narrative form
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2022 ◽  
pp. 225-236
Vicent Salvador ◽  
Diana Nastasescu

The process of the COVID-19 pandemic has produced various social convulsions in our environment. Among these consequences is the development of an abundant literary and paraliterary production. Much of this production stimulated by the pandemic adopts a narrative form (micro-narratives, tales, personal testimonies): it consists of short narratives by non-professional writers included in recent books or on the internet. Based on a sample of this type of text in Spanish, the authors have carried out a study of various aspects of this creative activity, mainly metaphors that convey thematic motifs such as the war against the virus and the home as a complex, ambiguous symbol.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 51
Muhammad Rizki Syahputra

<p>This study aims to determine the Development Strategy of Superior Madrasah in MAN 2 Medan Model and the Supporting and Inhibiting Factors of Excellent Madrasah Development Strategy at MAN 2 Medan Model. This study uses a qualitative research method that aims to understand a social phenomenon by prioritizing the process of deep interaction and communication between researchers and the phenomenon under study. The data obtained in this study are descriptive analysis, in which data collection is carried out by means of observations and interviews, and documentation studies. Then the data is presented in descriptive narrative form. The location of this research was carried out at MAN 2 Model Medan. The results showed that the superior madrasa development strategy carried out an effort to plan and manage madrasas that functioned to direct and develop madrasas in achieving their educational goals, because superior madrasas were intended as centers of excellence. The strategy for developing superior madrasah at MAN 2 Model Medan involves many related parties, starting from the guardians of students, teachers, madrasa heads and vice principals, as well as committees. A plan must have implementation, for the implementation of the strategy for developing the Madrasah Aliyah MAN 2 Medan Model is carefully calculated because implementation is one of the keys to the success of a superior madrasa development strategy so that the strategies implemented can run effectively so as to achieve success in program implementation For this reason, MAN 2 Model Medan has taken more actions to accelerate the implementation of the mutually agreed plan. Supporting factors in the superior madrasah development strategy are of course interrelated with the madrasa development strategy program, namely the partnership factor because partnerships have a very large effect on the development of madrasah.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 155-165
Angelika Pelka

The article addresses the problem of identifying and defining the functions of selected horror genre traits in Bolesław Prus’ story Powiastki cmentarne. In this short narrative form, referring subtly to Gothic style, not only the basic intention of raising the dread in the recipient, but also the need to address metaphysical issues are noticeable, which are usually excluded from reflection on the positivistic literature. Particular attention in this work is given to the literary genre used by the writer, which is a hybrid of a philosophical fiction with a Gothic one, and the influence this form has on the final tone of the work.

2021 ◽  
Priadi Surya ◽  
Nurtanio Agus Purwanto ◽  
Lia Yuliana ◽  
Aris Suharyadi ◽  
Lantip Diat Prasojo

This study aimed to examine the opinions of students about the implementation of the Child-Friendly School program in Public Junior High School 15 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia during the first generation of implementing the program. Understanding the perspectives of the students is important for ensuring that the program is successfully implemented. The study applied a qualitative approach. Data were collected through a questionnaire consisting of six questions in narrative form. Ten students participated. The questionnaire was conducted through Google Forms due to the social distancing policies in place because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Data were analysed through thematic analysis. The main findings showed that students perceived that: (1) the program emphasised fulfilling child-rights; (2) the principal was the main actor explaining the program; (3) the principal suggested implementing the program in regards to children development stages; (4) teachers implemented the program through active child-centred, creative, effective and joyful approaches; (5) administration staff implemented the program by providing supporting services with etiquette education for students; and (6) in general, the program was well implemented, since students felt comfortable to express their thoughts and felt safe at school.   Keywords: Child-Friendly School, school management, program, student voice

Harismayanti Harismayanti ◽  
Rona Febriyona ◽  
St. Surya Indah Nurdin ◽  
Mukmin Wadila Rahim ◽  
Delanti Mahmud ◽  

This study aims to provide an overview of how the covid-19 vaccination service for pregnant women in the work area of the Telaga Health Center. This study uses a qualitative method that focuses on ANC services with in-depth interview techniques, data analysis is carried out descriptively and presented in narrative form. This research was carried out in the working area of the Telaga Health Center from September 2021 to November 2022. The informants in this study were pregnant women in the Telaga Health Center working area as many as 7 participants and 2 key informants were the program coordinator midwives. With a snowball sampling technique. The results of the study found that there were 5 themes that described Covid-19 vaccination services for pregnant women, namely Socialization of Covid-19 Vaccination for pregnant women, Issue of KIPI for Covid-19 Vaccination, Supporting Factors for Successful Vaccination in Pregnant Women, Body Response of Pregnant Women after Covid-19 Vaccination. 19, and Covid-19 Vaccination Requirements for Pregnant Women. The mandatory output in this research is the publication of research results in one of the international journals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
pp. 36-53
Erik Magnusson

