Antioxidative Role of Azadirachta Indica Vit. E in Restoration of Histopathological changes in Acetaminophen induced liver

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (12) ◽  
pp. 3211-3213
Jawad Mumtaz Sodha ◽  
Aftab Abbasi ◽  
Hina Mawani ◽  
Ghulam Nabi Pathan ◽  
Umair Ali Soomro ◽  

Aim: To study the comparative effect of Acetaminophen induced liver toxicity with aqueous extract of Azadirachta Indica (Neem) and vitamin E on the basis of liver Histopathology. Methods: Sixty Wistar Rats of both sexes were split into four groups. Each group contained 15 animals. The control group was group A, Group B was treated orally with single dose of Paracetamol 2 mg / kg by weight, Group C was administrated orally with aqueous Neem extract 500 mg/kg +2 mg/Kg by weight oral Paracetamol, and Group D was given orally paracetamol+Neem extract+Vitamin E with 100mg/Kg/body weight for 15 days. Rats from all groups were decapitated, the liver was sliced, and liver tissues were taken for histological examination. Tissue samples were fixed in 10% formaldehyde, embedding in paraffin followed by Hematoxylin and Eosin dye (H&E) and observed under 400x magnification with a digital microscope. Results: On Histopathological examination of the rat`s liver in we found that the control group had a normal appearance, colour, and uniform surface without any necrosis. Group B showed severe necrosis and haemorrhagic patches. In comparison, Group C revealed normal appearance, colour, and smooth surface with no necrotic alterations. Livers from the group D looked virtually normal in terms of colour, undersurfaces, and organ weight. However, hepatoprotective effects were observed in the Group C and D. Therefore, we can conclude that Azadirachta indica and Vitamin E could serve as a good medication for defence against liver injury. Conclusion: Our findings showed thatextract of Azadirachta Indica and Vitamin E exhibited hepatoprotective effects on the Wistar rats that were subjected to Acetaminophen. Key words: Azadirachta Indica leaf extract, Vitamin E, hepatoprotective Paracetamol, Wistar rats.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (9) ◽  
pp. 2330-2332
Farheen Hameed ◽  
Muhammad Sajid Khan ◽  
Sana Imran ◽  
Muhammad Adnan Sadiq ◽  
Mohammad Sair ◽  

Aim To study the comparative effect of acetaminophen with aqueous Neem leaf extract (Azadirachta Indica) and vitamin E mediated liver toxicity on the basis of liver enzymes. Methods: A total of sixty (60) Wistar rats of either sex were divided equally into four groups. Each groupwas made up of 15 animals. Group A was the control group. Animals in Group B were treated with a single oral dose of 2 mg / kg b / w Paracetamol. Group C animals with 500 mg / kg b / w oral Neem extract for 15 days with oral administration of 2 mg / kg b / w oral Paracetamol. In Group D, animals received the same dose of Paracetamol and 100 mg / kg b / w intra-peritoneal vitamin E for 15 days, respectively. The liver enzymes ALT,AST, and ALP were then evaluated. Data was analyzed using SPSS Version 20.0 with level of significance being kept at p-value ≤0.05 Results: In the 4 groups, The ALT values were 22.8 (Group A), 100 (Group B), 29.11 (Group C), and 31.16 U/L (Group D). The AST values were 25 (Group A), 40 (Group B), 20 (Group C), and 15 (Group D) U/L. The ALP values were 220 (Group A), 445 (Group B), 242 (Group C), and 244 (Group D) U/L. There was significant increase in liver enzymes were found in Group B after induction of Paracetamol toxicity, however, hepatoprotective effects could be seen in the intervention Group C and D Conclusion: Azadirachta Indica and Vitamin E showed hepatoprotective effects on the Wistar rats that were subjected to Paracetamol Key words: Azadirachta Indicaleaf extract, Vitamin E, Paracetamol, Wistar rats

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 024-030
Godwin Chinedu Uloneme ◽  
Demian Nnabuihe Ezejindu ◽  
Darlington Cyprian Akukwu ◽  
Amadi Chibundu Chiekezie

