scholarly journals Terapia Ocupacional e a promoção da saúde no contexto hospitalar: cuidado e acolhimento / Occupational Therapy and health promotion in the hospital context: care and hospitality

Letícia Pereira Santos ◽  
Tamara Neves Finarde Pedro ◽  
Maria Helena Morgani de Almeida ◽  
Rosé Colom Toldrá

Introdução: O adoecimento e a hospitalização de longa duração para pessoas adultas jovens podem causar importantes rupturas e mudanças em seu cotidiano. A terapia ocupacional propõe atividades significativas para amenizar as alterações decorrentes do adoecimento e da hospitalização na vida diária e promover saúde, ampliando modos de organização da atenção. Objetivo: Descrever e refletir sobre a atenção desenvolvida pela terapia ocupacional a duas jovens hospitalizadas. Método: Foi realizado estudo de caso, retrospectivo, de natureza qualitativa, com base em análise documental relativa aos percursos terapêuticos trilhados por duas jovens acompanhadas pela terapia ocupacional em uma enfermaria de clínica médica de um hospital universitário. Resultados: Foram desenvolvidas atividades expressivas, artesanais, utilização do computador e acesso às redes sociais, para estímulo de novas possibilidades de vida e cuidado. Foram também adotadas técnicas terapêuticas de posicionamento, mobilização e conservação de energia para alívio de sintomas físicos, melhora funcional e do autocuidado. A atenção da terapia ocupacional em articulação com aquela prestada pela equipe de enfermagem e por voluntários possibilitou o reconhecimento das atividades produzidas pelas usuárias e o compartilhamento de suas experiências com demais usuários e familiares. Conclusão: As vivências de atividades, de técnicas e os vínculos terapêuticos construídos entre as terapeutas ocupacionais e as usuárias, compuseram seus percursos terapêuticos e possibilitaram acolhimento, resgate e desenvolvimento de habilidades diversas, incluindo as de autocuidado, configurando-se importantes estratégias para a promoção da saúde. AbstractIntroduction: Illness and long-term hospitalization for young adults may cause major disruption in their daily life with changes in their daily routine. Occupational therapy proposes significant activities to alleviate the changes due to illness and hospitalization in daily living and promote health, increasing ways of organizing care. Objective: To describe and reflect on the care provided by occupational therapy to two young women hospitalized. Method: A retrospective qualitative case study was carried out based on a documentary analysis of the therapeutic pathways taken by two young women accompanied by occupational therapy in an internal medical ward of a university hospital. Results: Expressive, handcrafted activities, computer use and access to social networks were developed. Therapeutic techniques of positioning, mobilization, massage and conservation of energy also were adopted for relief of physical symptoms and functional improvement and self-care. The attention of the occupational therapy in articulation with the nursing team and volunteers allowed the recognition of the activities produced by the users and the sharing of their experiences with other users and their families. Conclusions: The proposed therapeutic enabled the users to develop strategies for self-knowledge and self-care, improvement of their health, reorganization of their daily routine inside and outside of the hospital and potentialization of their abilities.Keywords: Human activities; Hospitalization; Humanization of hospital care; Health promotion; Occupational therapy. 

2020 ◽  
Fariba Mazhari ◽  
Zohreh Khoshnood

Abstract Background ‏ : Cancer is one of the most critical health problems worldwide today. Studies by different researchers have shown that disease can reduce people's ability to self-care. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate Self-care needs in patients with cancer.Methods ‏ : ‏ This study is a conventional, qualitative content. Data saturation achieved after interviewing 13 participants in 15 interviews. With the in-depth semi-structured approach, the participants were asked to narrate their experiences of Self-care needs in the process of disease. The analysis was done according to Graneheim and Lundman's method, the following considered: the unit of analysis, meaning unit, condensation, code, sub-category ‏,‏ category, and main category.Results ‏ : Data analysis leads to two main categories of the two main categories of "Deficiency in management of disease". Including three sub-categories: "the need to get rid of annoying physical symptoms"," Need for a caregiver in daily routine," and" Feeling frustrated and giving up treatment". The second main category of "the need for sympathetic and knowledgeable caregivers" with the following five sub-categories: "Need for sympathy and interaction with nurse", "the need to hear the truth about illness", " Need for appropriate therapeutic interaction from physicians", "Inadequate qualification of physicians' secretary about the patient", and" need for a psychologist for psychological adaptation. "Conclusion ‏ : ‏ The most critical needs are compassionate and informed caregivers. So nursing management and care with kindness, competence, and conscience is the fundamental right of patients with cancer. Identifying the needs and problems of patients can be used as a background for increasing the knowledge and experience of nurses and providing care for patients with cancer.

