scholarly journals Bertsio linguistiko kontrajarriak Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko Legeetan


LABURPENA: «Eta legeak gaztelaniaz kontrakoa badio?». Horixe bera da, hain zuzen ere, legea euskaraz aztertu, gaztelaniazko testua irakurri, eta biak bat ez datozela ohartzean sortzen den galdera. Sarritan gertatzen ez bada ere, batzuetan bertsio linguistiko kontrajarriak azaltzen dira lege-testu ofizialetan, izan euskara eta gaztelania linguistikoki urrun egoteak zaildu egiten duelako bi testuen arteko baliokidetasuna, izan, besterik gabe, zenbaitetan itzulpen-akatsak daudelako. Eta horrelako kasuetan, euskararen benetako koofizialtasunaren mugak agerian jartzen dira, segurtasun juridikoa jokoan egon daitekeelako Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan. Bada, ikerlan honen helburua da aztertzea nola jardun behar den lege bereko euskarazko eta gaztelaniazko bertsioak bat ez datozenean. Horretarako, Konstituzio Auzitegiaren doktrinan sakontzeaz gain, aztergai izan da Jurilinguistikaren alorrak lege-testu eleanitzen interpretazioan egin duen ibilbidea, bai Nazioarteko Zuzenbidean, bai Europar Batasuneko Zuzenbidean, baita Kanada edo Belgika bezalako sistema elebidunetan ere. ABSTRACT: «What if the Spanish version of the act says the contrary?». That is the question that arises when, after reading the act in Basque language, the Spanish text is examined, and there are some divergences. Although it does not happen very often, there are sometimes problems of linguistic divergences between official legal texts. This may be motivated by the difficulty of drafting equivalent versions, given the linguistic difference between Basque and Spanish, or even by occasional errors in translation. In such cases, the limits of the coofficiality status of Basque are revealed, as legal certainty can be at risk in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country. The purpose of the present study is to research how to proceed when the Basque and Spanish versions of the same act are not equivalent. This involves carrying out an in-depth study of the case-law of the Spanish Constitutional Court, as well as the experience of Jurilinguistics in interpretation of multilingual legislative texts in International Law, European Union Law, and in bilingual systems such as Canada or Belgium. RESUMEN: «¿Y si la ley en castellano dice lo contrario?». Esta es la pregunta que surge cuando, después de analizar la ley en euskera, se procede a examinar el texto de esa misma ley en castellano, y encontramos divergencias entre ellas. Aunque esta situación no se dé con mucha frecuencia, hay veces que existen divergenciaslingüísticas entre los textos legales oficiales. Puede estar motivado, bien porque el euskera y el castellano sean lenguas sin parentesco, hecho que dificulta la equivalencia entre ambos textos, o bien porque a veces existen fallos de traducción. En estos casos, se ponen en evidencia los límites de la cooficialidad del euskera, ya que puede estar en juego la seguridad jurídica en la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco. El objeto de este estudio es investigar cómo se debe actuar cuando las versiones en euskera y en castellano de una misma ley no son equivalentes. Para ello, además de profundizar en la doctrina del Tribunal Constitucional, también ha sido objeto de estudio la trayectoria que la Jurilingüística ha realizado en la interpretación de textos legales multilingües, tanto en el Derecho Internacional, como en el Derecho de la Unión Europea, así como en los sistemas bilingües de países como Canadá o Bélgica.


LABURPENA: Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko Justizia Auzitegi Nagusiaren 2015eko martxoaren 4ko epaiaren ingurukoa da azterlan hau. Bertan aztertzen da estatu legegilearen ondare-erantzukizunari buruzko erreklamazio bat, meatzaritzan aritzen den enpresa batek aurkeztutakoa, EAEko Natura Kontserbatzeko Legeak jasotzen duen erabateko debeku batetik eratortzen diren ondare-kalteak direla-eta. Arlo horretan jurisprudentziaren doktrina berrikusten da eta, gainera, ingurumena babesteko erauzketa-jardueren inguruko debeku orokorren konstituzionaltasunaz ere zenbait ohar egiten dira. RESUMEN: Este trabajo comenta la Sentencia del Tribunal Superior de Justicia del País Vasco de 4 de marzo de 2015 (Rec. N.º 455/2012), en la que se analiza una reclamación de responsabilidad patrimonial del Estado legislador formulada por una empresa dedicada a las actividades mineras ante perjuicios patrimoniales derivados de una prohibición absoluta incorporada a la Ley vasca de conservación de los Espacios Naturales Protegidos. Se lleva a cabo una revisión de la doctrina jurisprudencial en esta cuestión y se repara en la constitucionalidad de las prohibiciones generales de actividades extractivas para la protección del medio ambiente. ABSTRACT: This work comments on the judgment by the High Court of the Basque Country of March 3rd of 2015 (Rec. Num. 455/2012) where it is analyzed a complaint for financial liability against the legislative State by a company dedicated to mining operations because of the patrimonial damages derived of the total ban incorporated by the Basque Act of Preservation of Protected Natural Areas. An analysis of the case law doctrine on this issue is carried out and it is noted the constitutionality of the general prohibitions regarding mining activities for the protection of environment.

