scholarly journals Infâncias negras de uma comunidade periférica e os significados de ocupar-se do projeto social Afrocine / Black childhoods from a peripheral community and the meanings of getting busy of the afrocine social project

Thaise Vieira Da Cruz ◽  
João Paulo Santiago Barradas ◽  
Edilson Coelho Sampaio

Introdução: Crianças têm um repertório de ocupações bem diverso, que engloba, principalmente, o brincar e a educação, e, para crianças negras que residem em comunidades periféricas dos grandes centros urbanos, os projetos sociais se tornam uma possibilidade de ocupação, como forma de promover o acesso a direitos básicos, favorecer o pleno exercício da cidadania e o combate ao racismo. Objetivo:identificar e compreender os significados de ocupar-se do Projeto Social Afrocine, vivenciado por crianças negras e voluntários de uma comunidade periférica de Belém-PA. Método: O presente estudo é uma pesquisa de campo do tipo qualitativo-descritivo, onde realizou-se entrevistas semiestruturadas com as crianças participantes e os voluntários do projeto social que evidenciaram a realidade e as dificuldades de crescer encarando as mais adversas questões de caráter racial. Conclusão: Esta pesquisa ajudou compreender o valor da Educação, Representatividade e Consciência Negra nesse contexto marcado por injustiças, e o quão significativas são para as crianças da comunidade que se ocupam do Projeto Social.Palavras-chave: Terapia Ocupacional. Ocupação. Crianças. Racismo. Projetos Sociais. Vulnerabilidade SocialAbstractIntroduction: Children have a very diverse repertoire of occupations that mainly include playing and education, and for blackchildren who live in peripheral communities in large urban centers, Social Projects become a possibility of occupation, as a way of promoting access to basic rights, favor the full exercise of citizenship and the fight against racism. Objective: identifying and understanding the meanings of getting busy of the Afrocine Social Project, experienced by black children and volunteers from a peripheral community in Belém-PA, as well as the crossings of the social project in their lives. Method: The presente study is a qualitative-descriptive field research. In this way, semi-structured interviews were carried out with the participating children and the volunteers of the social project, which highlighted the reality and the difficulties of growing up facing the most adverse racial issues. Conclusion: This research helped to understand the value of Education, Representativeness and Black Consciousness in this environment marked by injustices, how significant they are for children in the Community who are involved in the social project, and how They contribute to the fight Against racism.Keywords: Occupational Therapy. Occupation. Children. Racism. Social Projects. Social VulnerabilityResumenIntroducción: Niños tienen un repertorio de ocupaciones muy diverso que incluyen principalmente el juego y la educación, y para los niños negros que viven en comunidades periféricas en grandes centros urbanos, los Proyectos Sociales se convierten en una posibilidad de ocupación, como una forma de promover el acceso a los derechos básicos, favorecer la plena ejercicio de la ciudadanía y lucha contra el racismo. Objetivo: identificar y comprender los significados del cuidado del Proyecto Social Afrocino, vivido por niños y voluntarios negros de una comunidad periférica en Belém-PA, así como cruces de la proyecto social en sus vidas. Metodo: El presente estudio es una investigación de campo cualitativo-descriptivo. De esta forma, se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas con los niños participantes y los voluntarios del proyecto social, que resaltaron la realidad y las dificultades de crecer frente a los problemas raciales más adversos. Conclusión: Esta investigación ayudó a comprender el valor de la Educación, la Representatividad y la Conciencia Negra en este entorno marcado por las injusticias, qué tan significativas son para los niños de la comunidad que se involucran en el proyecto social y cómo contribuyen a enfrentar el racismo.Palavras clave: Terapia Ocupacional. Ocupación. Niños. Racismo. Proyectos Sociales. Vulnerabilidad Social  

