primitive people
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2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
Galyna Iarmolovych ◽  

Quantification and numbers, numerals and number words have been in the focus of research on different levels of linguistical studies. The mathematical thinking and understanding of primitive arithmetical manipulations have been covered from both the mathematical and psychological points of view. The concept of distribution developed from the ability to group objects and belongs to the second wave of the mathematical understanding of primitive people. Being one of the first concepts developed in the human consciousness it stayed un-nominalised until the development of the number consequence paradigm. The distributive constructs existing in the Modern German language are a result of development from the Proto Indo European through the Proto Germanic, Old High German, and Middle High German languages. However, the modern standard concept of distributivity is built on the preceding word – i.e., a number of colloquial variations keep being used in some German dialects.

Mohammed Mustafa Al-Jadi

This research is about the doctrine of the theological intercession of Christians whereby the meaning of mediation has been referred to and prayers have been requested to help those in need. The historical context of the theological intercession is thus explained beginning from primitive people through pagans to Jews and Christians. The conditions of the intercession of atonement were agreed upon from the necessity of believing in the righteousness of Christ, the giving of his blood, and the connection with the permanence of life, to gain his intercession, Then these types of theological intercession were mentioned as the Catholics, Protestants, and their respective denominations agreed on the penitential intercession, Protestants rejected the other intercessions proven by the Catholics, the intercession of the Holy Spirit, the saints, and the angels. These intercessions were evaluated by the Christians themselves later from Islāmic perspective too. Among the most prominent errors: Defective understanding of theological intercession, the creation of unconfirmed intercessions of Christ, and their contradiction to the concept of monotheism are discussed here in this article.

Lyubymova S.A.

The purpose of the article is to determine the principles of Robert MacLaury’s Vantage Theory and to review its application in various linguistic studies.Methods, used in the paper, include analysis and description, the application of which was conditioned by the task to distinguish the main tenets of the Vantage Theory and to present experience of its application in various linguistic studies. Results. A groundbreaking theory of R. MacLaury has overcome the lack of explanatory power of cognitive grammar and the prototype theory. The starting point of the Vantage Theory is the recognition that categorization takes place on analogy of human’s orientation on terrain with regard to movement. Adapted by primitive people for information processing, the cognitive mechanism of orientation in space and time is deeply rooted in human consciousness. Any category appears in comparison with images or other types of discrete ideas that correspond to fixed space-time coordinates to which observer’s attention is drawn while detecting similarities and differences in the object of perception. The categorization model consists of three levels, which correspond to a pair of fixed and variable coordinates. A person can focus on only one pair of coordinates at a time, others are stored in memory as proven facts, which become a prerequisite for inference and an integral part of the categorization model. Apart from numerous works on colour semantics, the theory is applied to address a wide range of issues in sociolinguistic studies, discourse analysis, cognitive grammar, etc. The theory is also applicable in the study of verbalized sociocultural stereotypes. The author of the article uses the Vantage Theory in the cognitive-linguistics study of sociocultural stereotypes in American media discourse. As verbalized, conventionally evaluative patterns of social groups, sociocultural stereotypes are formed in comparison with the ethical, behavioural, and aesthetic standards of American culture that act as fixed coordinates of mental space.Conclusions. The Vantage Theory of Robert MacLaury is a further step in the development of cognitive linguistics. The universality of this theory lies in its ability to explain many linguistic facts and therefore it can be applied in the study of a wide range of issues related to the linguistic representation of knowledge, such as concepts and stereotypes, which are categories of a verbalized picture of the world.Key words: vantage theory, categorization, space-time orientation, perspectivization, sociocultural stereotype. Мета статті полягає у визначенні основних положень теорії побудови перспектив Роберта Маклорі та огляді її застосування у лінгвістичних студіях різної спрямованості.Методи дослідження включають аналіз та опис, застосування яких зумовлене завданням виділити окремі положення, представити складну для розуміння теорію, виявити можливості її пристосування для різних дослідницьких цілей у лінгвістичних дослідженнях.Результати. Вихідним положенням цієї теорії є визнання того, що категоризація проходить за глибоко вкоріненою в людську свідомість аналогією орієнтації людини на місцевості з урахуванням руху. Категорії виникають у процесі пізнавальної взаємодії з фіксованими та змінними координатами, які створюють різні перспективи, аналогічні тим, що люди використо-вують для орієнтації у фізичному просторі. Будь-яка категорія формується у зрівнянні з визначеними образами чи іншими видами дискретних ідей, при цьому увага людини фіксується на подібності та різниці до встановлених образів. Модель категоризації складається з трьох рівнів, що співвідносяться з парою фіксованої і змінної координати. Людина може концентрувати увагу тільки на одній парі координат, інші зберігаються в пам’яті як доведені факти, які стають передумовою умовиводів та невід’ємною частиною категоризаційної моделі. Теорія успішно використовується у дослідженнях дискурсу, лексичній семантиці, у соціолінгвістиці та когнітивній граматиці. Автор статті використає теорію Маклорі у лінгвокогнітивному дослідженні соціокультурних стереотипів американського медіадискурсу. Як вербалізовані конвенційно-оцінні зразки соціальних груп, соціокультурні стереотипи формуються у зрівнянні з етичними, поведінковими та естетичними стандартами американської культури, що діють як фіксовані координати ментального простору.Висновки. Теорія Маклорі є подальшим кроком у розвитку когнітивної лінгвістики. Універсальність цієї теорії полягає в тому, що вона може бути застосована у дослідженнях широкого кола питань, що стосуються мовної репрезентації знання у вербалізованих концептах та стереотипах як категоріях мовленнєвої картини світу.Ключові слова: теорія побудови перспектив, просторово-часова орієнтація, фіксовані і змінні координати, перспективізація, вербалізований соціокультурний стереотип.

