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2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-17
Muhammad Ali Shahid ◽  
Anser Mahmood

Supplication, the symbol of man's humility, is at the core of all religions, with Allah regarded as the Supreme Being who listens to people's prayers and rewards them accordingly, regardless of religion. The purpose of this qualitative research is to look into the unique service provided by Maulana Tariq Jameel to God for protection from COVID-19, which is currently wreaking havoc on people's lives. On April 21, 2020, the program was broadcast live on the ARY News Channel's Shab-e- Meeraj programme, hosted by Waseem Badami, and was available to watch online. Devout Muslims from all over the world gathered for a specially organised 'Dua' to demonstrate their heartfelt humility and unwavering faith in Allah, who they believe will alleviate their deathly affliction as a result of their prayers. The video at provided the data. The data was assessed using Aristotle's three modes of persuasion. The researchers paid close attention to the supplication during the study and coded the most relevant phrases before translating them from Urdu to English and analysed them from a pragmatic standpoint. The discussion section included references to prayers from a variety of religious traditions from various countries to integrate the study's findings. The study's findings show that when individuals, societies, or nations of any faith face a major calamity, they are more likely to be prone to Allah for protection than to other sources of protectionKeywords: Du’a, Persuasion, Religion, Staunch Faith, The sovereignty of Allah

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Siti Maryam Mohamad Azmi ◽  
Suhaiza Ismail

Purpose This paper aims to systematically analyze the weaknesses of public procurement in Malaysia as reported in the Auditor General’s Reports from 2011 until 2018. Specifically, the study examines the types of weaknesses, the modes of public procurement involved with the weaknesses, the procurement categories involved with the weaknesses and the key recommendations to mitigate the weaknesses in public procurement. Design/methodology/approach A document analysis was adopted in achieving the objective. The Auditor General’s reports and the reports of activities of federal ministries/departments published by the National Audit Department, Malaysia from the year 2011 until 2018 are the main documents used in this study. The data gathered were analyzed using frequency distribution and displayed with descriptive statistics and relevant graphs. Findings The findings of the study revealed that the top five reported are non-compliance to scope, specifications and terms of contracts; delayed completion/non-completion of project; poor documentation; low quality of products, service and work; and little or no prior planning. It is also found that direct negotiation mode was reported with the highest issues of public procurement, while the procurement mode with the least public procurement weaknesses is direct purchase. Moreover, it was found that work category is the highest with public procurement issues reported compared to supplies and services. The top recommendations given by the Auditor General were to improve internal control, to enhance monitoring, to establish planning in details, to improve assets management and to take appropriate actions toward contractors and procurement officers when needed. Originality/value This is among a few studies that attempted to systematically examine the main issues regarding the public procurement activities in Malaysia. This study highlighted pertinent aspects of the public procurement activities, which need close attention by the relevant authorities to ensure efficient and effective public procurement.

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 338-344
D. Akmatova

The history of the origin of imitative has ancient roots. People have been interested in imitations since ancient times. Not only linguists, but also even philosophers, psychologists, to one degree or another at different times, have addressed the problem of sound visualization. Imitative vocabulary helps to increase the imagery and emotional expressiveness of the word. However, due to its complex nature, for some time, linguists of various languages did not conduct serious research on the linguistic functions of imitative words. However, they are often found in oral folk art and fiction, giving these texts artistic and poetic meaning, expressiveness, imagery, artistic power and accessibility, liveliness and dynamism, all this has led, now, to the fact that linguists began to pay close attention the study of this unusual group of words. Тhey are divided into types, separated into a special part of speech, they are used in the formation of new words, they act as members of a sentence.

Daedalus ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 151 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-83
Micere Keels

Abstract The focus of this essay is on understanding the development and maintenance of patterns of violent behavior for the purpose of identifying points of prevention and intervention. Close attention is paid to using person-centered language that does not conflate exhibiting violent behaviors with being a violent person. There is a meaningful perceptual difference between discussing the behaviors of a violent person versus discussing a person who engaged in violent behaviors: the former is more likely to be associated with immutable characteristics of a person and the latter is more likely to be associated with attempts at understanding social and contextual causes of the behavior.