Cinthia Raquel Ferreira Nascimento ◽  
Juliana Fonsêca de Queiroz Marcelino ◽  
Mariana Lima da Silva Lousada ◽  
Vera Lucia Dutra Facundes

Introdução: A gestação na adolescência é considerada um problema de saúde pública. Neste contexto, o terapeuta ocupacional pode desenvolver sua abordagem com foco no desempenho ocupacional desta população, que se depara com um novo papel e na modificação de suas ocupações. Objetivo: Descrever as ações de terapia ocupacional com adolescentes gestantes sobre o desempenho em ocupações na rotina diária. Métodos: Estudo do tipo pesquisa-ação com abordagem qualitativa. Foi desenvolvido no ambulatório da Saúde da Mulher de um Hospital Universitário da cidade do Recife -- PE, entre março e julho de 2016, com 10 adolescentes gestantes. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de entrevista semiestruturada, consulta a prontuários e observação participante dos grupos, que gerou registros em diário de campo e gravações. Os princípios éticos da Resolução 466/12 do Conselho Nacional de Saúde, foram respeitados. Resultados: As ações foram iniciadas com o levantamento, junto às gestantes, de dificuldades no desempenho ocupacional, problematização esta que favoreceu as discussões posteriores, em direção à construção compartilhada de estratégias. As ocupações indicadas como problemáticas foram: calçar o sapato, depilar-se, atividade sexual, descanso e sono e mobilidade funcional. A partir daí, o grupo elaborou estratégias para melhorar sua performance nestas atividades, bem como qualidade de vida, respaldadas por orientações da terapeuta ocupacional.  Conclusões: No estudo, foi possível identificar as dificuldades no desempenho ocupacional na rotina diária das gestantes, bem como favorecer a reflexão das mesmas sobre as estratégias de enfrentamento, para contribuir com a redução de agravos à saúde, promoção da autonomia e independência funcional.  Abstract Introduction: Gestation in adolescence is considered a public health problem. In this context, the occupational therapist can develop his approach focusing on the occupational performance of this population, which faces a new role and on the modification of their occupations. Objective: To describe the actions of occupational therapy with pregnant adolescents, on the performance in occupations in the daily routine. Methods: A research-action study with a qualitative approach. It was developed at the Women's Health outpatient clinic of a University Hospital of the city of Recife - PE, between March and July 2016, with 10 pregnant adolescents. The data were obtained through a semi-structured interview, consultation of medical records and participant observation of the groups, which generated records in field diaries and recordings. The ethical principles of Resolution 466/12 have been respected. Results: The actions were initiated with the survey, along with pregnant adolescents, of difficulties in occupational performance, problematization that favored the later discussions, towards the shared construction of strategies. The occupations indicated as problematic were: wear shoes, depilation, sexual activity, rest and sleep, and functional mobility. From there, the group developed strategies to improve their performance in these activities, as well as quality of life, backed by occupational therapist guidelines. Conclusions: In the study, it was possible to identify the difficulties in occupational performance in the daily routine of pregnant women, as well as to favor their reflection on coping strategies, to contribute to the reduction of health problems, promotion of autonomy and functional independence.Key words: occupational therapy, pregnancy in adolescence, role playing, activities of daily living.  Resumen Este artículo tiene como proposito analizar y debater lasposibilidades de laactuación de la terapia ocupacional enel âmbito de la Cultura, desde las reflexiones docentes generado por losestudiantes graduados enla Terapia Ocupacional enel centro de enseñanza superior (IES) publica. Hoy, laspoliticapublicasbrasileñaspresentanla cultura como derecho. Cultura, en neste caso, no sólo entendida como manifestaciones artísticas y estéticas, sino como uma cuestión de la identidade, protegiendotambiénsu diversidade. Para esta investigación, elegimosel enfoque cualitativo a partir de un enfoque analítico descriptivo, teniendo como base el método documentaldeldiario de campo de lasclases de los dos semestres consecutivos de la disciplina de Terapia Ocupacional Social de uncurso de una Universidad Publica. Los resultados obtenidos se dividieranentres categorias de análisis: (1) Cultura atravesandolapráctica, (2) Cultura como recurso y (3) Cultura como um campo de acción de la Terapia Ocupacional. Se entiende que la Cultura puede definir como campo específico de acción, con una finalidade determinada, lo que apunta para lanecesidad de los estúdios y uma formacción dirigida enparticular  aaquellas políticas, servicios y prácticas. Los datos de este estudio especialmente sumado a las diversas experienciasde la Terapia Ocupacional enelámbito de la Cultura han demonstrado lanecesidad de replantearlaformaciónprofesional. Una pista importante llevaría a uma revisión de lasdirectrices curriculares nacionales, teniendo em cuentaelámbito de la Cultura como locus de produccióndelconociento y laintervencióndel terapeuta ocupacional. Se apunta que és necesarioinvertiren neste tipo de formación para laconsolidación de lasprácticas de el terapeuta ocupacional enelámbito de la Cultura.Palalvras claves: Terapia Ocupacional, Cultura, Ciudadanía Cultural, Formación Profesional. 

