scholarly journals The Case of Styllou Christofi: Criminal Insanity As a Defense In Court [University of Central Oklahoma]

Rebecca taylor Dahl

Criminal insanity as a defense continues to be an expulatory plea. The law enforcement and the courts in London have dealt with information reported regarding violent people during 1954. It focuses on the case of Christofi Styllou and her crime committed in 1952, her incarceration from 1952 through her trial, and execution in 1954. The research for this project focuses on court rulings relating to the determination of behaviors, either identified as understanding the difference between having a psychological disorder or defined as criminally insane. In the U.S., the Durham Rule applies, which means that a jury could determine whether the defendant had a mental diagnosis, or whether he or she could be charged guilty by insanity. This precedent does not apply to the UK. Nonetheless, in the U.K., multiple acts of legislation relating to criminal insanity passed between 1800 and 1954. Three vital legislative acts passed before the Christofi hearings, including the Capital Punishment Act of 1868, Criminal Lunacy Act of 1884 section 2 (4), and the Mental Deficiency Act 1913

Максим Владимирович Кремлев

Автор, основываясь на ранее проведенных исследованиях, определяет место и роль пенитенциарной информации в процессе раскрытия и расследования преступлений. Указывается, что пенитенциарная информация превращается в процессуальную и, соответственно, в доказательственную посредством поэтапного прохождения через комплекс действий, облеченных в формы пенитенциарного, оперативно-розыскного и процессуального законодательства. Устанавливаются наиболее уязвимые места с точки зрения содержательного наполнения и процессуального оформления получаемых в рамках режимной деятельности сведений. Таковыми выступают места «сочленения» видов деятельности. Основой для подобного рода высказывания выступает разница в нормативном регулировании, в сменяемости и целеполагании исполнителей, а также их представлении о критериях успешности выполненной работы. В качестве подтверждения выдвинутого тезиса приводится пример из правоохранительной практики использования пенитенциарной информации в процессе доказывания, имеющий негативные последствия. Предлагаются направления совершенствования получения пенитенциарной информации с целью усиления ее доказательственного потенциала. In this article, the author, based on previous research determines the place and role of penitentiary information in the process of disclosure and investigation of crimes. It is specified that penitentiary information turns into procedural and, accordingly, into proofs by means of step-by-step passing through a complex of actions exposed in forms of the penitentiary, operational-search and procedural legislation. The most vulnerable places from the point of view of substantial filling and procedural registration of the data received within regime activity are established. These are the places of “articulation” of activities. It is concluded that the basis for this kind of statement is the difference in regulatory regulation, in the turnover and goal-setting of performers, as well as their representation of the criteria for the success of the work performed. As a confirmation of the proposed thesis, an example from the law enforcement practice of using penitentiary information in the process of proving having negative consequences is given. Directions of improvement of receiving penitentiary information for the purpose of strengthening of its evidentiary potential are offered.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-32
Norhidayah Pauzi ◽  
Saadan Man ◽  
Syed Mohd. Jeffri Syed Jaafar

