scholarly journals La implementación de los valores en la adquisición de una segunda lengua (inglés) en alumnos de la licenciatura en intercultural bilingüe.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-34
Jesús Ayala Urías

El idioma inglés es necesario en México y en el mundo al posicionarse como vehículo de comunicación global debido al rápido desarrollo tecnológico, científico y comercial. Por lo tanto, es un idioma internacional y un requisito imprescindible desde la educación básica hasta la educación superior, convirtiéndose en ocasiones en herramienta disponible para acceder al conocimiento y la investigación, así como al desarrollo profesional.             Uno de los objetivos de esta propuesta es implementar estrategias que permitan el desarrollo y fortalecimiento de la habilidad cognitiva de retención para mejorar la adquisición de verbos irregulares en inglés, así como la puesta de algunos valores que darán fortalecimiento a estos contenidos necesarios en la práctica comunicativa. Como sustento teórico se tiene a Johnson (2003) quien retoma que una de las metas de enseñanza de técnicas de pensamiento es aprenderlas hasta el punto de automatizarla, para que el alumno pueda concentrase en el significado. Además, Tobón establece que más que tener datos en la mente, hay que buscar que los estudiantes construyan conceptos porque son base para procesar información, comprenderla, adaptarla, reconstruirla y aplicarla en situaciones y problemas. El método empleado fue la investigación acción que permite mejorar la práctica docente como fortalecer la habilidad cognitiva de retención en los estudiantes. Los participantes cursaban 4to semestre de la licenciatura en educación primaria ICB. El procedimiento inició con un diagnóstico que evidenció la necesidad de fortalecer la retención, así como los valores de respeto, tolerancia y empatía. Dando paso al diseño y aplicación de diversas estrategias para cumplir con el objetivo. Los resultados surgieron después de cada estrategia implementada, como conclusión se logró fortalecer la habilidad cognitiva de la retención en los estudiantes enfatizando los valores ya mencionados. Palabras clave Educación; Empatía; inglés; Respeto; Tolerancia; Valores. Abstract The English language is necessary in Mexico and the world when positioning itself as a vehicle for global communication due to rapid technological, scientific and commercial development. Therefore, it is an international language and an essential requirement from basic education to higher education, sometimes becoming a tool available to access knowledge and research, as well as professional development. One of the objectives of this proposal is to implement strategies that allow the development and strengthening of cognitive retention skills to improve the acquisition of irregular verbs in English, as well as the setting of some values that will give strengthening these necessary content in communicative practice. As theoretical sustenance is Johnson (2003) who remakes that one of the goals of teaching thought techniques is to learn them to the point of automating it, so that the student can concentrate on meaning. In addition, Tobón states that rather than having data in mind, students need to be sought to build concepts because they are a basis for processing information, understanding, adapting it, reconstructing it, and applying it in situations and problems. The method used was action research that allows to improve teaching practice such as strengthening cognitive retention skills in students. Participants were 4semester of the BACHELOR's degree in ICB primary education. The procedure began with a diagnosis that demonstrated the need to strengthen retention, as well as values of respect, tolerance and empathy. Giving way to the design and application of various strategies to meet the objective. The results arose after each strategy implemented, as a conclusion it was possible to strengthen the cognitive ability of retention in the students by emphasizing the values already mentioned. Keywords Education Empathy English Respect Tolerance Values.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-34
Jesús Ayala Urías ◽  
Laura Prieto Arredondo ◽  
Hilda Graciela Monárrez Mora ◽  
Lizbeth Lucero Leticia Zapién Urbina

