scholarly journals Teologi Ekologi: Suatu Isu Etika Menuju Eskatologi Kristen

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-85
Jefri Hina Remikatu

Abstract. The issues of Christian ethics and eschatology are two important parts that being discussed in this paper regarding the ecological crisis that is happening recently.  These two issues invite the the church to rethink the missiological and soteriogical concept so that it can influence the activity of the church in carrying out the mission of God.  The church become the agen of God in voicing out the renewal of the broken relationship become harmony.  Therefore, the mission mandate that carried out by the church should be understood as participation of the church in the dynamic fellowship harmony with God and with all creations. The church as a community of the believers that has a dynamic fellowship with God will actively participate in God’s mission.  As the agen of God, the church must carry out her role in manifesting the divine mission through the proclamation of the salvation from God, trying to create and bring peace and harmony through the ethical behavior and bring the message of hope that everything must be turned to the glory of God as the soteriological hope for all creations in union with Him.  So, this paper challenges the church to reevaluate the Great Commission that contained in the Old Testament especially in the book of Genesis and New Testamen in the book of Matthew.Abstrak. Isu etika dan eskatologi Kristen merupakan dua bagian penting yang dipercakapkan makalah ini terkait krisis ekologi yang sedang terjadi. Kedua isu tersebut mengajak gereja untuk memikirkan ulang konsep misi dan konsep keselamatan sehingga dapat mempengaruhi aktivitas gereja dalam menjalankan misi Allah. Gereja menjadi agen Allah dalam menyuarakan pembaharuan relasi yang rusak menjadi harmonis.  Karena itu mandat misi yang dijalankan oleh gereja dipahami sebagai partisipasi gereja dalam persekutuan harmonis yang dinamis dengan Allah. Gereja sebagai komunitas orang-orang percaya yang memiliki hubungan yang dinamis dengan Allah akan secara aktif berpartisip dalam misi Allah.  Sebagai Agen Allah, gereja harus menjalankan perannya dalam mengejawantahkan misi ilahi melalui proklamasi keselamatan dari Allah, berusaha membawa damai maupun keharmonisan melalui prilaku etis, serta menyampaikan berita pengharapan bahwa segala sesuatu harus dikembalikan kepada kemuliaan Allah sebagai pengharapan soteriologis dalam penyatuan dengan Dia. Makalah ini memberikan tantangan kepada gereja untuk mengevaluasi Amanat Agung yang terdapat dalam Perjanjian Lama terkhusus dalam kitab Kejadian dan Perjanjian Baru dalam Injil Matius.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
Solomon O. Ademiluka

The Hannah narrative bears close affinities to the African context with respect to the problem of barrenness. Hence, employing the exegetical approach and contextual analysis, this article examines the narrative in relation to the attitude of the church in Nigeria towards the problem of barrenness among its members. The suffering of Hannah resonates with the travails of childless African women; yet, beyond the weekly or monthly prayer services for them, the church has not exploited these similarities enough to assist its barren members. This article states that the church can organise regular programmes to address issues such as causes of barrenness as well as the role of male and female cells in the conception process. It also needs to teach the right attitude of friends and relatives towards childless couples so as to reduce the psychological effects of childlessness particularly on the women. The church can also identify with childless couples by introducing them to the practices of child adoption and surrogacy when all efforts to have children by the natural process fail. As there will always be childless persons in spite of all efforts to have children, the church has the responsibility to make its members accept the fact that children are a gift from God, and that matrimony must not necessarily end in parenthood. Finally, the church in Nigeria needs to assure childless members that they can live happy and fulfilled lives despite their situation of childlessness.Intradisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary implications: This research involves the disciplines of the Old Testament and Christian Ethics. It examines 1 Samuel 1:1–20 in relation to the attitude of the church in Nigeria towards its childless members, stressing that the church can do more in identifying with them.

1994 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-64
Klaus Nürnberger

AbstractThis article offers a condensed survey of justice and peace issues in Christian ethics. It was originally written for an evangelical encyclopedia but was not accepted by the editors, possibly because of its historical critical and social critical stance. It begins with the historical origins of the concepts of law in the Old Testament, namely covenant law and cosmic order, their profound transformations in biblical history and their final form in the New Testament. Then we mention a few important developments in the history of the church from the Constantinian reversal, over the Reformation and the Enlightenment to the modern revolutionary spirit. Then we highlight a few aspects of the modern discussion, such as the accelerating development of science and technology, the emergence of a global, highly imbalanced economy, the rise and fall of Marxist socialism, a renewed upsurge of ethnic sentiments, and so on. Finally we offer a few directives for the contemporary debate, focusing on the relation between justice and peace.

