2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 203-212
Yosia Belo

Abstract: This research is a qualitative study on abortion from the perspective of Christian faith. This research was conducted to provide academic arguments and scientific references for the Church against the rampant abortion practices and practices, especially in big cities including Jakarta. Using a qualitative approach, it is found that from a Christian ethical perspective, the act of abortion cannot be justified and chosen as an ethical decision because it contradicts or is contrary to the teachings of the Bible. Because God so loves human life and is even willing to send His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to redeem humans from sin. So that humans are not justified in ending the life of an innocent and wronged baby just for practical reasons. Abstrak: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif terhadap aborsi ditinjau dari perspektif iman Kristen. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memberikan argumentasi akademis dan referensi ilmiah bagi Gereja terhadap maraknya tindakan dan praktik aborsi terutama di kota-kota besar termasuk Jakarta. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dijumpai bahwa dari perspektif etika Kristen, maka tindakan aborsi tidak dapat dibenarkan dan dipilih sebagai keputusan etis karena bertolakbelakang atau berlawanan dengan ajaran Alkitab. Karena Allah begitu mencintai kehidupan manusia bahkan rela mengutus Anak-Nya yang tunggal, yaitu Yesus Kristus untuk menebus manusia dari dosa. Sehingga manusia tidak dibenarkan mengakhiri kehidupan bayi yang tidak berdosa dan besalah hanya karena alasan-alasan yang praktis.

Tumou Tou ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 11-26
Jeane Marie Tulung ◽  
Yornan Masinamboue

The purpose of this paper is to describe and understand how the thought of John Calvin who was a famous reformer figure from time to time. Calvin paid great attention to Christian education especially in the church. He arranged systematically the way, the content of the teaching, as well as the qualifications, self-image of the teachers both pastors and religious teachers who were all based on the Bible and to glorify God. The method used in this paper is a qualitative research method with a literature study study in which the researcher reviews, compares, formulates and analyzes Calvin's thoughts both in his life context, his thoughts through books, documents, journals and other relevant literature studies. From the findings it can be said that Calvin's educative theological thought is purely based on the Bible. For Calvin, the teaching of the Christian faith is determined by the Bible and interpretations that are right and right and can have a good influence on the church and society. Calvin is always thinking of the right way so that the quality of the faith of the congregation continues to develop well and can be implemented in a variety of social life. In the midst of challenges today the church is required not to be carried away by various kinds of ideas that do not emphasize the Bible as the basis of human life. As it was done, Calvin the priests, teachers of religion today are required with full responsibility to think deeply about ways to continue to nourish the true Christian faith based on the Scriptures so that the quality of their faith is well preserved and lives glorifying God.

2018 ◽  
Vol 52 (3) ◽  
Hendrik G. Stoker ◽  
Paul Derengowski

It has been the claim of Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that ‘many plain and precious truths’ have been removed from the Bible, although Smith did not explicitly or concisely elaborate on what those missing truths were. Later, Dr Clyde J. Williams of Mormon-owned Brigham Young University provided that concise list. Writing for Ensign magazine in October 2006, Williams argued for at least eight specific doctrines that were ‘restored’. Upon examination and rebuttal, it is demonstrated that the Bible remains sufficient for all matters pertaining to Christian faith and practice, as John Calvin and the Reformers concluded years ago, and is emphasised in their stance on Sola Scriptura.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-63
Hardi Budiyana

Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan dan mengetahui Misi Pendidikan Kristen dalam Mewujudkan Murid Kristus, yang tentunya Murid Kristus yang memiliki karakter Kristiani dalam jemaat melalui proses pengajaran di gereja lokal. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian bersifat kualitatif dengan cara studi pustaka yakni mengkaji tentang Misi Pendidikan Kristen yang berpusat pada Kristus akan mewujudkan Murid Kristus yang memiliki wewenang untuk membangun karakter jemaat sesuai dengan ajaran iman Kristiani. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan pemahaman bahwa Misi Pendidikan Kristen berperan baik dalam Mewujudkan Murid Kristus yang memiliki pembentukan karakter kristiani dalam jemaat. Oleh karena itu, disarankan agar Para hamba Tuhan dalam hal ini Gembala Jemaat memiliki loyalitas yang tinggi dalam melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawab sebagai rekan kerja Allah yang bukan hanya berkotbah semata, tetapi juga menyampaikan pengajaran dengan hasil terwujud adanya murid Kristus yang memiliki karakter Kristiani nyata dalam diri Jemaat, sehingga jemaat mau melibatkan diri dalam pelayanan maupun dalam penginjilan baik dalam gereja maupun di luar gereja. Kata Kunci: Misi Pendidikan Kristen, Murid Kristus, Gereja Lokal. AbstractThis study aims to describe and know the Mission of Christian Education in Realizing Christ's Disciples, which is certainly Christ's Disciples who have Christian character in the congregation through the teaching process in the local church. This research is a qualitative study by means of literature study that examines the mission of Christian Education centered on Christ will realize Christ's Disciples who have the authority to build the character of the church in accordance with the teachings of the Christian faith. The results of this study provide an understanding that the Christian Education Mission plays a good role in realizing Christ's disciples who have the formation of Christian character in the congregation. Therefore, it is recommended that the pastors of the Church of the Church Shepherd have a high loyalty in carrying out their duties and responsibilities as partners of God who not only preach, but also deliver teaching with the results of the realization of disciples of Christ who have a real Christian character in themselves Congregation, so that the congregation wants to be involved in ministry and in evangelizing both in the church and outside the church. Keywords: Christian Education Mission, Christ Disciples, Local Church

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-54
Yesri E. Talan

Syncretism is not just phenomenology in the church but is a real and serious problem. Syncretism is a mixture of Christian faith and culture that results in the congregation losing its identity as a believer, blurred beliefs and do not have absolute truth. Syncretism in the church is a real and serious problem in the life of the church because it negatively impacts spiritual growth.The church cannot grow in true knowledge about Jesus Christ because of the dualism of belief, so Jesus Christ is not the only way of truth and life. The method used in this paper is theological qualitative research. Qualitative is a research method that emphasizes an in-depth understanding of a problem with the process of observation and interview. Conducting literature review and exposition of verses related to the discussion material. This research is descriptive. The results obtained are found the danger of syncretism to the church, namely: the absence of absolute truth in Christ because of the dualism that affects the spiritual growth of the church. Abstrak Sinkretisme bukan hanya fenomenologi di gereja tetapi menjadi masalah nyata dan serius. Sinkretisme adalah percampuran antara iman Kristen dengan budaya yang mengakibatkan jemaat kehilangan identitasnya sebagai orang percaya, kepercayaannya kabur dan tidak memiliki kebenaran absolut. Sinkretisme adalah masalah serius dalam kehidupan gereja karena memiliki dampak negatif pada pertumbuhan rohani. Gereja tidak dapat bertumbuh dalam pengenalan yang benar akan Yesus Kristus karena dualisme kepercayaan, sehingga Yesus Kristus bukanlah satu-satunya jalan kebenaran dan kehidupan. Metode yang dipakai dalam peulisan ini adalah kualitatif teologi. Kualitatif adalah metode penelitian yang menekankan pada suatu pemahaman secara mendalam terhadap suatu masalah dengan proses observasi dan wawancara. Melakukan kajian pustaka dan eksposisi ayat-ayat yang berkaitan dengan materi pembahasan. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah ditemukan adanya bahaya sinkretisme terhadap jemaat, yaitu: tidak adanya kebenaran mutlak di dalam Kritus karena adanya dualisme yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan rohani jemaat.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 135-175
Warseto Freddy Sihombing