In the determination of Islamic law, there are two main principles used namely 'al-thabit' and 'al-mutaghayyir'. With the principle of 'al-thabit' and 'al-mutaghayyir' proves that Islam is practiced at all times and circumstances as Islam accepts any changes or differences that occur in society as long as it does not violate the fundamental principles of Islam. The difference in fatwa decisions issued between Malaysia and Indonesia has caused polemic among Muslims. Hence, this article will analyze the fatwas that have been decided between Malaysia and Indonesia on certain selected halal issues. Methods of documentation and interview methods have been used to obtain authentic and authoritative data. The findings show that Malaysia is still bound by the practice of Syafii Madhhab in determining the law on halal products. In contrast to Indonesia that is open to accepting views other than the Shafii Madhhab in determining the law besides taking different uruf and maslahah in both countries. Keywords: fatwa, halal, halal standard, cross-contamination. ABSTRAK: Dalam penentuan hukum Islam, terdapat dua prinsip utama yang digunakan iaitu ‘al-thabit’ dan ‘al-mutaghayyir’. Dengan adanya prinsip ‘al-thabit’ dan ‘al-mutaghayyir’ membuktikan Islam sesuai dipraktikkan pada setiap masa dan keadaan kerana Islam menerima sebarang perubahan atau perbezaan yang berlaku dalam masyarakat selagi mana ia tidak melanggar prinsip-prinsip asas Islam. Perbezaan keputusan fatwa yang dikeluarkan di antara Malaysia dan Indonesia telah menimbulkan polemik dalam kalangan masyarakat Islam. Justeru, artikel ini akan menganalisis secara perbandingan fatwa yang telah diputuskan di antara Malaysia dan Indonesia terhadap beberapa isu halal yang terpilih. Metode dokumentasi dan metode temu bual telah digunakan untuk mendapatkan data-data yang sahih dan berautoriti. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan Malaysia masih terikat dengan pengamalan Mazhab Syafii dalam penentuan hukum terhadap produk halal. Berbeda dengan Indonesia yang terbuka dalam menerima pandangan selain Mazhab Shafii dalam menentukan hukum disamping pengambilan uruf dan maslahah yang berbeza di kedua-dua buah negara ini. Kata Kunci: fatwa, halal, piawaian halal, kontaminasi silang.

Татьяна Геннадьевна Лепина ◽  
Елена Николаевна Шатанкова

Актуальность обусловлена существованием проблемы разграничения в научных исследованиях судебного штрафа и штрафа как уголовного наказания. Предмет. Критерии отграничения судебного штрафа от уголовного наказания в виде штрафа. Цель. Авторы считают необходимым проведение разграничения рассматриваемых мер для повышения эффективности правоприменительной деятельности. Методология. Были использованы статистический, сравнительно-правовой, формально-юридический методы, методы толкования права. Результаты. Сходство судебного штрафа и штрафа как уголовного наказания обусловлено тем, что обе рассматриваемые меры подразумевают денежные выплаты лицом, виновным в совершении преступления. Также исследователи обращают внимание на одинаковый состав участников правоотношений, возникающих при функционировании рассматриваемых институтов: лицо, обязанное уплатить штраф, государство в лице судебного пристава-исполнителя. Сходными являются цели применения рассматриваемых мер. Так, восстановление социальной справедливости присуще и судебному штрафу (так как он предполагает возмещение ущерба и заглаживание вреда). Обоим мерам свойственна направленность на решение превентивных задач. Применение судебного штрафа оказывает воздействие на виновного. Лицо, которому грозила уголовная ответственность, избежавшее наказания, как правило, будет стремиться к недопущению подобных ситуаций в будущем. Наиболее выраженные различия наблюдаются при реализации цели исправления. Применение судебного штрафа свидетельствует о том, что правоприменитель признает конкретное лицо, нарушившее закон, нуждающимся в исправлении в меньшей степени (по отношению к осужденным лицам). Следовательно, при применении судебного штрафа возможно исправление и без применения уголовного наказания. Область применения результатов. Полученные результаты могут быть использованы в практической деятельности следственных, судебных органов и учреждений, исполняющих судебные решения; в образовательном процессе при преподавании в высших учебных заведениях. Заключение. Важнейшим отличием между судебным штрафом и штрафом как наказанием является наличие (отсутствие) судимости. Она отсутствует при применении первого института, но имеет место при функционировании второго, как составляющая уголовной ответственности. Однако стоит также отметить отличие, связанное с тем, что судебный штраф не подразумевает необходимость применения наказания для исправления виновного. Напротив, эта мера призвана способствовать законопослушному поведению без использования карательных средств. The relevance of this scientific article is due to the existence of the problem of differentiation in scientific research of a court fine and a fine as a criminal punishment. Subject. Criteria for delimiting a court fine from a criminal penalty in the form of a fine. Purpose. The authors consider it necessary to delimit the measures under consideration in order to increase the effectiveness of law enforcement. Methodology. The following methods were used: statistical, comparative legal, formal legal, methods of interpretation of law. Results. The similarity between the judicial fine and the fine as a criminal punishment is due to the fact that both measures considered imply cash payments to the person guilty of the crime. Researchers also pay attention to the same composition of participants in legal relations arising from the functioning of the institutions in question: the person obligated to pay the fine, the state represented by the bailiff. The objectives of the measures under consideration are similar. Thus, the restoration of social justice is also inherent in judicial fines (since it involves damages and redress). Both measures are characterized by a focus on solving preventive tasks. The application of a judicial fine affects the perpetrator. A person who faces criminal liability who has escaped punishment will tend to prevent such situations in the future. The most pronounced differences are observed when realizing the goal of correction. The application of a judicial fine indicates that the law enforcer recognizes a specific person who has violated the law as being in need of correction to a lesser extent (in relation to convicted persons). Consequently, when applying a judicial fine, corrections are possible without applying criminal penalties. Scope of the results. The results can be used in the practical activities of investigative, judicial authorities and institutions executing judicial decisions; in the educational process when teaching in higher education. Conclusion. The most important difference between a judicial fine and a fine as a punishment is the presence (absence) of a criminal record. It is absent in the application of the first institution, but takes place in the functioning of the second, as a component of criminal liability. However, it is also important to note the difference associated with the fact that a court fine does not imply the need to apply punishment to correct the perpetrator. On the contrary, this measure is designed to promote law-abiding behavior without the use of punitive means.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 331-354
Desy Kristiane

