2020 ◽  
Vol 72 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-93
S. Zhirenov ◽  

The article analyzes the linguistic features of ornithologisms in Kazakh tales from a linguistic and cognitive point of view. The role of ornithologisms in the Kazakh culture is studied through the text of fairy tales, and also reflects the characteristics of the bird world in the worldview of the ethnic group. An integral part of ethnic culture are fairy tales. The texts of these tales represent a linguistic unity that reflects the characteristics of the national mentality and its cognitive features. Fairy-tale texts describe the linguistic nature of the ancient genre, which reflects the worldview, ethical traditions and lifestyle, customs and psychology of the whole nation. Tales with ornithological features are given linguistic characteristics, and their cognitive value is considered in the linguistic aspect. The article discusses the role of birds from ancient times in the life of the Kazakh people and their interaction with nature. A large number of text materials based on the linguistic materials of Kazakh fairy tales are analyzed in detail.

Neophilology ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 164-169
Coumba Cisse

The research is about the most ancient symbolism of a bear in Russian folk tales, the analysis of the bear image anthropocentrism in these fairy tales is carried out, the results of the bear’s study as a totemic symbol and a Russian fairy tale character are presented, an attempt to prove cult significance of the bear for the society of the entire ancient Slavic ethnos and its status as an elder of the ancient Slavic ancestral family is made. In ancient times, people believed in the existence of a kinship between a human and a bear, since the behavior and appearance of a bear resembled a person more than other representatives of the animal world (this is because the Slavs were not familiar with primates, as in ancient India): according to a folk-belief, the bear loves and nurses his children, eats the same food as a man, he does not have a tail, like other animals; he walks on his hind legs and can dance, so in fairy tales he is assigned the role of a landowner and a defender. However, he is deceived in many fairy tales, because the bear is the owner, the king of the forest, so he is associated with the chief and the landowner, and according to Russian folk ideas, the chief, in fact, is more stupid than a simple man.

2021 ◽  
Nadejda Cara ◽  

The article presents some research approaches to the fairy-tale folklore of Bulgarians from the Republic of Moldova. According to the author, the fairy-tales texts of Bulgarians from the Republic of Moldova, their semantic, symbolic, and structural features should be researched as a local (regional) variant of Bulgarian folklore. Identification of ethnocultural markers in the fairy-tales of local Bulgarians on some different levels (such as on the subject, ethno-social and spiritual (church-religious) level) will allow to identify some peculiarities in the adaptation process of Bulgarians that migrated to a new ethnocultural zone, as well as to identify the level of preservation of basic ethnic mentality under the conditions of new “mental environment”. Thus, the study of regional ethnic culture is an interdisciplinary research, which allows discovering how localization in time and space affects ethnic culture, in general, and oral folk art, in particular.

2019 ◽  
Vol 168 ◽  
pp. 327-335
Agata Firlej

The stolen death: About the play Hledáme strašidlo by Hanuš Hachenburg from 1943The puppet theatre play Hledame strašidlo by Hanuš Hachenburg was written in the Terezín/Theresienstadt ghetto in 1943 and over 50 years was hidden in the archive until it was presented to readers and viewers in the 1990s — but it turned out to be still surprisingly valid and cogent. The author, a 14-year-old prisoner of the ghetto, used the conventions of the puppet theatre, the carnival and the fairy tales. The mythical or fairy-tale-like “timelessness” allowed him to show the absurdity of Nazism and — yet unnamed — the Holocaust. The main character of the play, the King, captures Death itself, which soon becomes so ordinary and kitschy that no one is afraid of her. The confinement of Death — a motif known, among others, from the myth of Sisyphus — is an important theme of the theatre in Terezín; it appears also in the German-speaking opera by Peter Kien and Viktor Ullmann, Der Keiser von Atlantis Emperor of Atlantis. In this article, I show how the old themes of enslaved Death and the dance macabre between extasy and destruction become the symbols of the war, and indeed of the 20th century, which culminates in the devastating forces of the great ideologies and in which there can be found the origins of retrotopia, which is now, according to Zygmunt Bauman, the dominating point of view in East- and West-European and in American discourse.  Únos smrti. O terezίnske divadelnί hře Hledáme strašidlo Hanuše Hachenburga z roku 1943Divadelní hra Hledáme strašidlo od Hanuše Hachenburga byla napsána v ghettu Terezín / Theresienstadt v roce 1943 a více než padesát let byla ukryta v archivu, aby v 90. letech si našla cestu pro své čtenáře a diváky — a ukázalo se, že je překvapivě platná a přitažlivá. Autor, čtrnáctiletý vězeň ghetta, využil konvencí loutkového divadla, karnevalu a pohádek. Mýtická nebo pohádková „nadčasovost“ mu umožnila ukázat absurditu nacismu a — tehdy ještĕ nemenovaného — holocaustu. Hlavní postava hry, Král, zachytí samotnou Smrt, která se brzy stane tak obyčejnou a kyčovitou, že se ji nikdo nebude bát. Únos smrti — motiv známý mimo jiné i z mýtu Sisyfa — je důležitým tématem divadla v Terezíně; objevuje se také v německojazyčné operě Petera Kiena a Viktora Ullmanna Der Keizer von Atlantis Císař Atlantidy. V tomto textu ukazuji, jak se staré motivy zotročené Smrti a danse macabre mezi extázi a zničení stávají symbolem války a celého dvacátého století, v který vyvrcholily ničivými sily velké ideologie a kde lze nalézt počátky retrotopie, která je podle Zygmunta Baumana dominantním hlediskem ve východním, západoevropským a americkým diskurzu.

