scholarly journals Unconstitutional legislative solutions enshrined by Civil Procedure Code

2017 ◽  
pp. 99-139

The study continues the presentation of the constitutional contentious court jurisprudence evolution, from determining the unconstitutionality of the legal norm to determining the unconstitutionality of the legal solution promoted by that norm, with punctual reference to the civil procedural law domain.

2019 ◽  
Annalena Hanke

This highly significant work in terms of litigation practice critically examines the case law of Germany’s highest courts with regard to third-party counterclaims. In particular, it discusses the recognition of third-party counterclaims as an independent institution of procedural law. This work solves the problems that arise in this respect, above all the question of local jurisdiction, using the existing legally regulated instruments of procedural law. Due to the actual lack of the presupposed loophole in the regulations, it therefore calls into question both the analogous application of § 33 of Germany’s civil procedure code (Zivilprozessordnung) and the judicial development of the law in this area.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 389
Eduardo Cambi ◽  
Marcos Vargas Fogaça

O presente trabalho busca difundir o processo coletivo como instrumento para a melhoria da prestação jurisdicional. Também pretende a concretização das garantias constitucionais do direito processual brasileiro, corolários do devido processo legal coletivo, a partir de uma análise da conversão da ação individual em ação coletiva. Tal sugestão estava presente originalmente no artigo 333 do Código de Processo Civil de 2015 (NCPC), cuja inovação foi vetada pela Presidência da República. Para tanto, utiliza-se do método analítico de decomposição do instituto para analisar melhor cada especificidade. A conversão da demanda individual em demanda coletiva, prevista no texto vetado do NCPC, traria grandes conquistas a efetivação da justiça qualitativa, prestada de forma célere e efetiva. Assim, verifica-se a inconsistência do veto, uma vez que o instituto não estava mal disciplinado e permitia a convivência harmônica das técnicas de tutela coletiva de direitos com repercussão individual com as técnicas individuais de repercussão coletiva na sistemática processual civil brasileira. A partir da análise do incidente de coletivização, procura-se verificar em que medida tal instituto ainda pode ser aproveitado no atual sistema processual brasileiro.Palavras chave: Processo coletivo. Conversão da ação individual em ação coletiva. Veto ao Código de Processo Civil de 2015.AbstractThis study aims to spread the collective process as an instrument to the improvement of jurisdictional assistance and implementation of the constitutional principles of the Brazilian procedural law, corollaries of collective due process, on the basis of the analysis of conversion from individual in collective action, presents originally on article 333 of Civil Procedure Code of 2015, which was vetoed by the Presidency of the republic. Therefore, the analytical method of decomposition institute is used to better analyze each specificity. As the institute was regulated, the conversion from individual in collective action would bring great achievements to qualitative justice enforcement. Accordingly, there is inconsistency in Presidency’s veto, considering the institute wasn’t weak disciplined and there was the need for harmonious coexistence of rights collective protection techniques with individual techniques of collective repercussion on Brazilian civil procedure system.KeywordsCollective process. Conversion from individual in collective action. Veto on the Civil Procedure Code of 2015.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 220
Lisiane Beatriz Fröhlich ◽  
Jonathan Iovane De Lemos