Heiss Helmut

This chapter looks at Liechtenstein perspectives on the Hague Principles. Rules on choice of law, including international commercial contract law, have been codified by virtue of the Act on Private International Law 1996 (Liechtenstein PILA). The Liechtenstein PILA does not expressly state that conventions will take precedence over national laws. However, it has been held by the Liechtenstein Constitutional Court that international treaties are of at least equal status to regular national laws and that national law must be interpreted in line with public international law. Moreover, an international convention will often be considered to be a lex specialis and be given precedence over national rules on that ground. Liechtenstein courts will refer first of all to (old) Austrian case law and legal literature when dealing with matters pertaining to the parties’ choice of law. Whenever these sources leave ambiguity to a specific question, Liechtenstein courts may and most likely will consider other persuasive authorities. The Hague Principles may constitute such persuasive authority.

Bartolomé Clavero Salvador

Resumen: La Constitución Española diseñó en 1978 un régimen de autogobierno mediante Estatutos pactados para el acomodo de los territorios más diferenciados. Los reconoció como nacionalidades dotadas de derechos históricos con título así precedente a la propia Constitución en el tiempo y así, virtualmente, en el derecho. Incluso se revalidaron constitucionalmente los referenda de iniciativa para acceso a la autonomía que se habían efectuado bajo la Constitución anterior, la de la Segunda República. De tal modo se constituyeron en 1979 el País Vasco y Cataluña. Fue un proceso que comenzó a torcerse pronto. El Tribunal Constitucional, apenas establecido, comenzó en 1981 una labor concienzuda de zapa de ese régimen de autogobierno. He aquí un caso de verdadera jurisprudencia o, por lo que resultará, jurisimprudencia preventiva. De esto se preocupa este trabajo. Palabras clave: Constitución Española, jurisprudencia constitucional, derechos históricos, pactos estatuyentes, bloque de constitucionalidad, conflicto catalán. Abstract: In 1978, the Spanish Constitution designed a system of self-government by means of negotiated Statutes for the accommodation of the most differentiated territories. It recognized them as nationalities endowed with historical rights and therefore with a title preceding the Constitution itself in time and also, virtually, at law. Even the referenda of initiative for access to autonomy that had been carried out under the previous Constitution, that one of the Second Republic, were constitutionally revalidated. In this way, the Basque Country and Catalonia were constituted in 1979. It was a process that soon began to be distorted. The Constitutional Court, barely established, began in 1981 a meticulous work of sabotage of such a framework of self-government. Here is a case of truly preventive jurisprudence or, as it would turn out, juris-imprudence. That is what this paper is concerned about. Keywords: Spanish Constitution, constitutional jurisprudence, historical rights, self-government covenants, bloc de constitutionnalité, Catalan conflict.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-145
Dulce Lopes

The relevance of fraus legis – a falsely presented state of affairs – both in internal and private international law, and particularly within recognition procedures, has not been undisputed throughout the years. And in the midst of integration or close cooperation arrangements it might seem that the institute of fraus legis would definitively lose its interest due to an “unshaken” mutual confidence in the activity of other public authorities. This is however not the case, as demonstrated by European Union law where both legislative and case law examples show the renewed importance of such truthfulness or veracity requirement. Bearing this is mind, the present article has a dual purpose: the first aims to describe the legal concept of recognition in its diversity and richness. As an aggregating factor we will subsequently turn our attention to the “internal structure” of that concept and to the conditions or requisites it is dependent upon. One of such conditions is precisely the control of veracity of the act or situation that aims to be recognised by the receiving State.

