Import Substitution in Brazil: Industrialization and Technological Development in the Face of Weak Competitive Pressure

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 248-255 ◽  
A. V. Bуstrov

The development and implementation of the strategy has long been the focus of scientists and practitioners. But, despite the extensive scientific Arsenal, the tasks facing economic managers do not become easier. In many ways, this situation is due to the fact that in the face of growing uncertainty, which is typical for any, both developed and developing markets, it is increasingly difficult to imagine the «image of the future» and formulate the strategy goals to subordinate the company’s activities to the achievement of these very goals. In a sense, the correct formulation of the problem of long-term development can serve as a foresight, which is used to identify factors that can have an impact on the economy and society in the medium and long term. However, what is the connection of foresight with the setting of goals of the strategy of the industrial enterprise and the choice of mechanisms for the implementation of the chosen strategy – these questions require answers, without which the scientific base of strategic management will not be complete. An attempt is made to find an answer to the question of what hinders industrial development under conditions when the scale of technological modernization is not accompanied by a change in the structure of production. The solution to this problem is proposed to be sought in institutional transformations, on the basis of a theoretical understanding of the laws that determine the technological development of modern industry and the application of the methods of the theory of artificial intelligence systems. The proposed approaches of economic and technological development of territories, states, industries and individual industrial enterprises will allow the most effective financing of investment programs for industrial development.

2018 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 361-370 ◽  
Hing-Wah Chau

Wang Shu (b. 1963) is a locally trained Chinese architect who has received widespread media coverage in the last decade, especially after receiving the prestigious Pritzker Prize in 2012, often considered the Nobel Prize of architecture. Numerous articles and interviews have been published concerning Wang Shu and his design practice, however, there is a lack of analysis of his work from what might be called the perspective of his ecological phenomenology. Wang acknowledges his interest in phenomenological thinking and expresses an ongoing concern about human relationships with place and nature, the continuity of craftsmanship in the face of technological development, as well as the materiality and tactility of bodily perception. Before analysing Wang's work, relevant ideas of Martin Heidegger (1889–1976) and Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908–1961) and their influence on architectural discourse are firstly examined. Both of them were seminal philosophers who offered inspiring insights to ecological discourse.

Subject Russia import substitution. Significance The Kremlin proclaimed last year that replacing imports with domestic production was to be a key policy objective in the face of Western sanctions. However, the newly-created Russian government Commission on Import-Substitution held its first meeting only on August 11. Just how the commission will promote import-substitution remains unclear but the risk of a significant increase in state micro-management of industry is elevated. Impacts Import-substitution provides, in principle, a supply-side boost to the Russian economy. It reduces competition for established Russian firms when potential new Russian businesses face barriers to market entry. Incentives for efficiency will be reduced. Implementation of import-substitution policies requires increased state monitoring and micro-intervention. In a hyper-patriotically charged political atmosphere, ideas for a radical increase in state control of the economy may gain more traction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Michał ZUBEK

Mineral resources provide a high standard of living for modern societies: satisfying electricity demand as well as demand for construction materials and they sustain the basis for industry and technological development. Now, modern societies are facing the challenge ofreversing the trend of the depletion of non-renewable mineral resources and sustainable development is intended to ensure the survivalof human civilization in the face of dwindling non-renewable raw materials (especially energy resources) and also increasing anthropopression and related environmental pollution. The amount of non-renewable mineral resources of the Earth's crust is limited. Underspecific conditions there is a possibility of their regeneration however over a period of several if not more than a dozen generations. Thearticle raises questions how societies can prevent mineral resources crises in future and whether this task is feasible.The article identifies the main aspects of the sustainable development in mining sector in Poland as well as environmental challengesrelated to the new CSR mechanism which are: the creation and implementation of sustainable and responsible business model whichthanks to reformed financial and economic system, will make creating a better future easier, more natural and more cost-effective.The crucial aspects of sustainable development as economic and social conditions, environmental challenges, safety of agglomerationlocated in the area of exploitation of resources or in its neighborhood were also presented in the article. The author highlighted thelegal conditions for the management of deposits and extracted mineral resources as well as work safety and research and developmentactivities in the sector.