RESUMOO presente estudo tem como objetivo geral compreender em qual dos planos dos atos processuais – existência, validade ou eficácia – reside o defeito que acomete a sentença de mérito prolatada com a preterição do(s) litisconsorte(s) necessário(s) unitário(s). A partir dos resultados obtidos com a pesquisa, constatou-se que, para o alcance de uma conclusão satisfatória a seu respeito, é imprescindível a verificação do momento em que é alegada a preterição do(s) litisconsorte(s) necessário(s) unitário(s). Assim, concluiu-se que, na eventualidade de a alegação ocorrer anteriormente ao trânsito em julgado, o defeito estará situado no plano da validade, tratando-se de uma nulidade absoluta. Por outro lado, após o trânsito em julgado, o que remanesce é o vício no plano da eficácia. Dessa forma, observa-se que a atual legislação processual civil não é incorreta, mas incompleta e carente de precisão. Isso porque, apesar da superlativa importância da definição do momento em que se está analisando o vício, o Código de Processo Civil de 2015 é omisso com relação a esse aspecto, potencializando as dúvidas a respeito do tema. Por fim, verificou-se que, devido à gravidade do defeito que acomete essa sentença – oriunda, sobretudo, da ofensa aos princípios constitucionais –, é possível que qualquer interessado o alegue. Além disso, pelos mesmos motivos, as vias processuais admissíveis para combater esse vício são variadas, podendo ser manejada a ação rescisória, a impugnação ao cumprimento de sentença, a querela nullitatis insanabilis ou, ainda, qualquer outro meio idôneo e compatível com a situação concreta.Palavras-chave: Litisconsórcio necessário unitário. Sentença de mérito. Inexistência. Invalidade. Ineficácia. ABSTRACTThe purpose of the present study is to understand in which of the plans of procedural acts – existence, validity or efficacy – is situated the defect that affects the judgment of merit prolated with the pretermission of the necessary unitary collegitimate. From the results obtained with the research, it was verified that, in order to arrive at a satisfactory conclusion about it, it is essential to verify the moment when is alleged the omission of the necessary unitary collegitimate. Thus, it was concluded that, if the claim occurs before it is formed the res judicata, the defect is situated in the validity plan, being an absolute nullity. On the other hand, after the res judicata is formed, what remains is the inefficacy. Therefore, it was verified that the current civil procedural law is not incorrect, but incomplete and lacking precision. This is because, in spite of the superlative importance of defining which moment the defect is being analyzed, the Brazilian Civil Procedure Code of 2015 do not consider this aspect, potentializing doubts about the issue. Finally, it was discovered that, because of the severity of the defect that affects this veredict – originated, principally, from the offense to the constitutional principles – it is possible that any interested subject of the process can claim it. Besides that, for the same reasons, it is admitted the use of several procedural means to combat this decision, like the rescissory action, the enforcement’s impugnment of the judgment, the querela nullitatis insanabilis or any other suitable procedural means and compatible with the specific situation.Keywords: Necessary unitary joinder of parties. Judgment of merit. Inexistence. Invalidity. Inefficacy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (86) ◽  
Nataliia Ryzhenko ◽  
Olena Korolova ◽  

From the moment of becoming valid the law of Ukraine «On amendments to the Commercial procedural code of Ukraine, Civil procedural code of Ukraine the Code of administrative procedure of Ukraine and other legislative acts» of 3 October 2017 jurisdiction of courts courts is defined through the concept of «jurisdiction». This article considers the practical and theoretical significance of the amendments made by this legislative act to the current Civil Procedure Code of Ukraine. The significance of civil jurisdiction and its classification are revealed. To date, the science of civil procedural law has not developed a unified approach to the definition of «jurisdiction» and «civil jurisdiction». With regard to substantive and subjective jurisdiction, it is emphasized that these aspects should be taken into account together. Territorial jurisdiction is defined in the Civil Procedure Code of Ukraine as jurisdiction. The instance jurisdiction determines the scope of powers of the court of each link of the judicial system of Ukraine, and the territorial (jurisdiction) determines the limits of powers between courts within one judicial link to hear cases in the first instance. In general, the rules of territorial jurisdiction are less strict than the rules of substantive jurisdiction, as the level of the court is considered appropriate, but violations of the rules of territorial jurisdiction may create additional inconveniences, which, however, usually do not objectively affect the content of the decision. The difficulty of establishing the jurisdiction of the court at this stage of updating the judicial system of Ukraine is due to significant changes in procedural law. The process of harmonization of procedural legislation has contributed to the consolidation of a single conceptual apparatus, which has so far been used mostly at the theoretical level. Thus, at the legislative level, the jurisdiction of the courts of Ukraine is determined exclusively by the jurisdiction, which in the Civil Procedure Code of Ukraine, the Commercial Procedure Code of Ukraine and the Code of Administrative Procedure of Ukraine is divided into substantive and subjective, instance, territorial. However, the analyzed provisions of the Civil Procedure Code of Ukraine demonstrate the need to further improve the rules of civil jurisdiction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 109-131

The article analyzes the changes made to the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation and the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation by the Federal Law of 26 July 2019 No. 197-FZ, related to the regulation of conciliation procedures. The question is raised as to whether the civil procedural codes should regulate relations on reconciliation and to what extent. Agreement is expressed with those authors who believe that, by their nature, the relations that develop in conciliation procedures between its participants (including in cases where the conciliation procedure is directed by a judge) are not procedural and are not part of the subject of civil procedural law. The non-procedural nature of the relationship between the judicial conciliator and the court in the procedure of judicial conciliation under the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation and the Administrative code of the Russian Federation is substantiated. It is concluded that due to the qualitatively different nature of reconciliation relations from civil procedural relations, as well as their lack of connection with the resolution of a civil case in a certain system of guarantees (civil procedural form), there is no place for articles on individual conciliation procedures among procedural norms. In this regard, it is proposed to either exclude them, or, as an option, transfer them to the appendix to the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the Administrative code of the Russian Federation (just as in the Civil Procedure Code of 1964 there was an appendix, in particular, about the arbitration court).

