scholarly journals El principio de confianza legítima en el derecho a la vivienda: una asignatura pendiente de la doctrina constitucional


LABURPENA: Etxebizitzak alokatzeko merkatua malgutzeko eta sustatzeko neurriei buruzko ekainaren 4ko 4/2013 Legearen bigarren xedapen gehigarriari buruz, urriaren 22ko 216/2015 KAE, maiatzaren 10eko 51/2018 KAE, eta maiatzaren 24ko 56/2018 KAE eman dira. Lehenengoa a) apartatuari buruzkoa da, zeinaren bitartez zehazten den ez direla berritu behar Etxebizitzako estatu mailako planetan emandako laguntzak eta diru-laguntzak, eta beste biak, b) apartatuari buruzkoak, zeinaren bitartez bi baldintza ezartzen diren babestutako etxebizitza bat eskuratzeko sarrerarako estatuko zuzeneko laguntzak jasotzeko eskubidea izateko. Epai horiek kontuan hartuta, lan honetan konfiantza legitimoaren printzipioaren urraketak duen garrantzi soziala aztertu da, etxebizitza duin eta egoki bat izateko eskubidean proiektatzen denean hain zuzen. Erabaki konstituzionalak, jurisprudentzialak eta doktrinalak aztertu dira estatu sozial batean konfiantza legitimoa bermatzeko segurtasun juridikoari eta legegileek duten mugei dagokionez, baita arauen aurreikusgarritasunari eta aurretik doktrina jurisdikzionala ez egotearen ondoriozko segurtasun juridiko ezari dagokionez. RESUMEN: A raíz de las SSTC 216/2015, de 22 de octubre, 51/2018, de 10 de mayo y 56/2018, de 24 de mayo, sobre la disposición adicional segunda de la Ley 4/2013, de 4 de junio, de Medidas de Flexibilización y Fomento del Mercado del Alquiler de Viviendas, la primera de ellas respecto al apartado a) que determina no renovar las ayudas y subvenciones concedidas en el marco de los Planes Estatales de Vivienda, y las otras dos, sobre el apartado b) que establece dos requisitos para obtener el derecho al abono de las ayudas estatales directas a la entrada para la adquisición de una vivienda protegida, en este trabajo se analiza la transcendencia social de la vulneración del principio de confianza legítima cuando se proyecta sobre un derecho como es el derecho a una vivienda digna y adecuada. Se estudian una serie de pronunciamientos constitucionales, jurisprudenciales y doctrinales en relación con la seguridad jurídica y los límites del legislador para garantizar la confianza legítima en un estado social, así como la previsibilidad de las normas y la inseguridad jurídica derivada de la no existencia de una doctrina jurisdiccional al respecto. ABSTRACT: As a result of judgments 216/2015 of October 22, 51/2018 of May 10 and 56/2018 of May 24 on the second additional provision to Act 4/2013 of June 4 on measures aimed at the flexibilization and promotion of the rental housing market, the first one regarding section a) that determines not to renew aids and subsidies awarded in the framework of the National Government Housing plans and the others regarding section b) that establishes two requirements in order to gain the right to be awarded with state direct aids for the deposit to buy a government-sponsored housing, we analyze the social significance of the infringement of the principle of legitimate expectations when a right such as the right to a decent and appropriate home is impaired. Some series of constitutional, court and doctrine declarations are studied in connection with legal certainty and the limits of the legislator to guarantee legitimate expectations in a Social state, together with the predictability of the rules and the legal insecurity that derivesfrom the lack of a case law doctrine in respect thereof.


