azadirachta indica
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2022 ◽  
Vol 1048 ◽  
pp. 437-444
Dinh Nhat Do ◽  
Hoang Danh Pham ◽  
Xuan Tien Le ◽  
Minh Tuan Le ◽  
Ngoc Phuong Nguyen ◽  

Neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) oil has been widely used in pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. The oil was extracted by the hydraulic press at the pilot scale. The effect of various critical factors such as the morphology of material, moisture of the neem seed, applied pressure, a number of presses turn, pressing time on the oil yield was considered. It was found that the oil yield increased with increasing applied pressure and pressing time. The moisture content of the neem seed kernel has a great influence on the oil yield, the higher the moisture content, the harder it is to recover the oil. The highest oil yield of 378mL/kg dry seed kernel was obtained at 190 MPa, 4% moisture content for 10 minutes of pressing per turn, and 3 turns of pressing. The main ingredients in neem kernel oil were oleic acid (45.9%), stearic acid (18%), palmitic acid (16.9%), and linoleic acid (15.65%). The results obtained can be used in the production of Neem oil at an industrial scale.

2022 ◽  
pp. 112684
Nguyen Thuy Lan Chi ◽  
Mathiyazhagan Narayanan ◽  
Arunachalam Chinnathambi ◽  
Chandramohan Govindasamy ◽  
Baskaran Subramani ◽  

Miss. Lavhale Harshada Ramdas

Abstract: The present reaearch has been undertaken with the aim to fomulate and evaluate the herble gel containng alcoholic extract of Hollarrhena pubences(kurchi), Withania somnifera(ashwagandha), curcuma longa(turmeric)Azadiracht indica(neem). The gel formulation prepared by using various polymer bases(methyl cellulose) . The stability study have carried as perICH guideline. The result show that the gel formulation containing kurchi, ashwagandha, turmeric, neem has better stability than other. All formulation studied on animal model(rat).The present work justifies the use oh herbal gel containing ashwagandha, turmeric, neem, kurchi for wound healing. Keywords: wound healing; Hollarrhena pubences, withania somnifera, curcuma longa, azadirachta indica; topicle gel.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 308-321
Fernanda Cáceres Siqueira ◽  
Rodrigo Machado Pereira ◽  
Luiz Francisley de Paiva

Os Rhipicephalus (boophilus) microplus, carrapatos bovinos são hematófagos e vetores de agentes patogênicos (bactéria Anaplasma marginale e protozoários do gênero Babesia sp.) aos animais e seres humanos. São ectoparasitos causadores de prejuízos econômicos na produção de leite, na produção de carne e mortalidade dos animais. Os bovinos sofrem com reações alérgicas, estresse, ferimentos causados no couro e por outras doenças relacionadas. A perda de peso e a diminuição leiteira das matrizes podem ocorrer devido ao agravo ocasionado. A doença Tristeza Parasitária correlaciona duas patogenias a Babesiose e a Anaplasmose. A resistência destes vetores para a Tristeza Parasitária nos rebanhos se deu, devido ao uso abusivo de acaricidas no tratamento químico. Este tratamento além de não ser garantia de cura aos bovinos, seu efeito agride os animais e o meio ambiente através de resíduos deixados.  Os fitoterápicos utilizados como carrapaticidas oferecem menores danos aos animais e ao meio ambiente. Os fitoterápicos: Óleo de Neen (Azadirachta indica), Citronela de Java (Cymbopogon winterianus) e Citronela de Ceilão (Cymbopogon nardus L.), Hortelã ou Mentha piperita, Eucalipto (Eucalyptus spp.), Extrato de Jenipapo (Genipa americana), Alho orgânico (Allium sativum L.), Fumo em corda (Nicotiana tabacum), Melaleuca alternifólia, apresentaram um controle eficiente aos parasitos e repeliram também, outras doenças oportunistas recorrentes. Além de contribuírem para a saúde dos bovinos, bem como para a preservação do meio ambiente, e um impacto econômico de menor custo aos criadores. O objetivo deste trabalho é salientar o efeito dos fitoterápicos sobre essa classe de agentes patogênicos causadores da Tristeza Parasitária em Bovinos.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 185-197
Fahad Hussain ◽  
Poushali Saha ◽  
Fahad Imtiaz Rahman ◽  
Mohammad Salim Hossain ◽  
SM Abdur Rahman