2014 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 460-472
Alexandra Palantza

Abstract The Book of Genesis offers not only to Israel but also to its neighbors the reason for their existence1. In western theological thought, W. Eichrodt’s Theology of the Old Testament and Cl. Westermann’s Commentary on Genesis are two of the most important works, which are distinguished because of their method and the expression of their theological perspectives on the topic “creation narratives”. In contrast to Western theologians, Greek-Orthodox Theologians inherited their tradition of interpretation from the Church Fathers. Eastern Theology has seen the topic of interpreting the Bible as an unbreakable whole, containing God’s word and action for the salvation of humankind. Any differences between them are caused by another perspective and ecclesiastical tradition.

2020 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
Solomon O. Ademiluka

In spite of Christianity and western civilisation, polygamy remains a major issue in Christian marriage in Africa. In Nigeria, most of the mainline churches officially adopt monogamy, whilst many of the African Initiated Churches (AICs) practise polygamy. Because Africans consider procreation as the primary purpose of marriage, some childless Nigerian Christians engage in polygamy in order to have children. But apart from the factor of traditional passion for children, some engage in polygamy to have children because they take the phrase ‘Be fruitful and multiply’ in Genesis 1:28 as a divine command to everyone to produce children. Therefore, this article examines the text with a view to ascertain whether it is appropriate to exploit the passage as a basis for the adoption of polygamy as a solution to infertility. The target population is those Nigerian Christian men and women who engage in this practice. The article employs descriptive and exegetical methods. It found that, although couched as an imperative, the phrase ‘Be fruitful and multiply’, rather than being a command to procreate, should be simply understood as a saying that God blessed the humankind with offspring, just as he did the fish that are not expected to obey or disobey (Gn 1:22). It therefore does not provide a basis for adoption of polygamy as a solution to infertility. The article recommends that apart from assisting childless Nigerian Christians to realise their dream of childbearing, the church should make them understand the biblical position that every individual and couple need not have children.Intradisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary implications: This research involves the disciplines of the Old Testament and Christian Ethics. It examines Genesis 1:28 with regard to the adoption of polygamy as a solution to infertility amongst Nigerian Christians. The article postulates that the passage is not a command for procreation but is simply a saying that God blessed the humankind with offspring; hence, it does not provide a basis for the adoption of polygamy to solve the problem of infertility.

2021 ◽  
davidming ming

Doing good is universal in which all people with various religious, ethnic and other backgrounds must be happy to do good. The problems that arise in the question are as follows: What are the values ​​of doing good according to the Bible? What is the challenge of "doing good" according to the dimensions of Multicultural Theology? How is the implementation of Multicultural Theology education about doing good into Christian ministry? The answer is: (1) Good deeds are commands given by God to His people. If a human being wants to be said to be good, he is obliged to do good. Because good deeds have a universal character. (2) The challenge of doing good in the dimension of multicultural theology is: the challenge of doing good in theocentric, the challenge of doing good in Christocentric (the principle of the Incarnation, the principle of salvation, the principle of the Holy Spirit, and the principle of the Naturality of the Church) and (2) the challenge "Doing Good" from Theocentric to Christocentric ". (3) Multicultural theology regarding "doing good" becomes a very influential implementation to lead someone to enter the concept of theocracy which is then sharpened to Christocentric. Here the value of the Great Commission of Jesus Christ to win people becomes real and can be implemented properly. But, of course, the work of the Holy Spirit in the believer is critical to the success of the Great Commission mission.f

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 110-119
Elisua Hulu

The people of God of the Old Testament and the people of God in the New Testament were linked during what is called the intertestamental age. This period is referred to as a state of vacuum which is marked by the absence of a demonstrative role of the prophet. The 400 year period of development, destruction, success and decline of the ruling nations was prophesied by God. The Old Testament Book of Daniel shows clearly that world history is proceeding according to God's sovereignty. Mission is God's work. The important thing from God’s mission is talking about God as a sender, where He is the source, initiator, dynamist, implementer and fulfiller of His mission. The method of study related to God's mission in the Interstestamental era is the method of studying literature, which describes it descriptively. The intertestamental period is the time when other nations know the God of Israel through their existence among them. This is a different way from what happened in the days of Solomon's kingdom where there was a temple in Jerusalem which became an attraction for Gentiles. The political, social, and economic situation in intertestamental times was a preparation for the mission of the church in New Testament times.Umat Allah Perjanjian Lama dan Umat Allah Perjanjian Baru dihubungkan dalam masa suatu yang sebut masa intertestamental. Masa ini disebut sebagai keadaan adanya kevakuman yang ditandai oleh tidak nampaknya peranan nabi secara demonstratif. Masa waktu 400 tahun mengalami perkembangan, kehancuran, kesuksesan dan kemerosotan negara-negara yang menguasai sudah dinubuatkan oleh Tuhan. Kitab Daniel dalam Perjanjian Lama memperlihatkan dengan jelas bahwa sejarah dunia berjalan sesuai dengan kedaulatan Allah. Misi adalah karya Allah. Hal penting dari misi atau pengutusan Allah berbicara tentang Allah sebagai pengutus, dimana Ia adalah sumber, inisiator, dinamisator, pelaksana dan penggenap misi-Nya. Metode pengkajian terkait misi Allah pada masa Interstestamental adalah dengan metode kajian pustaka, yang menguraikan secara deskriptif. Masa intertestamental adalah masa di mana bangsa-bangsa lain mengenal Allah Israel melalui keberadaan mereka di tengah bangsa-bangsa lain. Ini adalah cara yang berbeda dari yang terjadi pada masa kerajaan Salomo di mana ada bait suci di Yerusalem yang menjadi daya tarik bagi bangsa-bangsa lain. Situasi politik, sosial, dan ekonomi pada masa intertestamental merupakan persiapan bagi misi gereja pada masa Perjanjian Baru.