2021 ◽  
Bailey Parnell

As social media use continues to rise, studies have linked high social media use with rising levels of depression, particularly in young adults. This narrative has pervaded, yet in the research thus far, there is no general consensus as to causation or direction. What remains constant is that when mediators such as 'comparison' and 'envy' are introduced between social media use and depression, there is a negative correlation. In a qualitative study, I examine the connection between social comparison, Instagram use, and envy in young women. I conducted semi-structured interviews with a group of 10 female university students between the ages of 18-24. Interviews were analysed through qualitative descriptive analysis. Overwhelmingly, subjects engaged in frequent social comparison offline, which translated to frequent social comparison, made worse, on Instagram. As a result, participants admitted to feeling envious as well as other feelings like frustration, loneliness, anger, and overwhelm. However, users also reported positive experiences such as inspiration, humour, motivation, and happiness, when they are on Instagram. Offline affect proved to be the biggest moderators and indicators of comparison and the positive or negative experiences of the participants. This research may suggest future care in this area should focus on offline affect rather than the social networks themselves.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 ◽  
Leticia Werner Rêgo ◽  
Gisele Martins ◽  
Cristiane Feitosa Salviano

Objetivo: compreender o impacto social da doença renal crônica em adolescentes submetidos à hemodiálise. Método: trata-se de estudo qualitativo, descritivo, com adolescentes dos 12 aos 18 anos, que realizavam hemodiálise na unidade hospitalar de Terapia Renal Substitutiva, por meio de entrevista semiestruturada. Analisaram-se os dados segundo o método de pesquisa de narrativas e figura. Resultados: identificaram-se três categorias temáticas: Modificações causadas pela hemodiálise que interferem na rotina; Sentimentos do adolescente associados à doença e à hemodiálise; Sentimentos da família associados à doença e à hemodiálise na perspectiva do adolescente. Conclusão: concluiu-se que o adolescente passa por modificações importantes em seu cotidiano, tanto pelas restrições necessárias para o controle da doença quanto pelas alterações fisiológicas. Revela-se, além disso, que sentimentos como tristeza e medo também permeiam o atendimento a este paciente. Descritores: Insuficiência Renal Crônica; Diálise Renal; Rede social; Adolescente; Família.Abstract Objective: to understand the social impact of chronic kidney disease in adolescents undergoing hemodialysis. Method: this is a qualitative, descriptive study with adolescents from 12 to 18 years old, who underwent hemodialysis in the hospital unit of Renal Replacement Therapy, through semi-structured interviews. Data was analyzed according to the narrative and figure research method. Results: three thematic categories were identified: Modifications caused by hemodialysis that interfere in the routine; Adolescent feelings associated with the disease and hemodialysis; Family feelings associated with the disease and hemodialysis from the adolescent's perspective. Conclusion: it was concluded that the adolescent undergoes important changes in their daily life, both due to the restrictions necessary to control the disease and physiological changes. Moreover, feelings such as sadness and fear also permeate the care of this patient. Descriptors: Renal Insufficiency, Chronic; Renal Dialysis; Social Networking; Adolescent; Family. Resumen Objetivo: comprender el impacto social de la enfermedad renal crónica en adolescentes sometidos a hemodiálisis. Método: se trata de un estudio cualitativo y descriptivo con adolescentes de 12 a 18 años que se sometieron a hemodiálisis en la unidad hospitalaria de Terapia de Reemplazo Renal, a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas. Los datos se analizaron de acuerdo con el método de investigación de narrativas y figura. Resultados: se identificaron tres categorías temáticas: modificaciones causadas por hemodiálisis que interfieren en la rutina; Sentimientos adolescentes asociados con la enfermedad y la hemodiálisis; Sentimientos de la familia asociados con la enfermedad y la hemodiálisis desde la perspectiva del adolescente. Conclusión: se concluyó que el adolescente sufre cambios importantes en su vida diaria, tanto por las restricciones necesarias para controlar la enfermedad como por cambios fisiológicos. También se revela que sentimientos como la tristeza y el miedo también impregnan el cuidado de este paciente. Descriptores: Insuficiencia Renal Crónica; Diálisis Renal; Red Social; Adolescente; Familia.