El idioma inglés es necesario en México y en el mundo al posicionarse como vehículo de comunicación global debido al rápido desarrollo tecnológico, científico y comercial. Por lo tanto, es un idioma internacional y un requisito imprescindible desde la educación básica hasta la educación superior, convirtiéndose en ocasiones en herramienta disponible para acceder al conocimiento y la investigación, así como al desarrollo profesional. Uno de los objetivos de esta propuesta es implementar estrategias que permitan el desarrollo y fortalecimiento de la habilidad cognitiva de retención para mejorar la adquisición de verbos irregulares en inglés, así como la puesta de algunos valores que darán fortalecimiento a estos contenidos necesarios en la práctica comunicativa. Como sustento teórico se tiene a Johnson (2003) quien retoma que una de las metas de enseñanza de técnicas de pensamiento es aprenderlas hasta el punto de automatizarla, para que el alumno pueda concentrase en el significado. Además, Tobón establece que más que tener datos en la mente, hay que buscar que los estudiantes construyan conceptos porque son base para procesar información, comprenderla, adaptarla, reconstruirla y aplicarla en situaciones y problemas. El método empleado fue la investigación acción que permite mejorar la práctica docente como fortalecer la habilidad cognitiva de retención en los estudiantes. Los participantes cursaban 4to semestre de la licenciatura en educación primaria ICB. El procedimiento inició con un diagnóstico que evidenció la necesidad de fortalecer la retención, así como los valores de respeto, tolerancia y empatía. Dando paso al diseño y aplicación de diversas estrategias para cumplir con el objetivo. Los resultados surgieron después de cada estrategia implementada, como conclusión se logró fortalecer la habilidad cognitiva de la retención en los estudiantes enfatizando los valores ya mencionados. Abstract The English language is necessary in Mexico and the world when positioning itself as a vehicle for global communication due to rapid technological, scientific and commercial development. Therefore, it is an international language and an essential requirement from basic education to higher education, sometimes becoming a tool available to access knowledge and research, as well as professional development. One of the objectives of this proposal is to implement strategies that allow the development and strengthening of cognitive retention skills to improve the acquisition of irregular verbs in English, as well as the setting of some values that will give strengthening these necessary content in communicative practice. As theoretical sustenance is Johnson (2003) who remakes that one of the goals of teaching thought techniques is to learn them to the point of automating it, so that the student can concentrate on meaning. In addition, Tobón states that rather than having data in mind, students need to be sought to build concepts because they are a basis for processing information, understanding, adapting it, reconstructing it, and applying it in situations and problems. The method used was action research that allows to improve teaching practice such as strengthening cognitive retention skills in students. Participants were 4semester of the BACHELOR's degree in ICB primary education. The procedure began with a diagnosis that demonstrated the need to strengthen retention, as well as values of respect, tolerance and empathy. Giving way to the design and application of various strategies to meet the objective. The results arose after each strategy implemented, as a conclusion it was possible to strengthen the cognitive ability of retention in the students by emphasizing the values already mentioned.

Amanda Maraschin Bruscato

English language learning is valued globally, being this subject compulsory in the Brazilian basic education from the 6th year of elementary school, according to the Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education. In private institutions, however, English language teaching begins significantly earlier, already in early childhood education. This article presents theoretical reflections from the practice of an English language teacher at a kindergarten school in Porto Alegre, where she attends children from 2 to 6 years old. The class diary was used to the analysis, and as theoretical references are Anthony (2011), Asher (1968), Krashen (1982) and Larsen-Freeman (2003). It is expected that the study will also help other teachers to reflect on their teaching practice from the concepts of approach, method and teaching techniques.

