scholarly journals «Alle støttar trusopplæringa.» Tverrfagleg samarbeid mellom prestar og undervisningstilsette i utvikling av trusopplæringa

Prismet ◽  
1970 ◽  
pp. 211-229
Hans Austnaberg

AbstractThe main goal of the article is to investigate challenges and possibilities in the cooperation among the employed pastors and pedagogues in the congregation and how this contributes to develop the Christian education. The empirical material mainly stems from qualitative interviews in six different congregations, and the theoretical perspectives focus on organisational theory and the implementation of Christian education as a process of change. I have found a willingness to cooperate in the church education. However, the educational people are seen as primarily responsible and there exists role conflicts among them. The pastors, on the other hand, want to play a role in the Christian education but they have challenges in prioritising this among all the other expected tasks. Keywords:Christian education, congregational development, staff cooperation, congregational teacher, pastor, Michael Fullan SamandragMålsetjinga med artikkelen er å utforska utfordringar og moglegheiter i det tverrfaglege samarbeidet mellom tilsette prestar og undervisningsmedarbeidarar og korleis dette bidrar til å utvikla trusopplæringa. Det empiriske materialet er etablert gjennom kvalitative intervju i seks menigheter, og dei teoretiske perspektiva kjem frå organisasjonsteori og implementeringa av trusopplæringa som ein endringsprosess. Det er stor vilje til å delta i trusopplæringa. Likevel er det slik at dei undervisningstilsette blir oppfatta som hovudansvarlege i dette arbeidet, og artikkelen viser at uklare rollar mellom dei kan skapa konflikt. Prestane ønskjer òg å spela ei rolle i trusopplæringa, men dei kjenner på utfordringar i å prioritera dette mellom andre pålagte oppgåver. Nøkkelord:Trusopplæring, menighetsutvikling, stabssamarbeid, trusopplærar, prest, Michael Fullan

Prismet ◽  
1970 ◽  
pp. 169-188
Hans Austnaberg ◽  
Erling Birkedal

AbstractHow can the church education become a factor in developing the congregations in the Church of Norway? This is the main question of the article, which takes its empirical material from interviews with staff members and leaders of parish councils in six congregations. The analysis is structured according to five proposed ecclesiological dimensions of what a Christian congregation ought to be and to do. The main findings are a consciousness of a larger “we” in the understanding of who belongs to the congregation, emphasis on the theological content, but also an ambivalence in relating the church education to other areas of congregational work. A challenge for the church education is to become more occupied with its task as sent to the world and a willingness to be in constant change. Keywords:Christian education, congregational development, staff cooperation, congregational teacher, pastor SamandragKorleis kan trusopplæringa vera ein faktor i å utvikla menighetene i Den norske kyrkja? Dette er hovudspørsmålet i artikkelen. Det empiriske materialet er etablert gjennom intervju med tilsette og soknerådsleiarar i seks menigheter. Analysen er strukturert etter fem ekklesiologiske dimensjonar over kva ein menighet bør vera og gjera. Hovudfunn er at trusopplæringa har ført til eit større «me» i forståinga av kven som høyrer til menigheten, vekt på det teologiske innhaldet i tiltaka, men òg ein ambivalens i å relatera trusopplæringa til andre delar av arbeidet i menigheten. Ei utfordring for trusopplæringa er å bli meir fokusert på kva som er menigheten sitt oppdrag som sendt til verda, og vilje til stadig å vera i utvikling. Nøkkelord:Trusopplæring, menighetsutvikling, stabssamarbeid, kateket/menighetspedagog, prest

Hans Austnaberg

Church education workers and baptismal instruction in the Church of Norway The main research question of this article is how educational workers in the Church of Norway experience their contribution in connection with baptism in their local congregation. The article is based on qualitative research interviews in two dioceses in the Church of Norway, with six educational church workers in six different congregations. They have different titles, partly due to educational background, and two work in city churches, two in suburban churches and two in countryside churches. The theoretical perspectives are taken from the national terms of employment for catechists and the national plan for Christian education, different concepts for knowledge and learning, and how educational workers in the Church of Norway construct identity in relation to church education. Several of the educational workers seldom teach about the content of baptism. In spite of this, they see baptism as important and as the point of departure for all Christian education. Both the national terms of employment for catechists and the national plan for Christian education emphasise that their responsibility is to further baptismal instruction and equip children to live a baptismal life, but it does not seem that all the educational workers interpret this to comprise teaching the content of baptism, which they often delegate to the ministers. Their pedagogy is marked by a focus on practical issues connected to baptism. It seems as they to a little extent connect their identity to work with baptism, maybe because of the long tradition of the minister as responsible for this area. The author calls for more research with a larger number of respondents and challenges the churches to reflect and discuss how to continue a cooperation between ministers and church education workers now that the church education reform is running.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-45
Justitia Vox Dei Hattu