LABURPENA: Espainiako Konstituzioak eta autonomia-estatutuek zedarritzen duten esparruan, estatu soziala, neurri handi batean, estatu autonomikoaren bidez josten da. Artikulu honen bidez, ikusi eta erakutsi nahiko nuke konstituzio-jurisprudentziak zenbateraino eta zer tresna erabiliz jo duen balekotzat krisi ekonomikoak iraun duen bitartean boterea zentralizatzeko eta arauak homogeneizatzeko egon den joera; azkenean, eskumenen antolamendua beste era batera diseinatu baita, autonomia-printzipioaren kaltetan eta autonomia-erkidegoek gizarte-politikak garatzeko duten ahalmenaren kaltetan. Oinarri modura, bi kasu aztertuko ditut: osasuna babesteko eskubidea, eta etxebizitza duina. Bai arlo batean zein bestean, alde batetik, estatuak lege batzuk sortu ditu krisiari erantzuteko; eta, bestetik, autonomia-erkidegoek zenbait politika garatu dituzte, beren eskumenak baliatuz. Ondorioz, liskar asko piztu da konstituzioaren inguruan, sokatik hainbat norabidetan tira egiten denean bezala: autonomia politikoa, berdintasuna eta estatu soziala, eta, gainera, krisialdi ekonomikoan. RESUMEN: En el marco establecido por la Constitución española y los Estatutos de Autonomía, el Estado social se articula en gran medida a través del Estado autonómico. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar en qué medida y a través de qué instrumentos la jurisprudencia constitucional ha avalado una tendencia a la centralización del poder y homogeneización normativa en el contexto de la crisis económica, de tal modo que se opere un rediseño del orden competencial en perjuicio del principio de autonomía y la capacidad de las Comunidades Autónomas de desarrollar políticas sociales. Este análisis se basará en dos casos de estudio: el derecho a la protección de la salud y la vivienda digna. En ambos ámbitos materiales, por un lado, el Estado central ha adoptado legislación en respuesta a la crisis, y por el otro las Comunidades Autónomas han desarrollado políticas diversas en ejercicio de sus competencias propias. Como consecuencia, se ha producido un elevado grado de conflictividad constitucional en un contexto en el que se entrelazan diversos ejes: autonomía política, igualdady Estado social en el marco de la crisis económica. ABSTRACT: Within the framework set by the Spanish Constitution and the Statutes of Autonomy, the social state is developed to a great extent through the autonomic state. The goal of this work is to understand the extent to which and through what mechanisms the constitutional case-law has endorsed the trend towards the centralization of power and normative homogenization in the context of the economic crisis, in such a way that the allocation of powers has been redesigned to undermine the principle of autonomy and the capacity of the Autonomous Communities to develop social policies. This analysis will focus on two case studies: the right to health and to housing. In both fields, on the one hand, the central state has adopted legislation in response to the crisis, and on the other the Autonomous Communities have developed diverse policies in the exercise of their respective powers. As a consequence, constitutional conflicts have increased in a context in which several core elements are intertwined: political autonomy, equality and the social state in the framework of theeconomic crisis.


LABURPENA: Lan eremuan bideozaintzaren erabilerak ondorio garrantzitsuak dakartza funtsezko eskubideei dagokienez, esate baterako intimitateari eta datu pertsonalen babesari dagokienez. Hala eta guztiz ere, oraindik ez daukagu araudi zehatz eta espezifikorik kontrol-teknika hori lan eremuan erabiltzeari buruz. Horrek behartuta, errealitate horri araudi-esparru anitz eta generikoa aplikatzeko modua auzitegiek zehaztu behar dute, kontuan hartuta, gainera, Espainiako Konstituzioaren 18.4 artikulua alde horretatik lausoa dela. Konstituzio Auzitegiak, datuen babeserako funtsezko eskubidea aztertzean, datuen titularraren adostasuna eta titular horri eman beharreko informazioa eskubide horretan berebizikoak zirela ezarri zuen; hortik ondorioztatzen da titularraren adostasuna eta hari emandako informazioa mugatuz gero behar bezala justifikatu beharko dela. Hala ere, Konstituzio Auzitegiak, duela gutxiko jurisprudentzian, bere doktrina aldatu du. Aldaketa horrek, lan eremuan, argi eta garbi langileak informazioa jasotzeko duen eskubidea debaluatzea dakar, bere datuetatik zein lortzen ari diren jakiteari dagokionez. RESUMEN: La utilización de la videovigilancia en el ámbito laboral posee importantes implicaciones en relación con derechos fundamentales como los relativos a la intimidad y a la protección de datos personales. Pese a ello, carecemos aún de una normativa detallada y específica en relación con el uso de dicha técnica de control en el ámbito laboral, lo que obliga a que sean los tribunales los que vayan concretando la aplicación de un marco normativo plural y genérico a esa realidad, dada además la vaguedad del art. 18.4 CE. El TC, al analizar el derecho fundamental a la protección de datos, había establecido el carácter central en él del consentimiento del titular de los datos y de la información que debe dársele a éste, de donde se sigue que cualquier limitación del papel de ambos deberá estar debidamente justificada. Sin embargo, en su más reciente jurisprudencia el TC ha realizado un cambio de doctrina que supone, en el ámbito laboral, una clara devaluación del derecho a la información por parte del trabajador en relación con qué datos suyos se están obteniendo. ABSTRACT : T he use of video surveillance systems within the work sphere has major implications for fundamental rights such as privacy and data protection. Nonetheless, we still lack of a detailed and specific regulation regarding the use of that control technology within the work sphere, which obliges courts to define the application of a plural and generic normative framework to that issue, given the vagueness of art. 18.4 of the Constitution. The Constitutional Court, when analyzing the fundamental right to data protection, had settled the centralityof the consent of the data rightholder and of the information to be provided to the latter, and from this it followed that any restriction on the role of both rights should be duly justified. However, in its most recent case law the Constitutional Court has changed its doctrine which means, within the work sphere, a clear devaluation of the right of information by the employee regarding the obtained data of him/her.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (2021) ◽  
pp. 164-179
Flavius Antoniu BAIAS ◽  

