scholarly journals Peran Ganda Hakim Sebagai Mediator Bagi Penyelesaian Perkara Perdata Di Pengadilan Terkait Kode Etik Profesi

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-27
Dely Bunga Saravistha

The integration of mediation by the Supreme Court Regulation No. 1 of2016 on Mediation Procedure Court (hereinafter called Perma 1 of 2016) has given newduties and responsibilities of judges, which in addition to being a judge is also requiredto perform the function of mediator. Mediator and Judge are both legal profession, eachof which has a Code of Ethics and professional characteristics. This research is anormative law, the legal research that lay down the law as a system of building norms inthe form of principles, norms, rules of law, court decisions, agreements and doctrines ofexperts. Perma existence in 2016 has made judges have dual roles that are mutuallycontradictory. The impact of the position and the dual role of judges in the courts is anaccumulation of case files still occur because of the number of judges is not proportionalto the intensity of incoming cases and also due to judges who dominate the judicialmediation process is still very rare to see success. So that the existence of mediation onlybe impressed stalling settling disputes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 42
Brama Adi Kusuma ◽  
Miftahur Rizqi Arrumi Fajriah ◽  
Ristria Nimas Ayu Kartika Putri

The purpose of this study was to analyze the optimization of the supervisory function carried out by the Judicial Commission for realizing a clear justice. This study used the legal research method, which means that research was conducted by examining existing library data and references, such as laws and regulations, books, magazines, and scientific journals. The optimization of the oversight function of the Constitutional Court was carried out by establishing a good relationship with the Supreme Court to identify the limits of their respective duties and authorities, forming the Liaison Judicial Commission, and the Network of the Judicial Commission. The role of Liaison Judicial Commission needed to be improved, not only receiving reports from the public but also actively finding violations of the code of ethics committed by judges. Socialization regarding the existence of the Judicial Commission should be carried out more through Network of the Judicial Commission to increase understanding of the community so that the community can play an active role in providing reports for the realization of a clear justice.

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 157
Fred Seddon

<p>This review comments upon the article entitled above. The article is well written and describes an interesting and original study. This review critiques the Method and Discussion sections of the article and offers suggestions for future research. Three specific points from the method are considered relating to: dual roles as researcher-musicians, the use of reflective diaries in research, and the impact on the research of the prior relationship between the authors. The unique role of &ldquo;written empathy&rdquo; is discussed within the context of empathic relationships. Also, this review considers how shifts from verbal to non-verbal communication may indicate movement from a &ldquo;top-down&rdquo; to &ldquo;bottom up&rdquo; response, and how this shift is related to &ldquo;empathetic attunement.&rdquo;</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Agus Santoso

 Pasal 15 Undang-Undang Nomor 2 tahun 2014 mengatur tentang semua kewenangan dari notaris untuk membuat ataupun mengkonstatir kepentingan para pihak dalam suatu akta autentik. Akta notaris merupakan akta otentik dimana notaris menerima data formil dari para pihak yang dijadikan alat bukti oleh para penyidik baik kepolisian maupun kejaksaan untuk melakukan penyidikan suatu perkara untuk mencari data materiel dalam suatu permasalahan hukum yang terjadi. Jika notaris tidak berhati-hati, teliti dan memahami dampak hukum dalam pembuatan akta dan salah dalam membuatnya, 100 akta yang dibuat 99 benar dan 1 salah, maka akan menjeratnya dalam perkara hukum (korupsi). Keberadaan MKN yang menggantikan peran dari MPD dalam memberikan persetujuan atau menolak permintaan penyidik yang hendak memanggil dan memeriksa notaris dalam proses peradilan belum bisa banyak membantu untuk melindungi notaris dari jeratan hukum karena kedudukan atau upaya hukum dari MKN tidak diatur secara tegas dalam suatu peraturan perundang-undangan. Notaris harus menerapkan prinsip kehatian-hatian dan menjaga kode etik dalam menjalankan kewenangan jabatannya dalam membuat akta otentik agar tidak terjerat tindak pidana korupsi.Kata Kunci: korupsi, kewenangan, notaris, akta otentik Article 15 of Law Number 2 of 2014 regulates all authority of a notary to make or state interests of the parties in an authentic deed. Notary deed is an authentic deed in which the notary receives formal data from the parties that is used as evidence by investigators both the police and the attorney to conduct a case investigation to look for material data in a legal problem that occurs. If the notary is not careful, thorough and understands the impact of the law in making a deed and gets wrong in making it, 100 deeds made 99 right and 1 wrong, it will ensnare him in a legal case (corruption). The existence of MKN which replaces the role of MPD in giving approval or rejecting requests from investigators who want to summon and examine a notary in the judicial process has not been able to help much to protect the notary from legal snares because the position or legal remedy of the MKN is not explicitly regulated in a statutory regulation. . The notary must apply the precautionary principle and maintain the code of ethics in carrying out the authority of his position in making an authentic deed so that it is not caught in a criminal act of corruption.Keywords: corruption, authority, notary, authentic deed

