2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 190
Ton Thi Hoai Thuong ◽  
Nguyen Tai Thu ◽  
Dinh Thi Kim Truc ◽  
Le Van Son ◽  
Tran Gia Buu ◽  

Using morphological comparison method, the authors identified that the specimens collected in Binh Chau-Phuoc Buu Nature Reserve is Rothmannia wittii. Information on the distribution of this species in Vietnam was also reported. Moreover, based on molecular biology techniques, the matK and trnL-F regions of R. wittii were successfully amplified and sequenced. Also, the results showed that there were differences in matK and trnL-F sequences between R. wittii and R. daweishanensis that were similar in morphological characteristics.

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (5) ◽  
pp. 790
Rafał Bernard ◽  
Magdalena Felska ◽  
Joanna Mąkol

A survey of odonate fauna in Zambia (Central Province, Luano District) resulted in discovery of ectoparasitic larvae of Leptus (L.) chingombensis sp. nov. (Trombidiformes: Parasitengona, Erythraeidae) on four species of dragonflies (Odonata) representing four different families assigned to Zygoptera and Anisoptera. The morphological characteristics of the new species is supported with DNA barcode sequence. Despite some intra-group variation related to relatively large sample, the morphological and genetic consistence confirm the common specific identity of the material. A brief comparison of Leptus spp. hitherto known from the Afrotropic as larvae is given. Supplementary data to the descriptions of Leptus (L.) bicristatus Fain et Elsen, 1987, Leptus (L.) aldonae Haitlinger, 1987 and Leptus (L.) soddagus Haitlinger, 1990, based on examination of type material, are provided. In the case of L. (L.) chingombensis sp. nov., the parasite load reached high, previously not recorded for Odonata–terrestrial Parasitengona association values, attaining at 44 and 49 larvae. Clear topic preferences towards the ventral side of the host’s body were recorded, with an additional tendency to distal parts of synthorax and the ventral depression of the abdomen. We hypothesize that the infestation did not take place synchronously at dragonflies emergence, but consisted in repeated infestation events during the recurrent appearance of dragonflies in the contact microhabitat occupied by Leptus. The very local character of the finding along with the regular appearance of larvae parasitizing dragonflies, obviously favoured by specific habitat conditions, no doubts confirms the non-accidental nature of the phenomenon.

Genes ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 637 ◽  
Mengyue Guo ◽  
Yanqin Xu ◽  
Li Ren ◽  
Shunzhi He ◽  
and Xiaohui Pang

Genus Epimedium consists of approximately 50 species in China, and more than half of them possess medicinal properties. The high similarity of species’ morphological characteristics complicates the identification accuracy, leading to potential risks in herbal efficacy and medical safety. In this study, we tested the applicability of four single loci, namely, rbcL, psbA-trnH, internal transcribed spacer (ITS), and ITS2, and their combinations as DNA barcodes to identify 37 Epimedium species on the basis of the analyses, including the success rates of PCR amplifications and sequencing, specific genetic divergence, distance-based method, and character-based method. Among them, character-based method showed the best applicability for identifying Epimedium species. As for the DNA barcodes, psbA-trnH showed the best performance among the four single loci with nine species being correctly differentiated. Moreover, psbA-trnH + ITS and psbA-trnH + ITS + rbcL exhibited the highest identification ability among all the multilocus combinations, and 17 species, of which 12 are medicinally used, could be efficiently discriminated. The DNA barcode data set developed in our study contributes valuable information to Chinese resources of Epimedium. It provides a new means for discrimination of the species within this medicinally important genus, thus guaranteeing correct and safe usage of Herba Epimedii.

