalam teologi pastoral bertahan dalam konsep pendeta sebagai aktor tunggal pelayanan tersebut di dalam gereja hampir tiga dekade belakangan ini. Padahal, di sisi yang lain, sudah muncul dan berkembang paradigma bahwa pelayanan pastoral juga tentang pemberian ruang terhadap anggota jemaat secara umum yang hadir dalam pelayanan pendeta dalam konteksnya. Di dalam keadaan ini, muncullah pertanyaan-pertanyaan tentang apakah pelayanan pastoral hanya merupakan tugas seorang pendeta? Dapatkah paradigma tersebut diperluas dengan memperhatikan konteks pelayanan yang nilai komunalitasnya tinggi? Seperti apa model yang dihasilkannya? Dengan berkembangnya paradigma komunal-kontekstual dalam pelayanan pastoral mulai muncul kesadaran memperluas pemahaman itu. Di tambah lagi, pemikiran teolog pastoral kontemporer baik dari Indonesia dan Barat juga menunjukkan bahwa telah ada pergeseran paradigma tentang pelayanan pastoral yang bernuansa komunalitas di dalam suatu konteks, sehingga pelayanan tersebut juga memposisikan anggota jemaat secara umum. Penelitian ini berupaya menawarkan konsep dan model pelayanan pastoral yang kontekstual dengan menempatkan partisipasi komunitas guna memberi warna lain bagi pelayanan pastoral yang selama ini bertahan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 01-13
Alferdi Alferdi

ABSTRACT The leadership crisis in the church, especially the church pastor, is a very touching phenomenon. How not, this crisis affects the church's growth, especially spiritual growth. Because of this crisis, so here and there many congregations then no longer heed their faith, and even chose to leave Jesus. The cause of this crisis is none other than the pastors of the church who do not know what their principles are in carrying out pastoral care. This article examines the principles of a church pastor. The principle of shepherding will be explored based on the text of the Gospel of John 10: 1-21, which is a parable told by Jesus about the Good Shepherd. When a pastor in the church understands what the principles of a pastor are, it will certainly be an advantage that that way the ministry in the church will run well. Writing this article uses a qualitative approach with literature review. This approach seeks to analyze the text of the Gospel of John 10: 1-21 with various sources from books and online journals. This research shows that in the Gospel of John there are several principles of a shepherd, namely, shepherding is a calling, caring for, and sacrifice. These three things must be interpreted properly as a pastor, to lead to a ministry that is oriented towards church growth from various aspects, not a pastoral ministry that is only selfish or just looking for profit.ABSTRAKKrisis kepemimpinan dalam Gereja khususnya gembala jemaat adalah sebuah fenomena yang begitu mengharukan. Bagaimana tidak, krisis ini mempengaruhi pertumbuhan jemaat secara khusus pertumbuhan rohani. Karena krisis ini, sehingga di sana sini banyak jemaat yang kemudian tidak lagi mengindahkan iman mereka, dan bahkan memilih meninggalkan Yesus. Penyebab dari krisis ini tidak lain karena gembala jemaat tidak mengetahui apa yang menjadi prinsip mereka dalam melaksanakan penggembalaan. Artikel ini membahas apa yang menjadi prinsip dari seorang gembala jemaat. Prinsip penggembalaan akan ditelusuri berdasarkan teks Injil Yohanes 10:1-21, yaitu sebuah perumpamaan yang disampaikan oleh Yesus mengenai Gembala yang baik. Ketika seorang gembala dalam jemaat mengerti apa prinsip dari seorang gembala, tentu akan menjadi suatu keuntungan bahwa dengan jalan itu pelayanan dalam jemaat akan berjalan dengan baik. Penulisan artikel ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan kajian kepustakaan. Pendekatan ini berusaha menganalisis teks Injil Yohanes 10:1-21 dengan berbagai sumber dari buku maupun jurnal-jurnal online. Dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam Injil Yohanes ada beberapa prinsip dari seorang gembala yaitu, penggembalaan adalah panggilan, pemeliharaan, dan pengorbanan. Ketiga hal ini harus dimaknai dengan baik sebagai seorang gembala, untuk menuju pada pelayanan yang berorientasi pada pertumbuhan jemaat dari berbagai aspek bukan pelayanan penggembalaan yang hanya mementingkan diri sendiri ataupun hanya mencari keuntungan.