Determination of the beginning of the month on the lunar calendar is marked by the appearance of the new moon seen by the eye after sunset. To find out the appearance of the new moon it takes observation or rukyat. The scholars disagree with regard to the law on the use of assistive devices in rukyat al-hilāl, some do not allow it like Ibn Hajar al-Ḥaitamī and others allow it like Muhammad Bakhit al-Muṭī'i. The difference of opinion between al-Muṭṭ’i and Ibn Hajar al-Ḥaitamī because Muhammad Bakhῑt al-Muṭῑ’i is a scholar with Hanafi ideology, where the Hanafi school of thought is as a master of ra'yi, because he is proficient in using qiyas (analogy). While Ibn Hajar is a Shafi'i scholar whose style is a combination of ahlu ra'yi and ahlu hadith. Although their opinions differ, the stipulations of the law are the same, al-Muṭī'i allows but agrees with Ibn Hajar's reason "fear that what is seen is not the hilal" so if that reason can be eliminated then it can be understood that it can be used to use tools for rukyat al-hilal.

Valentyna Trotska

The author in the article explores the provisions of «The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act», concerning exceptions to copyright (Copyright Exceptions). The article describes the provisions of the Chapter III of the UK law «Acts Permitted in relation to Copyright Works».It is established that Copyright Exceptions allow the use of works by any person that will not be considered as copyright infringement in compliance with the conditions specified by law. This formulation differs from the norms of national legislation.Articles 21−25 of the Law of Ukraine define the norms on free use of works. In general, works may be used without the permission of the copyright subject and without payment of remuneration for compliance with the conditions specified in these articles of the Law.Unlike national law, UK law provides exceptions where the use of work will not be considered as copyright infringement. This approach is considered the basis of the doctrine of «fair dealing». The doctrine defined by UK law is used to establish in practice in each case legality of actions of the person. A comparison is made between «the free use» and «fair dealing». The difference between these concepts are established. Despite these differences, the doctrines of «fair dealing» and «free use » do not contradict each other. They are similar in terms of defining exceptions to copyright, when the property rights of copyright holders are limited, sothe use of works by any person will not be considered as infringement of this right.The article analyzes main exceptions, provided by the UK Act:1. Exceptions in the interests of persons with visual disabilities.2. Exceptions for educational establishments.3. Exceptions for libraries, archives.4. Exceptions for the purpose of parliamentary and judicial proceedings.5. Exceptions to copyright in computer programs, databases.6. Other exceptions.The author describes in detail Copyright Exceptions that are new to national legislation.Based on the analysis, the author draws conclusions. Unlike the Law of Ukraine, the list of copyright exceptions in the UK Law is expanded.The law of this country takes into account almost all exceptions and limitations to copyright provided by European law. The conditions under which the use of a work by a person will not be considered as copyright infringement are quite detailed.Unlike the law of the United Kingdom, the Law of Ukraine does not currently have such restrictions on property copyrights as «Making of temporary copies», «freedom of panorama», «reproduction of works for the purpose of parliamentary proceedings», «reproduction of works for demonstration or repair of equipment». The current provisions of the Law of Ukraine about the free use of works need to be supplemented. Regulations about the free reproduction of works for study, reproduction of works by libraries, archives need to be clarified. The author in the article analyses the other issue of application of copyright exceptions and provides proposals for amendments to national copyright law.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-58