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 107-139

History, theory, and court practice are the basis of judicial reform. If the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation was created considering this with, but subsequent changes of the procedural law show the opposite. Changes of procedure in the appellate court are not an exception, and that is why for the last 10 years theoretical and practical problems of appeal proceedings have existed. The article aims to draw attention to the reasons of occurrence of these problems; mistakes made in the course of its solution; ways of error correction with due regard for experience of Russian civil procedure, achievements of the civil procedure doctrine, needs of Russian judicial practice; necessity of complex approach in reforming proceedings in the court of appeal instance.

2020 ◽  
Mateus Rodrigues Machado Bezerra ◽  
Marcus Aurélio de Freitas Barros

Significant innovation brought by the Civil Procedure Code of 2015, the collegiate expansion technique replaced the outdated appeal of infringing embargoes, and started to apply to ex officio non-unanimous second instance collegiate decisions. Naturally, since this is an unprecedent mechanism in Brazilian procedural law, polemics about it didn’t take long do appear in court. In this scenario, the present work deals with the most relevant issues – pertinent to the legislator's purpose in creating the technique and to its normative panorama –, which have provoked instigating debates in the legal literature and in the courts. In this tone, a sensitive issue was highlighted, capable of directly interfering in the new nuances of the CPC/2015 appeal system, regarding the limits of cognition of the expanded collegiate. That’s to say, can the judges who arrive to expand the collegiate review the initially unanimous questions, or should they restrict their votes to the issues that had been the subject of dissent? Based on bibliographic research, without neglecting the jurisprudence and the critical examination of the positioning of Courts, notably the Superior Court of Justice, the work proposes reflections on the controversial theme pertinent to the procedural technique of the expanded collegiate trial, evaluating, in the perspective of to have been an advance or a setback, as well as facing the controversial theme of the cognitive limits of the trial in the expanded quorum.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 101-117

In this article, the authors study and analyze the recent decisions of the courts of general jurisdiction (the appeal ruling of the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases of the Moscow City Court of 26 July 2019 in case No. 33-34038/19 and the ruling of the Second General Jurisdiction Court of Cassation of 12 March 2020 in case No. 88-3792/2020). The authors, in the process of analyzing these examples of law enforcement law, come to the conclusion that the lack of a pro-arbitration approach in the courts of general jurisdiction to the application of the provisions of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation on the procedure for enforcing decisions of arbitration courts may not only block for a long time decision, but also to help reduce the popularity of arbitration proceedings as a way to resolve commercial disputes in Russia. In addition, the researchers note that the existing norms of the procedural law contribute to the emergence of situations that increase the time and cost of enforcing the arbitral award and create additional risks, including those associated with both delaying the process and blocking the execution of the arbitral award.

2021 ◽  
pp. 48-53
Ryzhkov K. S. ◽  

The article analyzes the problems associated with the content and scope of the concept of «conclusion» in civil procedural law. The absence of a definition of the concept of «conclusion» in the current legislation is noted, as well as the discussion that exists in the scientific literature on this issue. Attention is drawn to the application of this concept to procedural institutions of various contents (expert opinion and opinion in accordance with Articles 45 and 47 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation). The aim of the study is to establish the content of the general concept of «conclusion» in the civil process by formulating its definition. To achieve this goal, the author has set the task of identifying differences between different types of conclusions in the civil process. The author also set the task of identifying common features that both expert opinions and conclusions have in accordance with Articles 45 and 47 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. In the framework of this study, methods such as the analysis method, as well as system-structural and formal-legal methods were applied. The content of the procedural rules in their totality and comparison, including the norms of other procedural branches of law, is analyzed. The application of the above methods allowed us to fully achieve the goals and objectives of the study, to formulate scientifically based conclusions. Based on the results of the study, the author gives a general definition of the concept of «conclusion» in civil procedure law, applicable to all types of opinions that exist within the framework of the norms of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. Attention is drawn to the nature of the conclusion as a judgment of an evaluative nature. As signs of a conclusion in a civil process, its subject (the subject of civil process) and a specific procedural form are named.

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