scholarly journals Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Remains of the Day: A Historiographical Approach

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 8
Maha Abdel Moneim Emara

<p>This paper attempts to analyze Kazuo Ishiguro’s <em>The Remains of the Day</em>, in the light of various ramifications of postmodern critical historiographical approaches. It investigates the different narrative strategies Ishiguro uses to narrate historical events and dismantle objectivity mainly; backshadowing, intermixing of historical and personal incidents, and first-person unreliable narrator. Great deal of Ishiguro’s text depth and complexity arises from the unreliability of the narrator whose narration presents several interpretive versions and controversial issues.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 69-106
John Wyatt Greenlee ◽  
Anna Fore Waymack

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: THE TRAVELS OF Sir John Mandeville, the fourteenth-century "first-person" account of a fictional English knight's adventurous journey to Jerusalem and across the world, is difficult to teach.1 Popular with medieval European audiences, the book troubles today's students with its confusing descriptions of global geography, its treatment of non-Christian, non-European peoples, and its constant conflation of fact and fable. But, as those who have taught it can attest, it can serve as a valuable tool for challenging students' preconceptions of an isolated European Middle Ages. It introduces them to an unreliable narrator and to tensions between the doctrines of the institutional Roman church and individual faith. The author's global perspective shows students a world of diverse religions, ethnicities, races, diets, customs, and sexualities. And the Travels does this while being relatively short and entertaining, pulling the reader through the map via its engaging narrative of landscaped vignettes.

Jan van der Putten

Father of Modern Malay Literature is an epithet often ascribed to Abdullah bin Abdul Kadir Munsyi, a Malay author who lived in Melaka and Singapore during the first half of the nineteenth century. Two of his works, Hikayat Abdullah (Tale of Abdullah) and Kisah pelayaran Abdullah ke Kelantan (Account of Abdullah’s voyage to Kelantan) are the stories most often ingled out as those that form the bridge between traditional and modern Malay writing. Characteristics of these writings viewed by critics as modern elements are the foregrounding of the authorial self through the use of the first-person pronoun, realistic descriptions of historical events and persons, and harsh criticism of the culture, socio-political structure, and practices of the Malay community (Milner 1995).

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-104
Tamás Csönge

Abstract By coining the term “unreliable narrator” Wayne Booth hypothesized another agent in his model besides the author, the implicit author, to explain the double coding of narratives where a distorted view of reality and the exposure of this distortion are presented simultaneously. The article deals with the applicability of the concept in visual narratives. Since unreliability is traditionally considered to be intertwined with first person narratives, it works through subjective mediators. According to scholarly literature on the subject, the narrator has to be strongly characterized, or in other words, anthropomorphized. In the case of film, the main problem is that the narrator is either missing or the narration cannot be attributed entirely to them. There is a medial rupture where the apparatus mediates the story instead of a character’s oral or written discourse. The present paper focuses on some important but overlooked questions about the nature of cinematic storytelling through a re-examination of |the lying flashback in Alfred Hitchcock's Stage Fright. Can a character-narrator control the images the viewer sees? How can the filmic image still be unreliable without having an anthropomorphic narrator? How useful is the term focalization when we are dealing with embedded character-narratives in film?

Yaryna Oprisnyk

The current paper explores the narrative strategies and poetics of intermediality in Kazuo Ishiguro’s first novel “A Pale View of Hills” (1982). Particular attention is paid to the notions of narrative unreliability and subjectivity exemplified by the ambiguous first-person narrative in the novel. The researcher focuses on the narrative techniques, as well as on the numerous lexical and other literary means that emphasize the unreliability of the narrator, who is also the protagonist. It allows revealing the hidden emotions and tendency to self-deceit. In addition, the paper traces the features of Japanese aesthetics and literature in the novel. The most peculiar among them are concise verbal expression, lack of emotion, and audiovisuality, which is primary concentration of the narrative on the visual and auditory images, rather than on the characters’ internal psychological processes. A range of narrative strategies and special literary effects in “A Pale View of Hills”, being characteristic for the art of cinematography, make the novel a vivid example of the cinematographic (cinematic) literature, which requires a different, more image-oriented perception of the reader. Among such techniques, the most notable are the enhanced symbolism of sensual images; revealing the characters’ actual feelings and thoughts through their non-verbal language and dialogues; fragmented and elliptic nature of the narrative that resembles the technique of montage; and the plasticity of chronotope, which is represented by the active use of flashbacks in the novel.