This study aims to describe the legal regime of the compensatory payment, with reference to the legislative framework, the sources of inspiration of the regulation, as well as to the current national case-law in this matter, which confirms, by the large number of cases solved after the entry into force of the Civil Code, the social utility of this legal institution. On the basis of the case law examples provided, the authors analyze the legal nature of the compensatory allowance by distinguishing it from similar institutions – the maintenance obligation between ex-spouses or the right to compensation – the conditions to be fulfilled when granting compensatory payment, the criteria used to impose, modify or terminate the obligation, and the substantive and procedural law difficulties of these disputes.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (100) ◽  
pp. 849
Miguel Agudo Zamora

Resumen:Este trabajo analiza la situación en el modelo constitucional español del principio de no regresividad de los derechos sociales. Se parte del análisis sucinto del modelo social de nuestra Constitución lo que implica el reconocimiento de derechos económicos y sociales. Este reconocimiento es la plasmación constitucional de los principios de solidaridad y de cohesión social. El principio de cohesión social ha sido definido por el Consejo de Europa e incluido explícitamente en los tratados constitutivos de la Unión Europea. La necesidad de lograr la cohesión social fundamenta la inclusión en las Constituciones y en los tratados internacionales del principio de no regresividad de los derechos sociales. En la Constitución española de 1978 este principio no se incluye expresamente. La no inclusión en la Constitución de este principio supone un peligro para la cohesión social en tiempos de crisis económica. Por su parte, el Tribunal Constitucional ha sentado una doctrina ambigua sobre este asunto, que ha sido analizada en este trabajo, así como las más significativas aportaciones doctrinales sobre la materia. Para saber cuáles son los limites de la regresividad de los derechos sociales que dotan de contenido este principio se ha realizado una comparativa internacional y de los principios constitucionales. Del estudio del ordenamiento internacional y de los valores y principios constitucionales se ha obtenido una serie de límites a la regresividad del contenido, eficacia y protección de los derechos sociales. Concluye este trabajo sugiriendo una propuesta de reforma constitucional que incluya el principio de no regresividad de los derechos sociales en el texto constitucional estableciendo una serie de requisitos de aquellas medidas que puedan suponer una regresión de contenido de los mismos tales como que deberán justificarse plenamente en referencia a la totalidad de los derechos, valores y principios recogidos en la Constitución y en los tratados internacionales suscritos por el Estado español y en el contexto del aprovechamiento pleno del máximo de los recursos de que se disponga; se aplicarán tras el examen más exhaustivo de todas las alternativas posibles; tendrán en todo caso carácter temporal hasta que las circunstancias económicas permitan restablecer el ámbito material de contenido, eficacia, protección y garantía prexistente de los derechos sociales afectados; en todo caso respetarán el contenido mínimo esencial de los derechos sociales como manifestación de la dignidad humana; serán razonables y estarán suficientemente motivadas; no vulnerarán, entre otros, los principios de seguridad jurídica, confianza legítima, no discriminación e irretroactividad de disposiciones restrictivas de derechos individuales, serán proporcionadas y respetarán los principios de solidaridad, cohesión y sostenibilidad social. Summary1. State, solidarity and social cohesion. 2. Doctrinal and jurisprudential notes on the principle of non-regressivity of social rights. 3. Limits to the regressivity of social rights. a) Limits derived from international law. b) Limits derived from dignity as essential content of social rights. c) Limits derived from the prohibition of arbitrariness: the need for sufficient motivation. 