scholarly journals Bluma V. Zeigarnik – život ako zrkadlo dejín psychológie 20. storočia

2021 ◽  
Vol 65 (6) ◽  
pp. 638-640
Marína Mikulajová ◽  

This short sketch commemorates Bluma V. Zeigarnik (1901-1988). Her professional and personal life path was unusual and dramatic. Her contribution to psychology – Zeigarnik effect and pathopsychology studies – became world-famous. Her biography reflects a history of the European psychology of 20th century.

2015 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. E10
Roberta Rehder ◽  
Alan R. Cohen

William Sharpe was an intriguing figure in the history of American neurosurgery. He was an extraordinarily bright and gifted man who led a flamboyant, colorful, and unconventional life. He had an international impact on the field of neurosurgery during the first half of the 20th century, yet few practicing neurosurgeons know his name. In this report, the authors discuss Sharpe’s contributions to neurosurgery along with the remarkable quirkiness that came to define his professional and personal life.

2011 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-50
Algimantas Liekis

The end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century frequently put forward the name of astronomer and geodesist Prof. Bernardas Kodatis, famous for his contribution to Lithuanian national revival, the establishment of the independent State of Lithuania, creating national systems of education and the history of economic and cultural restructuring of the country. Prof. Kodatis was born and matured in Potsdam and Berlin, in German environment (his great grandfather was a Samogitian). Yet at a gymnasium, Bernardas made up his mind to be a Lithuanian, to toil and fight for the sake of Lithuania Minor, Greater Lithuania and national qualities. However, up to now, no exhaustive research generalizing his life and work activities, except for the monograph of the present author (Algimantas Liekis. Prof. Bernardas Kodatis: The Life of the Returned Lithuanian V. 2010. 410 p.) has been proposed. The questions discussed in his papers, their importance to the sciences of geodesy and astronomy in the process of creating Lithuanian education system as well as the extent of his activities significant for Lithuanian nation and the State are attempted to be answered in this article. Also, particularly relevant biographical facts and fundamental moral principles used as guidance for the personal life of Prof. Kodatis are considered. Santrauka XIX a. pabaigos – XX a. pradžios lietuvių tautos atgimimo, nepriklausomos Lietuvos valstybės ir jos švietimo, mokslo sistemos kūrimo, krašto ūkinės ir kultūrinės pertvarkos istorijoje neretai galima rasti minint astronomą ir geodezininką prof. Bernardą Kodatį. Jo prosenelis buvo kilęs iš Žemaitijos. Pats gimęs ir brendęs vokiškoje aplinkoje – Potsdame, Berlyne, dar gimnazijoje apsisprendė esąs lietuvis, dirbo ir kovojo Lietuvos, lietuvių tautos labui. Iki šiol išsamesnis profesoriaus gyvenimą ir darbus apibendrinantis darbas tebuvo Algimanto Liekio monografija „Prof. Bernardas Kodatis: sugrįžusio Lietuvio gyvenimas” (Vilnius, Mokslotyros institutas, 2010. 410 p.). Straipsnyje mėginama atsakyti, kiek B. Kodačio darbai buvo ir šiandien yra reikšmingi geodezijos, astronomijos mokslams, kuriant lietuvišką švietimo sistemą, kiek jo veikla reikšminga lietuvių tautai ir jos valstybei, kokiomis moralinėmis nuostatomis profesorius vadovavosi gyvenime ir veikloje, kas reikšmingiausia jo biografijoje. Резюме Конец XIX – начало XX века отмечены возрождением литовского народа и его просвещением, началом создания системы обучения. В истории хозяйственной и культурной перестройки часто можно найти упоминание об астрономе и геодезисте проф. Бернардасе Кодатисе. Профессор родился и жил в Потсдаме и Берлине в немецком окружении (лишь его прадедушка был родом из Жемайтии), однако ещё будучи гимназистом Бернардас решает быть литовцем, работать и бороться на благо Малой и Большой Литвы и её народа. До настоящего времени не было исчерпывающей информации о его жизни и деятельности, за исключением монографии Альгимантаса Лекиса «Проф. Бернардас Кодатис: жизнь вернувшегося литовца» (Вильнюс, 2010. 410 с.). Какой же была его деятельность, насколько она актуальна для науки геодезии, астрономии, при создании литовской системы обучения, насколько она важна для литовского народа и государства, что было главным в его биографии, каких канонов морали он придерживался в жизни и деятельности? На эти вопросы автор и пытался ответить в настоящей статье.

