Ben Carson and Empathic Listening

2021 ◽  
pp. 37-45
Joyce VanTassel-Baska ◽  
Linda D. Avery
Gabriela Mariana Marcu

While there are many consistent results regarding the altruism – empathy relationship, starting with the empathy-altruism hypothesis (Batson, 2008) and its confirmations or criticism, there is one specific aspect of empathy that has not often been associated with generosity: active listening. Our research hypothesizes that sharing one’s attention in an empathic way (active-empathic listening) might be a skill linked to a person’s generosity. A linear regression established that self-reported altruism (SRA) could statistically significantly predict someone’s active-empathic listening skill (AELS), F(1, 96) = 28,965, p = .0001 and that SRA accounted for 22,4% of the explained variability in AELS. The results confirmed the initial claim and may have an impact in counseling practice, in career decision-making or in other studies on prosocial behavior.

2009 ◽  
pp. 11-30
Anna Ornstein

- In response to a concern that the impact of the Holocaust will not be recognized by psychotherapists treating survivors, several psychoanalysts who were refugees from Nazi Germany devoted a great deal of time and effort to detailing the psychopathological consequences of the Holocaust trauma. Considering the magnitude of the trauma, it was not difficult to find evidence of psychopathology. However, because of their almost exclusive emphasis on psychopathology, most of these researchers failed to recognize the particular manner in which survivors mourned their enormous losses and made an effort to integrate their painful memories into the rest of their personality. This meant the loss of an opportunity to learn about the process of recovery following severe traumatization. The paper also described a hypothesis regarding the psychological mechanisms involved in adaptations to extreme conditions. From the author's point of view, this constituted a link in the survivors' effort to establish psychic continuity between their pre-Holocaust psychological organization and adaptations to a new life. Unlike her colleagues, the author believes that integration of traumatic memories was possible as long as the survivors encountered an empathic listening perspective and their effort to recover was validated. Survivors of trauma have every reason to expect that their stories will evoke fear, confusion, horror and disbelief and that therapists will protect themselves from these affects by resorting to generalizations or praise for the survivor's heroism or special qualities. Such responses however make it impossible for survivors to proceed, and the affects associated with the traumatic memory may never, or only partially, enter the therapeutic dialogue. Once recovered and articulated, the memories are accompanied by grief and anger, indicating that an increase in self-cohesion, a healing of the vertical split, has allowed the previously feared affects to enter consciousness. From the author's viewpoint, feeling anger is an expectable and healthy response in this context. Justified anger is not to be confused with chronic narcissistic rage, which can constitute the nucleus of severe personality disorders.Key words: Holocaust, trauma, traumatic memories, adaptation, integration, empathic listening.Parole chiave: Olocausto, trauma, ricordi traumatici, adattamento, integrazione, ascolto empatico.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (7) ◽  
pp. 117
Ntina Kourmousi ◽  
Kalliope Kounenou ◽  
Vasiliki Yotsidi ◽  
Vasiliki Xythali ◽  
Kyriakoula Merakou ◽  

Active listening is important for effective interpersonal communication, a prerequisite for successful teaching. The presented cross-sectional study examined personal and work factors associated to active listening in 3.995 Greek schools’ educators of all teaching levels and specialties. The study questionnaire posted on official and main teachers’ portals included personal and working data items, the Active Empathic Listening Scale (AELS), and the Active Listening Attitude Scale (ALAS). Multiple linear regression was used to identify independently associated factors with AELS and ALAS dimensions, and standardized regression coefficients were performed to measure the effect of independent variables. Regarding AELS, gender had the greatest effect on the Sensing subscale, followed by age and mental health promotion training. Years of teaching had the greatest effect on Processing subscale, followed by higher studies. Gender had the greatest effect on Responding subscale, followed by age, higher studies, and mental health promotion training. Concerning ALAS, mental health promotion training and support from colleagues had the greatest effect on Listening attitude subscale, gender and mental health promotion training had the greatest effect on Listening skill subscale, and gender, age, and years of teaching had the greatest effect on Conversation opportunity subscale. The identification of enhancing factors like training in mental health promotion could significantly contribute in designing training that can simultaneously benefit teachers’ skills and students’ psychosocial well-being.

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (01) ◽  
pp. 32 ◽  
Sanjay Kalra ◽  
Yashdeep Gupta ◽  

Refractory, or ‘difficult to control,’ diabetes is a commonly encountered condition in specialist practice. This editorial describes the characteristics of people with diabetes who are unable to achieve optimal glycemic control, despite aggressive drug therapy. It reflects upon the importance of bidirectional communication between patient and physician, and highlights the need for systematic history taking, empathic listening, and therapeutic patient education. The editors call for practicing ‘diabetes therapy by the ear,’ in conjunction with evidence-based pharmacological therapy, to help reduce the prevalence of refractory diabetes.

2013 ◽  
Vol 242 (4) ◽  
pp. 460-462 ◽  
Carl A. Osborne ◽  
Lisa K. Ulrich ◽  
Eugene E. Nwaokorie

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