Norhidayah Pauzi ◽  
Saadan Man ◽  
Syed Mohd. Jeffri Syed Jaafar

In the determination of Islamic law, there are two main principles used namely 'al-thabit' and 'al-mutaghayyir'. With the principle of 'al-thabit' and 'al-mutaghayyir' proves that Islam is practiced at all times and circumstances as Islam accepts any changes or differences that occur in society as long as it does not violate the fundamental principles of Islam. The difference in fatwa decisions issued between Malaysia and Indonesia has caused polemic among Muslims. Hence, this article will analyze the fatwas that have been decided between Malaysia and Indonesia on certain selected halal issues. Methods of documentation and interview methods have been used to obtain authentic and authoritative data. The findings show that Malaysia is still bound by the practice of Syafii Madhhab in determining the law on halal products. In contrast to Indonesia that is open to accepting views other than the Shafii Madhhab in determining the law besides taking different uruf and maslahah in both countries. ABSTRAK Dalam penentuan hukum Islam, terdapat dua prinsip utama yang digunakan iaitu ‘al-thabit’ dan ‘al-mutaghayyir’. Dengan adanya prinsip ‘al-thabit’ dan ‘al-mutaghayyir’ membuktikan Islam sesuai dipraktikkan pada setiap masa dan keadaan kerana Islam menerima sebarang perubahan atau perbezaan yang berlaku dalam masyarakat selagi mana ia tidak melanggar prinsip-prinsip asas Islam. Perbezaan keputusan fatwa yang dikeluarkan di antara Malaysia dan Indonesia telah menimbulkan polemik dalam kalangan masyarakat Islam. Justeru, artikel ini akan menganalisis secara perbandingan fatwa yang telah diputuskan di antara Malaysia dan Indonesia terhadap beberapa isu halal yang terpilih. Metode dokumentasi dan metode temu bual telah digunakan untuk mendapatkan data-data yang sahih dan berautoriti. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan Malaysia masih terikat dengan pengamalan Mazhab Syafii dalam penentuan hukum terhadap produk halal. Berbeda dengan Indonesia yang terbuka dalam menerima pandangan selain Mazhab Shafii dalam menentukan hukum disamping pengambilan uruf dan maslahah yang berbeza di kedua-dua buah negara ini.

Arie Kartika

The essence of cooperatives is to remain themselves as cooperatives and not deviate into other forms, the moral values that underlie them must be realities of life in the activities and behavior of cooperative people. Evil develops along with the development and change of human life. The types are even more diverse with varied modus operandi, all following the development of increasingly modern humans, one of which is the crime of corruption and money laundering. Likewise, crime in the economy follows the sophistication of the development of the world economy. Crimes in the economic field are very likely to occur and affect the cooperative business entity. Based on this, the main problems of criminal acts cannot be avoided in the regulations of cooperative business activities. Determination of a law as a criminal acts means the law is prohibited, and should be given a criminal sanction. Crime in the Cooperative is identified as a problem that needs to be sought as an alternative sanction as a last resort in terms of law enforcement. The development of economic life requires a normative framework to maintain social order. Then it is necessary to administer the law with real legal objectives to facilitate the economic life of the Indonesian state.