Jack Zipes

This chapter focuses on the significance of Madame Catherine-Anne d'Aulnoy and the French writers of fairy tales in the 1690s. d'Aulnoy coined the term “fairy tale” in 1697, when she published her first collection of tales. But it was not until 1750 that the term “fairy tale” came into common English usage. The chapter explores the historical importance of the term “fairy tale” in greater depth by discussing the role of the fairies in d'Aulnoy's works. It also looks at how fairies were part of a long oral and literary tradition in French culture, and how d'Aulnoy's employment of fairies in her tales owes a debt to Greek and Roman myths, the opera, theatrical spectacles, debates about the role of women in French society, and French folklore.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 229-235
Dwi Windah Wulansari

Abstrak  - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari bias gender yang terdapat pada hasil terjemahan buku cerita anak di bandingankan dengan hasil terjemahan google translate. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah dongeng Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih yang diterjemahkan dan diceritakan kembali oleh Gibran Maulana dan diterjemahkan melalui aplikasi Google Translate Hasil penerjemahan antara Google Translate dan penerjemah hampir sama yaitu mengenai nama tokoh, nama ganti orang dan nama ganti kepemilikan. Pada aplikasi Google Translate dapat melakukan kesalahan karena konteks, budaya, nama orang, dan kata ganti orang tidak dapat terbaca dalam aplikasi tersebut. sedangakan hasil terjemahan dari penerjemah mengalami human error. Penerjemah dalam buku cerita anak masih belum bisa lepas dari pengaruh ideologi patriarki yang dapat ditujukkan dalam peran gender tradisional yang digambarkan yang membuat peran laki-laki lebih unggul daripada perempuan. Kata Kunci: bias gender, cerita dongeng, google translate Abstract - This study aims to look for gender biases found in the results of the translation of children's storybooks in light with the results of the google translate translation. In this study using a qualitative descriptive method. The data source in this study is the fairy tale of Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih which were translated and retold by Gibran Maulana and translated through the Google Translate application. The results of the translation between Google Translate and the translator are almost the same, namely regarding the names of characters, people's names and ownership names. The Google Translate application can make mistakes because the context, culture, people's names, and pronouns cannot be read in the application. while the translation results from translators experienced human error. Translators in children's story books still cannot be separated from the influence of patriarchal ideology which can be shown in traditional gender roles which are described which make the role of men superior to women. Keyoword : gender bias, fairy tales, google translate

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 113-125
Aliaksandr V. Shakolo

Researches of the discursive analysis become more and more significant sphere of linguistics. Both forest and house act as two main and never identical worlds. The fundamental conceptual opposition of fairy-tale discourse is based on the concepts of house and forest, fundamental opposite worlds. The purpose of the article is to examine the two concepts as crucial components of friend-or-foe opposition, and to reveal features of their representation in Russian linguistic culture. During the research, the author used descriptive, inductive and cultural-historical methods. The research showed that the concepts of forest and house are key components of fairy-tale discourse, have nationally specific features in Russian fairy-tales revealed in the texts. The theoretical relevance of the article lies in the fact that contributes to working out the problem of national worldview representation and Russian ethnos mentality. The practical relevance of the article consists in possibility of using its materials in the process of teaching, while compiling lectures, guides for teachers, seminars on fairy-tale discourse. A role of house and forest for Slavic people is really significant. Besides, the results of the study show the necessity of further analysis of fairy-tale discourse, more detailed description of the concepts and their comparison with the concepts of other national fairy-tales.