This article aims to map the polarization in Indonesia between Christian Education (or: Christian Religious Education) as it takes place within the domains of church and of school. Within the ecclesial arena, Christian education (Pendidikan Kristiani/PK) is often associated with the activity of teaching children. On the other hand, within the setting of a school, PK is often associated with a course of study assigned to students—one that mostly emphasizes the filling of cognitive gaps for the students yet (intentionally) ignores the affective and psychomotor domain that is integral for instruction. By examining this polarization, I argue that the polarizing divide between PK as implemented in a school and PK as implemented in the church can be overcome by virtue of the fact that both school and church are learning spaces for PK. This article is divided into three parts. The first will demonstrate certain misunderstandings about PK in the context of school and of church that lead to polarization. The second part shows how PK is presently practiced in the context of Indonesia’s churches and schools. Based on descriptions in this second part, the final section will offer a number of basic principles, in an effort to bridge the gap between PK as it takes place in school and in church.

2014 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 82-96
Hans Austnaberg

Abstract A reform of Christian education began in Norway in 2004 covering all those baptised in the Church of Norway from birth to 18. Mission is a significant dimension in the Plan for Christian Education but, despite the many projects initiated by congregations, relatively few deal with mission. The empirical material underpinning this article is a close study of four congregations’ projects on mission and youth aged from 14 to 18. Projects with good experience in this respect were selected and the main focus was on identifying factors which accounted for the success of projects designed to engage Norwegian youth in mission. Following a brief presentation of the Norwegian background regarding Christian education and an introduction to the empirical material the main part of the article discusses factors which were crucial to the projects’ success.

Prismet ◽  
1970 ◽  
pp. 189-209
Erling Birkedal ◽  
Hans Austnaberg

AbstractAll congregations in the Church of Norway have to make their own local plan for Christian education, according to a National curriculum. In this article we are following six congregations in their working process, and we are asking how the congregation can learn from the process for congregational planning in general. As theoretical perspectives we use Van Gelder’s technical and cultural changes and Senge’s five disciplines of learning organizations. We see that congregations can learn different attitudes and skills. The working process develops didactic insight and competence among staff and volunteers. Developing work about core activities in the congregation is not only a systematic, technical working process. It is especially a cultural endeavor, where you have to deal with different ideas, visions and values.    Keywords: Christian education, Church of Norway, developing local plan, learning congregation  SammendragAlle menigheter i Den norske kirke må utvikle sin egen lokale plan for trosopplæring. Artikkelen utforsker arbeidsprosessen med lokal plan i seks menigheter og undersøker sammenhengen mellom dette planarbeidet og utviklingsarbeid i menigheten generelt. Vi bruker Van Gelders skjelning mellom tekniske og kulturelle endringer, samt Senges fem disipliner for lærende organisasjoner som teoretiske perspektiv. Menighetene lærer ulike holdninger og ferdigheter gjennom planarbeidet. Det gir didaktisk innsikt og økt kompetanse hos ansatte og frivillige. Utvikling av en plan og gjennomføring av kjerneaktiviteter i menighetens trosopplæring er mer enn en systematisk, teknisk arbeidsprosess. Utviklingsarbeidet innebærer også kulturelle utfordringer, der en må bearbeide ulike ideer, visjoner og verdier. Nøkkelord: Trosopplæring, Den norske kirke, utvikling av lokal plan for trosopplæring, lærende menighet

2012 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 9-18
Arvydas Pacevičius

The publication features information on research done during the Bibliotheca Lituana project. In particular the focus is on collections of memory institutions, new perspectives on library and other memory institution, i.e. archives, museums, research. Modern library history has adopted relevant theoretical perspectives from social and cultural theory. Currently these perspectives incorporate not only the activities and collections of the aforementioned institutions but also the more widely interpreted information infrastructure, that do not have libraries as their main frame of reference. Problems faced publishing archival sources are also examined. It was determined that insufficient attention is given to research and publication of old catalogues, inventories and book listings. On the other hand a unified system and methodology for publishing of the aforementioned sources does not exist. We come to a conclusion that through new research paradigms, an interdisciplinary approach and change of thought in the archival, librarian and museology communities, we can start systematic research of libraries and other memory institutions. Their results would complement the pages of the continued Bibliotheca Lituana publications.