Pavelas Ravluševičius

The primacy and supremacy clauses of European Union law (“EU law”) are to one of the most prevalent issues concerning the relationship between EU law and domestic law of the Republic of Lithuania. It seems that such issues were not definitely settled even when the Treaty of Lisbon amending the Treaty on European Union, which established the European Community. During that period, significant changes were made in EU Member States, regarding the domestic application of the principle of primacy and supremacy of EU law. Lithuanian law has undergone the development in this sphere too.The European Court of Justice (“ECJ”) has developed the meaning of the principle of primacy, which means that European Union law should take precedence over the national law (even over constitutional provisions) and, in case of conflicts between EU law and national law, every national court is obliged to apply the European Union law. The comparative analysis of the Lithuanian Constitutional Court case law shows counter development to the ECJ case law, which may cause the jurisdictional collision of setting aside EU law based on constitutional grounds.The paper includes some relevant examples of application of EU law arising from preliminary ruling procedure under Art. 267 of Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union in the praxis of the Lithuanian Constitutional Court and Lithuanian courts of general and special competences.

2013 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 267-271 ◽  
Bernard Stirn

Abstract Bernard Stirn’s presentation examines the status of international custom in French public law. He notes that international custom may be considered as covered by the reference in the preamble of the Constitution to the rules of public international law. He underlines the increased effects of international custom in the French domestic legal order as enshrined in the latest developments of the case-law of the Conseil d’Etat. He stresses that whilst French administrative judges may set aside a law in the event of a conflict with the provisions of an international treaty, they do not possess a similar power in the case of a conflict with a rule of customary international law. He concludes by citing cases in which the French constitutional court has made reference to international custom.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 557-592
Rupert Dunbar

AbstractApplication of international treaty and customary international law at the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) is increasingly recognized by scholars as problematic regarding legal certainty. This Article seeks to illustrate why this is and to propose reform. Through comparing judicial approaches in the application of international law at the CJEU to its approach in internal case law, it is argued that in the frequent absence of proportionality in external case law the Court has utilized, redeployed, or varied other judicial devices in an effort to retain the discretion which proportionality affords. These are argued to effect legal certainty and established concepts of justice within the EU legal system. Accordingly, it is submitted that proportionality should be transplanted fully and openly to external relations case law and that support for this can be extrapolated from existing literature.


LABURPENA: Eusko Legebiltzarrak onartu berri du 10/2019 Legea, ekainaren 27koa, establezimendu komertzial handien lurralde antolamenduari buruzkoa (EHAA, 2019ko uztailaren 9koa), Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko merkataritzagune handien ezarpena eta handitzea arautzen duena, haien araudia Zerbitzuen Zuzentarauaren eta Europar Batasuneko Justizia Auzitegiaren eta Auzitegi Gorenaren doktrinaren eskakizunetara egokitzeko. Lurralde-antolamenduaren ikuspegitik, eta segurtasun juridiko handiena lortze aldera, legeak behar bezala arrazoituta egiaztatu nahi du antolamendu berriak honako baldintza hirukoitza betetzen duela: beharra —Bereziki, periferiako merkataritzaren ondoriozko arazo jasangarriak eta ingurumenekoak saihestea—, diskriminaziorik eza eta proportzionaltasuna, eta teorikoki ez dagoela merkataritza txikia babesteko interes ekonomikorik. Alde horretatik, edukiaren azterketatik ondorioztatzen da lege honek hiri konpaktuaren lurralde-eredu iraunkor bat aldarrikatzen duela, mugikortasun jasangarria sustatzen duena eta hurbileko hiri-merkataritza babesten duena, eta horrek ongi pentsatutako oinarri gisa balio dio establezimendu komertzial handiak lehentasunez hiriko bizitegi sarean ezar daitezen agintzeko. ABSTRACT: The Basque Parliament has approved the Law 10/2019, of 27 June, on the territorial planning of large commercial spaces, regulating the establishment and enlargement of large commercial establishments in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, in order to adapt its regulations to the requirements of the Services Directive and the doctrine of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the Supreme Court. From the perspective of territorial planning, and for the sake of greater legal certainty, it seeks to demonstrate in a sufficiently reasoned manner that the new planning observes the triple condition of necessity —especially to avoid sustainable and environmental problems derived from peripheral trade—, non-discrimination and proportionality and the theoretical non-existence of an economic interest in protecting the small commerce. In this sense, the analysis of its content shows that this law promulgates a sustainable territorial model of compact city that promotes sustainable mobility and protects urban commerce of proximity, which serves as a matured basis to dictate precepts that establish the preference of the implantation of large commercial establishments in the residential urban area. RESUMEN: El Parlamento Vasco ha aprobado la Ley 10/2019, de 27 de junio, de ordenación territorial de grandes establecimientos comerciales (BOPV de 9 de julio de 2019), regulando la implantación y ampliación de los grandes establecimientos comerciales en la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco, con el fin de adaptar su normativa a las exigencias de la Directiva de Servicios y a la doctrina del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea y del Tribunal Supremo. Desde la perspectiva de la ordenación del territorio, y en aras de la mayor seguridad jurídica, trata de acreditar de forma suficientemente motivada que la nueva ordenación observa la triple condición de necesidad —especialmente, de evitar problemas sostenibles y ambientales derivados del comercio periférico—, no discriminación y proporcionalidad, y la teórica inexistencia de un interés económico de proteger al pequeño comercio. En este sentido, del análisis de su contenido se desprende que esta ley promulga un modelo territorial sostenible de ciudad compacta que fomenta la movilidad sostenible y protege el comercio urbano de proximidad, lo cual le sirve de fundamento madurado para dictar preceptos que establecen la preferencia de la implantación de los grandes establecimientos comerciales en la trama urbana residencial.