The present study focuses on the investigation of methanol extracts of roots of three indigenous plants of Bangladesh namely Acacia nilotica, Azadirachta indica and Justicia adhatoda to evaluate their analgesic and hypoglycemic activities in experimental animal model along with in silico modelling of several compounds present in the root extracts of these plants. Analgesic and hypoglycemic activities were evaluated in Swiss albino mice using acetic acid-induced writhing inhibition method and glucose tolerance test, respectively. In silico molecular docking and ADME study was conducted to assess the binding affinity with the target receptors and oral bioavailability of the compounds. The methanol extracts of A. nilotica, J. adhatoda and A. indica roots at a dose of 400 mg/kg body weight reduced the number of writhes by 61.53%, 54.61% and 47.69%, respectively compared to standard diclofenac sodium (70.77% at a dose of 50 mg/kg bw) (p<0.05). A. nilotica and A. indica root extracts showed significant hypoglycemic activity at a dose of 400 mg/kg bw (% reduction of blood glucose 43.66 and 37.55% respectively, p<0.001) and J. adhatoda root extract reduced the blood glucose level by 33.71% (p<0.001) compared to that of standard drug, glibenclamide (57.46% reduction of blood glucose) after 120 minutes of administration. Among the computationally tested compounds, flavan-3-ol showed the lowest binding energy (-8.7 kcal/mol) with both COX-1 and COX-2 compared to standard diclofenac sodium (-7.8 kcal/mol). On the other hand, quercetin demonstrated the lowest binding energy (-8.8 kcal/mol) with ATP-sensitive potassium channel with Sulfonylurea Receptor 1 subunit among the tested compounds compared to standard glibenclamide (-9.3 kcal/mol). All the compounds showed high oral bioavailability in ADME analysis. Among all the root extracts, A. nilotica exhibited the most promising analgesic and hypoglycemic activities and should be employed to future investigation for isolating specific chemical constituents. Dhaka Univ. J. Pharm. Sci. 20(2): 185-197, 2021 (December)

Shweta Singh ◽  
Jaiganesh Rengarajan ◽  
Iyappan Sellamuthu

The adverse effect of pesticides used for controlling pests and the diseases caused by them is extensively rising. To overcome this harmful environmental impact, alternative methods are being studied and developed. Out of many possible methods, one effective method is to use plant extracts which embodies natural substances having antifungal properties. In an attempt towards enhancement of sustainable antifungal approach, four different concentrations of four plant extracts Citrus limon, Azadirachta indica, Ocimum gratissimum and Acalypha indica, were tested for their antifungal activity against Rhizoctonia solani, which is a serious threat for plants, and is responsible for considerable crop and yield losses. The aim of this study is to minimize yield losses and to regain the attention of formers towards exploiting natural resources for diseases control. From the results, it can be concluded that different concentrations of plant extracts have caused substantial inhibition in the mycelial growth of R. solani. The leaf extract of Ocimum gratissimum was highly effective in inhibiting mycelial growth, at the concentration of 500mg/ml of extract followed by Citrus limon, Azadirachta indica, and Acalypha indica. These plants might have potential for the development of natural fungicide for the management of diseases caused by fungal pathogens. Also, fungicides developed from these botanical extracts can prove to be highly effective for the management of plant diseases and would be simply obtainable, nonpolluting, biodegradable and economical.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
Lisa Turk ◽  
Tobias Thuile ◽  
Valentina De Marzi ◽  
Giovanni Antonacci ◽  
Mario Puviani ◽  

Chronic nonhealing leg ulcers are debilitating with high morbidity in a vulnerable patient population and pose a frequent clinical and socioeconomic problem. Numerous local treatment options exist, but clinical trials are rare and wound management still represents a big challenge. Recently a wound dressing based on the natural remedies Hypericum perforatum and Neem oil has been proposed for chronic wound management, but trials on nonhealing leg ulcers are missing. Uncontrolled retrospective observational case review on all patients under our supervision with chronic leg ulcers who underwent treatment with a plant-derived wound dressing based on Hypericum perforatum and Azadirachta indica (Neem) oil. It could be retrieved in a total 16 cases (11 female) with a median age of 71 years. All ulcers (7 ulcers on the leg and 9 ulcers on the feed) showed a complete healing after a median healing time of 82 days (Mean 85, range 14-180 days). No side effects occurred, medication was painless or even reduced pain. Wound dressings based on Hypericum perforatum and Neem oil are well tolerated and could be a potential additional simple treatment option in the management of non-healing leg ulcers. Prospective controlled trials are needed to confirm these observations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Herliati Rahman