Lucio Luiz ◽  
Monica Rabello de Castro

Este estudo investigou as representações sociais de professores de Educação Básica quanto a sua prática docente na utilização das histórias em quadrinhos em sala de aula. Partimos da hipótese de que professores representam a presença dos quadrinhos no ambiente escolar apenas como ferramenta metodológica, desvalorizando o aspecto de ser uma das várias formas de expressão humana, tais como consideramos serem outras manifestações como a literatura, a pintura e a música. Esta desvalorização pode explicar uma subutilização desta expressão artística nos meios educacionais. Para alcançar este objetivo, utilizamos a Teoria das Representações Sociais em articulação com a Teoria da Argumentação. Os resultados mostraram que, a despeito do que dizem as pesquisas acadêmicas sobre quadrinhos e Educação, com exceção de situações e projetos pontuais, constatamos a subutilização do quadrinho em sala de aula. Isso ocorre, em grande parte, por rejeição e desconhecimento do professor. Além disso, os professores representam os quadrinhos em sala de aula apenas como um meio para se alcançar outros objetivos e mesmo as adaptações literárias são meras ferramentas para que o professor leve o aluno ao que ele considera realmente importante, que são as obras que originam essas adaptações. Como nunca houve uma preocupação em entender a representação que os professores têm do uso dos quadrinhos, criou-se uma crença equivocada de que esses projetos são desenvolvidos de forma generalizada nas escolas brasileiras, quando na realidade eles são a exceção e não a regra. Comics in basic education: A study of teachers' social representationsThis research investigated teachers’ social representations in Basic Education regarding their teaching practice in the use of comics in the classroom. We started from the hypothesis that teachers represent the presence of comics in the school environment only as a methodological tool, devaluing the aspect of being one of the various forms of human expressions, such as we consider other manifestations such as literature, painting and music. This devaluation may explain an underutilization of this artistic expression in the educational field. To achieve this goal, we use the Social Representation Theory in articulation with Argumentation Theory. The results showed that, despite what academic research on comics and education say, except for situations and specific projects, there is an underutilization of the comic in the classroom. This is largely due to teacher rejection and ignorance. In addition, teachers represent comics in the classroom only as a mean to achieve other goals and even literary adaptations are mere tools for the teacher to take the student to what he considers to be really important, which are the works that originate these adaptations. Since there has never been a concern to understand the representation that teachers have of the use of comics, a misconception has been created that these projects are developed in a generalized way in Brazilian schools, when in reality they are the exception and not the rule.Keywords: Comics; Teaching work; Social representations; Argumentative analysis; Textual genre. Historias cómicas en la educación básica: Un estudio de las representaciones sociales de los maestrosEste estudio investigó las representaciones sociales de los maestros de Educación Primaria en cuanto a su práctica docente en el uso de las tiras cómicas en el aula. Partimos de la hipótesis de que los maestros representan la presencia del cómic en el entorno escolar sólo como una herramienta metodológica, devaluando el aspecto de ser una de las varias formas de expresión humana, como consideramos otras manifestaciones como la literatura, la pintura y la música. Esta desvalorización puede explicar una subutilización de esta expresión artística en los medios educativos. Para lograr este objetivo, utilizamos la Teoría de las Representaciones Sociales junto con la Teoría de la Argumentación. Los resultados mostraron que, a pesar de lo que dice la investigación académica sobre los cómics y la educación, con la excepción de situaciones y proyectos ocasionales, encontramos una subutilización de los cómics en el aula. Esto ocurre, en gran parte, debido al rechazo y la falta de conocimiento del profesor. Además, los maestros representan los cómics en el aula sólo como un medio para lograr otros objetivos e incluso las adaptaciones literarias son meras herramientas para que el maestro lleve al alumno a lo que considera realmente importante, que son las obras que originan estas adaptaciones. Como nunca ha existido la preocupación de comprender la representación que los profesores tienen del uso de los cómics, se ha creado la creencia errónea de que estos proyectos se desarrollan de forma generalizada en las escuelas brasileñas, cuando en realidad son la excepción y no la regla.Palabras clave: Cómics; Trabajo de enseñanza; Representaciones sociales; Análisis argumentativo; Género textual.