2021 ◽  
Fariba Mazhari ◽  
zohreh khoshnood

Abstract Background‏: Cancer is one of the most critical health problems worldwide today. Studies by different researchers have shown that disease can reduce people's ability to self-care. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate Self-care needs in patients with cancer‏.Methods‏:‏ This study is a conventional, qualitative content. Data saturation achieved after interviewing 13 participants in 15 interviews. With the in-depth semi-structured approach, the participants were asked to narrate their experiences of Self-care needs in the process of disease. The analysis was done according to Graneheim and Lundman's method, the following considered: the unit of analysis, meaning unit, condensation, code, sub-category‏,‏ category, and main category‏.Results‏: Data analysis leads to two main categories of the two main categories of "Deficiency in management of disease". Including three sub-categories: "the need to get rid of annoying physical symptoms"," Need for a caregiver in daily routine," and" Feeling frustrated and giving up treatment". The second main category of "the need for sympathetic and knowledgeable caregivers" with the following five sub-categories: "Need for sympathy and interaction with nurse", "the need to hear the truth about illness", " Need for appropriate therapeutic interaction from physicians", "Inadequate qualification of physicians' secretary about the patient", and" need for a psychologist for psychological adaptation‏. "Conclusion‏:‏ The most critical needs are compassionate and informed caregivers. So nursing management and care with kindness, competence, and conscience is the fundamental right of patients with cancer. Identifying the needs and problems of patients can be used as a background for increasing the knowledge and experience of nurses and providing care for patients with cancer‏.

2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 120-128 ◽  
Tania Nascimentoa ◽  
Nídia Braz ◽  
Eurico Gomes ◽  
Angeles Fernandez-Arche ◽  
Rocio De La Puerta

2020 ◽  
Vol 48 (9) ◽  
pp. 997-1000
Nikita Alfieri ◽  
Stefano Manodoro ◽  
Anna Maria Marconi

AbstractSince SARS-COV-2 appeared in Wuhan City, China and rapidly spread throughout Europe, a real revolution occurred in the daily routine and in the organization of the entire health system. While non-urgent clinical services have been reduced as far as possible, all kind of specialists turned into COVID-19 specialists. Obstetric assistance cannot be suspended and, at the same time, safety must be guaranteed. In addition, as COVID-19 positive pregnant patients require additional care, some of the clinical habits need to be changed to face emerging needs for a vulnerable but unstoppable kind of patients. We report the management set up in an Obstetrics and Gynecology Unit during the COVID-19 era in a University Hospital in Milan, Italy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (2) ◽  
pp. 003685042110169
Anna Johansson ◽  
Jessica Karlsson ◽  
Victoria Fomichov ◽  
Anna Lindhoff Larsson ◽  
Per Sandström ◽  

The study aimed to describe and analyse patient-reported recovery in patients after upper abdominal cancer surgery. This study had a quantitative design and patients were consecutively included in a university hospital in southern Sweden. Twenty-four patients answered the Postoperative Recovery Profile (PRP) questionnaire at three measurement points. All five dimensions were affected. In the physical symptoms dimension, the majority of patients reported a lack of energy upon discharge. High levels of anxiety were reported. Over 50% of patients reported some degree of depressed mood at all three measurement points. In the social dimension, the majority of patients reported some degree of being dependent on help from others in everyday life at 4 weeks after discharge. Few patients are fully recovered at 4 weeks after discharge. Individual patient-reported recovery estimates may be valuable in identifying and planning interventions tailored to each patient’s needs throughout the care process.