2022 ◽  
Vol 75 (2) ◽  
José Pinheiro Batista Medeiros ◽  
Eliane Tatsch Neves ◽  
Mardênia Gomes Vasconcelos Pitombeira ◽  
Sarah Vieira Figueiredo ◽  
Daniella Barbosa Campos ◽  

ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the continuity of care for children with special healthcare needs during the COVID-19 pandemic through the perception of their caregivers in the Northeast of Brazil. Methods: Qualitative descriptive-exploratory research carried out between June and September 2020, in a municipality in the Northeast of Brazil. Eleven caregivers participated through semi-structured interviews conducted at home. The data were submitted to thematic content analysis. Results: The social isolation period and the suspension of health services affected the continuity of care, configuring the category “Implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for the continuity of care”. Caregivers expressed fear of children contracting the coronavirus, characterizing the category “Fears and uncertainties of the COVID-19 pandemic in view of the vulnerability of children with special healthcare needs”. Final considerations: Caregivers’ reports revealed problems in the continuity of care for the studied cohort. Therefore, health care practices must be rethought in times of pandemic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 131-169
Ana Lilia Souza Barbosa Barbosa ◽  
Alef Diogo da Silva Santana ◽  
Ednaldo Cavalcante de Araújo ◽  
Paula Daniella de Abreu ◽  
Marcos Soares de Lima ◽  

Objetivo: Identificar las representaciones sociales de las trabajadoras sexuales travestis sobre la calidad de vida. Material y Método: Estudio cualitativo, descriptivo, exploratorio, basado en la Teoría de las Representaciones Sociales, desarrollado con siete travestis trabajadoras sexuales. La producción de los datos se llevó a cabo con entrevistas semiestructuradas y posteriormente se transcribieron, validaron y analizaron a partir del Análisis de contenido temático.Resultados: Surgieron tres clases: 1) Acceso a la salud como principio de calidad de vida; 2) El apoyo de las organizaciones no gubernamentales en la visibilidad y respeto a las demandas de las personas trans y 3) Los vínculos sociales como herramienta útil en el sentido de la calidad de vida.Consideraciones finales: Las representaciones se ubican en la necesidad de acceso a servicios de salud libres de prejuicios; el apoyo de las organizaciones no gubernamentales en el reconocimiento de sus potencialidades y singularidades mediante el establecimiento de vínculos afectivos, solidarios, leales y de confianza, y en el establecimiento de lazos sociales producidos con vecinos y amigos para afrontar las dificultades vividas cotidianamente. Objective: To identify the social representations of transvestite sex professionals regarding quality of life.Material and Method: A qualitative, descriptive, exploratory study, anchored in the Theory of Social Representations, developed with seven professional transvestites of sex. The data production was carried out with semi-structured interviews and later transcribed, validated and analyzed from the Thematic Content Analysis.Results: Three categories emerged: 1) Access to health as a principle to quality of life; 2) Support of non-governmental organizations in the visibility and respect to the demands of the trans population and 3) Social ties as a propositional tool in the meaning of quality of life.Final considerations: The representations are located in the need to access health services free of prejudice; in the support of non-governmental organizations in the recognition of their potentialities and singularities, establishing affective bonds of support, loyalty and trust; and in the establishment of social bonds produced with neighbors and friends to face the difficulties experienced daily. Objetivo: identificar as representações sociais de travestis profissionais do sexo sobre qualidade de vida. Material e Método: Estudo qualitativo, descritivo, exploratório, ancorado na Teoria das Representações Sociais, desenvolvido com sete travestis profissionais do sexo. A produção dos dados foi realizada com entrevistas semiestruturadas e posteriormente transcritas, validadas e analisadas a partir da Análise de Conteúdo Temática. Resultados: Emergiram-se três categorias: 1) O acesso à saúde como princípio à qualidade de vida; 2) Apoio das organizações não governamentais na visibilidade e respeito às demandas das pessoas trans e 3) Os laços sociais como ferramenta propositiva no significado da qualidade de vida.Considerações finais: As representações estão situadas na necessidade de acesso aos serviços de saúde livre de preconceitos; no apoio das organizações não governamentais no reconhecimento de suas potencialidades e singularidades estabelecendo vínculos afetivos, de apoio, lealdade e confiança; e no estabelecimento dos laços sociais produzidos com vizinhos e amigos para o enfrentamento das dificuldades vivenciadas diariamente.