Marisela Amor Payán Pérez

En la revisión del acuerdo 649, mismo que da el sustento a la Licenciatura de Educación Primaria, respectivamente se reconoce el apartado del perfil de egreso que comprende el dominio de las competencias genéricas y profesionales que todo estudiante al término de la licenciatura debe tener desarrolladas. El fortalecimiento de las competencias genéricas y profesionales, conlleva un proceso sistemático y metodológico que debe atender el estudiante en formación, mismo que le permite que su práctica docente contenga ese nivel de profesionalización que la docencia requiere para asegurar mejores resultados en los alumnos de educación primaria. En las pasadas inmersiones a la práctica docente con alumnos del séptimo semestre de la Licenciatura en Educación Primaria se realiza la revisión de la planificación que se implementará en el semestre a través del curso de práctica profesional, misma que se dosifica por cuatro periodos de 15 días cada uno; la cual debe revisarse rigurosamente para observar el nivel de apropiación de la misma la cual debe contener y precisar el mapeo (Propósitos de la asignatura, de la educación primaria, de la educación básica, rol del alumno, del maestro) el encuadre (bloque, fecha, ámbito, aprendizajes esperado, temas de reflexión, actividades de rutina, el enfoque de la asignatura a tratar) posteriormente la realización de la secuencia didáctica que responda al desarrollo de los aprendizajes esperados, con adecuaciones curriculares que atiendan los ritmos y estilos de aprendizaje para los alumnos que así lo requieran, tiempo estimado de aplicación, materiales a utilizar y la inclusión de tic  De igual forma se debe evidenciar un proceso de análisis que comprenda la evaluación diagnóstica, procesual y final considerando la actitudinal, procedimental e instrumental. Requiere además de un apartado de dominio de contenido que de sustento a las temáticas a abordar por si se requiere hacer consultas teóricas y, por último, los anexos que evidencias los apoyos gráficos que se utilizaran en el desarrollo de las actividades.   Palabras clave Acompañamiento, planeación, proceso, práctica profesional, evaluación,   Abstract In the revision of the agreement 649, which gives the support to the Degree of Primary Education, respectively recognizes the section of the exit profile that comprises the mastery of the generic and professional competencies that every student at the end of the degree must have developed. The Strengthening of generic and professional competencies, involves a systematic and methodological process that must be addressed by the student in training, which allows his teaching practice to contain that level of professionalism that the teaching Required to ensure better results in primary school students. In the past dives to the teaching practice with students of the seventh semester of the Degree in Primary Education is carried out the review of the planning that will be implemented in the semester through the course of professional practice, same that is dosed by Four periods of 15 days each; Which should be reviewed rigorously to observe the level of appropriation of the same which should contain and specify the mapping (Purposes of the subject, primary education, basic education, student role, teacher) framing (block, date, scope, Expected learning, topics of reflection, activities of routine, the approach of the subject to be treated) subsequently the realization of the didactic sequence that responds to the development of the expected learning, with curricular adaptations that attend the Rhythms and learning styles for students who so require, estimated application time, materials to be used and the inclusion of ICT In the same way should be evidenced an analysis process that includes diagnostic evaluation, processual and final Considering the attitudinal, procedural and instrumental. It Requires in addition to a section of domain of content that of sustenance to the topics to be addressed in case it is necessary to make theoretical consultations and, finally the annexes that evidence the graphic supports to be used in the development of the activities   Keywords Accompaniment, planning, process, professional practice, evaluation,

Jenifer Mangalus

While there have been studies and awareness seminars conducted in the promotion of Philippine English (PE), still PE has not fully-penetrated in most public schools. Hence, the study sought to identify the acceptability of PE among English teachers from a secondary high school in Pampanga. PE’s levels of acceptability were determined using Torres and Alieto’s (2019) Grammatical and Lexical Acceptability Questionnaire. Pre -test result revealed that teachers have low acceptability level of the PE grammatical and lexical items   and that they are not aware of the PE. A webinar was conducted to introduce the PE among teachers and the post-test showed a significant difference to their acceptability level. Furthermore, teachers’ answers to the follow up questions imply that they are willing to introduce PE in the classroom, which they believe will help the students to be more conversant and become more confident in speaking the English language. It is concluded that teachers are open to incorporating the PE in their classes to further improve their students’ confidence in learning the language. The following recommendations were given: (1) Teachers should be provided with more seminars that will update them with the current status of Philippine English; (2) Teachers should be encouraged to consider the Philippine English in motivating students to be confident speakers in the English classes; and (3) School administrators and English teachers should promote the acceptance of Philippine English in the academic context.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 29-37
Daiga Kaleja-Gasparovica