2004 ◽  
pp. 142-157
M. Voeikov ◽  
S. Dzarasov

The paper written in the light of 125th birth anniversary of L. Trotsky analyzes the life and ideas of one of the most prominent figures in the Russian history of the 20th century. He was one of the leaders of the Russian revolution in its Bolshevik period, worked with V. Lenin and played a significant role in the Civil War. Rejected by the party bureaucracy L. Trotsky led uncompromising struggle against Stalinism, defending his own understanding of the revolutionary ideals. The authors try to explain these events in historical perspective, avoiding biases of both Stalinism and anticommunism.

2020 ◽  
Vol 99 (11) ◽  

The authors present an outline of the development of thyroid surgery from the ancient times to the beginning of the 20th century, when the definitive surgical technique have been developed and the physiologic and pathopfysiologic consequences of thyroid resections have been described. The key representatives, as well as the contribution of the most influential czech surgeons are mentioned.

2007 ◽  
Vol 62 (3) ◽  
pp. 407-420
Magda Ritoókné Ádám ◽  
Olivér Nagybányai Nagy ◽  
Csaba Pléh ◽  
Attila Keresztes

VárinéSzilágyiIbolya: Építészprofilok, akik a 70-es, 80-as években indultak(Ritoókné Ádám Magda)      407RacsmányMihály(szerk.): Afejlődés zavarai és vizsgálómódszerei(Nagybányai Nagy Olivér)     409Új irányzatok és a bejárt út a pszichológiatörténet-írásban (Mandler, G.: Interesting times. An encounter with the 20th century; Hergenhahn, B. N.: An introduction to the history of psychology; Schultz, D. P.,Schultz, S. E.: A history of modern psychology; Greenwood, J. D.: The disappearance of the social in American social psychology;Bem, S.,LoorendeJong, H.: Theoretical issues in psychology. An introduction; Sternberg, R. J. (ed.)Unity in psychology: Possibility or pipedream?;Dalton, D. C.,Evans, R. B. (eds): __

2020 ◽  
Vol 58 ◽  
pp. 219-236
Andrey Yu. Dvornichenko

The abundant Russian historiography of the medieval history of Grand Duchy of Lithuania (Lithuanian-Russian State) has become in the last decades the centre of the discussions and is often subject to groundless criticism. This historiography was not very lucky in the Soviet period of the 20th century either, as it was severely criticized from the Marxist-Leninist position. When discussing Russian historiography the author of this article is consciously committed to the Russian positions. There are no reasons to consider this historiography branch either Byelorussian or Ukrainian one, as that was really Russian historiography, - the phenomenon that formed under the favorable specific conditions of Russian Empire before the beginning of the 20th century. The said phenomenon can be studied in different ways: according to the existing then main trends and schools or according to their affiliation with specific universities of Russian Empire. But according to the author of this article the best way to study the issue is in accordance with the main concepts of history. And then the pre-revolutionary historiography appears as an integral scientific paradigm that turns out to be the most divaricate branch of the Lithuanian studies of the time. It created, in its turn, the most vivid and objective historical picture that can still serve as the basis for the studies of Lithuanian-Russian state.

2020 ◽  
Vol 65 (Special Issue) ◽  
pp. 23-33
Alin Constantin Corfu

"A Short Modern History of Studying Sacrobosco’s De sphaera. The treatise generally known as De sphaera offered at the beginning of the 13th century a general image of the structure of the cosmos. In this paper I’m first trying to present a triple stake with which this treaty of Johannes de Sacrobosco (c. 1195 - c. 1256). This effort is intended to draw a context upon the treaty on which I will present in the second part of this paper namely, a short modern history of studying this treaty starting from the beginning of the 20th century up to this day. The first stake consists in the well-known episode of translation of the XI-XII centuries in the Latin milieu of the Greek and Arabic treaties. The treatise De sphaera taking over, assimilating and comparing some of the new translations of the texts dedicated to astronomy. The second Consists in the fact that Sacrobosco`s work can be considered a response to a need of renewal of the curriculum dedicated to astronomy at the University of Paris. And the third consists in the novelty and the need to use the De sphaera treatise in the Parisian University’s curriculum of the 13th century. Keywords: astronomy, translation, university, 13th Century, Sacrobosco, Paris, curriculum"

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