scholarly journals Technologic Prospection of Bioactive Compounds in Umbu Pulp (Spondias Tuberosa Arruda)

Carla Crislan De Souza Bery

The Spondias tuberosa arruda is a fairly integrated type and known in the Brazilian semiarid, being present in the food of the population that lives there. About 18 fruits are in the genus Spondias, and it is known that some of them, like umbu, have antioxidant potential and applicability in several areas. In order to evaluate this potential, it is important a detailed study of all possible applications. This study analyzed the survey results for the bioactive compounds (phenolic compounds and antioxidants) present in umbu pulp (Spondias tuberosa arruda) through patent applications. To perform the patent search was used the bases of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the database of the brazilian National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) and the European Patent Office (Espacenet). This prospect has contributed to the knowledge of researches already developed, especially in order to identify the work in the area of use, characterization, possible applications and potential umbu, focusing on the identification of bioactive compounds and how promising and necessary is a research in that area.

2017 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 115 ◽  
Lyghia Maria Araújo Meirelles ◽  
Fernanda Nervo Raffin

There has been a growing trend in recent years for the development of hybrid materials, called composites, based on clay and polymers, whose innovative properties render them attractive for drug release. The objective of this manuscript was to conduct a review of original articles on this topic published over the last decade and of the body of patents related to these carriers. A scientific prospection was carried out spanning the period from 2005 to 2015 on the Web of Science database. The technological prospection encompassed the United States Patent and Trademark Office, the European Patent Office, the World International Patent Office and the National Institute of Industrial Property databases, filtering patents with the code A61K. The survey revealed a rise in the number of publications over the past decade, confirming the potential of these hybrids for use in pharmaceutical technology. Through interaction between polymer and clay, the mechanical and thermal properties of composites are enhanced, promoting stable, controlled drugs release in biological media. The most cited clays analyzed in the articles was montmorillonite, owing to its high surface area and capacity for ion exchange. The polymeric part is commonly obtained by copolymerization, particularly using acrylate derivatives. The hybrid materials are obtained mainly in particulate form on a nanometric scale, attaining a modified release profile often sensitive to stimuli in the media. A low number of patents related to the topic were found. The World International Patent Office had the highest number of lodged patents, while Japan was the country which published the most patents. A need to broaden the application of this technology to include more therapeutic classes was identified. Moreover, the absence of regulation of nanomaterials might explain the disparity between scientific and technological output. This article is open to POST-PUBLICATION REVIEW. Registered readers (see “For Readers”) may comment by clicking on ABSTRACT on the issue’s contents page.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (30) ◽  
pp. 65-74
D. S. S. VIÉGAS ◽  
L. M. S. SILVA ◽  

The significant increase experienced by the biodiesel industry also brings with it the concomitant increase in the amount of glycerol as a by-product. In this sense, in order to avoid future problems arising from this accumulation, but also to make the production of biodiesel more competitive, it is necessary to seek economically viable solutions for the use of this by-product for applications in Brazil or even in the international market. In this context, the technological trends related to glycerol oxidation were carried out through the mapping of patents in different databases: INPI, European Patent Office (EPO), United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and revealed that there is a technological interest in the development of technology as well as found that the number of patents related to the use of electrochemical methods for the oxidation of glycerol is still little explored, consisting of opportunities for research and development with the potential to generate innovation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-94 ◽  
Maricruz Anaya-Ruiz ◽  
Cindy Bandala ◽  
Gerardo Landeta ◽  
Patricia Martínez-Morales ◽  
Jose L. Zumaquero-Rios ◽  

Background: Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world and it is necessary to develop new strategies for its treatment because most therapies have limited access to many types of tumors, as well as low therapeutic efficacy and high toxicity.Objective:The present research aims to identify recent patents of drug delivery nanostructured systems that may have application in improving cancer treatment.Methods:Recent patents regarding the drug delivery nanostructured systems for cancer treatment were obtained from the patent databases of the six main patent offices of the world: United States Patent and Trademark Office, European Patent Office, World Intellectual Property Organization, Japan Patent Office, State Intellectual Property Office of China and Korean Intellectual Property Office.Results:A total of 1710 patent documents from 1998 to 2017 including "drug delivery nanostructured systems for cancer treatment" were retrieved. The top five countries in patent share were USA, China, South Korea, Canada and Germany. The universities and enterprises of USA had the highest amount of patents followed by institutions from China.Conclusion:There is a strong tendency for the development of new nanostructured systems for the release of drugs; particularly, in recent years, the development of nanoparticles has focused on nanodiscs, gold nanoparticles and immunoliposomes.

