Karakteristik Granul Ekstrak Rebung Apus (Gigantochloa apus) Dengan Metode Granulasi Basah

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 856-864
Tetania Putri P ◽  
St. Rahmatullah ◽  
Dwi Bagus Pambudi ◽  
S Slamet

AbstractApus shoots (Gigantochloa apus) is a plant that can be used as an appetite enhancer, because it contains curcumin compounds in it. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, dietary fiber has a very important function in the body, which can make children full and facilitate the digestive system. Children's diet with sufficient fiber, can prevent constipation (difficult bowel movements). The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of the granules of apus shoots (Gigantochloa apus) extract that met the physical requirements of good granules. The research method for making granules of apus shoots (Gigantochloa apus) extract was wet granulation. The data obtained from this study is that the 1st granule formula is the optimal formula among the three formulas tested because the flow is faster, namely 23.47 gr/second so that the angle of repose is getting smaller, namely 30.02⁰ and the compressibility of 7% obtained is small so that the granules are smaller got good.Key words : Bamboo shoots Extract, Granules, Wet Granulation. AbstrakTanaman rebung apus (Gigantochloa apus) merupakan tanaman yang dapat digunakan sebagai penambah nafsu makan, karena mengandung senyawa kurkumin didalamnya. Menurut American Academy Ofpediatrics, Serat pangan memiliki fungsi yang sangat penting dalam tubuh yaitu dapat membuat anak kenyang dan memperlancar sistem pencernaan. Pola makan anak dengan serat yang cukup, bisa mencegah sembelit (susah buang air besar). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik granul ekstrak rebung apus (Gigantochloa apus) yang memenuhi persyaratan fisik granul yang baik. Metode penelitian pada pembuatan granul ekstrak rebung apus (Gigantochloa apus) adalah granulasi basah. Data yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah formula granul ke 1 merupakan formula yang optimal diantara tiga formula yang diuji karena sifat aliran lebih cepat yaitu 23,47 gr/detik sehingga sudut diam semakin kecil yaitu 30,02⁰ dan kompresibilitas 7% yang didapatkan kecil sehingga granul yang didapat baik.Kata kunci : Ekstrak Rebung apus, Granul, Granulasi Basah.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-2
Wasim Ahmad

To maintain the wellbeing of the human gut, the role of its microflora and their metabolites is fundamental. Probiotics is a Greek term, which is used to define non-living microbes that are beneficial in nature and exert numerous advantages on the host body. The intestinal microflora’s function and activity may also be improved by administering some of the prebiotics (indigestible dietary fibers) independently or in a c combination with probiotics. The term “Synbiotics” is used to denote the combination of both prebiotics and probiotics. It should always be noted that numerous disorders are being associated with the abnormal function of microbiota/microflora that can be regulated and stabilized with the help of ingestion of probiotics, prebiotics or their combination. Multiple benefits are associated with the use of these probiotics, synbiotics and prebiotics including healthier digestive system, proper immune response of the gut and treatment of numerous GI tract disorders. All these issues are encountered because of treatments with new synthetic drugs that affect the digestive system as well as numerous organs in the body. Ulcerative colitis is a term that refers to chronic inflammation of the colon emerging as a result of improper immune response to intestinal microflora of the host. Researchers have studied the effects of synbiotics to treat this chronic condition1. As for the action mechanism of the synbiotics is concerned, it is assumed that they modulate the inflammatory response through expression of the cytokines, probiotic bacteria assisted modulation of the immune cells and prebiotics assisted production of certain short chain fatty acids. Jayanama and Theou studied the consequences of improper ingestion of probiotics and prebiotics in elderly patients. They revealed that physical inactivity, sarcopenia, and polypharmacy could be treated with the help of probiotics, prebiotics or a combination of both2. All the aforementioned disorders can lead to gut dysbiosis. The researchers have also revealed that the gut microbiota homeostasis can be improved with the help of probiotics and prebiotics and they can be a helping hand in the prevention of aging and frailty. It is evident that left and right prescriptions of antibiotics and their use caused antibiotic resistance in the pathogens. This issue can be best resolved with the ingestion of probiotics and prebiotics. The systematic evidence to treat infected chronic wounds has been provided by Brognara et al3. Similarly, chronic wounds and burns treatment is done widely with the use of Lactobacillus plantarum. Some other researchers have reviewed the available data associated with the use of numerous prebiotics in the treatment of idiopathic constipation, and highly prevalent GIT disorrderrs4-6. This is due to the capability of prebiotics to improve the consistency of the stool, bloating and number of bowel movements. A limited data is available regarding the efficacy of prebiotics in the treatment of ulcerative colitis and pouchitis. It is concluded that probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics have been imparting a role in treating GIT disorders including indigestion, traveler’s diarrhea, IBD etc. Scientific reports have revealed their role in the treatment of cancerous disease, obesity, kidney and brain disorders. Many tools for the research of probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics are now available; therefore, the future bio-therapeutics are going to be changed with the passage of time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 ◽  
Yongjie Liang ◽  
Danlei Hu ◽  
Yuanyuan Yan ◽  
Dongmei Chen ◽  
Shuyu Xie