2020 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 87
Uky Firmansyah Rahman Hakim ◽  
Rima Fadillah

<p>Anak autis merupakan seseorang yang memiliki gangguan komunikasi, yang membuat penderitanya tidak mampu mengadakan interaksi sosial dengan baik. Sehingga keberadaan anak autis masih dipandang sebagai orang lain di masyarakat. Padahal, anak autis mampu melakukan komunikasi, meskipun komunikasi yang dilakukan berbeda dengan orang non-autis. Kaitannya dengan dakwah, anak autis seharusnya mampu menerima pesan-pesan dakwah, sehingga penelitian mengenai anak autis dari sudut pandang mad’u dakwah sangat penting untuk dilakukan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SLB Autis Jalinan Hati Payakumbuh dengan tujuan mengetahui tentang apakah anak autis dapat digolongkan sebagai mad’u dakwah, dan bagaimana perkembangan sosial dan komunikasi anak autis sehingga ia mampu menerima pesan dakwah. Melalui penelitian lapangan (<em>field research</em>), penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif, data diperoleh dari wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menujukan bahwa (1) dilihat dari pengertian dan kriteria mad’u, anak autis dapat digolongkan sebagai mad’u dakwah; (2) anak autis memiliki pola komunikasi interpersonal yang berbeda dengan anak non-autis, dalam perkembangannya ia tetap mampu melakukan komunikasi dengan orang lain, baik mengirim ataupun menerima pesan, melalui 3 tahapan, yaitu <em>the</em> <em>own agenda stage </em>(tahapan perkembangan komunikasi yang mendasar)<em>, </em><em>the requester stage</em><em> </em>(perkembangan komunikasi mengalami kemajuan yang baik, tetapi masih terbatas)<em>, </em>dan<em> </em><em>the early communication stage</em><em> </em>(tahapan kemampuan berkomunikasi sudah lebih baik).</p><p>Child with autism is someone who has a communication disorder, which makes the sufferer unable to have good social interactions. So that the existence of autistic children is still seen as another person in society. In fact, autism can communicate, even though communication is different from non-autism. With regard to da'wah, autism should be able to receive da'wah messages, so research on autism from the point of view of mad'u da'wah is very important to do. This research was conducted at SLB Autism Jalinan Hati Payakumbuh to know whether autism can be classified as mad'u da'wah, and how the social development and communication of autism so that they can receive da'wah messages. Through field research (field research), this study uses qualitative descriptive methods, data obtained from interviews, observation and documentation. The results show that (1) seen from the definition and criteria of mad'u, autism can be classified as mad'u da'wah; (2) autism has different interpersonal communication patterns from non-autism, in their development they are still able to communicate with other people, either sending or receiving messages, through 3 stages, namely the own agenda stage (basic stages of development of communication) , the requester stage (communication development has progressed well, but is still limited), and the early communication stage (the stage of communication skills is better).</p>