2021 ◽  
pp. 115-126
Yevhen Prychepii

The offered concept states that primitive people operated "sacred" sets. The author considers them to be sets of signs on archaeological artifacts and folk ornaments conveying the cycles of heavenly bodies and the physiological cycles of a woman reduced by certain numbers. These are stable sets having become entrenched in mythology and acquired the status of "sacred". Based on this concept, the sets of signs have been studied on the Paleolithic artifact from the Baikal region. Two groups of signs have been distinguished: circles (there are 364 of them) forming sets, and signs (there are 7 of them) delimiting the sets. The author presents the idea that the artifact superposes the days of a year (364) and woman's pregnancy (280) sets. For this purpose, ancient people depicted the "sacred" set of 88 located in the center of the spiral in a color different from the rest of the spiral. Thus, according to the author, they indicated the subtraction of the "sacred" set of 88 from the set of the year. Since the difference between them (364-88 = 276) is four days less than the set of 280, the deficiency was made up by four delimitation signs indicating the action of addition. The research considers two options for superposing the yearly and pregnancy sets. To compare, the author analyzes the sets of signs on the ornament of a towel from Podillya. This analysis shows that these sets are sacred and add up to a year (364). The author assumes that the "sacred" sets on the artifacts of ancient people and on ornaments could appear as summands for obtaining great sets (365/364, 280, 224, etc.). This approach opens up a new perspective in the study of sets on artifacts and ornaments.