Background: The extract of Corchorus olitorius has a reasonable content of vitamins A and C, calcium, iron and fibre, and therefore enjoys a universal application in the treatment of some disease conditions, even as the whole leaf is a very important component of food in so many cultures. Purpose: The study was designed to investigate the effect of Corchorus olitorius extracts on the testis of adult Wistar rats. Method: A total number of thirty two adult Wistar rats weighing between 180 and 200 grammes separated into four groups labeled A,B,C and D respectively were used for the study. Animals in group A which served as the control group were fed with the normal rat chow and water only. The group B rats were administered 100mg/kg body weight of aqueous extract of Corchorus olitorus; while those in group C were administered 500mg/kg body weight of the extract. The group D rats received 1000mg/kg body weight of the extract. For a period of four weeks, the different experimental animal groups received the respective aforementioned treatments once daily, around nine- o’clock in the morning through oral intubation. At the end of the 28 day treatment, the animals were sacrificed and the testes harvested for histological, investigation, and through cardiac puncture, blood samples for some hormonal studies was also collected and investigated using standard laboratory standards. Results: Observations made showed that the extract produced no histological distortions, degenerative or defective effects on the testicular tissues. The testosterone levels of group B, C, and D rats were observed to be significantly higher (P<0.005) than that of the group A (control group).ound: The extract of Corchorus olitorius has a reasonable content of vitamins A and C, calcium, iron and fibre, and therefore enjoys a universal application in the treatment of some disease conditions, even as the whole leaf is a very important component of food in so many cultures. Purpose: The study was designed to investigate the effect of Corchorus olitorius extracts on the testis of adult Wistar rats. Method: A total number of thirty two adult Wistar rats weighing between 180 and 200 grammes separated into four groups labeled A,B,C and D respectively were used for the study. Animals in group A which served as the control group were fed with the normal rat chow and water only. The group B rats were administered 100mg/kg body weight of aqueous extract of Corchorus olitorus; while those in group C were administered 500mg/kg body weight of the extract. The group D rats received 1000mg/kg body weight of the extract. For a period of four weeks, the different experimental animal groups received the respective aforementioned treatments once daily, around nine- o’clock in the morning through oral intubation. At the end of the 28 day treatment, the animals were sacrificed and the testes harvested for histological, investigation, and through cardiac puncture, blood samples for some hormonal studies was also collected and investigated using standard laboratory standards. Results: Observations made showed that the extract produced no histological distortions, degenerative or defective effects on the testicular tissues. The testosterone levels of group B, C, and D rats were observed to be significantly higher (P<0.005) than that of the group A (control group).

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Abel T. Bawulele ◽  
Lily Loho ◽  
Poppy Lintong

Abstract: Cayenne pepper (Capsicum frustescens L ) is commonly in daily food. This study aimed to determine the effect of cayenne pepper to histopathological changes in gaster of Wistar rats induced by aspirin. This was an experimental study. Subjects were Wistar rats consisted of 5 rats as the negative control and 20 rats as the treatment group. Group A, the negative control group, was untreated; group B was treated with aspirin 21mg/day for 10 days; group C was treated with aspirin 21mg/day for 10 days together with cayenne pepper 84mg once daily; group D was treated with aspirin 21mg/day for 10 days followed by cayenne 84mg twice daily; and group E was treated with aspirin 21mg/day for 10 days and then was untreated for 3 days. The histopathological changes in group C showed a lot of inflammatory cells and erosion of gastric mucosa epithelium compared to group B, D, and E. Group D also showed inflammatory cells but no erosion as in group C. Group E had less inflammatory cells than group B, C, and D. Conclusion: Administration of aspirin 21mg/kg BW for 10 days led to acute gastritis in Wistar rat. Administration of aspirin together with cayenne 84mg/day led to acute gastritis and erosion of gastric mucosa epithelium. However, administration of cayenne pepper 168mg/day after aspirin led to acute gastritis without erosionKeywords: pepper, gaster, aspirinAbstrak : Cabe Rawit (Capsicum frustescens L.) banyak dijumpai dalam makanan sehari-hari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian cabe rawit terhadap gambaran histopatologik lambung tikus wistar yang diinduksi aspirin. Jenis penelitian ialah eksprimental. Subjek penelitian ialah tikus wistar, yang dibagi atas: 5 ekor untuk kontrol negatif dan 20 ekor untuk perlakuan. Kelompok A (kontrol negatif) tidak diberi perlakuan; kelompok B diberikan aspirin 21mg/hari selama 10 hari; kelompok C diberikan aspirin 21mg/hari selama 10 hari bersama cabe rawit 84mg sekali sehari; kelompok D diberikan aspirin 21mg/hari selama 10 hari kemudian dilanjutkan pemberian cabe rawit 84mg selama 3 hari 2 kali sehari; dan kelompok E diberikan aspirin 21mg/hari selama 10 hari kemudian tidak diberi perlakuan selama 3 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada kelompok C terlihat banyak sel-sel radang disertai erosi epitel mukosa lambung dibanding dengan kelompok B, D, dan E. Pada kelompok D pemberian aspirin dilanjutkan dengan cabe rawit dosis 2 kali sehari masih terdapat sel-sel radang tetapi tidak terjadi erosi seperti pada kelompok C. Kelompok E memiliki sel-sel radang yang lebih sedikit dibandingkan kelompok B, C, dan D. Simpulan: Pemberian aspirin 21mg/hari selama 10 hari menyebabkan gastritis akut pada tikus wistar. Pemberian aspirin bersama cabe rawit 84mg/hari menyebabkan gastritis akut erosi sedangkan pemberian cabe rawit 168mg/hari setelah diberi aspirin menyebabkan gastritis akut tanpa erosi.Kata kunci: cabe rawit, lambung, aspirin