AbstractNo one can be justified before God for doing good deeds. No matter how good a man is, if he does not believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, he will not be saved from the wrath of God to come. There is no human being who is right before God, and no sinful man can save himself in any way. The only way out is in the way that God has given to the problem of all sinners, by sending Jesus Christ to the world to die for sinners. "And for this he came, so that every man believed in him, who was sent by God" (John 6:29). The Bible teaches that salvation is only obtained because of faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the object of that faith. This salvation is known as the statement "Justified by faith. Paul explained this teaching in each of his writings. This teaching of justification by faith has been repeatedly denied by some people who disagree with Paul's opinion. The history of the church from the early centuries to the present has proven the variety of understandings that have emerged from this teaching, but one important thing is that sinful humans are justified by their faith in Jesus Christ before God.Keywords: Paul;history; justified by faith.AbstrakTidak ada seorang pun yang dapat dibenarkan di hadapan Allah karena telah melakukan perbuatan baik. Sebaik apa pun manusia, jika dia tidak percaya kepada Yesus Kristus, Anak Allah maka ia tidak akan selamat dari murka Allah yang akan datang. Tidak ada seorang pun manusia yang benar di hadapan Allah, dan tidak ada seorang manusia berdosa yang dapat menyelematkan dirinya sendiri dengan cara apa pun. Satu-satunya jalan keluar adalah dengan cara yang Allah telah berikan untuk masalah semua orang berdosa, yaitu dengan mengutus Yesus Kristus ke dunia untuk mati bagi orang berdosa. “Dan untuk itulah Dia datang, yaitu supaya setiap orang percaya kepada Dia, yang telah diutus oleh Allah” (Yohanes 6:29). Alkitab mengajarkan bahwa keselamatan hanya diperoleh karena iman kepada Yesus Kristus. Yesus Kristus adalah obyek iman tersebut. Keselamatan ini dikenal dengan pernyataan “Dibenarkan karena iman. Paulus menjelaskan ajaran ini dalam setiap tulisannya. Ajaran pembenaran oleh iman ini telah berulang kali disangkal oleh beberap orang yang tidak setuju dengan pendapat Paulus. Sejarah gereja mulai dari abad permulaan sampai pada masa sekarang ini telah membuktikan beragamnya pemahaman yang muncul terhadap ajaran ini, namun satu hal yang terpenting adalah bahwa manusia berdosa dibenarkan oleh iman mereka kepada Yesus Kristus di hadapan Allah.Kata Kunci: Paulus; sejarah; iman; dibenarkan oleh iman.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 73-85
Yohanes Parapat

The pastor of the congregation, especially in churches that use an autonomous system of government, has a central function in preparing his successor. However, it is not uncommon for failures to occur after the implementation of succession due to the lack of functioning of the church pastor in preparing the cadre that also candidate who wil l replace him. This study aims to gain an understanding of the leadership functions that Jesus Christ performs particularly in preparing His disciples to become His substitute leaders. This research used a qualitative approach with a literature study method. The analysis is processed and reflected using the analysis description writing method. By reflecting on the leadership of Jesus Christ in preparing His successor through a session, the pastor of the church is expected to carry out the function of equipping, assigning, performing evaluation, delegating as well as exemplifying in spiritual life. By using Jesus' leadership approach, local church pastors can achieve maximum results in a leadership succession. AbstrakGembala jemaat khususnya yang berada dalam organisasi atau sinode dengan sistem pemerintahan gereja otonom memiliki fungsi sentral dalam mempersiapkan pengganti dirinya. Meskipun demikian tidak jarang terjadi kegagalan setelah pelaksanaan suksesi akibat kurang berfungsinya gembala jemaat dalam mempersiapkan kader yang juga merupakan kandidat yang akan menggantikannya. (Tujuan Penelitian) Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan pemahaman fungsi kepemimpinan yang dijalankan Yesus Kristus khusunya dalam mempersiapkan murid-murid-Nya sebagai pengganti (suksesor). (Metode Penelitian) Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kepustakaan. Analisis diolah dan direfleksikan dengan menggunakan penulisan deskriptif. (Hasil / Pembahasan) Dengan merefleksikan kepemimpinan Yesus Kristus dalam mempersiapkan pengganti-Nya melalui sebuah suskesi, gembala jemaat diharapkan menjalankan fungsi memperlengkapi, penugasan, evaluasi kinerja dan pendelegasian disamping keteladanan dalam kehidupan rohani. (Simpulan / Kesimpulan). Dengan menggunakan pendekatan fungsi-fungsi dalam kepemimpinan Yesus yang memiliki relevansi dengan pengembangan kandidat suksesor, gembala jemaat dapat mencapai hasil yang maksimal dalam sebuah suksesi.