Mikhail Verholantsev

Drawing is a peculiar phenomenon of human civilization. This inexhaustible engine of progress usually seems to us as a kind of study, as a preparation for a painting or a sculptural work. This essay proposes to look at drawing as a graphic reflection of fantasy, project and intention, a reflection of firm knowledge or doubt and skepticism, and, finally, offers to look at drawing as a method of studying life. The article provides a brief overview of the stylistic metamorphoses of European drawing, which occurred naturally or by chance. A person who always draws consciously composes, and his composition involuntarily reflects the scheme of the universe, drawn up in the artist's head based on his or her life experience. Every person has this experience, this worldview, this self-professed philosophy, but only a draftsman can show it. Collecting drawings is the most difficult and most impressive of all types of collecting. A drawing-lover discovers the whole world, the most accurate description of the given period of civilization. Since prehistoric times, civilization has been indebted to drawing. The rock drawing of primitive people reflects their vital desires and beliefs. Afterward, the wheel was designed; the steam engine, electricity, aeronautics were invented, space exploration began... and drawing and drafting accompanied all this. Teaching drawing in schools and universities is teaching the methodology of studying nature. From an early age, a person is taught to draw from life, and this is a visual study of an object. The teacher’s task is to show not only to sketch the visible outlines of an object but also to penetrate its structure, in other words, to prepare to fantasize and invent. Meanwhile, in schools and universities, it has become a custom to draw imitating photography as much as possible. Photography is the most democratic way of depicting; however, it is only a one-time, random image of an event. Drawing, on the other hand, accumulates several things. A metaphor, conclusion, knowledge, or ignorance, the struggle against victories and defeats, doubts, and confidence appear involuntarily in a drawing. Drawing is action, movement of thought, and religious beliefs, whereas photography is stagnant. However, it is precisely this stagnation, rigidity that is cultivated by fashionable modern artists. Moreover, adherents of photorealism develop the ridiculous coincidences so often found in photographs. Sculptors, architects, and jewelers make the most exciting drawings. Sculptors seem to see through an object, like an X-ray. They want to show volume on a plane. Architects imagine the organization of space and the interaction of volumes. All these aspirations, all these fantasies make drawing uniquely expressive and intelligent.

Mario Incayawar

The clinical encounter with a patient who is suffering from chronic pain and a psychiatric disorder is challenging. This can become a clinical conundrum if the patient has a different cultural background than the physician and says he or she has a mysterious culture-bound syndrome. This chapter discusses a Quichua-Inca illness experience called Jaki, a frequent condition that is well-known by millions of Quichua patients in the Andes, South America. Biomedically trained doctors usually dismiss it as a condition without any medical importance experienced by superstitious and primitive people. In contrast, Jaki patients believe it is a complex and threatening illness that could lead to death. They recognize four types of Jaki and believe the causes are related to “evil spirits” and that proper treatment should address them. The author conducted a transcultural psychiatry study showing that most Jaki patients are suffering from depression, anxiety, somatoform disorders, psychological factors affecting a physical condition, and adjustment disorders. Jaki patients are suffering indeed from comorbid chronic pain and psychiatric disorders. The chapter concludes with clinical recommendations for the practitioner who is willing to avoid racial bias, improve cultural competency, and offer culturally sensitive and better quality medical care.

Kate Flint

This chapter looks at the image of the Indian that the nineteenth century inherited from Romantic writing, one that emphasized the trope of the “dying Indian” as a member of a race associated with positive connotations of bravery, loyalty, dignity, and so on. It shows how it provided an opportunity for poets to exploit their fondness for the melancholic or to explore the qualities of supposedly primitive people. The chapter then traces the shift from the way in which the Indian was seen as a vehicle of rhetorical eloquence to being a figure of pathos. How did this transition come about? The answer lies in a combination of factors. Taken together, these illustrate the interdependency of poetic traditions on either side of the Atlantic during this period and the adaptability of the idea of the dying Indian to serve a range of aesthetic, political, and emotional ends. In both Britain and the United States, there was a growing and increasingly compassionately expressed knowledge about what was happening to native peoples. Indians in North America, however numerous they might appear to those who still saw them as formidable military allies or opponents, were becoming increasingly vulnerable: not just to diseases, but to displacement.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-20
A.N. Volobuev

On the basis of Hardy – Weinberg law the problem of migration from the genetic point of view is considered. It is proved the linear differential equation of migratory process of a panmictic population. The phase of the solution of this equation is investigated. On the basis of the carried out analysis the dependence of migration velocity of a population on average time of alternation of generations is found. It is shown that migration of primitive people from Africa to Europe needed alternation the several hundred generations. The dependence of migration velocity of a population on the average area developed by a population for year is investigated. Lacks of the carried out analysis owing to absence of the account of natural selection and inbreeding are marked.

Freedom ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 50-55
Franz Boas

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