UNES Law Review
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Published By LPPM Universitas EKASAKTI

2622-7045, 2654-3605

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 207-213
Dedi Indriadi

Pada pemilihan kepala derah seringkali diwarnai dengan praktek politik uang yang dilakukan oleh calon kepala daerah berkaitan dengan hal tersebut diatas Bawaslu kabupaten Solok sebagai penyelenggara pemilihan kepala daerah bertugas mengawasi tahap tahap penyelenggaraan pemilihan kepala daerah yang salah satunya adalah mengantisipasi terjadinya politik uang. Upaya Badan Pengawas Pemilu Kabupaten Solok Dalam Pencegahan Politik Uang Pada Pemilihan Kepala Daerah adalah dengan upaya Pre-Emtif dengan cara melakukan himbauan kepada seluruh pasangan calon agar tidak melakukan tindak pidana politik uang (Money politic). Upaya preventif  berbentuk Membatasi kegiatan kampanye, Menggunakan informan di Nagari, mengadakan penyuluhan dan sosialisasi dan Selanjutnya adalah upaya melakukan penindakan. Kendala Badan Pengawas Pemilu Kabupaten Solok Dalam Upaya Pencegahan Politik Uang Pada Pemilihan Kepala daerah adalah adanya peraturan mengenai pemilu dan kampanye hanya dilakukan pada masa pemilu dan kampanye sedangkan kenyataannya banyak bakal calon yang melakukan politik uang sebelum masa kampanye.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-206
Wisnu Nugraha

Penulisan ini disusun dalam tujuan untuk mempelajari dan meninjau pelaksanaan putusan tata usaha negara dalam pelanggaran adminisrasi pemilu berdasarkan Putusan No. 56/G/SPPU/2018/PTUN-JKT. Penelitian ini dibuat dalam metode literature kepustakaan dan menggunakan putusan sebagai objek penelitian Hasil yang diperoleh adalah preskriptif. Tujuan rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah untuk (1) Bagaimana Putusan Nomor 56/G/SPPU/2018/PTUN-JKT atas Partai Politik PKP Indonesia dan (2) Mengapa Majelis mengabulkan permohonan Partai Politik PKP Indonesia. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah (1) Bahwa putusan Nomor 56/G/SPPU/2018/PTUN-JKT memberikan kepastian hukum kepada PKP Indonesia sebagai partai politik untuk dapat ikut serta dalam kegiatan pemilu setelah memperoleh pemulihan hak akibat pelanggaran administratif yang dikeluarkan oleh KPU RI. (2) Bahwa pertimbangan majelis hakim PTUN Jakarta adalah memberikan pemahaman bahwa KPU RI harus dapat menjalankan tugas dna tanggungjawabnya sesuai dengan asas-asas hukum penyelenggaraan pemerintahan yang baik dimana keputusan yang ada yaitu keputusan MK tidak dapat meniadakan keputusan KPU RI sebelumnya terhadap hasil administratif dari PKP Indonesia yang sudah dinyatakan lolos dan dapat mengikuti tahap verifikasi factual berdasarkan Berita Acara Hasil Akhir Penelitian Administrasi Dokumen Persyaratan Partai Politik Calon Peserta Pemilu Tahun 2019 Nomor: 92/PL.01.1-BA/03/KPU/XII/2017 tertanggal 22 Desember 2017

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 194-200
Algino Ganaro

The function of Digital Forensics in Online Gambling Crime Investigation by the Agam Police Criminal Investigation Unit is to obtain evidence of an online gambling crime by knowing who did it, what was done, what software was used, what process results were used and when to do it . In online gambling crimes that occur in the jurisdiction of the Agam Police, evidence collected through digital forensics is in the form of information on gambling crimes carried out by examining sites that are used as a means or place for gambling. Constraints in Using Digital Forensics in Online Gambling Crime Investigation By Satreskrim Agam Police is the address of most online gambling websites located abroad and made by foreign countries, bank accounts are always changing. The application data for opening a bank account that is used to accept online gambling transactions is fictitious, evidence is easy to change and is lost, the high level of knowledge of the actors about information technology and the lack of public awareness and concern for online gambling.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 186-193
Agnes Fajri

The application of criminalism in investigating obscene crimes against speech impaired victims by the PPA Unit of the Satreskrim Polres Agam is a science to help strategies in making light of cases. Criminal science is used to obtain information from victims as crown witnesses or victim witnesses, which is rather difficult to do. This is because the daily conditions of the victim cannot hear (deaf), do not speak (mute), so they cannot communicate properly like normal people, and never go to school. In this regard, investigators use criminalistic science with forensic psychology aids, forensic medicine aids and body language or sign science for the deaf. In forensic medicine, it is used by doing visum et repertum as evidence of violence against the reproductive organs. Forensic Psychology is used to examine the victim's psyche and his honesty about what he is going through. During the investigation into the investigation, the victim was also accompanied by a teacher from the Lubuk Basung Special Elementary School (SDLB). Victims are also examined using props or pictures to make it easier for victims to remember what happened to them, because the victim's memory as a person with a mute disability has limitations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 180-185
Afdhal Bustami