Tânia Maria Assis Fleury ◽  
Daniela Tavares Gontijo

Resumo: O envelhecimento ainda é visto como uma etapa de dificuldades e bastante negligenciada. A mulher, em especial, é privada de expressar seus sentimentos ou mesmo de praticar atividades que lhe proporcionem prazer. O desafio está em adotar atividades que permitam o bem-estar dessa população. Surgem as danças circulares sagradas, em que as participantes se expressam pelo movimento, utilizando somente o corpo, participando ativamente de suas transformações e da modificação social. Assim, realizou-se uma pesquisa de campo com doze mulheres, praticantes das danças circulares, no Centro Livre de Artes, localizado em Goiânia (GO), com o intuito de identificar os benefícios destas danças na vida das participantes. De posse dos dados, procurou-se correlacioná-los à Terapia Ocupacional, profissão que busca a manutenção da autonomia e independência do indivíduo bem como sua integração social, a qual pode colaborar com esta prática, e vice-versa, para oferecer melhor qualidade de vida às idosas. Palavras-chave: Terceira Idade. Mulher. Danças Circulares Sagradas. Terapia Ocupacional. Abstract: The aging is still seen as a period of great difficulties and quite neglectful. The woman, especially, it is deprived of expressing their feelings or even of practicing activities that provide him/her pleasure. The challenge is in adopting activities to allow the well-being of that population. The sacred circular dances appear, in that the participants are expressed by the movement, using only the body, participating actively of their transformations and of the social modification. Like this, did took place a field research with twelve women, apprentices of the circular dances, in the Center Free from Arts, located in Goiânia (GO), with the intention of identifying the benefits of these dances in the participants' life. From ownership of the data, it tried to correlate them to the Occupational therapy, profession that looks for the maintenance of the autonomy and the individual's independence as well as his/her social integration, which can collaborate with this practice, and the opposite, to offer better life quality to the seniors. Keywords: Third Age. Woman. Sacred Circular Dances. Occupational Therapy.

Kamila Gomes ◽  
Wihanna Franzoni ◽  
Alcyane Marinho ◽  

This study analyze playful aquatic experiences in the facilitated by a non-governmental organization in Florianópolis (SC) for the social interaction of children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This study is qualitative approach, in which three field research instruments were used: systematic observation, participant observation and semi-structured interviews. Among the participants are five children with ASD, seven professionals and four family members. Among the results, the aspects intrinsic to the formatting of musical experiences acted as facilitators of moments of social interaction between children with TEA and OS, and three of these children demonstrate motivation to get involved and create games and interest in social interaction. In conclusion, the playful experiences made it possible for children to cultivate verbal or gestural communication skills and create bonds of trust with volunteers and other children.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
Angela De Souza Cajuhi ◽  
Cleuma Sueli Santos Suto ◽  
André Emanuel Dantas Mercês ◽  
Jones Sidnei Barbosa de Oliveira ◽  
Laura Emmanuela Lima Costa ◽  