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Janet Walangitan ◽  
Lily Loho ◽  
Meilany Durry

Abstract: Cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmannii) is a traditional herbal plants which are often found in our daily life and has many benefits especially in health. This study were designed to know the effect of cinnamon on gastric mucosa given aspirin. This was an experimental research and used Wistar rats as the subject research.  The Wistar rats were randomly divided into 6 mice of control group and 9 mice of treatment group. Group A (K-) given pellets, group B (K+) given pellets and aspirin 150 mg/kgBB for 7 days, group C given pellets, aspirin 150 mg/kgBB and cinnamon extract 3 mg for 3 days, group D given pellets, aspirin 150 mg/kgBB for 7 days and given cinnamon extract 3 mg for 3 days, group E given pellets, aspirin 150 mg/kgBB for 7 days and given pellets only (without treatment) for 3 days. The results showed that aspirin cause gastric mucosa damage in group B (K+) compared with kelompok A (K-). Group C and D showed less inflammatory cells compared with group B (K+). Group E showed more inflammatory cells compared with group D. The study suggested that cinnamon extract has protective and therapeutic effects on gastric mucosa of Wistar rats. Keywords: cinnamon, gaster, aspirin.   Abstrak: Kayu manis (Cinnamomum burmannii) merupakan tanaman herbal tradisional yang banyak dijumpai dalam kehidupan sehari- hari dan memiliki banyak manfaat termasuk dalam bidang kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada efek pemberian kayu manis terhadap mukosa lambung yang diberi aspirin. Desain Penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimental dan subjek penelitian menggunakan tikus Wistar, yang terbagi atas 6 ekor kontrol dan 9 ekor perlakuan. Kelompok A (K-) diberikan pelet selama 7 hari, kelompok B (K+) diberikan pelet dan aspirin 150mg/kgBB selama 7 hari, kelompok C diberikan pelet, aspirin 150 mg/kgBB, ekstrak kayu manis 3 mg secara bersama- sama selama 7 hari, kelompok D diberikan pelet dan Aspirin 150 mg/kgBB selama 7 hari dilanjutkan dengan pemberian ekstrak kayu manis 3 mg selama 3 hari, kelompok E diberikan pelet dan Aspirin 150 mg/kgBB selama 7 hari dilanjutkan dengan pemberian pelet saja (tanpa perlakuan) selama 3 hari. Hasilnya menunjukkan aspirin menimbulkan kerusakan mukosa lambung pada kelompok B (K+) dibandingkan dengan kelompok A (K-). Kelompok C dan D menunjukkan sel-sel radang yang lebih sedikit dari kelompok B(kontrol +). Kelompok E menunjukkan sel- sel radang yang lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan kelompok D. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah kayu manis mempunyai efek protektif dan terapeutik terhadap mukosa lambung tikus Wistar. Kata kunci: kayu manis, lambung, aspirin.