2022 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
Cristina Barbosa ◽  
Adrielle Spinelli da Cruz ◽  
Maria Lúcia Barreto

ABSTRACT: Spontaneous polydactyly has been described in several species, but only one report about it in Swiss mice. The aim of the current study was to report the spontaneous occurrence of pre-axial polydactyly in Swiss mice. Clinical examination showed one extra toe laterally to the first digit, in the plantar region, alopecia in the back, altered face growth anatomy and changed perineal region anatomy. Pre-axial polydactyly in the tibial side, fused metatarsals and Y-shaped free phalanges were evidenced in the radiographic images. Pre-axial polydactyly observed in the plantar region differed from that in reports on albino Swiss mice with post-axial polydactyly (Po/Po+) phenotype featured by one extra toe in the ulnar side of one, or both, front limbs, which is the dominant feature. The observed findings highlight the importance of both clinical examinations and close attention by professionals involved in rodents’ breeding on physical changes resulting from different causes, including the genetic ones, since they reveal mutations and, sometimes, new biomodels.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 215-218
Shujuan Jia

The successful socialization of today’s children and youth is a concern for the whole society, as well as many families. Correct and scientific circumstances must guide it. Teachers play a critical part in children’s and youth’s effective socialization. Teachers must give close attention to children and young people in the process of instilling accurate values, perspectives on life, and the world, as well as assisting them in effectively socializing them.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
Samuel Lebens

 In this paper I examine the ritual life of Abraham as it is presented in the book of Genesis. Paying close attention to the language of the narrative, I try to reconstruct the evolving philosophical theology that seems to underlie the modes of worship that Abraham develops over time. Read in this light, the life of Abraham can help us to rethink the extent to which theistic religiosity requires a personal God, and the extent to which it can survive in the face of a more austere impersonal theology.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Lin Meng ◽  
Yang Gao ◽  
Yangyang Liu ◽  
Shengfang Lu

Purpose As a short take-off and landing aircraft, FanWing has the capability of being driven under power a short distance from a parking space to the take-off area. The purpose of this paper is to design the take-off control system of FanWing and study the factors that influence the short take-off performance under control. Design/methodology/approach The force analysis of FanWing is studied in the take-off phase. Two take-off control methods are researched, and several factors that influence the short take-off performance are studied under control. Findings The elevator and fan wing control systems are designed. Although the vehicle load increases under the fan wing control, the fan wing control is not a recommended practice in the take-off phase for its sensitivity to the pitch angle command. The additional pitch-down moment has a significant influence on the control system and the short take-off performance that the barycenter variation of FanWing should be considered carefully. Practical implications The presented efforts provide a reference for the location of the center of gravity in designing FanWing. The traditional elevator control is more recommended than the fan wing control in the take-off phase. Originality/value This paper offers a valuable reference on the control system design of FanWing. It also proves that there is an additional pith-down moment that needs to be paid close attention to. Four factors that influence the short take-off performance are compared under control.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-156
Gizela Brutovská ◽  
Matúš Béreš

Radicalisation of young people is a gradual process. Emptiness in a form of distrust has spread into all areas of human life (work, family, church, etc.) and has led to indifference and passivity. This, coupled with young person’s disintegration in terms of values and norms (disintegration) and social isolation (disorganization), prompts some sort of revolt. Losing footing in many life situations, the young person resorts to expressions of anger, which, if left unresolved, gradually grows into aggression and violence. The paper aims to identify and describe the sources of anger and frustration of young radicals in Slovakia. It also outlines the most common targets of their aggression. Close attention is paid to Slovak conscripts (Slovenskí branci), one of the radical groups in Slovakia. The Slovak Ministry of Defence regards this paramilitary group as a security threat. The theoretical part of the paper is based on works of sociologists who introduce the concept of indifferent society (Lipovetsky 2008) and examine barriers that hinder young people’s integration (Durkheim 1973). Defining aggression and violence that originate in anger is based on Arendt’s study (2004). The empirical part of the paper is a result of the qualitative research conducted among young radicals, aged 14-17 in Slovakia in a form of case studies. Keywords: indifference, disintegration, revolt, anger, aggression

2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (3) ◽  
pp. 33-45
I. A. Melnikov

This article is a short scientific and biographical sketch about petr petrovich shirshov (12/25/1905, Dnepropetrovsk – 02/17/1953, Moscow) – hydrologist, polar explorer, Doctor of Geographical Sciences (1937), Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1939), Hero of the Soviet Union (1938 ), the first director of the institute of oceanology of the russian academy of sciences (1946 – early 1953). The Institute bears the name of P.P. Shirshov. Of course, in the year of the anniversary, all of us – employees of the Institute of Oceanology – remember with gratitude and respect the name of Petr Petrovich – the largest scientist-researcher, hydrobiologist, organizer of science and an amazing, deep, very courageous, gifted person with a bright and difficult fate. The article presented below is especially valuable because it pays close attention to the work of P.P. Shirshov as a hydrobiologist. His contribution to history as the organizer of the Institute of Oceanology or a polar explorer is widely sanctified in various publications, but his scientific hydrobiological research is much less known, meanwhile it was this direction that interested Petr Shirshov as a scientist more than anything else.

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