Objetivo: descrever experiências relacionadas à vivência de cuidadoras sobre o cuidado de crianças com microcefalia associada ao Zika vírus. Método: trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, descritivo, exploratório, realizado com o apoio de duas participantes/cuidadoras de crianças com microcefalia, por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e analisadas pelo software IRAMUTEQ, que gerou a nuvem de palavras e a árvore de similitude. Resultados: evidenciou-se o termo “filho” nos relatos como de suma importância na vida das cuidadoras. Percebeu-se que a figura paterna e/ou os familiares não estavam vinculados ao processo de cuidado e a assistência governamental direcionada às cuidadoras era falha devido à carência de atividades específicas de promoção de saúde. Aponta-se que as mães enfrentaram mudanças drásticas em suas trajetórias de vida e se sentiram sozinhas. Conclusão: constata-se que as experiências revelaram a sobrecarga, as responsabilidades e a ressignificação da identidade feminina com a autopercepção, prioritariamente, voltada para o papel social de mãe/cuidadora da criança com microcefalia. Descritores: Microcefalia; Zika Vírus; Cuidadores; Criança; Enfermagem; Pesquisa Qualitativa.AbstractObjective: to describe experiences related to female caregivers' experience regarding the care of children with microcephaly associated with the Zika virus. Method: this is a qualitative, descriptive, exploratory study, conducted with the support of two female participants/caregivers of children with microcephaly, through semi-structured interviews and analyzed by the IRAMUTEQ software, which generated the word cloud and the similarity tree. Results: the term “child” was evidenced in the reports as of paramount importance in the female caregivers' lives. It was noticed that the father figure and/or family members were not linked to the care process and the governmental assistance directed to the female caregivers was flawed due to the lack of specific health promotion activities. It is pointed out that mothers faced drastic changes in their life trajectories and felt alone. Conclusion: it can be seen that the experiences revealed the overload, the responsibilities and the resignification of the female identity with self-perception, primarily focused on the social role of mother/female caregiver of the child with microcephaly. Descriptors: Microcephaly; Zika vírus; Female Caregivers; Child; Nurse; Qualitative Research.ResumenObjetivo: describir las experiencias relacionadas con la experiencia de los cuidadores con respecto al cuidado de niños con microcefalia asociada al virus del Zika. Método: este es un estudio cualitativo, descriptivo, exploratorio, realizado con el apoyo de dos participantes/cuidadores de niños con microcefalia, a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas y analizadas por el software IRAMUTEQ, que generó la nube de palabras y el árbol de similitud. Resultados: el término "hijo" se evidenció en los informes como de suma importancia en la vida de los cuidadores. Se observó que la figura paterna y/o los miembros de la familia no estaban vinculados al proceso de atención y que la asistencia gubernamental dirigida a los cuidadores era defectuosa debido a la falta de actividades específicas de promoción de la salud. Se señala que las madres enfrentaron cambios drásticos en sus trayectorias de vida y se sintieron solas. Conclusión: se encontró que las experiencias revelaron la sobrecarga, las responsabilidades y la resignificación de la identidad femenina con la autopercepción, principalmente enfocada en el papel social de la madre/cuidadora del niño con microcefalia. Descriptores: Microcefalia; Virus Zika; Cuidadores; Niño; Enfermería; Investigácion Cualitativa.

2021 ◽  
Bailey Parnell

As social media use continues to rise, studies have linked high social media use with rising levels of depression, particularly in young adults. This narrative has pervaded, yet in the research thus far, there is no general consensus as to causation or direction. What remains constant is that when mediators such as 'comparison' and 'envy' are introduced between social media use and depression, there is a negative correlation. In a qualitative study, I examine the connection between social comparison, Instagram use, and envy in young women. I conducted semi-structured interviews with a group of 10 female university students between the ages of 18-24. Interviews were analysed through qualitative descriptive analysis. Overwhelmingly, subjects engaged in frequent social comparison offline, which translated to frequent social comparison, made worse, on Instagram. As a result, participants admitted to feeling envious as well as other feelings like frustration, loneliness, anger, and overwhelm. However, users also reported positive experiences such as inspiration, humour, motivation, and happiness, when they are on Instagram. Offline affect proved to be the biggest moderators and indicators of comparison and the positive or negative experiences of the participants. This research may suggest future care in this area should focus on offline affect rather than the social networks themselves.

2021 ◽  
Bailey Parnell

<div>As social media use continues to rise, studies have linked high social media use with rising levels of depression, particularly in young adults. This narrative has pervaded, yet in the research thus far, there is no general consensus as to causation or direction. What remains constant is that when mediators such as ‘comparison’ and ‘envy’ are introduced between social media use and depression, there is a negative correlation. In a qualitative study, I examine the connection between social comparison, Instagram use, and envy in young women. I conducted semi-structured interviews with a group of 10 female university students between the ages of 18-24. Interviews were analysed through qualitative descriptive analysis. Overwhelmingly, subjects engaged in frequent social comparison offline, which translated to frequent social comparison, made worse, on Instagram. As a result, participants admitted to feeling envious as well as other feelings like frustration, loneliness, anger, and overwhelm. However, users also reported positive experiences such as inspiration, humour, motivation, and happiness, when they are on Instagram Offline affect proved to be the biggest moderators and indicators of comparison and the positive or negative experiences of the participants. This research may suggest future care in this area should focus on offline affect rather than the social networks themselves.</div>

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