LABURPENA: Etxebizitzak alokatzeko merkatua malgutzeko eta sustatzeko neurriei buruzko ekainaren 4ko 4/2013 Legearen bigarren xedapen gehigarriari buruz, urriaren 22ko 216/2015 KAE, maiatzaren 10eko 51/2018 KAE, eta maiatzaren 24ko 56/2018 KAE eman dira. Lehenengoa a) apartatuari buruzkoa da, zeinaren bitartez zehazten den ez direla berritu behar Etxebizitzako estatu mailako planetan emandako laguntzak eta diru-laguntzak, eta beste biak, b) apartatuari buruzkoak, zeinaren bitartez bi baldintza ezartzen diren babestutako etxebizitza bat eskuratzeko sarrerarako estatuko zuzeneko laguntzak jasotzeko eskubidea izateko. Epai horiek kontuan hartuta, lan honetan konfiantza legitimoaren printzipioaren urraketak duen garrantzi soziala aztertu da, etxebizitza duin eta egoki bat izateko eskubidean proiektatzen denean hain zuzen. Erabaki konstituzionalak, jurisprudentzialak eta doktrinalak aztertu dira estatu sozial batean konfiantza legitimoa bermatzeko segurtasun juridikoari eta legegileek duten mugei dagokionez, baita arauen aurreikusgarritasunari eta aurretik doktrina jurisdikzionala ez egotearen ondoriozko segurtasun juridiko ezari dagokionez. RESUMEN: A raíz de las SSTC 216/2015, de 22 de octubre, 51/2018, de 10 de mayo y 56/2018, de 24 de mayo, sobre la disposición adicional segunda de la Ley 4/2013, de 4 de junio, de Medidas de Flexibilización y Fomento del Mercado del Alquiler de Viviendas, la primera de ellas respecto al apartado a) que determina no renovar las ayudas y subvenciones concedidas en el marco de los Planes Estatales de Vivienda, y las otras dos, sobre el apartado b) que establece dos requisitos para obtener el derecho al abono de las ayudas estatales directas a la entrada para la adquisición de una vivienda protegida, en este trabajo se analiza la transcendencia social de la vulneración del principio de confianza legítima cuando se proyecta sobre un derecho como es el derecho a una vivienda digna y adecuada. Se estudian una serie de pronunciamientos constitucionales, jurisprudenciales y doctrinales en relación con la seguridad jurídica y los límites del legislador para garantizar la confianza legítima en un estado social, así como la previsibilidad de las normas y la inseguridad jurídica derivada de la no existencia de una doctrina jurisdiccional al respecto. ABSTRACT: As a result of judgments 216/2015 of October 22, 51/2018 of May 10 and 56/2018 of May 24 on the second additional provision to Act 4/2013 of June 4 on measures aimed at the flexibilization and promotion of the rental housing market, the first one regarding section a) that determines not to renew aids and subsidies awarded in the framework of the National Government Housing plans and the others regarding section b) that establishes two requirements in order to gain the right to be awarded with state direct aids for the deposit to buy a government-sponsored housing, we analyze the social significance of the infringement of the principle of legitimate expectations when a right such as the right to a decent and appropriate home is impaired. Some series of constitutional, court and doctrine declarations are studied in connection with legal certainty and the limits of the legislator to guarantee legitimate expectations in a Social state, together with the predictability of the rules and the legal insecurity that derivesfrom the lack of a case law doctrine in respect thereof.

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