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-16
Svetlana Khobnya

ZUSAMMENFASSUNGDer erste Petrusbrief beinhaltet eine Reihe von Themen, welche die Fürsorge des Autors für die Gemeinde offenbaren. Der Brief ist bekannt für seine Anweisungen an Sklaven, Ehemänner und Ehefrauen sowie für seine Ansichten zu Leiden, sozialer Gerechtigkeit und Führung in der Gemeinde. Nichtsdestoweniger legt dieser Artikel nahe, dass das soziale Engagement des 1. Petrusbriefs sein missionales Denken nicht ausschließt. Der Artikel nimmt die Herausforderung seitens zeitgenössischer Theologen zur Frage an, wie die Theologie des 1. Petrusbriefs sein soziales Engagement zu erhellen vermag. Er bietet eine missionale Lesart des Briefes, die aufzeigt, inwieweit der Petrus die Leser einlädt, an der Mission Gottes teilzuhaben, und vor allem, wie die missionale Strategie im Brief funktioniert. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit wird dabei den Haustafeln zuteil. Nach einer Analyse, welche Auswirkungen eine Nacherzählung der Mission Gottes in Christus für die Zuhörerschaft von Petrus hat, und einer Bewertung, welche Folgen ihre christliche Identität für ihre Teilhabe an dieser Mission hat, befasst sich der Artikel mit den Haustafeln. Dabei wägt er ab, inwieweit diese die Leser auffordern, die Welt, in der sie leben zu verändern. Der Artikel endet mit einigen Schlussfolgerungen für unsere Welt und Zeit.SUMMARYFirst Peter contains a number of themes that demonstrate the author’s burden for the Church. The letter is known for its instructions to slaves, husbands and wives, for its views on suffering, on social justice and on leadership in the Church. Yet this article suggests that the social engagement of 1 Peter also incorporates his missional thinking. The article takes up challenges from various contemporary scholars to analyse the question how the theology of 1 Peter informs this social engagement. It offers a missional reading of the letter which shows to what extent it invites the readers to participate in the mission of God and, more specifically, how Peter’s missional strategy works. Specific attention is paid to the household codes. After analysing the implications of re-telling the story of God’s mission in Christ for Peter’s audience, and evaluating the consequences of their Christian identity for participating in mission, the article tackles the household codes by assessing the extent to which they invite readers to change the world around them. At the end there are some conclusions for our time.RÉSUMÉLa première épître de Pierre contient divers thèmes qui témoignent de la préoccupation de son auteur pour l’Église. Cette lettre est connue pour ses instructions aux esclaves, aux maris et aux épouses, pour son approche de la souffrance, pour son enseignement sur la justice sociale et sur la direction d’Église. Le présent article vise à montrer qu’elle intègre à son traitement de questions sociales une pensée missionnelle. En s’appuyant sur divers travaux contemporains, Svetlana Khobnya cherche à déterminer comment la théologie énoncée dans la lettre influe sur le traitement des questions sociales. Elle propose ainsi une lecture de la lettre dans une perspective missionnelle montrant à quel point les lecteurs sont invités à prendre part à la mission de Dieu et, plus spécifiquement, comment fonctionne sa stratégie missionnelle. Elle prête une attention particulière au code domestique. Après une analyse des implications du récit de la mission de Dieu en Christ, que la lettre raconte à nouveau à ses lecteurs, et une présentation des conséquences de leur identité chrétienne pour leur participation à la mission, elle revisite le code domestique en considérant dans quelle mesure il invite les lecteurs à changer le monde dans lequel ils vivent. Elle conclut par des suggestions pour l’époque actuelle.