This article deals with Rabbi Meir Kahane’s assimilation doctrine, an under-studied aspect of previous published research on Kahane. The present study suggests that this doctrine is catalysed by a palingenetic myth of decline and rebirth, which also catalyses Kahane’s ideology. By proposing this, this article aims to offer a new perspective on the understanding of what drives Kahane’s ideology. It is further suggested that Kahane’s palingenetic myth is in part built around a myth of ‘intraracial antagonism’ between the American Jewish Establishment (AJE) and the ‘common Jew’. Following Bruce Lincoln’s theory of myth, it is here contended that Kahane’s assimilation doctrine is presented as ‘ideology in narrative form’. The study surveys the alleged causes and effects of assimilation, and what solutions Kahane presents to put an end to it. Among the alleged causes, Kahane singles out the AJE’s purported gutting of Jewish religious education, which is said to have alienated Jewish youth from their religion. Aside from curtailing Jewish continuity, Kahane for example identifies Jews engaging in social causes that allegedly run counter to Jewish interests as one alleged effect of assimilation. To end assimilation Kahane promotes a solution of campaigning in Jewish communities to ultimately put a stop to intermarriage, to instil hadar and ahavat Yisroel among Jews by the means of a regenerated Jewish educational system, and to encourage Jews to ‘return’ to Israel.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1542-1552
Intan Cahyani ◽  
Ramadhan Putra Satria ◽  
Puji Suhiro

AbstractFeeding self-care deficit is a person's inability to perform eating activities according to the proper way of eating. Activity Daily Living (ADL) therapy is one of the therapies claimed to be able to increase the patient's independence in improving how to eat. To apply Activity Daily Living (ADL) in patients with feeding self-care deficit to increase self-feeding independence. The research was a descriptive study with a case study approach conducted in the working area of Puskesmas Dukuhwaru, Tegal Regency. It was carried out on 15-17 February 2021. Data were obtained through interviews, observation and physical examination and presented in narrative form. After performed the intervention for 3 days, the results showed an increase in self-feeding independence in both subjects. It described at the third day of the research. Patients with nursing problems of feeding self-care deficit are recommended to provide ADL to increase the patient's independence. Keywords: Activity Daily Living (ADL); Feeding Self-Care Deficit; Mental Nursing Care AbstrakDefisit Perawatan Diri Makan merupakan ketidakmampuan seseorang dalam melakukan aktivitas makan sesuai tata cara makan yang benar. Terapi Activity Daily Living (ADL) menjadi salah satu terapi yang diyakini mampu meningkatkan kemandirian pasien dalam meningkatkan cara makan. Dapat menerapkan terapi Activity Daily Living (ADL) pada pasien defisit perawatan diri makan untuk meningkatkan kemandirian makan. Peneliti ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus, lokasi studi kasus di Wilayah Puskesmas Dukuh waru Kabupaten Tegal dilakukan tanggal 15-17 Februari 2021, data diperoleh melalui wawancara, observasi dan pemeriksaan fisik. data disajikan dalam bentuk naratif. Setelah dilakukan intervensi selama 3 hari didapatkan hasil adanya peningkatkan makan pada kedua subjek penelitian yaitu dari ketergantungan makan pada awal pengkajian menjadi setelah selesai makan pada hari ketiga penelitian. Pasien dengan masalah keperawatan defisit perawatan diri makan dianjurkan untuk memberikan terapi Activity Daily Living (ADL) untuk meningkatkan kemandirian pasien dalam meningkatkan kemandirian.Kata Kunci: Activity Daily Living (ADL); Asuhan Keperawatan Jiwa; Defisit Perawatan Diri Makan

2021 ◽  
Aitor Ibarrola-Armendariz

In the last five decades, Toni Morrison’s fiction has covered such intricate topics as the impact of the past on the present, the damage produced on bodies and minds by different types of abuses, and the power and perils of small communities. She revisits some of those themes in her last novel, God Help the Child (2015), but this time zooms in more closely on the topics of child abuse and colorism – an internal racism of blacks against those with darker skin shades. God Help the Child proves innovative because the story is set in present-day fictional California, where the rate of child molestation – especially against black children – is just overwhelming. This article intends to show that, despite Morrison’s audacious narrative form and storytelling skills, there are some evident shortcomings in the structure and characterization of the novel that are not to be found in her earlier works.

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