Background: The bitter taste and strong irritation of valnemulin hydrochloride limit its wide clinical application in pigs by oral. Method: In order to improve its palatability and residence time in the body, the valnemulin hydrochloride taste-masking granules with sustained-release were prepared by combining solid dispersion based on fatty acid with wet granulation. The formulation was screened by orthogonal test with content, yield, grain size and angle of repose as evaluation indexes. Result: The results showed that the optimal granules were composed of corn starch, sucrose, citric acid, valnemulin hydrochloride and myristic acid at a ratio of 40: 20: 20: 11: 19. The daily feed intake of pigs in the optimum taste-masking granule groups was similar to that of its self-control, and significantly higher than that in the valnemulin hydrochloride active ingredient group, suggesting that the optimum granules have satisfactory palatability. The prepared granules improved the oral bioavailability of valnemulin hydrochloride by 3.04 folds and extended its mean residence time (MRT) by 2.33 folds. Conclusion: The granules developed in this study could obviously improve the palatability and sustained release of valnemulin hydrochloride. The producing method of granules by combining solid dispersion powder with wet granulation can provide ideas for other drugs with poor palatability and a short half-life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1737-1746
Muti Syabania ◽  
Dwi Bagus Pambudi ◽  
W Wirasti ◽  
St Rahmatullah

AbstractKersen (Muntingia calabura L.) is a medicinal plant that has the effect of being a source of natural antioxidants that can counteract free radicals in the body. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of Kersen leaf extract granules (Muntingia calabura L.) which can meet the physical requirements of good granules. The method of making granules is by using the wet granulation method. The evaluation of the granules carried out includes tests of moisture content, flow rate, angle of repose, and compressibility. Data analysis was carried out qualitatively by referring to the literature on the Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy Editions II and III as well as Pharmaceutical Technology Textbooks. The granule characteristics of all formulas meet the requirements of a good granule evaluation test. The characteristics of the granules that are close to perfect are in formula II with 20% Avicel pH 101 and 10% Amprotab. The results of the evaluation of the granules obtained were 1.00% water content test, 19.08 gr/second flow rate test, 26.92˚ angle of repose test, 9.80% compressibility test.Keywords: Kersen Leaf Extract, Granules, Characteristics. AbstrakKersen (Muntingia calabura L.) adalah tanaman obat yang mempunyai efek sebagai sumber antioksidan alami yang dapat menangkal radikal bebas dalam tubuh. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui karakteristik granul ekstrak daun Kersen (Muntingia calabura L.) yang dapat memenuhi persyaratan fisik granul yang baik. Metode pembuatan granul yaitu dengan menggunakan metode granulasi basah. Evalusi granul yang dilakukan yaitu meliputi uji kadar air, laju aliran, sudut diam, dan kompresibilitas. Analisis data dilakukan secara kualitatif dengan mengacu pada literatur buku Teori dan Praktek Farmasi Industri Edisi II dan III serta buku Pelajaran Teknologi Farmasi. Karakteristik granul semua formula memenuhi syarat dalam uji evaluasi granul yang baik. Karakteristik granul yang mendekati sempurna yaitu pada formula II dengan kadar avicel ph 101 20% dan amprotab 10%. Hasil evaluasi granul yang didapat yaitu uji kadar air 1,00%, uji laju alir 19,08 gr/detik, uji sudut diam 26,92˚, uji kompresibilitas 9,80%. Kata kunci: Ekstrak Daun Kersen, Granul, Karakteristik.