2016 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-37 ◽  
Dương Thúy Yên ◽  
Nguyễn Kiệt ◽  
Bùi Sơn Nên ◽  
Nguyễn Văn Thường ◽  
Nguyễn Bạch Loan ◽  

Three Pangasius species including P. krempfi, P. elongatus and P. mekongensis, are economically important. They can be mis-identified due to similar external appreance at small sizes. This study aimed to distinguish these species based on their differences in DNA barcode, COI (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) gene, and morphological characteristics. Fish with various sizes (>90 samples/species) were sampled at the lower Mekong delta region. Kimura-2 parameter genetic distances based on COI sequences of three species (15 samples, in which, 4 unique sequences were assigned Genbank accession numbers from KT289877 to KT289880) are relatively high, ranging 9.33 – 12.10 %. Morphological measurements show that coutanble traits including numbers of fin rays and the first gill rakers vary in similar ranges but ratios of metric traits are significantly different among three species (P<0.01). Principle component analysis using metric traits sets three species apart. P. elongatus is characterized by elongated body, long caudal preduncle, large eyes, and retangle palatine tooth plates. P. krempfi differs from P. mekongesis in characteristics on their head. The number of sections, shape and length of barbel are different among three species. Phylogenetic relationship of three species based on morphology and COI sequences indicate that P. krempfi is closer to P. mekongenis rather than P. elongatus, and that the distance between P. mekongenis and P. elongatus is the largest.

Udon Pongkawong ◽  
Jatupol Kampuansai ◽  
Rossarin Pollawatn ◽  
Arunothai Jampeetong ◽  

Abstract “Dok Hin” is the Thai local name for Selaginella species that form rosettes. They commonly distributes in Siberia, Manchuria, southern China, Japan, the Philippines and Thailand. Morphology of Dok Hin is very resemble leading to misidentification. So, exactly number of species of Dok Hin in Thailand and their differences in morphological characteristics is not well understood. Thus, revision of morphological characters and phylogenetic confirmation of the taxonomic identification are needed. This study aims to examine morphological charateristics and phylogenetic patterns in eight populations of the Dok Hin in Northern Thailand. Morphology of Dok Hin from each populations was quantitatively examined using 15 vegetative and 6 reproductive characters meanwhile phylogenetic analyses was explored by DNA barcode ITS2. The results of the phylogenetic analysis revealed the existence of two species of Dok Hin, S. tamariscina and S. pulvinata. Selaginella tamariscina can be distinguished from S. pulvinata by its presence of a pseudotrunk above ground and ridges of dorsal leaves. On the other hand, the results of phylogenetic analysis indicated the differences among populations of S. pulvinata as well. Chiang Mai populations of S. pulvinata was characterized by peculiar set of characters long leaves and leaf apices look like caudate, while the rest of their populations have shorter leaves and leaf apices look like aristate. It indicates that S. pulvinata has genetic and phenotypic divergence among populations. However, additional studies of Dok Hin populations in other parts of Thailand and studies on different genetic markers are necessary to confirm the taxonomic status of S. pulvinata. Keywords: Dok Hin, Morphometric, Phylogeny, Pseudotrunk, Resurrection plant

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 71-77
Markku J. Pellinen ◽  
Reza Zahiri ◽  
Pasi Sihvonen

A new species of Sacada from northern Thailand is described: S. chaehomensissp. nov. Pellinen &amp; Zahiri (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae, Pyralinae). Morphological characters and DNA barcode data are provided for the new species, with a morphological comparison to S. dzonguensis and S. umtasorensis, and a DNA-barcode comparison to S. ragonotalis and S. albioculalis, respectively. After this addition, the current number of valid species in the genus Sacada is 43.

Zootaxa ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 4420 (2) ◽  
pp. 243

Many species of cutworms (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) are important agricultural pest. They feed on roots and foliage of their host plants. Traditionally these species are identified based on morphological characteristics of adults. Hence identification of specimens in poor condition, immature stages and also closely related species or cryptic species is a difficult task. The basics of biological and ecological studies largely rely on an accurate species identification; consequently these investigations are impacted by potential misidentifications. In this study, we amplified 5' region of mitochondrial c cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene (DNA barcode region) of various common true cutworm species including Agrotis ipsilon (Hufnagel, 1766), Agrotis exclamationis (Linnaeus, 1758), Peridroma saucia (Hübner, 1808) and Xestia c-nigrum (Linnaeus, 1758) from agricultural fields of Guilan province (North of Iran). We were able to detect 66 conservative Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) among the targeted pest species and eventually design specific primers and develop a multiplex polymerase chain reaction assay as a molecular diagnostic tool for immature stages of two the most common and abundant species including A. ipsilon and X. c-nigrum in Guilan province. 