Giacomo Pucci ◽  
Edoardo Santoni ◽  
Valeria Bisogni ◽  
Camilla Calandri ◽  
Alberto Cerasari ◽  

AbstractAtrial fibrillation (AF), the commonest sustained cardiac arrhythmia affecting the adult population, is often casually discovered among hospitalized people. AF onset is indeed triggered by several clinical conditions such as acute inflammatory states, infections, and electrolyte disturbance, frequently occurring during the hospitalization. We aimed to evaluate whether systematic AF screening, performed through an automated oscillometric blood pressure (BP) device (Microlife WatchBP Office AFIB, Microlife AG, Switzerland), is effective for detecting AF episodes in subjects admitted to an Internal Medicine ward. 163 patients consecutively hospitalized at the Unit of Internal Medicine of the “Santa Maria” Terni University Hospital between November 2019 and January 2020 (mean age ± standard deviation: 77 ± 14 years, men proportion: 40%) were examined. Simultaneously with BP measurement and AF screening, a standard 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) was performed in all subjects. AF was diagnosed by ECG in 29 patients (18%). AF screening showed overall 86% sensitivity and 96% specificity. False negatives (n = 4) had RR-interval coefficient of variation lower than true positives (n = 25, p < 0.01), suggesting a regular ventricular rhythm during AF. The repeated evaluation substantially confirmed the same level of agreement. AF screening was positive in all patients with new-onset AF (n = 6, 100%). Systematic AF screening in patients admitted to Internal Medicine wards, performed using the Microlife WatchBP Office AFIB, is feasible and effective. The opportunity to implement such technology in daily routine clinical practice to prevent undiagnosed AF episodes in hospitalized patients should be the subject of further research.

Rachel J. Viggars ◽  
Andrew Finney ◽  
Barnabas Panayiotou

Summary Background More people are living with frailty and requiring additional health and support services. To improve their management, the “Frailty: Core Capability Framework” in the United Kingdom recommends frailty education for older individuals, their families, carers and health professionals. We performed a systematic review of specific educational programmes for these groups. Methods Electronic databases were searched using dedicated search terms and inclusion criteria. To improve accuracy, two reviewers carried out the screening and selection of research papers. Information from included studies was collected using a tailored data extraction template, and quality appraisal tools were used to assess the rigour of the studies. The findings were analysed to identify key themes. Results A total of 11 studies met the criteria and were included in the review. The study populations ranged from 12 to 603 and the research designs were heterogeneous (6 qualitative; 2 randomised controlled trials; 1 quasi-experimental; 1 mixed methods; 1 cross-sectional study). Whilst some methodological shortcomings were identified, all studies contributed valuable information. The results underwent narrative synthesis, which elucidated four thematic domains: (1) accessibility of educational programmes, (2) empowerment, (3) self-care, and (4) health promotion (especially exercise and nutrition). Conclusion Educational programmes for older people, their carers and health professionals are important for effective frailty prevention and management. To be maximally beneficial, they should be easily accessible to all target populations and include empowerment, self-care and health promotion. Further research should explore the formulation of widely applicable, user-friendly programmes and delivery formats that can be tailored to different client groups.

Erin Epley ◽  
Jarrett Wolske ◽  
Jenica Lee ◽  
Mansha Mirza ◽  
Gail Fisher

Circulation ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 130 (suppl_2) ◽  
Seongkum Heo ◽  
Debra K Moser ◽  
Terry A Lennie ◽  
Mary Fischer ◽  
Eugene Smith ◽  

Background: Patients with heart failure (HF) have notably poor health-related quality of life (HRQOL), which is associated with high hospitalization rates. Physical symptoms have been associated with poor HRQOL. However, whether improvement in physical symptoms actually leads to improvement in HRQOL has not fully examined in patients with HF. Purpose: To examine the effects of changes in physical symptoms on changes in HRQOL at 12 months, after controlling for age, comorbidities, New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class, and modifiable psychosocial and behavioral factors. Methods: Data on physical symptoms (Symptom Status Questionnaire-HF) and HRQOL (Minnesota Living with Heart Failure) were collected from 94 patients with HF (mean age 58 ± 14 years, 44% male, 58% NYHA functional class II/III) at baseline and 12 month follow-up. Age, comorbidities, and NYHA functional class were collected using standard questionnaires at baseline. Psychosocial variables (depressive symptoms [Patient Health Questionnaire], perceived control [Control Attitudes Scale-Revised], and social support [Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support]) and behavioral variables (medication adherence [Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems], sodium intake [24-hour urine], and self-care management [Self-care management subscale of the Self-Care of Heart Failure Index]) were collected at baseline. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses were used to analyze the data. Results: The mean score changes in physical symptoms and HRQOL were -3.8 (± 14.1) and -9.2 (± 24.1), respectively (negative scores indicate improvement.). Among the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics, psychosocial variables, behavioral variables, baseline physical symptoms, and changes in physical symptoms, only changes in physical symptoms predicted changes in HRQOL at 12 months (F = 6.384, R2 = .46, p < .001). Improvement in physical symptoms led to improvement in HRQOL. Conclusion: It is critical to improve physical symptoms to improve HRQOL. Thus, development and delivery of effective interventions targeting improvement in physical symptoms are warranted in this population.

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