Ana Lúcia Migowski da Silva ◽  
Gabriela da Silva Zago ◽  
Daiani Ludmila Barth

In this paper, the authors conceive past-blogging as a narrative practice which is based on a specific media format. The practice can be initially defined as an account of past events developed according to blogs' most common characteristic: the reverse chronological order of published posts, in which the most recent posts appear on top of the page. Past-blogging practices give rise to cultural products developed in various digital media platforms, especially in journalistic and educational contexts. In order to understand this phenomenon, the authors conducted an empirical and qualitative analysis of 34 cases in which content producers narrate past events by reenacting them or telling their history as if they were happening in the present. The sample – composed by different categories of events, platforms, narrative strategies, motivations for the content production and participation of audience – demonstrates how historical events have been represented within digital media.

2018 ◽  
pp. 52-67
Ana Lúcia Migowski da Silva ◽  
Gabriela da Silva Zago ◽  
Daiani Ludmila Barth

In this paper, the authors conceive past-blogging as a narrative practice which is based on a specific media format. The practice can be initially defined as an account of past events developed according to blogs' most common characteristic: the reverse chronological order of published posts, in which the most recent posts appear on top of the page. Past-blogging practices give rise to cultural products developed in various digital media platforms, especially in journalistic and educational contexts. In order to understand this phenomenon, the authors conducted an empirical and qualitative analysis of 34 cases in which content producers narrate past events by reenacting them or telling their history as if they were happening in the present. The sample – composed by different categories of events, platforms, narrative strategies, motivations for the content production and participation of audience – demonstrates how historical events have been represented within digital media.

Adeptus ◽  
2014 ◽  
pp. 113-118
Angelika Zanki

“National minorities in Croatia - the (un)solved problem?” – Conference ReportThe conference “National minorities in Croatia – the (un)solved problem?”, that took place in Warsaw, 23.01.2014, was organized by the Association of Young Diplomats (student research circle) at the University of Warsaw. Invitations to participate in the discussion were accepted by Ivana Škaričić, Dr. Maciej Falski Dr. Marko Babić. The guests focused on the cause-effect relationship of historical events and the contemporary situation in Croatia, as well as on relations between Croats and representatives of national minorities in the country. Introduction - presentation of the legal regulations, figures and description of the situation in the Croatian War of Independence - became the basis for discussion of the most controversial issues, concerning the Serb minority. The guest speakers discussed the appropriateness of introducing bilingualism (problem of Vukovar and the wider perspective) and the purpose and possibility of organizing a referendum on the issue. Experts analyzed the possible implications of such an action on the rise of nationalism. Attention was also concentrated on other minorities in Croatia and their status. An important subject was the influence of the situation in the country on the region, as well as the reactions of the international community, including the European Union. Relacja z konferencji „Mniejszości narodowe w Chorwacji – problem (nie)rozwiązany?”Konferencja „Mniejszości narodowe w Chorwacji – problem (nie)rozwiązany?”, która odbyła się 23.01.2014 roku w Warszawie, zorganizowana została przez Koło Młodych Dyplomatów Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Zaproszeni goście -  Ivana Škaričić, Maciej Falski i Marko Babić - skoncentrowali się na wpływie wydarzeń historycznych i współczesnych na sytuację w Chorwacji oraz relacje Chorwatów z przedstawicielami mniejszości narodowych tego kraju. Wprowadzenie do tematu - przedstawienie obowiązujących regulacji prawnych, danych liczbowych oraz opis sytuacji po wojnie ojczyźnianej - stało się podstawą do dyskusji na temat najbardziej kontrowersyjny, dotyczący kwestii mniejszości serbskiej. Dyskutowano zasadność wprowadzenia  dwujęzyczności (problem Vukovaru) oraz cel i możliwość organizacji referendum w tej sprawie. Poruszono temat możliwych implikacji takich działań jak pobudzanie nacjonalizmu. Uwaga gości została poświęcona również mniejszościom w Chorwacji i ich statusowi. Przedyskutowano zarówno wpływ sytuacji w tym kraju na państwa regionu, jak i reakcje międzynarodowej opinii publicznej, w tym Unii Europejskiej.