2021 ◽  
Nadejda Cara ◽  

The author analyzed the functional, symbolic, and semantic features of the traditional dwelling of the Bulgarians of the Republic of Moldova in fairy-tale folklore (novelistic tales and anecdotes). The types of dwellings and their constituent elements (internal and external) were considered as a part of the material; culture is reflected through subject realities as a component of ethnic culture in the human microcosm. The connection of dwelling with traditional values of the Bulgarians of the Republic of Moldova was also analyzed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Tingting Zhang

Fairy tales enable children to cruise around a world full of wonder and imagination. As a special group, children readers are different from adults for their unique development phases of language and cognition. Therefore, fairy tale translation should give close attention to children’s special demand. Basically, translation works of fairy tales require their translators to stand on children’s point of view and spark children readers’ interests. For quite a long time, as an acknowledged principle in fairy tale translation, child-orientation puts more emphasis on observing and appreciating the world with the child-like appetite. Translators should take account of children’s language ability as well as their cognitive condition and aesthetic preference. This essay is mainly about child-orientation principle. A comparative study has been made between The Trumpet of the Swan by E·B·White and its Chinese translation version by a famous translator Ren Rongrong. Through several concrete translation  examples and with an analysis of its language style including conciseness, vividness and musicality as well as its rhetorical device such as simile and overstatement, a simple conclusion could be drawn. It is extremely important to follow child-orientation principle in fairy tale translation. Translation works based on this principle will bring an essence of fun and interest for children.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (2) ◽  
pp. 126-132
Aida R. Gasharova

The article deals with Lezgi folk riddles. They can be a constituent element of many genres of folklore, although they exist in folk art as an independent genre. The analysis is focused on folk riddles in the “fairy tale” speech, as well as the use of various kinds of “mysterious” elements in the creation of folk tales. The riddle participates in the complication of many fairy tales. The role of the riddle in a fairy tale is controversial. Basically, the function of riddles in a folk tale is entertaining, but their role in fairy tales is also very significant for the formation of the plot. Riddles are firmly entrenched in a number of fairy tales to complicate them. Both folk tales and folk riddles are metaphorical. We study the traditional plots of Lezgi folk tales, in which we find riddles. The purpose of our study is to identify the multi-aspect interdependence of the Lezgin folk riddle as a plot-forming element in various types of fairy tales. Creative imagination often introduces a riddle into the plot of social and everyday tales “about wise answers” (“about guessing”), which most often contain the origins of difficult riddle problems. The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the lack of study of this issue in the Lezgi oral and poetic creativity.

2019 ◽  

Orientation in space plays an essential role for a human being in the view of his / her life. Beginning from the ancient times, people explored space through horizontal and later vertical dimensions. This led to symbolization of objects that surrounded them. Complete reflection of symbols of space, in particular, horizontal and vertical symbols, is concisely traced in the fairy tale genre. Being one of the archaic forms of folklore, the fairy tale co-opted various elements of mythological beliefs of primitive people, their cognition and way of life, and later was supplemented by individual idiosyncratic elements of the world view. Symbols of both dimensions actualize primary (physical) and secondary meanings (which are also signified by evaluative, moral and ethical, as well as ecclesiastically religious meanings). The most frequently used vertical and horizontal symbols in the fairy tales are those actualized according to the “right” / “left” and “top” / “bottom” criteria. Despite relatively extended research in the field of fairy tale symbols, there are few studies which deal with the issue of conveying vertical and horizontal symbols into the target language. The aim of the article is to highlight the ways of rendering vertical and horizontal symbols taken from English and Ukrainian fairy tales, and to assess adequacy of their reproduction in the target language. According to the results of the research, it can be concluded that due to its universal character, the symbols of vertical and horizontal space are easily rendered into the receiving cultures. However, adequate reproduction of vertical and horizontal symbols requires identification of their role in a certain fairy tale text, and, consequently, the importance of their rendering into the target language.

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