2021 ◽  
pp. 12-16
Т.Ю. Изгагина

В статье рассмотрено влияние судебных решений на состояние законности в таможенной сфере, а также роль судебных решений для прокуроров при проведении оценки состояния законности. The article considers the impact of court decisions on the state of legality in the customs sphere, as well as the role of court decisions for prosecutors when assessing the state of legality.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
Helen Pluut ◽  
Jaap Wonders

As there is a growing trend for people to work from home, precipitated by the COVID-19 pandemic, this research examines the impact of blurred work-life boundaries on lifestyle and subjective well-being. Our cross-sectional study in the Netherlands demonstrates that heightened levels of blurred work-life boundaries predict negative changes in happiness through enhanced emotional exhaustion. In addition, the findings point to a dual role of lifestyle in this process. On the one hand, we observed that healthy overall lifestyle patterns buffered employees against the detrimental effects of blurred work-life boundaries and emotional exhaustion on happiness. On the other hand, employees who experienced increases in blurring of work-life boundaries reported a deterioration in healthy lifestyle behaviors, which in turn was related to reduced happiness. Paradoxically, it seems that those who would benefit the most from a healthy lifestyle are less able to sustain health-promoting behaviors. A case for shared responsibility between employers and employees is built as we discuss the practical implications of the current research.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (24) ◽  
pp. 13057-13065 ◽  
Troy K. Townsend ◽  
William B. Heuer ◽  
Edward E. Foos ◽  
Eric Kowalski ◽  
Woojun Yoon ◽  

The dual role of salt treatment was revealed by replacing conventional CdCl2 with non-toxic NH4Cl to simultaneously exchange native ligands and promote grain growth in inorganic CdTe nanocrystal solar cells.

Federalism-E ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Benjamin Goldlist

The role of the Supreme Court in the practice of Canadian federalism, specifically the extent of its power and the effects of that power, is a hotly contested issue in Canadian political science. While some scholars have argued that the Court has taken on too political of a role that must be restricted, this paper develops the Court as a constitutional ‘umpire,’ whose rulings serve the important, but limited, functions of allocating political resources to incentivize negotiation, and establishing jurisdictional boundaries for said negotiations, leaving specific policy decisions to political, as opposed to legal, actors. Concerning the net outcome of the Court’s jurisprudence on the distribution of legislative powers, this paper illustrates the Court’s overall balancing approach, with grants of power to one level of government met with increases in authority to the other, in all major policy areas. Thus, ultimately shown to embrace both a limited and impartial approach to constitutional adjudication, the Court has done much to enhance its democratic legitimacy and constitutional utility.

Bella Saputri Indrapuri ◽  
Eggy Fajar Andalas

ABSTRAK: Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh peran ganda perempuan yang harus pintar membagi� waktu antara keluarga dan pekerjaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Temuan hasil penelitian terungkap bahwa : 1. Gambaran umum peran ganda pada perempuan yaitu peran sebagai ibu rumah tangga. 2. Kendala yang dirasakan perempuan dalam menjalankan semua perannya berasal dari internal dan eksternal. Kendala internal yaitu lelah fisik, lelah mental. dan kendala eksternal yaitu adanya keterbatasan waktu. 3. Dampak yang terjadi dalam menjalankan peran gandanya berdampak positif dan negatif. Dampak positif nya bisa membantu perekonimian keluarga adanya kerja sama antara ibu dan anak dalam menyelesaikan tugas rumah.KATA KUNCI: kehidupan keluarga, peran ganda perempuan.��ABSTRAC: This research is motivated by the dual role of women who must be smart in dividing the time between family and work. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The findings of the research revealed that : 1) A general description of the dual role of women, namely the role of housewives. 2) The constrains felt by women in carrying out all their roles came from internal and external. Internal constraints namely pysical fatigue, mental fatigue. And external constraints, namely the limitation of time. 3) The impact that accurs in carrying out its dual role has a positive and negative impact the positive impact can help the family economy with cooperation between mother and child in completing homework.KEYWORDS: family life, the dual role of women.

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