2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Juita Pasaribu ◽  
Lily Loho ◽  
Poppy Lintong

Abstrak: Gastritis akut merupakan proses inflamasi yang bersifat akut dan biasanya terjadi pada bagian permukaan mukosa lambung. Penyakit ini biasanya disebabkan karena banyak faktor salah satunya yaitu penggunaan asam mefenamat dalam dosis yang berlebihan. Pada penelitian yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya didapatkan bahwa lengkuas dapat mengurangi terjadinya radang akut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran histopatologi lambung tikus wistar yang diberikan lengkuas setelah diinduksi dengan asam mefenamat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental dengan sampel 11 ekor tikus wistar yang dibagi dalam 4 kelompok perlakuan. Kelompok A tidak diberikan perlakuan. Kelompok B diberikan asam mefenamat 10 mg selama 7 hari. Kelompok C diberikan asam mefenamat 10 mg selama 7 hari kemudian diberikan perasan lengkuas selama 7 hari. Kelompok D diberikan asam mefenamat 10 mg kemudian tidak diberikan perlakuan selama 7 hari. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa gambaran mikroskopik lambung tikus wistar pada kelompok C terdapat sel-sel radang PMN yang lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan kelompok B dan D. Simpulan: lengkuas dapat mengurangi sel-sel radang PMN pada mukosa lambung yang diberikan dengan asam mefenamat. Kata kunci: Lengkuas, Asam Mefenamat, Gastritis akut.   Abstract : acute gastritis is an acute inflammatory process normally occurring in the mucosal lining of the stomach. This disease is caused by a variety of factors, one of which is the use of mefenamat acid in large doses. Previous research has revealed that galangal can be used to reduce acute inflammation. The objective of this research was to reveal the histopathological pictures of stomach of wistar rats that treatment with galangal after induce by mefenamat acid. This study is an experimental, employing 11 wistar rats which were assigned for four treatment groups. Group A was the control group in which the rats received no treatment. Rats in group B were administered mefenamat acid 10 mg for 7 days. In group C, the rats were also administered mefenamat acid 10 mg for 7 days and then received galangal distillation for 7 days. In group D, rats were administered mefenamat acid 10 mg for 7 days and then for 7 days without receiving anymore mefenamat acid or galangal distillation. Results showed that microscopic pictures of stomach of wistar rats in group C were presented with PMN inflammatory cells fewer than rats in group B and D. Conclusion: galangal can reduce PMN inflammatory cells in mucosal lining of the stomach exposed to mefenamat acid. Key words: galangal, mefenamat acid,  acute gastritis.

O. D. Omotoso ◽  
S. A. Adelakun ◽  
O. O. Oyewo ◽  
B. T. Adediran

Background: Cadmium is a human carcinogen element and one of the most toxic pollutants in the environment. Present study aims at histomorphological study of some of the effects of Moringa oleifera oil and cashew (Anarcardium occidentale) nuts oil on Cadmium-induced liver damage in wistar rats. Methods: Thirty-five Wistar rats (80-180 g) were randomly selected and divided into seven groups of five rats each after acclimatization for two weeks. Group A which served as control received phosphate buffer, Group B received Cadmium only (3.5 mg/kg body weight). Group C received Vitamin C and Vitamin E; Group D received Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Cadmium. Group E received Cadmium and Moringa oleifera oil, Group F received Cadmium and Cashew nut oil and Group G received Cadmium (3.5 mg/kg body weight) and Moringa oleifera oil and Cashew (Anarcardium occidentale) nut oil. Results: Histological examination revealed normal histo-architecture of the liver, the central vein and the hepatocytes were seen clearly and there was orderly arrangement of the hepatocytes in Group A (control group). In group B, there was enlarged portal vein and there was distorted arrangement of the hepatocytes. In group C, the hepatocytes and the central vein were seen. In group D, the central vein and hepatocytes were seen though not orderly arranged. In groups E, F and G, there was restoration of the hepatocytes and the central vein was seen. Conclusion: This therefore suggests that Moringa oleifera oil and Cashew (Anarcardium occidentale) nut oil have ameliorative effects which led to the restoration of the damaged and distorted hepatocytes.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 81-86 ◽  
Aniekan I Peter ◽  
Inocent A Edagha