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 219 ◽  
Lilia Calheiros de Oliveira Barretto ◽  
Joicy Manuela Vilanova Gois ◽  
Dian Souza De Oliveira ◽  
Gennaro Junho Gama ◽  
Gabriel Francisco Da Silva ◽  

A Moringa oleifera Lam. é uma espécie arbórea originária do noroeste indiano, cultivada graças ao seu valor alimentar, alto teor proteico, usos na medicina tradicional, indústria e tratamento de água para o consumo humano. Por apresentar tais características, a moringa tem um grande potencial para cultivo comercial. As características de adaptação climática e de solo da planta a tornam implementável como cultivo tanto em escala industrial quanto de subsistência em grandes extensões do território brasileiro. O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar os resultados de pesquisa relativos às aplicações da moringa na tecnologia de alimentos através de pedidos de patentes. Utilizou-se as bases World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial (INPI) e European Patent Office (Espacenet). O período coberto por esta pesquisa baseia-se no período máximo permitido por cada base de dado consultada, e é corrente ao mês de outubro de 2013.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (14) ◽  
pp. e333101422076
Nathália Andrezza Carvalho de Souza ◽  
Victória Laysna dos Anjos Santos ◽  
Tarcísio Cícero de Lima Araújo ◽  
Pedrita Alves Sampaio ◽  
Renata Rivelli Menezes de Souza ◽  

The genus Mikania (Asteraceae) comprises about 450 species of these, 203 are found in Brazil and present several chemical and biological activities. Considering the variety of species and their therapeutic properties, the present study aimed to perform technological prospecting of this genus, since this approach aims to contribute to technological, scientific and innovation research. For this purpose, the patent documents were analyzed, regarding the applicant countries, year of filing and the international classification of patents of the genus Mikania. The search was conducted in the databases World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), European Patent Office (EPO) and the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) in October 2020, using the descriptor “Mikania”; present in the title and/or abstract in addition, documents that included medicinal approaches were selected. Thus, taking into consideration the filing countries, Japan, Brazil and the United States led the patent deposits, with the first document filed in 1991 and the largest number of applications in the years 2000 and 2010. The data concerning the international patent classification are concentrated in subclass A61K, which deals with preparations for medical, dental or hygienic purposes. These results demonstrated the therapeutic and technological potential of the Mikania species and thus which can be evidenced the potential of this study.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 31
Selma Maria Santos Moura ◽  
Sávio Ruan Sampaio De Sousa ◽  
Airton Mendes Conde Júnior

O jenipapo é uma árvore alta (10 a 15 metros), encontrada em regiões de clima tropical úmido, comum no nordeste brasileiro. Seu nome científico é Genipa americana L., jenipapo vem do Tupi-guarani jandipap, que significa fruto que serve para pintar. Apresenta caule reto, folhas verde-escuras, flores amarelo-ouro e o fruto na forma de baga ovoide, possui polpa marrom clara que envolve sementes no centro. Na alimentação humana, seu fruto é comestível ao natural e no preparo de doces, refrescos e vinho. É rico em ferro, vitaminas B1, B2, B5 e C, cálcio e hidratos de carbono. Na cultura popular têm indicações medicinais para o tratamento de afecções. Quando verde, o fruto fornece um suco azul muito utilizado como corante, transparente a princípio, o qual torna-se preto quando oxida, apresenta consistência do nanquim e no corpo, em contato com a pele, deixa manchas que desaparecem após uma semana ou mais, espontaneamente. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi realizar a prospecção tecnológica com relação à Genipa americana L., para apresentar uma visão geral sobre as tecnologias desenvolvidas relacionadas ao tema. Para isso realizou-se uma busca de patentes nas bases do European Patent Office, World Intellectual Property Organization, United States Patent and Trademark Office e no Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial. Utilizando a palavra-chave Genipa americana L. foram registradas 88 patentes, quando acrescido à especificação corante encontrou-se 5 e nenhuma quando utilizou-se Genipa americana L. e célula. O Brasil registrou um número de patentes inferior ao encontrado nos USA e no Japão, sendo os anos de 2010, 2011 e 2015 os que apresentaram maior número. Ações integradas devem ser realizadas para estimular as instituições de fomento à pesquisa no intuito de viabilizar um ambiente propício à geração de inovações, fazendo do Brasil um país mais competitivo do ponto de vista tecnológico.

