2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 111
Imam Fadhilah Maulana ◽  
Siti Khotijah ◽  
Ambar Tri Hapsari

Abstrak I-Wash Cuci Kendaraan adalah  Perusahaan jasa cuci kendaraan sepeda motor dan mobil yang beralamat di Kp. Padurenan RT. 11 RW 2 Cibinong – Bogor. I-Wash Cuci Kendaraan belum memanfaatkan teknologi sistem informasi untuk medukung pengolahan data jasa cuci kendaraannya. I-Wash Cuci Kendaraan masih memanfaatkan kertas untuk mencatat data pelanggan serta membuat nota transaksi yang akan menggunakan jasa cuci kendaraan di I-Wash Cuci Kendaraan. sehingga data dapat rusak, hilang, dan keamanan tidak terjamin. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut pada penelitin ini dirancangan Sistem Informasi Kasir di I-Wash Cuci Kendaraan menggunakan metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam perancangan ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif yaitu penelitian yang menggunakan cara analisis atau melakukan pendekatan investigasi karena biasanya peneliti mengumpulkan data dengan cara bertatap muka langsung dan berinteraksi langsung dengan orang-orang ditempat penelitian. Metode Pengembangan sistem yang di gunakan menggunakan metode prototyping.   Kata Kunci : sistem, informasi, kasir,  sistem informasi, sistem informasi kasir   Abstract I-Wash Cuci Kendaraan is a motorcycle and car wash service company located in Kp. Padurenan RT. 11 RW 2 Cibinong - Bogor. I-Wash Cuci Kendaraan has not utilized information system technology to support the processing of Cuci Kendaraanservices data. I-Wash Cuci Kendaraan still uses paper to record customer data and making transaction notes that will use the Cuci Kendaraan services at I-Wash Cuci Kendaraan. So that often causes problems between the calculation errors, the length of time in preparing reports, and data loss. To overcome this problem in this final project designed by the Cashier Information System at I-Wash Cuci Kendaraan uses the research method used in this design is a qualitative research method that uses an analysis or research approach because researchers usually collect data in a face-to-face manner and can be relied on directly with the people in the research place. System Development Method used is using the prototyping method. Keyword : system, information, cashier, system information, chasier information system

Muhammad Fachrul Rizky ◽  
Maria Cleopatra ◽  
Diyan Parwatiningtyas

Teknologi informasi dapat membuat apa saja menjadi lebih mudah dan efisien. Sebagai contohnya adalah pada perusahaan-perusahaan yang ada saat ini menggunakan sistem informasi pada alat elektroniknya untuk mengefektifkan produk dan hasil karyanya. Pada kajian ini, sistem informasi event organizer pada wahana entertaiment bertugas mengolah data seperti penginputan data pelanggan, data petugas, data peralatan, data paket, data pesanan, pencarian data dan laporan-laporan yang dibutuhkan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk merancang sebuah sistem informasi event organizer pada Wahana Entertainment. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif dan pendekatan grounded research. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa sistem informasi yang dapat membantu Wahana Entertainment dalam menerapkan sistem yang yang lebih baik, dapat mempermudah pekerjaan, meningkatkan kelancaran proses pengelolaan event organizer. Information technology can make anything easier and more efficient. For example, companies that exist today use information systems on their electronic devices to streamline their products and work. In this study, the event organizer information system in the entertainment vehicle is tasked with processing data such as inputting customer data, staff data, equipment data, package data, order data, data search and required reports. The purpose of this study was to design an event organizer information system at Wahana Entertainment. The research method used is qualitative research and grounded research approach. The results of this study are in the form of an information system that can help Wahana Entertainment implement a better system, make work easier, and improve the smoothness of the event organizer management process.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-171
Dian Ekawati

The progress of the banking system cannot be separated from the role of information technology. In addition to facilitating the company's internal operations, technology tools also aim to facilitate service to bank customers. One side of Information Technology provides not a few benefits to improving services both public services and internal services. On the other hand Information Technology is used by people who are not responsible by committing acts that are against the law, which attacks various legal interests of the people, society, and the state. This study aims to get information about banking crimes that use the skimming method and about legal protection for customers who are victims of skimming crime. The research method is juridical normative, namely obtaining and combining and analyzing data obtained from books, articles and journals and related legislation. The results obtained are that crime skimming is an old mode of customer money burglary which is done by stealing customer data at the customer's ATM with skimmer techniques. Legal protection against customers who are harmed due to the crime of skimming can be carried out by criminal means, namely reporting to the police and the police's duty to arrest the perpetrators. Legal protection through civil law by way of the bank replacing the customer's money after clarifying the transaction against the customer's account