Background: Efavirenz is a drug used in combination as highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) used for the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).Aims and Objectives: To investigate the effects of Efavirenz and vitamin E on the histopathology and biochemical parameters in the liver of Wistar rats.Materials and Methods: Twenty five Wistar rats were divided into fi ve groups. Group A were administered with 1 ml of distil water; group B animals were administered with 8.57 mg/kg Efavirenz, group C were administered with 17.14 mg/kg Efavirenz; group D were administered with 8.57 mg/kg, Efavirenz and 14.82 mg/kg Vitamin E, and group E were administered with 14.82 mg/kg Vitamin E for 32 days. On day 33, the rats were sacrificed using chloroform inhalation method. The liver were excised, routinely processed, stained using haematoxylin and eosin method, and viewed in DPX medium under light microscope. Blood samples from the rats were collected and then centrifuged after 30 minutes to obtain the serum for analysis of aspartate amino transaminase (AST), alanine amino transaminase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and total bilirubin (TB).Results: The liver of Wistar rats administered with Efavirenz, showed distortions with various degree of vacoulations, dilatation of sinusoidal spaces and nuclei pyknoctic changes. In the group where Efavirenz was combined with vitamin E this changes were ameliorated. This also agreed with the biochemical changes which showed significant levels of increase in AST and ALT in Efavirenz groups, this changes were also ameliorated in the group that Efavirenz was combined with vitamin E.Conclusion: Efavirenz administration can damage the liver, vitamin E can ameliorate this effect, therefore Vitamin E should be prescribed for patients on Efavirenz administration.Asian Journal of Medical Sciences Vol.7(5) 2016 81-86

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Stefani Busia ◽  
Meilany F. Durry ◽  
Poppy M. Lintong

Abstract: Canola oil is a source of vegetable oils which contains high unsaturated fats that can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, especially atherosclerosis. One of the trigger factors of atherosclerosis is hypercholesterolemia. This study aimed to evaluate the histopathological features of aorta and the levels of LDL and HDL cholesterols in Wistar rats fed with high fat diet and canola oil. There were 20 Wistar rats in this study, divided into four groups: group A, the negative control; group B with high-fat diet (1 ml lard and 1 ml yolk daily); group C with high-fat diet and 0.1 ml of canola oil daily; and group D with high-fat diet and simvastatin 0.2 mg daily. The results showed elevated levels of LDL and HDL cholesterols in the treated groups compared to the control group. The histopathological features revealed many foam cells in the aorta wall (intima and media layers) of group B, whereas group C had fewer foam cells. No foam cells were found in group D. Conclusion: Although the mean LDL and HDL cholesterol levels of all treated groups were higher than of the control group, canola oil could reduce foam cell formation.Keywords: canola oil, foam cell, LDL and HDL cholesterols Abstrak: Minyak kanola merupakan salah satu sumber minyak nabati yang tinggi lemak tak jenuh yang dapat mengurangi risiko penyakit jantung koroner terutama aterosklerosis. Salah satu faktor pencetus aterosklerosis ialah hiperkolesterolemia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi gambaran histopatologik aorta serta kadar kolesterol LDL dan HDL tikus wistar yang diberi diet tinggi lemak dan minyak kanola. Penelitian ini menggunakan 20 ekor tikus Wistar, yang dibagi dalam 4 kelompok, yaitu: kelompok A sebagai kontrol negatif; kelompok B dengan diet tinggi lemak yaitu lemak babi sebanyak 1 ml dan kuning telur sebanyak 1 ml per hari; kelompok C dengan diet tinggi lemak dan minyak kanola sebanyak 0,1 ml per hari; dan kelompok D dengan diet tinggi lemak dan simvastatin sebanyak 0,2 mg per hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan rerata kadar kolesterol LDL dan HDL tikus wistar yang diberi perlakuan dibandingkan tikus kontrol yang hanya diberi pakan dan air. Pada gambaran histopatologik kelompok B terlihat adanya sel-sel busa pada dinding aorta (tunika intima dan media), sedangkan pada kelompok C sel-sel busa terlihat berkurang. Tidak terlihat sel busa pada kelompok D. Simpulan: Walaupun rerata kadar kolseterol LDL dan HDL meningkat pada kelompok perlakuan, minyak kanola dapat menurunkan pembentukan sel busa.Kata kunci: minyak kanola, sel busa, kolesterol LDL dan HDL