Barnboken ◽  
2020 ◽  
Ann-Sofie Persson

This article uses an ecocritical, posthumanist animal studies approach to fiction about horses for children and young adults in order to show how different narrative strategies co-exist within a framework of silence versus voice and Othering versus anthropomorphizing. The examples are taken from two Swedish series of books: the stories of Vitnos (1971–1980) by Marie Louise Rudolfsson, and those about Klara (1999–2008) by Pia Hagmar. The study shows that regardless of the narrative form chosen, be it placing the horse as a first-person narrator or introducing a human narrator and focalizer, the result is quite similar. The horse is alternately anthropomorphized and depicted as Other, many times through the technique of allomorphism, placing the horse above the human being. 

Daphnis ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 45 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 277-303
Maren Lickhardt

This essay discusses the transformation and breakdown of the picaresque in the late 17th century, with specific reference to narrative strategies used in Der ruchlose Student (1681), an anonymous and fragmentary German translation of a Dutch text – picaresque in the broader sense. These strategies, it is argued, reveal both an internalisation of the first-person narrator and early manifestations of a causally motivated (biographical) syntagma. By way of example, it is demonstrated how the typical affectively flat, villainous narrator of earlier picaresque novels, as well as the episodic structure of these texts, are transformed in Der ruchlose Student such as to enable the emergence of a more modern individual within the framework of a more consistent story line. As such, this essay contributes indirectly to scholarly discussions relating to the embourgeoisement of the picaro figure. Der folgende Text stellt einen Beitrag zu Um- und Abbauten des Pikaresken gegen Ende des 17. Jahrhunderts dar. Er widmet sich den narrativen Strategien in dem anonym verfassten Romanfragment Der ruchlose Student (1681), der deutschen Übersetzung eines niederländischen Schelmenromans im weiteren Sinne, die eine Verinnerlichung des pikaresken Ich-Erzählers sowie erste Ausprägungen eines kausal motivierten (biographischen) Syntagmas erkennen lassen. Exemplarisch wird also herausgearbeitet, wie sich der typische pikareske statische Erzähler älterer Schelmenromane sowie deren episodische Handlungsführung in Ansätzen transformieren und ein moderneres Individuum in einem konsistenteren Handlungsgefüge aufscheint. Indirekt schließt der Beitrag damit an die Debatte um die Verbürgerlichung des Pikaros an.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 145-156
Ryszard Kupidura ◽  
Magdalena Dworak-Mróz

Artistic and Narrative Strategies in the Project of Lia Dostlieva and Andrij Dostliev “Restoring Memory” Resettlements in the Crimea and DonbassThe annexation of Crimea, carried out by the Russian Federation, as well as the war waged on the eastern Ukraine resulted in about 1.5 million people being forced to leave their households. The rushed escape from the homeland deprived many people of their material keepsakes. In a situation of radical detachment from the past, the condition of the present is obviously threatened and projecting of the future seems impossible to realize. It is indispensable to become aware of this fact and to voice the problem and analyze the trauma. The curators of the project Restoring of Memory, Lia Dostlieva and Andrij Dostliev, collected testi­monies of several artists from the area of military operations, who shared the experience of resettlement. Their first-person narrations, supported via various artistic media such as installations, photography, performance constitute a collective history which was exhibited in the galleries of European cities.Художественные и нарративные стратегии в проекте Лии и Андрея Достлевых «Восстановление памяти» о переселенцах из Крыма и Донбасса Спровоцированная РФ аннексия Крыма, а также война в восточных регионах Украины, повлекли за собой последствия, в связи с которыми за короткий период времени около 1,7 миллиона граждан были вынуждены покинуть свои дома. Теперь же, спустя два года после данных событий, стало очевидно, что проблемы, вызванные принудительным переселением, не ограничиваются только лишь бытовой сферой.Поспешное бегство из родного очага лишили многих людей, кроме прочего, материальной памяти. Ведь семейные реликвии, как правило, имеют небольшой шанс уместиться в двух-трёх чемоданах, с которыми человек вынужденно покидает привычное место жительства.Собственно, в ситуации радикального отсечения от прошлого под угрозой находится состояние настоящего, а планирование будущего кажется практически невозможным в реализации. Однако обязательным должно быть осознание, высказывание и анализ возникнувшей травмы.Проект под кураторством Лии и Андрея Достлевых поставил целью собрать свидетельства нескольких художников Украины из районов военных действий, судьба которых связана с опытом переселения. Их личные рассказы, воплощенные с помощью художественных практик составляют вместе коллективную историю, которая повествуется и экспонируется в галереях европейских городов.

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