Е.А. Померанцева ◽  
А.А. Исаев ◽  
А.П. Есакова ◽  
И.В. Поволоцкая ◽  
Е.В. Денисенкова ◽  

Согласно рекомендациям Американской академии педиатрии при постановке диагноза аутизм, следует направить семью на консультацию генетика и генетическое обследование. Однако оптимальный подход к алгоритму генетического обследования при выявлении расстройства аутистического спектра еще предстоит разработать. В рамках исследования было проведено сравнение выявляемости генетических факторов аутизма различными молекулярно-генетическими тестами. According to American Academy of Pediatrics recent guidelines, each family with a child diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorder should be reffered to a medical geneticist and offered genetic tests. However, an optimal genetic testing algorithm has yet to be developed. This study was conducted to compare abilities of different molecular-genetic methods to detect genetic factors of autistic spectrum disorders.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (9) ◽  
pp. 1404-1410
Rishabha Malviya

Background: In the previous study, investigators have synthesized acrylamide grafted and carboxymethylated derivatives of neem gum and evaluated their potential in the formulation of nanoparticles. In continuation of previous work, authors have evaluated neem gum polysaccharide (NGP), acrylamide grafted neem gum polysaccharide (NGP-g-Am) and carboxymethylated neem gum polysaccharide (CMNGP) as binding agent in the tablet dosage form. Methods: Diclofenac sodium was used as a model drug while microcrystalline cellulose and talc were used as excipient in the preparation of granules employing wet granulation technique. NGP, NGP-g-Am and CMNGP were utilized as binding agent in the preparation of granules. Prepared granules were characterized for various pre-compression and post-compression parameters. Results and Discussion: Binding agents were used in the concentration of 4-24%w/w. NGP incorporated granules showed more bulk density and lower values of tapped density, Carr’s index, bulkiness, Hausner’s ratio and angle of repose as compared to NGP-g-Am consisting granules. NGP-g-Am consisting tablets showed more hardness and zero friability as compared to NGP based tablets. Drug content was found lower for the tablets having grafted polymer in place of NGP. CMNGP were also utilized to prepare granules but granules were not be able to compress keeping all the compacting parameters same as used in the case of NGP and NGP-g-Am consisting granules. NGP and NGP-g-Am were able to sustain drug release up to 6 and 8 h, respectively. Conclusion: It can be concluded that NGP-g-Am induces better properties when used as a binder in the tablet formulation than native polymer, while CMNGP cannot be utilized as a binding agent in the preparation of a tablet.

2021 ◽  
Vol 44 (Supplement_2) ◽  
pp. A224-A224
Anne Marie Morse

Abstract Introduction Specialized health care guidelines for children with Down Syndrome (DS) published by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) provided specific recommendations based on the higher risk needs of individuals with DS. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is reported to be present in 50–79% of individuals with DS. According to the AAP guideline, all individuals with DS should have a polysomnography (PSG) evaluating for OSA by 4 years old and then screened by history and physical exam annually thereafter. An interim analysis of an ongoing Down Syndrome Research study was evaluated to determine rate of adherence to these guidelines. Methods The Dimensional, Sleep, and Genomic Analyses of Down Syndrome to Elucidate Phenotypic Variability study enrolled down syndrome patients 30 months and older, as well as first degree relatives to participate. Patients completed a standardized clinical sleep interview, childhood sleep habits questionnaire and was asked to complete 2 week sleep diary, actigraphy and polysomnography. We aimed to characterize the rate of PSG completion by 4 years of age, number of research PSGs completed and rate of OSA identified on research PSG. Results A total of 31 patients were consented. The median patient age was 10 years old with a slight female predominance (15F:12M). 27 patients completed the sleep interview and 19 successfully completed a scorable polysomnography. Only 7 patients had completed a PSG previously by age of 4 years. 11 of 19 studies demonstrated obstructive sleep apnea ranging from mild to severe severity (1.7–42.5/hr). REM AHI (range 1.2–58.2/hr, mean 19/hr and median 12.3/hr) demonstrated increased severity. Conclusion Despite AAP guidelines recommending universal PSG evaluation by the age of 4 years of age, only 26% of patients interviewed has a PSG successfully completed previously. Additional recommendations by AAP include yearly surveillance of symptoms although there is poor correlation between parent report and polysomnogram results. Of the 19 research completed PSGs, 58% demonstrated OSA with the mean and median results consistent with moderate to severe OSA and worsening during REM sleep. Improved effort to successfully obtain PSG in this population is needed. Further study is ongoing to evaluate the relationship to other health and cognitive outcomes. Support (if any) NIMH

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