Non-Penal Efforts by Bhabinkamtibmas of the East Pariaman Police in Preventing Corruption Crime Funds are to supervise the use of village funds in their respective regions. Bhabinkamtibmas supervises and monitors village funds using a direct supervision approach by assisting, monitoring and supervising the implementation of village development activities. The effort made is by delivering it at the mosque. Bhabinkamtibmas conveyed about village funds, namely about their use and forms of corruption that can occur in the management of village funds. Carry out activities of the residents' sambang and activities of using village funds. Legal Counseling at Village Offices / Community Figures Houses. This effort takes the form of face-to-face coordination with village fund management officers directly. Constraints faced include the low understanding of the duties and responsibilities of Bhabinkamtibmas members in carrying out tasks in the field, especially in understanding the implementation of tasks in building partnerships (Patnership Building) through a formality Polmas approach without any feedback from the community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-172
Annilka Syahrul

Problems faced in implementing the coordination of Airworthiness control between the Head Office of the Directorate of Airworthiness and Aircraft Operations and the Airport Authority Office. It can be seen from the Directorate of Airworthiness and Aircraft Operations that until now it is still carrying out control activity tasks such as giving directions, technical guidance, licensing extension. The authority to sign the extension of permits (permits, standard airworthiness certificates, and aircraft personnel licenses) granted by the Director General of Civil Aviation to the Head of the Airport Authority Office. The approach used in this research is a normative juridical approach. Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that: First, the coordination of flight control between the Office of the Ministry of Transportation, Directorate of Airworthiness and Aircraft Operation and the Regional VI Airport Authority Office regarding Airworthiness Control is regulated in the Regulation of the Director General of Air Transportation Number: KP. 459 of 2015 that the Head Office and the Airport Authority Office are carried out harmoniously and tiered according to their respective authorities through the national aviation safety and security database system. However, the implementation of the division of authority for airworthiness control has not been carried out in accordance with the provisions, because the database system referred to in Article 6 of the Regulation of the Director General of Civil Aviation Number: KP. 459 of 2015, not yet available. Second. 2. Constraints found in the flight control coordination arrangements between the Office of the Ministry of Transportation and the Regional VI Airport Authority Office regarding Airworthiness Control are external obstacles and internal constraints. External constraints, namely: 1) the implementation of the control function in the Airworthiness sector in the form of an extension of the aircraft personnel license and the extension of the Advanced Airworthiness certificate (Certificate of Continous Airworthines) in its working area is still being carried out by the Airworthiness Inspector Office of the Ministry of Transportation, Directorate of Airworthiness and Aircraft Operations. Air; 2) the exercise of controlling authority in the signing of an extension of the Aircraft Airworthiness Certificate has not been implemented properly; 3) the authority to carry out functions has not been able to be carried out properly; 4) the arrangement for the placement of Airworthiness inspectors at the Regional VI - Padang Airport Authority Office is not in accordance with the number and qualifications.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 173-179
Muhardi Muhardi

The practice of gambling is growing day by day in various levels of society, from the lower classes to the upper classes. This was proven when the Pesisir Selatan Criminal Investigation Unit (Sat Reskrim) arrested 7 (seven) mothers who played playing card gambling in Kampung Samudera, Kenagarian Surantih, Sutera District, Pesisir Selatan on October 21, 2017. But before taking the route criminal law in general, this case has been resolved by customary law in Pesisir Selatan by receiving customary sanctions. This research is a descriptive analytical study. The approach used in this study is a normative juridical approach supported by an empirical juridical approach. From the results of the research it can be explained that: First, the application of customary sanctions in the settlement of gambling crimes in Pesisir Selatan Regency, is by considering local rules and discretion made by the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Pesisir Selatan Police. Where deliberation leaders, traditional, religious and family leaders hold a meeting, the results of the deliberation are conveyed to the police so that the suspects will be given customary sanctions, in the form of requiring them to walk from the location of arrest to one of the mosques, and vowing not to repeat the act again. Second, the obstacles to the application of customary sanctions in solving gambling crimes in Pesisir Selatan Regency are internal obstacles to the police and external obstacles to the police. There are settlement steps that can be taken in overcoming the obstacles that occur in overcoming gambling with preventive and repressive measures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-162
Devi Rianti Effendi