2019 ◽  

AbstractPerbedaan sistem hukum perlindungan lingkup paten di berbagai Negara,tidak hanya mengimpor investasi baru namun juga menentukan proses transfer teknologi suatu Negara. Perlindungan yang meluas menyebabkan transfer teknologi tidak mudah walaupun kurangnya perlindungan karena pemilik paten mengalami kerugian.kedua perbedaan niat tersebut menghasilkan perlunya studi komperatif tentang cangkupan perlindungan paten di Negara-negara. Ada dua masalah yang harus dijajaki, pertama apa perbedaan dan kesamaan cakupan perlindungan paten dalam peraturan negara dan yang kedua bagaimana sistem hukum mempengaruhi kejadian yang berbeda? A.INTRODUCTIONPerkembangan Teknologi suatu Negara,tidak lepas dari aspek perlindungan hak paten yang berlaku pada Negara tersebut. Negara jepang sebagai contoh, adalah Negara yang dikenal paling maju teknologinya.Semula Negara ini banyak mencontoh teknologi Negara-negara Eropa dan Amerika, namun dalam perkembangan yang kita ketahui akhir-akhir ini justru jepanglah yang menjadi kiblat dari Negara-negara lain termasuk Eropa dan Amerika.B.CONTENT1.Perlindungan paten di Negara-Negara Eropa Konvensi Paten Eropa, Undang-Undang Paten Jerman, Amerika Serikat, dan Jepang, dalam makalah “Comparative Study on the Japanese, the United States and the European Patent Systems”, oleh Japan Patent Office Asia-Pacific Industrial Property Center di Jepang belum lama ini (tahun 2001), bila ditelaah banyak mengungkap persamaan/perbedaan perlindungan paten negara-negara tersebut. Beberapa pasal konvensi dan undang-undang negara dimaksud, memperkaya isi tulisan ini.C.CONCLUSIONPerlindungan paten baik bagi negara-negara Eropa yang mengikuti Konvensi Paten Eropa, Jepang maupun Indonesia memiliki persamaan dalam memberikan perlindungan paten berdasarkan prinsip first-to-file, yang berbeda dengan Amerika Serikat berdasarkan prinsip first-to-invent. Sekalipun Amerika Serikat menggunakan prinsip first-to-invent, tetapi Amerika Serikat juga mengatur syarat perlindungan sebagaimana negara-negara Eropa, Jepang dan Indonesia yang berupa penemuan baru, mengandung langkah inventif, dan dapat diterapkan dalam industri. D.DISCUSSIONIndonesia yang sekarang ini dalam undang-undangnya masih mengatur secara umum lingkup perlindungan hak paten, disarankan mengikuti prilaku hakim pengadilan Jepang yang mengadopsi doktrin file wrapper estoppel dan equivalent sebagaimana berlaku di Amerika Serikat. Hal ini didasarkan pertimbangan bahwa doktrin yang dimaksud memberikan keseimbangan pada perlindungan pemegang paten, di samping perlindungan kepentingan negara dalam proses alih teknologi. E.REFERENCE [1]O. M. Febriani and A. S. Putra, “Sistem Informasi Monitoring Inventori Barang Pada Balai Riset Standardisasi Industri Bandar Lampung,” J. Inform., vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 90–98, 2014.[2]A. S. Putra, “Paperplain: Execution Fundamental Create Application With Borland Delphi 7.0 University Of Mitra Indonesia,” 2018.[3]A. S. Putra, “2018 Artikel Struktur Data, Audit Dan Jaringan Komputer,” 2018.