2007 ◽  
Vol 51 (3) ◽  
pp. 1022-1027 ◽  
Kerstin Pfister ◽  
Dago Mazur ◽  
Jürgen Vormann ◽  
Ralf Stahlmann

ABSTRACT Quinolone-induced chondrotoxicity in juvenile rats and multiple other species has been demonstrated previously. Identical damages can be induced in immature rats by feeding them a magnesium-deficient diet. The objective of the present study was to investigate whether, in reverse, oral supplementation with magnesium, vitamin E, or both can diminish the typical quinolone-induced arthropathy in juvenile Wistar rats. Four groups of 12 (6 male, 6 female) 24-day-old Wistar rats were each fed either normal feed (group A), a vitamin E-enriched diet (group B), a magnesium-enriched diet (group C), or a diet enriched with both vitamin E and magnesium (group D) for 10 days. All rats received two subcutaneous ciprofloxacin doses of 600 mg/kg of body weight on postnatal day 32. Two days later, the rats were sacrificed and cartilage samples from knee joints were examined under a light microscope for the presence of typical quinolone-induced joint cartilage lesions. In addition, magnesium, calcium, and vitamin E concentrations in cartilage and plasma were determined. In the samples from rats fed a normal diet (group A), 17 quinolone-induced joint cartilage lesions were observed. In groups fed an enriched diet, the incidence of specific lesions (n) was significantly lower: group B, n = 10 (41% reduction compared to the incidence for group A; P < 0.05); group C, n = 6 (65% reduction; P < 0.01); and group D, n = 3 (82% reduction; P < 0.01). In comparison to the standard diet, diets with magnesium and vitamin E supplementation resulted in significantly higher magnesium and vitamin E concentrations in plasma and articular cartilage. Supplementation with magnesium and vitamin E alone or in combination may relevantly diminish joint cartilage lesions induced by quinolones in immature rats, with an additive effect of combined supplementation. The data further support the proposed pathomechanism of quinolone-induced arthropathy and the crucial role of magnesium in immature joint cartilage.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-65
Sultana Farzana ◽  
Supti Prava Saha ◽  
Nashid Sultana ◽  
Md Ismail Khan

Background: Gastric ulcer is one of the common diseases worldwide. Different parts of Azadirachta indica (Neem) tree has different uses in medicine for its beneficial properties and its leaves are also known to have anti ulcerant effect. Objective: This study was conducted to find out the protective role of Azadirachta indica (Neem) extract in the development of gastric ulcer. Materials and method: The study comprised of 30 Albino rats: Group-A, Group-B, Group-C, Group-D and Group-E having 6 rats in each group. The experiment was divided into 2 parts: Experiment-1 and Experiment-2. Experiment-1 comprised of Group-A and Group-B where Group-A served as control and was provided with normal saline (2 ml/kg body wt). In group-B rats ulcer was produced by administration of aqueous suspension of Aspirin (200 mg/kg body wt). All the rats were sacrificed after 4 hours to confirm gastric ulcer by histopathology. In Experiment-2, rats of Group-C served as disease control group and provided with normal saline (2ml/kg body wt). Group-D was provided with alcoholic extract of Azadirachtaindica leaves (150mg/kg body wt) and Group-E was provided with Ranitidine suspension (20mg/kg). After 8 days of treatment, animals were fasted for 24 hours. Then aqueous suspension of Aspirin (200 mg/kg body wt) was administered and after 4 hours all rats were sacrificed. Gross and microscopic examinations were performed to evaluate the results. Results: Histologically Aspirin treated rats showed ulcerated mucosa. Pretreatment with Neem extract showed protection against Aspirin induced gastric mucosal damage which was statistically highly significant (p<0.001). Conclusion: The study suggests that pretreatment with Azadirachta indica (Neem) leaves extract may be useful in prevention of Aspirin induced gastric ulcer. Delta Med Col J. Jul 2019 7(2): 61-65

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