The study is devoted to the organization of the teaching/learning content of visual art and self-expression process in practice. The article, based on theory, explains creative self-expression in the context of pupil's meaningful learning, based on the new education policy and the developed guidelines in basic education. The individual experience of prospective primary school teachers and their understanding of self-expression in visual art has been clarified during the reflection and pedagogical observation in the study process in methods of teaching visual art which led to stating the research problem. The theoretical account offered in the article reveals pedagogical possibilities for prospective teachers to organize purposefully self-expression classes in visual art during the teaching practice so that the pupil, learning visual art without professional literacy in art, improved his/her transversal skills acquiring the experience of self-guided learning, critical thinking and problem-solving, innovation, cooperation, and civic participation.

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 33
Jinjin Lu ◽  
Yingliang Liu

<p>Enhancing students’ learning autonomy has been emphasized in the current round of English curriculum reforms by the Ministry of Education (MOE) in China. The initial aim of the new guidelines was developed to enhance students’ English proficiency to better fulfil their basic education (Nine-year compulsory education). However, up until now, very little is known about the quality of students’ basic education and their learner autonomy development. This paper uses the English language subject as a case to examine the relationship between the different locations of students’ attendance of their basic education and their learner autonomy development at university level. The result shows that secondary schools’ locations play a more important role in students’ learner autonomy development at university. A ‘Have A Go’ model is proposed to improve students’ transition between high schools and universities in the English language learning process.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (9) ◽  
pp. 208
Tunku Mohani Tunku Mohtar ◽  
Charanjit Kaur Swaran Singh ◽  
Napisah Kepol ◽  
Ahmad Zainuri Loap Ahmad ◽  
Sasigaran Moneyam

The present study investigated the beliefs and efficacy of a teacher teaching English to students who were weak at the language. The objective of the study was mainly to investigate the beliefs and efficacy of the ESL teacher for teaching writing to weak learners. The research was a case study of the English Language teacher teaching Form Three class of students whose English proficiency was very low. An interview was conducted with the teacher to further probe the instructional strategies applied to enhance her beliefs and efficacy in her own capabilities to make learning happen in her classroom. Observations were made to investigate the teacher’s efficacy in teaching and the performance of the students specifically for writing. Results show the teacher’s beliefs of her students’ capabilities and their language needs helped shape the teacher’s instructional strategies. The teacher’s efficacy enabled her to decide to undertake the task of teaching writing to her students because she was confident in her ability. The teacher provided clues to the students to facilitate their learning. This kind of feedback from the teacher indirectly motivated them to learn. The teacher’s beliefs and efficacy contributed to her teaching practice and the instructional strategies that she used in turn enhanced her beliefs and efficacy. The study implicates that teacher’s beliefs and efficacy can assist the weak learners in improving their writing skills and also facilitate language learning.

Sue Garton

The last 20-25 years have seen a significant shift in the views about what teachers need to know to be able to teach. This shift has led to new developments in the theory of second language teacher education (SLTE) and a growth in research in this area. One area of research concerns the attitudes and expectations of those learning to become teachers. While most studies in this area focus on teacher education programmes in BANA countries, this article looks at data from student teachers studying in Russia and Uzbekistan. The study employed a quantitative and qualitative research design, using a researcher-designed on-line questionnaire. Through snowball sampling, data from 161 students and recent graduates in the two countries were collected, analysed, and compared to investigate the content of SLTE programmes. The study identified what the novice teachers felt were the strengths and weaknesses of their programme, and what changes they would like to see. Results showed that while the respondents were mainly satisfied with their methodology, and theoretical linguistics courses, they felt the need for more practice, both teaching and language practice. The data also revealed that, in Uzbekistan in particular, the idea of global English struggles to take hold as native-speaker models remain the norm. The implications of the study underline the need for SLTE to explicitly link theory to practice and to promote the idea of varieties of English, rather than focus on native-speaker norms.

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