1971 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-73 ◽  
Verne H. Fletcher

One of the more promising recent developments in Christian ethics is the attempt to re-think its starting point and its basis in the light of the advances in biblical studies which are recovering for the church the specificity of the biblical perspective. It is true that this concern to take the biblical perspective seriously must go hand in hand with another of the central themes of current ethical thinking, namely, the concern to pay close attention to the data of the concrete situation. Unfortunately, ‘situation ethics’, while commendable in its refusal of legalism and its openness to the givenness of the situation, is frequently lacking in any specifically Christian content, that is, content to which the biblical perspective has made at least some formative contribution. In this regard, the difficult problem is this: how do we appropriate the biblical perspective in such a way that it may illumine the present concrete situation and give shape to ethical decision? Not much progress has been made on the solution of this problem. Although in this article we are only working at one end of the spectrum, namely, one aspect of the biblical basis of Christian ethics, nevertheless we see this as part of the total problem of bridging the gap, for in fact this cannot be accomplished without the re-conceptualisation of ‘biblical ethics’ now taking place.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 73-94
Harianto GP

AbstractThis study aims to examine the mission in the context of suffering related to about theology of suffering, its context in Indonesia and its implications for mission in Indonesia. In connection with the goal, the results of the study show that suffering is the pressure faced by someone who comes from outside himself to exert a good influence on that person. The suffering of non-believers is different. If non-believers are suffering because of the world, but if believers suffer because of Christ. The suffering experienced by believers in Indonesia is indeed the Great Commission of Christ. Believers and the church are obliged to do God's mission is to win souls who are lost in their suffering by being a witness of God and dialogue to preach the gospel.Keywords: Mission; Suffer; Church; BelieversAbstractPenelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji mengenai misi dalam konteks penderitaan berkaitan dengan seputar teologi penderitaan, konteksnya di Indonesia dan implikasinya terhadap misi di Indonesia. Berkaitan dengan tujuan, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penderitaan ialah tekanan yang dihadapi seseorang  yang datang dari luar dirinya untuk memberikan pengaruh yang baik kepada orang tersebut. Penderitaan orang yang bukan percaya dengan orang percaya berbeda. Kalau orang yang bukan percaya adalah penderitaan karena dunia tetapi kalau orang percaya menderita karena Kristus. Penderitaan yang dialami orang-orang percaya di Indonesia adalah memang amanat Agung Kristus. Orang percaya maupun gereja wajib melakukan misi Allah adalah memenangkan jiwa-jiwa yang tersesat dalam penderitaannya dengan cara adalah menjadi saksi Allah dan dialog untuk memberitakan Injil. Kata Kunci: Misi; Penderitaan; Gereja; Orang Percaya

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-55
Listari Listari ◽  
Yonatan Alex Arifianto

The missionary fulfillment of the Great Commission as applied to churches today. Mission shares the same principle in the Great Commission, which is to bring souls to salvation. In the text of the Great Commission, there are three important parts, namely salvation, development, and assignment. This great commission has been applied in various churches today, but the principles of the mission itself have not been fully understood by church members. By using descriptive qualitative methods, the writer can define the Great Commission and its objectives, then describe the principles of mission in the Great Commission in the study of Matthew 28: 19-20 and apply the mission in everyday life. A mission that has an agenda and objectives and mission principles from the text of the Great Commission, understands carefully the theological study of the Great Commission and knows the mission of God in the life of every believer, recognizes the mandate in the person and fulfills it. And the last, most important thing is how the church recognizes the problems in mission and strives to be a mission church that relies on God and is able to get through every challenge that exists in implementing its evangelistic mandate. Abstrak Pelaksanaan misi dari Amanat Agung yang diterapkan pada gereja-gereja masa kini. Misi memiliki prinsip yang sama dalam Amanat Agung, yaitu untuk membawa jiwa-jiwa kepada keselamatan. Dalam teks Amanat Agung terdapat tiga bagian penting, yaitu penyelamatan, pengembangan dan penugasan. Amanat Agung ini telah diterapkan di dalam berbagai gereja saat ini, hanya saja prinsip dari misi itu sendiri belum dipahami secara menyeluruh oleh anggota gereja. Dengan melalui metode kualitatif deskritif, penulis dapat mendeskritifkan Amanat Agung dan tujuannya, lalu menjabarkan prinsip misi Amanat Agung dalam kajian Matius 28: 19- 20 dan mengaplikasikan misi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Misi yang memiliki agenda tujuan dan prinsip- Prinsip misi dari teks Amanat Agung, memahami dengan seksama kajian teologis Amanat Agung serta mengenal misi Allah di dalam kehidupan setiap orang percaya, mengenal amanat dalam diri pribadi dan menunaikannya. Dan yang terakhir yang paling penting adalah bagaimana gereja mengenal masalah-masalah dalam misi serta berusaha menjadi gereja yang bermisi dengan bersandar Tuhan dan mampu melewati setiap tantangan yang ada dalam menerapkan mandat penginjilan.

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