code of ethics
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2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Erik S Carlson ◽  
Tatiana M Barriga ◽  
Dale Lobo ◽  
Guadalupe Garcia ◽  
Dayana Sanchez ◽  

Abstract Background Over 41 million people in the United States speak Spanish as their primary language, of which 16 million have limited English proficiency (LEP). It is well-established that language barriers contribute to health disparities and that the use of ad-hoc interpretation by untrained family members results in substandard care. We developed a novel interpreter training program for medical students to serve as in-person interpreters at a charitable, resident continuity clinic so as to overcome the language barrier in the delivery of healthcare to LEP patients. Methods The Medical Student Interpreter Training Program (MSITP) consists of three steps. First, fluent Spanish-speaking students shadowed a licensed interpreter. Second, students took a standardized phone exam to demonstrate language proficiency. Finally, students completed a three-hour training on the methodology and ethics of interpreting conducted by the Department of Interpreter Services. Results Pre- and post-tests were administered to assess students’ familiarity with the Interpreter Code of Ethics and interpreter skills. Familiarity with the Interpreter Code of Ethics increased significantly with all students reporting feeling comfortable (47%) or very comfortable (53%) after training. The pre- and post-tests included free response questions, which were administered to assess competence in the methodology and ethics of interpreting. The cohort’s aggregate score increased by 35% after the training (Wilcoxon signed rank z-score = 2.53; p = .01). Conclusions Implementing the MSITP resulted in an increased number of trained, Spanish-speaking interpreters available to provide their services to LEP patients at an affiliated charitable clinic and throughout the university hospital. Unlike other program models which are time and resource-intensive, this program is replicable and easily managed by volunteers. The MSITP is an effective model for training students as medical interpreters to ensure the delivery of quality healthcare for LEP patients.

2022 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 368-373
Citra Alambara ◽  
Made Warka ◽  
Slamet Suhartono

This research is a normative legal research, namely research that focuses on the study or study of positive law. The Advocate profession is related to the task of serving the community to help solve the legal problems it faces.  In carrying out their duties, advocates are guided by the Law on Advocates, but the norms of the law are considered insufficient, because the advocate profession is related to behavior that is not infrequently influenced by the moral ethics of advocates in every decision making. For this reason, in carrying out their duties, they still need an ethical guide as a guide in carrying out their professional duties. In this regard, the Advocate Professional Code of Ethics is very much needed in guiding the behavior of Advocates in making decisions and ethical behavior.

2022 ◽  
pp. 103985622110578
Lim Izaak ◽  
Felicity Kenn ◽  
Sidney Bloch

Objective To appraise the evolution of the RANZCP’s Code of Ethics on the occasion of its 30th anniversary. Method We scrutinised its five editions, focussing on the revision procedure and changes made, and reviewed relevant literature. Results The procedure of revision has remained constant: incorporating feedback from college members, committees and faculties, and consulting professional medical bodies and mental health advocacy organisations. Seven major themes of change have emerged with respect to patient exploitation, recognition of family and carers, the special place of Indigenous Peoples, confidentiality, engaging patients in decision-making, multidisciplinary collaboration and the well-being of psychiatrists. Conclusions The code has proved to be a dynamic instrument in keeping abreast of changes in psychiatry and society, and promises to maintain a prominent role in promoting high ethical standards in the profession.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 222
N. N. H. Nordin ◽  
W. N. W. Husin ◽  
M. Z. Salleh ◽  
A. L. Harun

Ethnic tolerance among peacekeepers plays an important role in ensuring the effectiveness of peacekeeping operations. Therefore, this study aimed to analyse the influence of governance and ethnic-cross relationship towards enhancing of ethnic tolerance based on the perspectives of Malaysian peacekeepers. This study applied quantitative data collection method through a set of questionnaires with 432 participants that previously being deployed to various United Nations Peacekeeping Operations (UNPKO). The result indicates that both governance and ethnic-cross relationships have a positive correlation towards enhancement of the level of ethnic tolerance among Malaysian peacekeepers. The findings could strengthen the code of ethics for cultural competence, which emphasises the importance of understanding ethnic tolerance during peacekeeping operations or deployments.   Received: 4 October 2021 / Accepted: 21 November 2021 / Published: 3 January 2022

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 168
Mariana Puspa Sari ◽  
Happy Karlina Marjo

This study aims to explain the code of ethics for online counseling by integrating information technology in guidance and counseling services. This research method is a literature study using secondary data sources collected through textbooks, e-books, scientific articles, websites, and other sources relevant to the research problem which are then analyzed descriptively. The result of this study is the rapid development of technology in various fields, which has an impact on the integration of the counseling process in the technology. Through technological intermediaries, counseling no longer has to be done face-to-face. Among the advantages and disadvantages of online counseling, the professional code of ethics for counselors still needs to be maintained. One form of supervision is supervision. Counselors, both online and face-to-face counseling, are required to improve their ability to deal with counselee problems in accordance with the provisions of Permendikbud No. 111 of 2014.

Hamid Shafizadeh ◽  
Bagher Larijani ◽  
Rita Mojtahedzadeh ◽  
Ehsan Shamsi Gooshki ◽  
Saharnaz Nedjat

Telemedicine can improve access to healthcare services; however, it has raised ethical concerns demanding special considerations. This study aimed at developing the codes of ethics for telemedicine, and hence several approved national and international ethical guidelines related to telemedicine practice were reviewed, and 48 semi-structured interviews were conducted with medical ethics and medical informatics experts as well as with physicians and patients who had telemedicine experiences. Content analysis was then performed on the interviews’ transcripts and a draft on code of ethics was prepared, which was further reviewed by the experts in the focus group meetings to reach a consensus on the final document. The final document consisted of a preface, five considerations, and 25 ethical statements. Considering the growing trend of adopting telemedicine worldwide, this document provides an ethical framework for those who use telemedicine in their medical practice.  

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