4. Conclusion: constitutionalamendment and non-regressivity of social rights.Abstract:This paper analyzes the constitutional recognition of the principle of non-regressivity of social rights in Spain. It starts from the succinct analysis of the social model of our Constitution which implies the recognition of economic and social rights. This recognition is the constitutionalization of the principles of solidarity and social cohesion. The principle of social cohesion has been defined by the Council of Europe and explicitly included in the constitutive treaties of the European Union. The need to achieve social cohesion underpins the inclusion in the Constitutions and international treaties of the principle of non-regression of social rights. In the Spanish Constitution of 1978 this principle is not expressly included. The non-inclusion in the Constitution of this principle poses a danger to social cohesion in times of economic crisis. For its part, the Constitutional Court has established an ambiguous doctrine on this subject, which has been analyzed in this work, as well as the most significant doctrinal contributions on the subject. In order to know which are the limits of the regressivity of the social rights that give content of this principle an international comparison has been made as well as a study of constitutional principles. Limits to the regressivity of content, effectiveness and protection of social rights have been obtained from the study of international order and constitutional values and principles. This paper concludes by suggesting a proposal for constitutional amendment that includes the principle of non-regressivity of social rights in the Spanish Constitution establishing some requirements of those measures that imply a regression of their content such as: they shall be fully justified in relationship with all the rights, values and principles contained in the Constitution and in the international treaties signed by the Spanish State and in the context of full exploitation of the maximum resources available; Shall be applied after a more comprehensive examination of all possible alternatives; Shall in any case be of a temporary nature until the economic circumstances permit the restoration of the content, effectiveness, protection and pre-existing guarantee of the social rights affected; In any case they will respect the essential minimum content of social rights as a manifestation of human dignity; Shall be reasonable and sufficiently motivated; Shall not infringe, inter alia, the principles of legal certainty, legitimate expectations, non-discrimination and non-retroactivity of provisions restricting individual rights; Shall be proportionate and shall respect the principles of solidarity, cohesion and social sustainability.

Medicne pravo ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 86-94
R. B. Hobor

In spite of all the short-comings, the level of protection of rights and capabilities of people with disabilities has become a good indicator of nation’s development, and such a trend is nothing but hopeful. At the same time, one can hardly imagine that this high attitude would be attainable without the influence of left liberal ideologies, that among omnibus achievements granted the shift from medical to social disabilities model.This situation cannot stand but to resemble in a certain state of rights and capabilities exercise, and even the availability of access to the key resources is impossible to bring to the point of marginalization of the mental and physical health problems. As the analyzed material shows, left liberal ideologists,being responsible for shaping the current International Law on Persons with Disabilities, finally succeeded in promoting their principle ideas in the nation case-law. The right to water, lay down on the ship’s practice, as you will look lower, you can use the clever illustration of that relief flow, as the national judiciary can fix the development of the rights and capabilities of individuals from the same basis.The article further develops the idea, that national courts sometimes tend to use realistic approach (as invented by R. Pound, J. Llewellyn, O.W. Holmes) for the sake of implementing the social model of disability. It has been concluded that legal realism is a transmitter for left liberal values in the modern western societies.