Tatiana Mikhailovna Balmatova

The XXI century, marked by numerous achievements in various fields, became the time of systematic arrangement of not only cante flamenco, but the law enforcement agencies and procedures in Spain as well. These phenomena, which at first glance have no common ground, appear to be inextricably entwined, since in the folklore of Southern Spain are often mentioned the committed crimes and the imposed punishments. The object of this research is the coplas of cante flamencto that contain information about crimes against ethnic groups, prison conditions, family visits procedure, death penalty, correctional labor, physical punishment and other aspects of being in the penitentiary institutions of that time and interaction with the judicial and legal system. The subject of this research is the law enforcement and penitentiary practices in Spain of the XIX centuries. The texts of cante flamenco have not been translated into the Russian language; only some of them drew the attention of domestic researchers, which defines the relevance of conducting interdisciplinary research dedicated to the historical records on the judiciary, prisons and law enforcement practice in Spain of the XIX century, which were contained in coplas of cante flamenco. The goal of this article lies in determination of peculiarities of delivering information related to crimes and punishments in coplas of cante flamencto, and its correspondence to the historical realities of that time. The research is based on the cante flamento colletcions of A. Machado-Alvarez and M. Balmaceda published in 1881. It is established that the lyrics of flamenco songs accurately reflect the difficulties and flaws in various aspects of functionality of the judicial and legal system and penitentiary institutions during their integration into the state system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (01) ◽  
pp. 15-33
Muhammad Afif

Eksekusi hukuman mati dalam hukum positif Indonesia dilakukan dengan cara hukuman mati, yang berarti bahwa eksekusi hukuman mati tidak dilakukan di depan orang banyak atau tidak dipublikasikan. Dalam hukum pidana Islam, dieksekusi dengan cara dipenggal, dilempar dengan batu (Rajam) dan dieksekusi di depan umum, artinya eksekusi hukuman mati disaksikan oleh publik. Jenis penelitian merupakan penelitian normative.Pokok bahasan dari artikel ini adalah bagaimana eksekusi hukuman mati memberikan efek jera bagi masyarakat? karena salah satu tujuan hukuman mati adalah memberikan efek jera kepada seseorang / masyarakat agar tidak melakukan kejahatan. Tidak ada perbedaan antara eksekusi hukuman mati dilihat dalam hukum positif Indonesia dan hukum Islam, pada dasarnya kedua tindak pidana tersebut sama-sama memberikan efek jera berupa ketakutan kepada publik untuk melakukan kejahatan atau tindakan yang melanggar hukum. Perbedaan antara hukum positif Indonesia dan hukum Islam, hanya dalam hal prosedur eksekusi. Abstract The execution of the death penalty in Indonesian positive law is carried out by means of a death shot, meaning that the execution of the death penalty is not carried out in front of a crowd or unpublished. In Islamic criminal law, the execution is executed by beheaded, thrown with stone (Rajam) and the execution is executed in front of the public, meaning that the execution of capital punishment is witnessed by the public. this type of research is normative research. The subject matter of this article is how the execution of capital punishment theoretically gives more deterrent effect to society? because one of the objectives of criminalizing, especially capital punishment is to give deterrent effect to a person / society in order not to commit a crime / crime. The execution of the death penalty between two criminal sides namely the positive crime of Indonesia and Islamic crime, basically the two criminal act equally give a deterrent effect in the form of fear to the public to commit a crime or a crime that violates the law. It's just possible to see the difference between positive criminal Indonesia and Islamic crime in terms of the procedure of execution execution.  

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