Repositor ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (12) ◽  
pp. 1655
Yannu Indra Kusuma ◽  
Lailis Syafa'ah ◽  
Wildan Suharso

AbstrakBank Sampah Bantur Berseri merupakan tempat menabung dimana seseorang  menggunakan sampah sebagai tabungan dan sampah yang ditabung dikonversikan menjadi nilai uang. Sampah tersebut sudah ditetapkan harga oleh petugas bank sampah. Permasalahan pada bank sampah Bantur Berseri adalah petugas masih sering kerepotan dalam hal transaksi tabungan dan pembuatan laporan.Selain itu harga sampah dan jenisnya sering tertukar karena sering berubah. Petugas juga kesulitan dalam hal pencarian data nasabah serta tidak adanya backup data yang baik pada tabungan nasabah. Pada penelitian ini solusi yang diusulkan yaitu pembuatan sistem informasi pada tabungan bank sampah Bantur Berseri agar dapat membantu pengelolaan data transaksi nasabah sehingga adminstrasi lebih teratur, pencarian data lebih mudah dan arsip laporan lebih rapi. Pengembangan sistem menggunankan metode prototype.ttAbstract Bantur Berseri Waste Bank is a place to save where someone uses garbage as savings and the waste that is saved is converted into money value. The waste price has been set by the garbage bank officer. The problem with the Bantur Berseri garbage bank is that the officers are still often troubled in terms of savings transactions and reporting. In addition, the price of garbage and its types is often confused because it changes frequently. Officers also have difficulties in finding customer data and there is no good data backup on customer savings. In this study, the proposed solution is the creation of an information system in the savings bank of Bantur Berseri bank so that it can help manage customer transaction data so that administration is more organized, data search is easier and the report archive is neater. System development uses the prototype method.   

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 46
Febri Hertana

The purpose of the research is to; 1) Generating a customer information system on Telkomsel GraPARI Banda Aceh, 2) To find out the application of the information system that has been built, and 3) Apply the system that was built using Visual Basic. This research was conducted at Telkomsel GraPARI Banda Aceh and conducted for 9 (nine) months of 2015-2016. The method used for system development, researchers use the methodology Rapid application development (RAD) and Data Flow Diagrams (DAD). This research has succeeded and completed the design of information systems for recording customer data at Telkomsel Grapari Banda Aceh, the application was built using the stages of the Rapid application development (RAD) model. The application was built using Visual BASIC and as a database using Microsoft Office Access. The application of the information system that has been built is still in the prototype and there is still a need for study and development of current technologies such as the use of mobile and cloud databases involving interconnection to make it easier for GraPARI units to connect.Keywords:Information Systems, Customer Data, Telkomsel

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 130-147
Rahmat ◽  
Fitriah Ningsih

Syarikah al-abdan is a form of muamalah that can be applied today in improving the welfare of the people. However, in practice today, it seems that there are problems among Muslims in seeing and sorting out the practice of syarikah al-abdan which is following the Shari'a. For this reason, the purpose of this study is to describe the syarikah al-abdan scheme and its current contemporary application forms. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive research approach with library research techniques and content analysis. The results of this study indicate that syarikah al-abdan is a form of business cooperation between two or more people preceded by mutual agreement in determining the results of the profits and/or wages between them. However, in its implementation, it is necessary to pay attention to the pillars and requirements of the syarikah al-abdan, and to consider the views of the majority of madhhab scholars and the Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI). In practice, this study describes the form of syarikah al-abdan in the profession of fisherman and tailor.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-20
Rizki Novendra Rizki ◽  
Syahtriatna ◽  
M Sadar

Applying information system technology to business processes is one of the strategies to overcome about problems in data accuration, sales, purchases and making report transactions. By implementing the system, information has resulted at decreased in time transaction and accuracy of the sales, purchase and report making processes. The application of information system technology starts in analysis, design, implementation, testing and maintenance according to the waterfall method. Each stage has a different resolution and function, but is interrelated between one and the other generated by computer applications that can be used in the business of the company CV. Saragih 3 Brothers

1970 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
Raija Halonen

Users have been described as necessary experts in information system developments. This research introduces a viewpoint that the users are the main actors in development projects and the other participants only give their experience for the use of the actual developers. In addition to the strong involvement of users, our research emphasises the special nature of the information system project with earlier-made specifications. This article suggests that in order to achieve a successful output, a reflective and flexible working process is needed. This suggestion is valid especially in a case that is out of the line of common approaches that are described in the literature. The research approach in this study was qualitative and the empirical material was gathered from a case study. The approach was subjective and it necessitated interpretation when analysing the results. The case included an information system development that was carried out to produce an inter-organisational information system to support certain functionality between organisations. Despite the output was an information system, we argue that the approach with active users is also applicable in the development of any other artefact.