Zootaxa ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 3436 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  

A new species of scincid lizard allied to Plestiodon japonicus (Peters, 1864) was described as P. finitimus sp. nov., fromthe eastern part of Honshu and Hokkaido, Japan. A previous DNA study reported the taxonomic status of the easternJapanese populations of Plestiodon as an undescribed species on the basis of their collective genetic distinctness from aparapatric congener P. japonicus sensu strict from the western part of mainland Japan. We present the diagnostic featuresof P. finitimus compared to P. japonicus and P. latiscutatus Hallowell, 1861, the other parapatric species occurring in theIzu Peninsula and Izu Islands of central Japan, on the basis of morphological characteristics and DNA barcode patterns.Both P. finitimus and P. japonicus have a small postnasal and large anterior loreal that contacts the supralabials. In contrast,the Izu Peninsular populations of P. latiscutatus, which had no known diagnostic features relative to the other two species,usually have a large postnasal and small anterior loreal, with the latter separated from the supralabials by the former, ormay otherwise lack a postnasal. In most populations of P. finitimus, the right and left prefrontals are usually isolated fromeach other, whereas they exhibit medial contact in most populations of P. japonicus. Although all the above characters arevariable both within and between populations, 60–90% of the specimens from each locality on mainland Japan werecorrectly identified using a combination of these characters. Based on these characters, the Russian Far East populationof Plestiodon was also identified as P. finitimus. The interspecific sequence differences in the standard DNA barcoderegion (a 658 base pair fragment of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene of mitochondrial DNA) were distinct, andeach of the three species was exclusively clustered in a neighbor-joining tree. The limited hybridization among the threespecies indicated by previous studies suggests that DNA barcodes could provide a reliable key for their correctidentification. The implications for the biogeography and speciation of the three parapatric lizard species are briefly discussed.

Zootaxa ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 3191 (1) ◽  
pp. 21 ◽  

In 2008, specimens resembling Aedes (Finlaya) koreicus (Edwards) (also Ochlerotatus koreicus or Hulecoeteomyia kore-ica) were found in Belgium during a national mosquito survey (MODIRISK). Small but consistent differences were, how-ever, observed between the specimens described from Peninsula Korea and those found in Belgian. To achieve the correctidentification a detailed morphological comparison was made between the Belgian specimens and reference material fromKorean mainland and island populations housed at the Smithsonian Institution (Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit (WR-BU), Washington, USA). The identification was furthermore supported by molecular evidence based on the ND4 region(mtDNA) of available Korean and Belgian mosquito specimens. Morphological and molecular comparison confirmed theinitial identification of Aedes koreicus. Based on morphological characteristics, the species collected in Belgium mostlikely originated from Jeju-do, an island south of the Korean Peninsula. The observed dissimilarities between Korean andBelgian specimens resembled a number of morphological differences mentioned previously between female adults col-lected on the Korean Peninsula and Jeju-do. This is the first report of Aedes koreicus outside its natural distribution range.A correct and rapid identification of new invading and spreading vector species is crucial for the implementation of effec-tive control measurements. Hence a correct and easy accessible description of all possible variations of species arrivingin new areas is highly recommended. Therefore, a comparative morphological study on the Smithsonian material of thespecies from Korean mainland, island population and from Belgium is given, pictures of the main aberrant characteristicsand scanning electron microscope images of all stages of the species are included and molecular confirmation of the identification based on the mtDNA ND4 region is provided.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (11) ◽  
pp. 891
Ya-Ru Sun ◽  
Ning-Guo Liu ◽  
Milan C. Samarakoon ◽  
Ruvishika S. Jayawardena ◽  
Kevin D. Hyde ◽  

Phylogenetic analyses of combined LSU, rpb2, tub2 and ITS sequence data of representative Xylariales taxa indicated that Diabolocovidia, Didymobotryum and Vamsapriya cluster together and form a distinct clade in Xylariales. Morphological comparison also shows their distinctiveness from other families of Xylariales. Therefore, we introduce it as a novel family, Vamsapriyaceae. Based on morphological characteristics, Podosporium and Tretophragmia, which were previously classified in Ascomycota genera incertae sedis, are now included in the Vamsapriyaceae. In addition, three Vamsapriya species, V. chiangmaiensis sp. nov, V. uniseptata sp. nov, and V. indica are described and illustrated in this paper.

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