Oksana Shcherbanyuk

The article explores the problems of implementation of the constitutional complaint in Ukraine and proposes ways of its solving. The article analyses the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine clarifies the admissibility criteria of the constitutional complaint in Ukraine, the procedural filters and proposed solutions of problems to improve the protection of rights and lawful interests of persons. The analysis of the content of the constitutional complaint indicates that the Constitutional Court of Ukraine is most often addressed the citizens of Ukraine with a petition regarding the implementation of the right of everyone to judicial review (in particular, cassation in cases of minor difficulties in administrative proceedings). Also appealed to the citizens with constitutional complaints in relation to social issues to protect their rights stipulated in the legislative acts that have undergone changes, in particular, with respect to the social (pension) insurance of certain categories of citizens (police, military, civil servants, prosecutors). While the Board and the Senate of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine often refused to open constitutional proceedings on the grounds of inadmissibility of the constitutional complaint (paragraph 4 of article 62 of the law of Ukraine on the constitutional Court of Ukraine), which is indicated at 136 decisions of Collegium of judges and 8 resolutions of the Senates. It is concluded that the mechanism of the submission and consideration of the constitutional complaint, the algorithm of selection (filtering) of the constitutional complaints needs significant improvement with consideration for the European experience. In our opinion, the legal effect of the constitutional-legal institution will be made only in connection with the introduction of a complete, not normative constitutional complaint, which will significantly increase the responsibility of subjects of law-making, law enforcement, protection of human rights and ensure the authority of the Constitution of Ukraine.

2013 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-73
Judit Vörös

Nowadays in vitro fertilisation raises relevant controversies at the point of view of jurisprudence as well. The distinct approximations of in vitro embryos, such as to be considered as personae or objects, are also resources of several theoretical and pragmatical questions. It is essential to give a compendious summary about what kind of jurisprudental environment had been contributed to the intrumental comprehension of human embryos too, otherwise it is difficult to understand the scientific quandaries connected to the subject correctly. Merely thereafter the international and the Hungarian regulation of in vitro embryo’s status seems to able to be dissected, in particular the case-law of the Hungarian Constitutional Court related to the right to life and the constitutional funds of the oncurrent re-regulation in our country.

Ana Rita Ferreira ◽  
Daniel Carolo ◽  
Mariana Trigo Pereira ◽  
Pedro Adão e Silva

This article discusses the ways in which the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic has embodied to the political choices made during the process of creating and defining a democratic welfare state and how the various constitutional principles are reflected in the architecture of the system and have gradually changed over the years. The authors argue that when Portugal transitioned to democracy, unlike other areas of the country’s social policies the social security system retained some of its earlier organising principles. Having said this, this resilience on the part of the Portuguese system’s Bismarckian template has not prevented social protection from expanding here in accordance with universal principles, and has given successive governments manoeuvring room in which to define programmatically distinct policies and implement differentiated reformist strategies. The paper concludes by arguing that while the Constitution has not placed an insurmountable limit on governments’ political action, it has served as a point of veto, namely by means of the way in which the Constitutional Court has defended the right to social protection, be it in the form of social insurance, be it in the imposition of certain social minima.

José Carlos Vieira de Andrade ◽  
João Carlos Loureiro ◽  
Suzana Tavares da Silva

Portugal was affected simultaneously by an economic, financial, and budgetary crisis. It is in this context that in 2011 the country signed an MoU on Specific Economic Policy Conditionality with the EU, the ECB, and the IMF, which prescribed cuts on social expenses in wages, pensions, and other benefits of an ‘assistentialist’ nature. The legal measures adopted in this respect focused mostly on the social security scheme and introduced changes in the legal framework for future pensions and unemployment benefits, new contributions for pensions in payment, and former non-contributory benefits, as well as cuts in pensions and benefits. Throughout the years, the President of the Republic, members of the parliament, and the Ombudsman have asked the Constitutional Court to assess many of the rules included in the State Budget Laws, arguing a violation of fundamental social rights and basic principles such as human dignity, equality, and the protection of legitimate expectations. This led to the issuance of new and important constitutional case law in Portugal, concerning mainly the assessment of legislative measures under the fundamental principles of legitimate expectations, proportionality, and ‘equal proportionality’.

ICL Journal ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Claudia Fuchs ◽  
Konrad Lachmayer

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