Terryl Givens

The Book of Mormon What is the Book of Mormon? The Book of Mormon, which members of the Church of Jesus Christ accept as scripture alongside the Bible, begins as a clan history, like the patriarchal narratives of Genesis, set close to the year...

2019 ◽  
pp. 241-270
Terryl Givens ◽  
Brian M. Hauglid

Christian creeds go back to the first Christian centuries. Catholics produced creeds largely to establish the lines demarcating orthodoxy and heresy. Protestants at first were hostile to creeds and often invoked the Bible as the lone and sufficient creed for Christians. Joseph Smith’s hostility to creeds was common, especially among other restorationists. Eventually virtually all Protestants realized that without a creed, boundary maintenance was impossible. Early missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints found it necessary to summarize and define the uniqueness of their message—effectively creating the first creeds. Joseph Smith, explicitly hostile to creeds as too circumscribing of belief, found himself forced by the same imperative to articulate his own summation of Mormon teachings. His Thirteen Articles of Faith are, however, wholly inadequate as a creed, since they omit many of the most core doctrines of the church. They are best understood, in Rodney Stark’s formula, as establishing an optimum tension with competing religious faiths—not too radical and not too familiar.

Diacovensia ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 637-651
Wiesław Przygoda

Charity diaconia of the Church is not an accidental involvement but belongs to its fundamental missions. This thesis can be supported in many ways. The author of this article finds the source of the obligation of Christians and the whole Church community to charity service in the nature of God. For Christians God is Love (1 John 4, 8.16). Even though some other names can be found, (Jahwe , Elohim, Adonai), his principal name that encapsulates all other ones is Love. Simultaneously, God which is Love showed his merciful nature (misericordiae vultus) in the course of salvation. He did it in a historical, visible and optimal way through his Son, Jesus Christ through the embodied God’s Son, Jesus Christ, who loved the mankind so much that he sacrificed his life for us, being tortured and killed at the cross. This selfless love laid the foundations for the Church, which, in essence, is a community of loving human and God’s beings. Those who do not love, even though they joined the Church through baptism, technically speaking, do not belong to the Church since love is a real not a formal sign of belonging to Christ’s disciples (cf. John 13, 35). Therefore, charitable activity is a significant dimension of the Church’s mission as it is through charity that the Church shows the merciful nature of its Saviour. A question that needs to be addressed may be expressed as follows: in what way the image of God, who is love, implies an involvement in charity of an individual and the Church? An answer may be found in the Bible, writings of the Church Fathers of and the documents of Magisterium Ecclesiae and especially the teachings of Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-42
Mark A. Maddix

Central to Christianity is the belief is that the Bible is inspired and authoritative for Christian faith and practice. Even though Christians affirm the authority of the Bible, there is a decline in Bible reading and Scripture usage in worship and discipleship. More recent biblical scholarship, built on a pre-modern approach to interpretation, moves to a reader-centered approach to biblical reading. The focus of this article is to explore a reader-centered approach to Bible reading that gives focus to the role of Scripture as means of formation. This rediscovery of the formative power of Scripture has implications for how the Bible is appropriated in worship and discipleship for the church.

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