Taryadi Taryadi ◽  
Sattriedi Wahyu Binabar ◽  
Dicke JSH Siregar

Background: As one of batik producer city in Indonesia, Pekalongan city needs medium and infrastructure that able to provide the information needed by either the local government or the society.  The need about information of Batik city center in Pekalongan will provide the information about the batik center for the local government in the potency, obstacle and the needs of Small and Medium Batik Enterprises Centre to improve the Batik Production.Objective: The research is aimed at mapping the potency of batik center in Pekalongan city by implementing Geographic Information System Technology. The information about batik center in Pekalongan city needs to be maintained.  The maintenance in information field is needed upon the batik center in Pekalongan.Methods: The method used in mapping the batik potency in Pekalongan city is the Geographic Information System (GIS) by providing the information based on a spatial data.  Whereas the waterfall system development is used in developing the GIS.Results: The research resulted the application in mapping the batik center with GIS based that provide reference to the related parties about information and planning as well as investment in batik business.Conclusion: The system is able to provide the information needed by users, such as business mapping, the mapping about the amount of business in one area, the batik potency in each district that is figured for mapping location.

Yudhi Yanuar ◽  
Lilis Emalia ◽  
Novia Surya Ghani

The research aims to know the design of system information completeness of charging the informed consent of the patient's Poly. teeth to use microsoft Visual Studio 2010 in UPT Puskemas Talagabodas the city of Bandung. The research method used is the method of qualitative techniques of collecting data field studies, interviews, the library and browsing the internet. Methods of use is a waterfall. From a study found no problems, namely : The process of completwness analysis  of charging the informed consent is still not running, The informed consent in Poly. teeth are not filled with complete, the lack of socialization of the creation and filling the informed consent, especially in Poly. teeth. The advice is give, namely :  start to do the analysis of the completeness of charging the informed consent in accordance with SOP,  the medical records that there can be re-socialization  back about the creation and filling the informed consent to all staff of other medical right to send out the,  should the institution has a system information that can rock the performance of staff medical records more effective in terms of analyzing the completeness of the informed consent and facilitate the creation of the,quipment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Zaeniah Zaeniah ◽  
Surni Erniwati

Abstrak – Sistem penggajian yang selama ini dikelola oleh bendahara di PT. Akbar Sinar Abadi menggunakan sistem yang konvensional yaitu dengan cara mencatat seluruh data yang berhubungan dnegan gaji karyawan dan menginputnya ke microsoft excel. Kesulitan yang dihadapi oleh bendahara menggunakan sistem ini adalah dalam pembuatan slip gaji dan  laporan penggajian yang buat setiap bulan membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama dan kurang efisien. Oleh karena itu pada penelitian ini dibuat sebuah sistem informasi penggajian yang dapat membantu bendahara untuk mengelola data gaji dengan output yang di cetak lansung dari sistem berupa slip gaji dan laporan data gaji. Metode Pengembangan sistem yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode waterfall. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengahasilkan sistem informasi penggajian yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengguna. Program yang dihasilkan berupa sistem informasi yang berbasis desktop. Kata kunci:  Sistem; Sistem Informasi; Sistem Informasi Penggajian;  Abstract - Payroll system that has been managed by the treasurer at PT. Akbar Sinar Abadi uses a conventional system that is by recording all data related to employee salaries and input it into Microsoft Excel. The difficulty faced by the treasurer using this system is in making salary slips and payroll reports that make each month requires quite a long time and less efficient. Therefore in this study a payroll information system was created that could help the treasurer to manage salary data with printed output directly from the system in the form of pay slips and salary data reports. The system development method used in this study is the waterfall method. The purpose of this study is to produce a payroll information system that suits user needs. The resulting program is a desktop-based information system..                                       Keyword : System; Information Systems; Payroll Information System;

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