F1000Research ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 399
Jeel Moya-Salazar ◽  
Lucia Gomez-Saenz ◽  
Betsy Cañari ◽  
Hans Contreras-Pulache

Background: COVID-19 has shaken countries at all levels, putting public health at risk. Global efforts have allocated funding for the development of research for the development of vaccines, digital tools, epidemiologic, social, and economic studies. Although these efforts have been developed worldwide, not all countries have prioritized the same topics and may have a different impact on solving problems and containing the spread of COVID-19. Methods: A descriptive study was conducted with secondary data of "Special Projects COVID-19” in order to analyze the prioritization of proposals and projects to Peruvian needs in the face of pandemic. Two calls were made by the Peruvian research council (CONCyTec); the first with five areas and the second with seven. The global amounts financed by each call were 342,857 USD (1,200,000 soles) and 700,000 USD (1,750,000 soles), respectively. Results: A total of 1,101 research projects were presented, 600 (54.5%) in the first call. In this call, 176 (29.3%) projects were from technological development and innovation and 29 were winners (with a global budget of 1,711,907.25 USD /6,077,270.75 soles). In the second call, 120 (23.9%) projects were from the area of Social and economic research and 21 were winners (global budget of 1,284,002.25 USD/558,208.55 soles) (p=0.043). The largest proportion of winning projects in both calls was 12 (41.4%) in Technological developments and innovation, then five (17.2%) each in telehealth and mobile health, and epidemiological and social studies. Across both calls, 214 (55.8%) and 160 (51.9%) projects were of private organizations and universities, respectively. Conclusions: This research shows ~2% of rapid response "Special Projects COVID-19” were financed by the CONCyTec call with over a million dollars of funds. Although the main topics were technological innovation, detection systems, and vaccines, these priorities have not had a global impact on the epidemiological development of the pandemic in Peru.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-28
Chijioke E. Nwachukwu ◽  
Timothy Onechojon Usman ◽  
Sadiq Oshoke Akhor ◽  
Agboola Omoniyi Oladipupo

As the world moves towards a knowledge-based economy, technology is rapidly becoming a necessity. As a result, Industry 4.0 is gradually changing the face of many aspects of human endeavour. From manufacturing to construction and business, data analytics, blockchain, and artificial intelligence, among other things, look promising and may bring a paradigm shift within the accounting profession. This may be significantly drawn towards auditing. While technological changes seem rapid, taking giant strides towards revamping the accounting industry via modern kinds of audit evidence and testing, it is important to tread cautiously in the adoption of technology for auditing. This is because even though technological improvements are useful to achieve speed and accuracy in the audit work, they pose challenges of causing loss of jobs, difficulty in tracing errors, and other potential problems. This paper, therefore, looks at some recent technological development in audit work, and why this aspect of the accounting profession may require further research.

Neelam Rathi

When the events of graphical nature take extreme form, then the entire biological world including human beings gets into difficulty and a situation of destruction arises. Such incidents are sometimes so quick that it becomes difficult to recover. In the face of these events of nature, man becomes dwarf such as volcanoes, earthquakes and water floats etc. Although such events are born out of the normal process of nature, but some of the human responses to its depth and expansion become helpful, such as the exacerbation of seasonal events from forest destruction. Such disruptive natural phenomena are called natural disasters. Divine disasters caused by environmental imbalances disturb the biotic world. Loss from such outbreaks ever. Sometimes it is so fierce that despite all the scientific and technological development, the human kneels in front of them. These natural outbreaks are directly related to the environment. Those who have been running since time immemorial. But it is also true that due to increase in human numbers and prosperity due to these natural outbreaks, the effects of natural hazards are becoming more harmful. Thus we can say that today with the nature behind the natural outbreak. Human crisis is also associated with it. आलेख श्प्रकृति की घटनाएँ जब चरम रूप ग्रहण कर लेती हैं तो उनसे मानव सहित सम्पूर्ण जैव जगत कठिनाई में पड जाता है और विनाश की स्थिति उत्पन्न हो जाती है। ऐसी घटनाएँ कभी.कभी इतनी त्वरित होती हैं कि संभल पाना कठिन हो जाता है। प्रकृति की इन घटनाओं के सामने मनुष्य बौना हो जाता है जैसे ज्वालामुखीएभूकंप और जल प्लावन आदि। यूं तो ऐसी घटनाएँ प्रकृति की सामान्य प्रक्रिया से जन्म लेती हैंएलेकिन इनकी गहनता और विस्तार के लिए मनुष्य की कुछ अनुक्रियाएं सहायक बन जाती हैंए जैसे वन विनाश से मौसमी घटनाओं की उग्रता। ऐसी विघटनकारी प्राकृतिक घटनाओं को प्राकृतिक आपदाएपर्यावरणीय प्रकोप कहा जाता हैश्1। पर्यावरण असंतुलन से प्रकट होने वाली दैवीय विपत्तियाँ जैव जगत को अस्त व्यस्त कर देती है। ऐसे प्रकोपों से होने वाली हानि कभी. कभी इतनी भयंकर होती है की सारे वैज्ञानिक और तकनीकी विकास के बावजूद मानव इनके सामने घुटने टेक देता है। इन प्राकृतिक प्रकोपों का सीधा संबंध पर्यावरण से है। जिनका सिलसिला अनादिकाल से चला आ रहा है। लेकिन ये भी सच है कि इन प्राकृतिक प्रकोपों से मानव संख्या और समृद्धि में वृद्धि के कारण प्राकृतिक संकटों के प्रभाव अधिक हानिकारक होने लगे हैं। इस प्रकार हम कह सकते हैं कि आज प्राकृतिक प्रकोप के पीछे प्रकृति के साथ . साथ मानव जन्य संकट भी जुड़ा होता है।