RT 07 RW 08 Kelurahan Pabuaran Mekar merupakan salah satu wilayah yang terdapat di Kecamatan Cibinong Kabupaten Bogor. Masyarakat  RT 07 RW 08 Kelurahan Pabuaran Mekar memiliki komoditi hortikultura berupa tanaman sayuran pokcoy dan caisim. Selama ini sayuran pokcoy dan caisim dijadikan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan bakmie dengan merek dagang “Bakmie Pakcoy” dimana telah memiliki izin dagang dengan nomor: 1229000311938. Salah satu yang menjadi kendala atau permasalahan yang dihadapi masyarakat adalah terletak pada hama yang menyerang tanaman pakcoy. Daun mimba diketahui memiliki zat aktif azadiraktin yang ampuh dalam membunuh hama belalalang dan ulat. Untuk itu Prodi Teknik Kimia Universitas Jayabaya hadir memberikan pelatihan dan penyuluhan pembuatan pestisida organik dari daun mimba di RT 07 RW 08 Kelurahan Pabuaran Mekar Kecamatan Cibinong Kabupaten Bogor. Dalam pelatihan ini difokuskan pada pembuatan dan penggunaan pestisida dari daun mimba agar jumlah panen tanaman pakcoy dapat ditingkatkan. Capaian pada pelatihan pembuatan pestisida organik dari daun mimba adalah seluruh peserta pelatihan terutama ibu-ibu Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) dapat membuat dan mengaplikasikan pestisida organik dari daun mimba. Hasil analisis, diperoleh rata-rata nilai indeks 3,66 dari 6 variabel yang berada dalam nilai interval 2,86 – 4,00 atau nilai interval konversi sebesar 91,45% yang berada dalam nilai interval konversi antara 81,26 – 100. Angka ini menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman peserta terhadap pelatihan yang diberikan “Sangat Baik/Sangat Sesuai”. Keywords: Azadirachta Indica, Daun Mimba, Pestisida Organik

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-44
Susmita Gautam ◽  
Subodh Khanal ◽  
Dipak Khanal ◽  
Saroj Raj Mishra ◽  
Sunil Ghimire

Laboratory experiment was done to perform the phytochemical screening of six locally available botanicals (Azadirachta indica Juss, Artemisia dubia Wall, Lantana camara L, Parthenium hysterophorus L, Justicia adhatoda Linn. and Moringa oleifera L.) and their effectiveness to control the maize weevil (Sitophilus zeamais Motsch.) at Agriecology lab of Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Paklihawa Campus, Rupandehi, Nepal. Seven treatments (leaf extract of A. indica, A. dubia, L. camara, P. hysterophorus. J. adhatoda and M. oleifera and distilled water as control) applied at 3 different doses (0.5, 1 & 2g/50g seeds) were arranged in CRD design with 3 replications. Result of mortality test of maize weevil revealed that, at highest concentration of L. camara powder (T17- 2g/50 gm seeds) mortality of maize weevil was observed up to 85% at 45 DAT. Whereas number of damaged grain was lowest in T17 (L. camara powder- 2g/50 gm seeds). The effectiveness of botanicals was found to increase with increasing the concentration. Besides that, Justicia adhatoda (2g/50g seeds) and Artemisia dubia (1g/50g seeds) were also found as good candidates to use for the control of Sitophilus zeamais. Qualitative tests done for the presence of various phytochemicals showed that Azadirachta indica Juss and Artemisia dubia Wall. were found to contain most of the tested metabolites among all botanicals. Most of those phytochemicals were extracted by the aqueous solution rather than other 3 menstrums used (acetone, methanol and petroleum ether). Similarly, quantitative test revealed that percentage of alkaloid was found 18.01%, 17.78%, 17.75%, 11.58%, 8.20%, 6.78% and flavonoid15.32%, 13.63%, 12.86%, 11.36%, 7. 51% 2.85% respectively in L. camara L. P. hysterophorus L., J. adhatoda Linn., M. oleifera L., A. indica Juss. and A. dubia Wall. Leaf extract of L. camera found to contain highest botanicals extract reach in alkaloid and flavonoid mayhave insecticidal property and could be use as grain protectant percentage of alkaloid (18.01%) as well as flavonoid (15.32%) So, it was concluded that the locally available against the maize weevil at storage condition in cost effective and eco-friendly manner; however, application at proper dose is necessary to maintain the efficacy at higher level.

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