The Indonesian state, which has the concept of the relationship between humans and land, is an individual and society as an inseparable unity (duality), that the fulfillment of one's needs for the land is placed within the framework of the needs of the whole community, so that the relationship is not merely individualistic, but rather collective while still providing place and respect for individual rights. Land management by the government, where the land registered in the territory of Indonesia will give a legal claim to the tutorial of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) in full. In addition, it is also to strengthen a harmonious national life by minimizing land dispute conflicts. This research is descriptive in nature, using a normative juridical approach. Data Analysis and Presentation, the data that has been obtained, both primary and secondary data, were analyzed using qualitative methods, namely by grouping data according to the aspects studied and conclusions that are relevant to the issues discussed. It is hoped that in the implementation of this gift, the related government will further improve services in terms of process and completion time. This is because there are many processes that must be passed in registering land. Where in the implementation of this transfer of land rights must go through several related agencies. It is hoped that the government will be more aggressive in providing awareness to the community by providing education on the legality of their lands and proof of their ownership so that there will be no future disputes. Providing knowledge to the wider community, especially the people of Padang City, of the completeness and correctness of their population data (such as the correctness of the data on their KTP), the completeness and correctness of their property data (one of which is their SPPT PBB).

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 136-148
Laberqi Pamitama

The Notary Deed in Article 1866 and Article 1867 of the Civil Code states that the Notary Deed is written evidence. In carrying out its duties, a Notary must be professional, this is stated in Article 16 letter of the Law on Notary Position. This research is a descriptive analytical study. The approach used in this research is a normative juridical approach. Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that: First, the form of Notary's legal accountability to the Authentic Deed made before him is the responsibility for the material correctness of the deed, then civil sanctions are imposed for errors that occur in the construction of illegal acts. Actions against the law in this case are active or passive. As a form of notary responsibility in the field of civil law, sanctions in the form of compensation, compensation and interest will be imposed as a result of which the Notary will receive from the lawsuit of the parties if the deed only has evidence as an underhand deed or the deed is null and void by law. Second, the notary can be responsible for the Authentic Deed made before him, it can be from reimbursement of expenses, compensation or interest that can be sued against the Notary based on a legal relationship between the Notary and the parties before the Notary. If there is a party who feels aggrieved as a direct result of a notary deed, then the person concerned can sue the notary publicly. In the case of a lawsuit due to an act against the law, Article 1365 of the Civil Code applies. In this case the Cassation Petitioners were rejected, so the Cassation Petitioners were sentenced to pay court fees at this cassation level.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 126-135
Yoga Sugama

The case of fraudulent acts, especially the problem of the contents in the packaging that is not in accordance with what is described in the packaging label is regulated in Article 382 of the Criminal Code. One of them is handled by the West Sumatra Regional Police's Ditreskrimsus. This is in accordance with the Police Report Number: LP / 303 / A / XI /  2019 / Spkt-Sbr, November 4, 2019, with the alleged criminal act intentionally including or making statements or statements that are misleading or not in accordance with the actual conditions or incorrect item label found on Tuesday, October 1, 2019. The approach used in this study is a normative juridical approach supported by an empirical juridical approach. From the results of the research and discussion it can be concluded that: First, the elements of a criminal act of selling goods not in accordance with the specifications of goods in packaging by business actors in Sub-Directorate I of the Directorate General of Criminal and Criminal Investigation of the West Sumatra Regional Police, are: Article 144 Jo Article 100 paragraph (2) of Law Number 18 of 2012 concerning Food, and Article 62 paragraph (1) of Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection. Second, the application of the elements of a criminal act of selling goods that are not in accordance with the specifications of packaged goods by business actors in Sub-Directorate I of the Directorate General of Criminal and Criminal Investigation of the West Sumatra Regional Police is Article 144 Jo Article 100 paragraph (2) of Law Number 18 of 2012 concerning Food, by looking at a) Anyone, b) Intentionally, and c) provide information or statements that are untrue or misleading on labels. As well as Article 62 paragraph (1) of Law Number 8 Year 1999 concerning Consumer Protection, with the following elements: a) not in accordance with the conditions; b) guarantee, features or efficacy; and c) as stated in the label, etiquette or description of the goods and / or services. Third, the obstacles encountered by the Subdit I Indagsi Ditreskrimsus Polda West Sumatra, are internal constraints and external constraints. There are internal obstacles: a) political intervention that makes this case stop; and b) given SP3. Meanwhile, the external constraints are: a) The modus operandi of the perpetrator is always changing; b) officials from related institutions who are less cooperative; and c) lack of socialization to the community, the efforts made in overcoming the obstacles have been adjusted to the needs of external and internal constraints`

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