2012 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 22-27
Sissel Undheim

The description of Christ as a virgin, 'Christus virgo', does occur at rare occasions in Early Christian and late antique texts. Considering that 'virgo' was a term that most commonly described the sexual and moral status of a member of the female sex, such representations of Christ as a virgin may exemplify some of the complex negotiations over gender, salvation, sanctity and Christology that we find in the writings of the Church fathers. The article provides some suggestions as to how we can understand the notion of the virgin Christ within the context of early Christian and late antique theological debates on the one hand, and in light of the growing interest in sacred virginity on the other.

2016 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-34 ◽  
Mathias Herup Nielsen ◽  
Niklas Andreas Andersen

Studier, der analyserer det sociale med inspiration fra Foucaults tanker om governmentality, kritiseres i stigende omfang for at afskære sig fra at analysere de praktiske relationer, som politisk styring konkret indlejres i. I artiklen tager vi afsæt i denne kritik og viser, med et studie af forholdet mellem et kommunalt jobcenter og et lokalt beskæftigelsesråd, hvordan governmental magtanalyse kan indfange styringens uforudsigelige, mangefacetterede og immanente karakter ved at fokusere på styringsintentionernes møde med den praktiske virkelighed, der søges styret. Formelt er rådet nedsat til at overvåge og kontrollere jobcentret, men i den praktiske relation er det snarere jobcentret, som overvåger og kontrollerer rådet. Artiklen viser, hvordan dette er muligt ved at analysere jobcentrets arbejde med rådet ved hjælp af en række centrale begreber fra Foucaults forfatterskab. Empirisk trækker studiet foruden formelle myndighedsdokumenter, der beskriver rådets tiltænkte rolle, på praksisinformerende empiri i form af kvalitative interviews og mødereferater over en fire-årig periode. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Mathias Herup Nielsen and Niklas Andreas Andersen: When Praxis Challenges the Ambitions of Governing. Analyzing the Space between the Intentions of Governing and Situational Praxis Studies working with the Foucauldian concept of ”governmentality” are frequently criticized for their apparent disregard of empirical reality. This article takes this critique as its point of departure and demonstrates the application of the concept of governmentality in a concrete empirical case study in order to grasp the unpredictable and multifaceted nature of modern day power. The case investigated here is the relationship between a Danish Jobcentre and a so-called local employment council (LBR). The latter was created to ”control” and ”monitor” the former organization. However, in practice, it is rather the other way around – the Jobcentre is controlling and monitoring the members of the LBR. This article draws on a number of well-known Foucauldian concepts to show how this relation of power is practically structured. Empirically the article draws on documents from central authorities as well as on a number of qualitative interviews with the actors involved – hence, the article attempts to meet with the dominant overall critique of the governmentality perspective for disregarding empirical reality. Keywords: governmentality, Michel Foucault, unemployment policy, jobcentre.

SAGE Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 215824402110165
Kari Dahl ◽  
Ann Kristin Bjørnnes ◽  
Vibeke Lohne ◽  
Line Nortvedt

Globally, Philippine-educated nurses have made vital contributions to health care; however, there is a lack of in-depth knowledge about emigrating nurses’ initial motives to become nurses, their educational experience and their transition in the host country’s health care context. This research aimed to explore Philippine-educated nurses’ educational experience in their home country and their expectations of competence in Norway. The study utilized an explorative design consisting of qualitative interviews with 10 Filipino nurses. A hermeneutic approach was used to analyze and interpret the empirical material. The findings and interpretations underline that Philippine-educated nurses mainly are externally motivated; their educational program is very demanding, but their level of competence does not meet the competence expected in the host country. Although these nurses lack training in elderly care, the Philippine nursing curriculum emphasizes patient care and mastery of basic nursing skills, which are qualities that should be valued and utilized in host countries.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 342-355
Colin Buchanan

I am grateful to the Society for the opportunity to mark the centenary of the Enabling Act and the beginning of the Church Assembly with some reflection on an often ignored but highly valuable feature of that inauguration: the Single Transferable Vote or STV. I tried on one respected registrar recently an illustration of what the task must be like for those who do not welcome it. Was it, I suggested, like a blind person doing a jigsaw where the pieces were all shaped differently from each other – in other words, where the blind person could ensure that it was put together accurately, but on the other hand never saw the picture? The response was that that picture reflected accurately how it had in fact felt to that registrar. That might suggest that this lecture should be explaining and commending STV as general good practice, but in the event the process and virtues of STV have here to be largely taken for granted. I offer here one short commendation of STV.

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