Text Matters ◽  
2011 ◽  
pp. 216-227
David Jasper

Although we begin with the words of the poet Henry Vaughan, it is the visual artists above all who know and see the mystery of the Creation of all things in light, suffering for their art in its blinding, sacrificial illumination. In modern painting this is particularly true of van Gogh and J.M.W. Turner. But God speaks the Creation into being through an unheard word, and so, too, the greatest of musicians, as most tragically in the case of Beethoven, hear their sublime music only in a profound silence. The Church then needs to see and listen in order, in the words of Heidegger, to learn to "dwell poetically on earth" before God. To dwell thus lies at the heart of its life, liturgically and in its pastoral ministry, as illustrated in the poetry of the English priest and poet, David Scott. This can also be seen as a "letting go" before God and an allowing of a space in which there might be a "letting the unsayable be unsaid" and order found even over the abyss. This is what Vladimir Nabokov has called "the marvel of consciousness" which is truly a seeing in the darkness. The poet, artist and musician can bring us close to the brink of the mystery, and thus the artist is always close to the heart of the church's worship and its ministry of care where words meet silence, and light meets darkness. Such, indeed, is the true marvel of consciousness in the ultimate risk which is the final vocation of the poet and artist, as it was of Christ himself, and all his saints. The church must be ever attentive to the deeply Christocentric ministry of art and the creative power of word and image in the letting the unsayable be unsaid. With the artist we may perhaps stand on Pisgah Height with Moses with a new imaginative perception of the divine Creation. The essay concludes on a personal note, drawing upon the author's own experience in retreat in the desert, with a reminder of the thought of Thomas Merton, a solitary in the community of the Church.

2022 ◽  
Vol 78 (3) ◽  
Julius M. Gathogo

The research study sets out to explore the contribution of the African Evangelicals in both the colonial and post-colonial Kenya to the social lives of the nation. Can’t it be viewed as a positive social influence or an ecclesiastical pitfall? In utilising a socio-historical design, it poses the question: how did the Evangelical European Missionaries demonstrate their theological and social influences in Kenya, and how did the post-missionary Evangelical-leaning leaderships play out? And was Muthirigu Dance an extremist reaction against the rigidity of the Evangelicals? Methodologically, this article will attempt to explore the Evangelical European Missionary Christianity, especially the Church Missionary Society that entered Central Kenya in the early 1900s, and assess the way in which they handled indigenous cultures of the local Africans. It has also attempted to critically explore their social influences in both colonial and post-colonial Kenya (1895–2021). The CMS has been given more emphasis in this article as an Evangelical society so as to help in bringing out the specific Evangelical activities in the Kirinyaga County of Kenya. Overall, the article has endeavoured to hypothesise that Eurocentrism was not the Evangelical problem, as there were diverse European missionaries, such as the High Anglican Church, the Roman Catholic and the Lutherans who were non-Evangelicals, and who were not necessarily dogmatic and rigid.Contribution: This study adhered to the HTS journal’s vision and scope by its focus on the histories of the Evangelical European Missionaries of the 19th and 20th centuries, their interactions with the local religio-cultures, and how it later played out amongst the Africans.

1997 ◽  
Vol 53 (1/2) ◽  
M. M. Mulemfo

African culture(s) had assigned inferior roles to women in society. The first Christian missionaries did very little to liberate women from this cultural enslavement. The missionaries's understanding of the leadership roles of women was not very different from that of African culture and its societal organisation. Many churches in Africa had kept to this cultural conservatism and also adopted the missionary theology. However, there are some Christians who accept women into the pastoral ministry, while others consider this move as blasphemous and unbiblical. The role of the church in this conflictual issue is to elaborate a new biblical hermeneutic which would help the church to create a conducive environment where men and women would understand their humanity on an equal basis and participate in God's salvific mission for the world.

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