F1000Research ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 399
Jeel Moya-Salazar ◽  
Lucia Gomez-Saenz ◽  
Betsy Cañari ◽  
Hans Contreras-Pulache

Background: COVID-19 has shaken countries at all levels, putting public health at risk. Global efforts have allocated funding for the development of research for the development of vaccines, digital tools, epidemiologic, social, and economic studies. Although these efforts have been developed worldwide, not all countries have prioritized the same topics, and may have a different impact on solving problems and containing the spread of COVID-19. Methods: A descriptive study was conducted with secondary data of "Special Projects COVID-19” in order to analyze the prioritization of proposals and projects to Peruvian needs in the face of pandemic. Two calls were made by the Peruvian research council (CONCyTec); the first with five areas and second with seven. The global amounts financed by each call were 342,857 USD (1,200,000 soles) and 700,000 USD (1,750,000 soles), respectively. Results: A total of 1,101 research projects were presented, 600 (54.5%) in the first call. In this call, 176 (29.3%) projects were from the technological development and innovation and 29 were winners (with a global budget of 1,711,907.25 USD /6,077,270.75 soles). In the second call, 120 (23.9%) projects were from the area of Social and economic research and 21 were winners (global budget of 1,284,002.25 USD/558,208.55 soles) (p=0.043). The largest proportion of winning projects in both calls was 12 (41.4%) in Technological developments and innovation, then five (17.2%) each in telehealth and mobile health, and epidemiological and social studies. Across both calls, 214 (55.8%) and 160 (51.9%) projects were of private organizations and universities, respectively. Conclusions: This research shows ~2% of rapid response "Special Projects COVID-19” were financed by the CONCyTec call with over a million dollars of funds. Although the main topics were technological innovation, detection systems, and vaccines, these priorities have not had a global impact on the epidemiological development of the pandemic in Peru.

2021 ◽  
pp. 310-316
Abhishek Kumar

Payment systems form an integral part of any emerging economy. A payment system should be safe, secure, reliable, and accessible. It will help in expanding financial inclusion and bringing financial stability. An efficient payment system helps in the smooth flow of payments and mitigation of risks and smooth functioning of the economy. It helps in fostering confidence in individuals about the use of payment services. Technological development has helped in changing the face of payments system from cards (credit/debit card) to wallets (Paytm/Phonepe etc.) to Unified Payments Interface (UPI) and Quick Response (QR)codes. It has not only introduced us to new payment methods but also strengthen the traditional payment methods. It has become an important part of our daily life. It has empowered us and made our life easier by offering services at our fingertips round the clock. The latest addition to these is cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ether, Ripple, etc. Cryptocurrencies are one of the first applications of Blockchain has removed the need for intermediaries and exert pressure on the existing framework. The attributes of cryptocurrency framework like decentralized network, no intermediaries, and the lack of stable pricing factors do not let it unlock its true potential. The future of Cryptocurrency is uncertain. Whether it will be accepted globally or still be traded via unauthorized means. Every problem allows for finding a solution. The regulators should come up with policies, which will help in shaping the payments system for the betterment of the people, by using the positive attributes of cryptocurrencies and coordinating with the Global peers.

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