2021 ◽  
Fabio Monteiro dos Santos ◽  
Heleno José Costa Bezerra Netto ◽  
Ricardo Carvalho Rodrigues

The right to appeal exists as a response to the two main characteristics of every human being. The first refers to the attitude of not settling for adverse decisions, which leads people to seek instruments to remediate these decisions, while the second is the possibility that every human being has to make mistakes and the need to correct these mistakes in decision-making acts that may have been mistaken. Therefore, an appeal is an instrument that enables review of a decision by a higher authority to obtain its modification or revocation. In the patent system, appeals are used basically to reverse decisions of patent examiners during the examination procedure as, for example, the decision to reject a patent. Although all patent offices have procedures for appeal against first-instance decisions taken by these offices, there are significant differences as to how this procedure is conducted in each office. This chapter will study the laws and regulations, rules and procedures on appeals in two of the main patent offices in the world – the European Patent Office – EPO and the United States Patent and Trademark Office – USPTO, and in the Brazilian Patent Office – INPI, pointing out the main differences between them.

2019 ◽  

AbstractPerbedaan sistem hukum perlindungan lingkup paten di berbagai Negara,tidak hanya mengimpor investasi baru namun juga menentukan proses transfer teknologi suatu Negara. Perlindungan yang meluas menyebabkan transfer teknologi tidak mudah walaupun kurangnya perlindungan karena pemilik paten mengalami kerugian.kedua perbedaan niat tersebut menghasilkan perlunya studi komperatif tentang cangkupan perlindungan paten di Negara-negara. Ada dua masalah yang harus dijajaki, pertama apa perbedaan dan kesamaan cakupan perlindungan paten dalam peraturan negara dan yang kedua bagaimana sistem hukum mempengaruhi kejadian yang berbeda? A.INTRODUCTIONPerkembangan Teknologi suatu Negara,tidak lepas dari aspek perlindungan hak paten yang berlaku pada Negara tersebut. Negara jepang sebagai contoh, adalah Negara yang dikenal paling maju teknologinya.Semula Negara ini banyak mencontoh teknologi Negara-negara Eropa dan Amerika, namun dalam perkembangan yang kita ketahui akhir-akhir ini justru jepanglah yang menjadi kiblat dari Negara-negara lain termasuk Eropa dan Amerika.B.CONTENT1.Perlindungan paten di Negara-Negara Eropa Konvensi Paten Eropa, Undang-Undang Paten Jerman, Amerika Serikat, dan Jepang, dalam makalah “Comparative Study on the Japanese, the United States and the European Patent Systems”, oleh Japan Patent Office Asia-Pacific Industrial Property Center di Jepang belum lama ini (tahun 2001), bila ditelaah banyak mengungkap persamaan/perbedaan perlindungan paten negara-negara tersebut. Beberapa pasal konvensi dan undang-undang negara dimaksud, memperkaya isi tulisan ini.C.CONCLUSIONPerlindungan paten baik bagi negara-negara Eropa yang mengikuti Konvensi Paten Eropa, Jepang maupun Indonesia memiliki persamaan dalam memberikan perlindungan paten berdasarkan prinsip first-to-file, yang berbeda dengan Amerika Serikat berdasarkan prinsip first-to-invent. Sekalipun Amerika Serikat menggunakan prinsip first-to-invent, tetapi Amerika Serikat juga mengatur syarat perlindungan sebagaimana negara-negara Eropa, Jepang dan Indonesia yang berupa penemuan baru, mengandung langkah inventif, dan dapat diterapkan dalam industri. D.DISCUSSIONIndonesia yang sekarang ini dalam undang-undangnya masih mengatur secara umum lingkup perlindungan hak paten, disarankan mengikuti prilaku hakim pengadilan Jepang yang mengadopsi doktrin file wrapper estoppel dan equivalent sebagaimana berlaku di Amerika Serikat. Hal ini didasarkan pertimbangan bahwa doktrin yang dimaksud memberikan keseimbangan pada perlindungan pemegang paten, di samping perlindungan kepentingan negara dalam proses alih teknologi.

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