scholarly journals The Christological hermeneutics of Augustine in Benedict XVI’s Mind

Mayéutica ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 46 (101) ◽  
pp. 55-110
Radni Caparas ◽  

This article attempts to explore the Christological hermeneutics of Augustine in Benedict XVI’s method of reading Christ. The study is divided into three parts. The first part explores the Christological issues and methods since Vatican II. The proliferation of the Christological hermeneutics ignited the Church (Dei Verbum and Pontifical Biblical Commission) to set some guidelines and controls in order to pave the way to a better quest for the real Jesus. Within this context, Benedict XVI proposed a Christological hermeneutics which present a convincing figure of the real Jesus of Nazareth. The second part of the article deals with the commonalities and distinction of the hermeneutics of Augustine and of Benedict XVI. It highlights the similarities of the theological context of both theologians. Likewise, it presents the continuity of the thought of Augustine and Benedict XVI. The last part explains the Christological Hermeneutics of Augustine in the mind of Benedict XVI. It investigates and defines the Augustinian method of knowing Christ within the framework of Benedict XVI’s personal quest for Christ.

2014 ◽  
Vol 44 (123) ◽  
pp. 237
Johan Konings

Aos cinquenta anos do Vaticano II recorda-se o caminho que levou até a Constituição Dei Verbum e, daí, até a Exortação Verbum Domini. Considera-se a questão hermenêutica: a leitura da Bíblia centrada em torno do Evento Jesus e tendo seu “lugar” na vida da Igreja, que herdou o Espírito de Jesus. Como a leitura das Escrituras deve ser a alma da teologia, não se pode separar a crítica históricoliterária da hermenêutica teológica. Esta se inscreve na racionalidade ampliada do ser humano, tendo na mira não as palavras, mas a “coisa”. Unindo o horizonte original do texto ao de hoje, abre-o em diversos níveis e direções, enquanto a exegese histórico-literária segura o sentido primeiro e referencial. Descreve-se a circularidade dessa hermenêutica. Por fim, consideram-se a experiência latinoamericana, bem como e a leitura bíblica como alma da pastoral hoje.ABSTRACT: Fifty years after Vatican II we remember the way unto the Constitution Dei Verbum and from there to the Exhortation Verbum Domini. Then is treated the issue of hermeneutics: the lecture of the Bible centred around the Jesus Event and having its “locus” in the life of the Church, heiress of His Spirit. Since Scripture reading must be the soul of Theology, historical-literary criticism cannot be separated from theological hermeneutics. These are inscribed in amplified human rationality, that aims not at the words, but at the “thing”. They unite the original and the today horizon, opening the text in several levels and directions, while historicalliterary exegesis warrants the original and referential meaning. Attention is drawn to the circularity of hermeneutics. Finally is lighted the Latin American experience, and Scripture reading as the soul of pastoral praxis today.

1972 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 323-339
J. M. Barkley

In Irish Presbyterianism Henry Cooke is commonly regarded as the champion of orthodoxy. Was it not he who drove the Arians out of the Synod of Ulster in 1830? The purpose of this paper is not to examine the theological issues involved, but rather to try to discover the real cause of the schism.The Reverend J. Smethurst (Moreton Hampstead) visited the North of Ireland during the autumn of 1821. The traditional picture is that of Cooke routing the Unitarian Smethurst in Killyleagh (where Cooke was minister) and pursuing him from place to place in his zeal for orthodoxy. This, however, fails to take into account an important aspect of Smethurst’s campaign. He writes,I feel persuaded that there is considerable inquiry on religious subjects amongst the Dissenters in the North of Ireland, and that liberal opinions are fast gaining ground amongst them... One of the greatest obstacles in the way of their doing so, is the view they have been accustomed to take of the Christian religion, as being a system upheld solely by its union with the secular power. If they could see it free from this connexion, they would view it in a far more favourable light, and the most formidable of their prejudices would be removed. Even amongst the Dissenters the natural tendency of the most remote connexion of this kind is too obvious to escape notice. The Presbyterian Church of Ireland has long been considered as a sort of demi-establishment. And though its connexion with the civil power is not so close as that of the Church of England, yet the union, as far as it goes, is no less injurious.

1946 ◽  
Vol 40 (3) ◽  
pp. 445-457
Charles E. Merriam

The Atomic Bomb. In 1869, Walter Bagehot wrote an interesting volume entitled Physics and Politics. Today we look again at this topic, but in a new and blinding light. The atomic bomb is an index of dynamic and revolutionary changes, the end of which is not in sight, and which I do not have the temerity to forecast. Even before the bomb was made, there were revolutionary changes on the way. We were on notice that physics, biochemistry, psychology, medicine, were bursting with possibilities which staggered the imagination of the most starry-eyed. This was before the bomb was dropped. Now we know that we were on the beam. We are now confronted by revolution, dimming in meaning all human revolutions rolled into one.First of all, the meaning of controlled atomic energies is often wholly misunderstood. The real marvel is not that these vast forces exist, but that they are found and harnessed by the human mind. The real explosive force is that of the mind that unleashed these giants and made them available for the service of mankind. The mind is king, not the atom. We trapped the atom; we have mastered some secrets of its latent forces, not by accident, but by deliberate design, by organization and ingenuity. We may marvel at the display of physical force, but the deeper force of mind made this triumph possible, and will bring still greater triumphs as we move along through eras of discovery and invention.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-39
Murat Kaş

The structure of human cognition and the means of apprehension is suitable only for partly and gradually conceiving reality. This limitation has led to a certain distance between appearance and reality. This means that there will always be a gap between the judgments of the mind about the external world and its contents, which are entities, cases, facts, and states. This partiality and partiteness of human understanding has produced the truth-maker problem with regard to mind judgments. Muslim scholars who admit the correlation between the structure of reality and the categories of the mind but reject the notion of the construction and the determination of reality by the mind refer to the realm that is independent of the mind’s personal judgments as nafs al-amr. This realm is concerned with the all degrees of reality, namely—from the existent to the non-existent, from the necessity to the contingency and impossibility, from the absolute to the relative, from the material to the non-physical, from the external to the mental, and from the real entities to the abstracted ones—which step into the shot of human cognition or not. Carrying the concept of nafs al-amr from the logical plane to the metaphysical realm that intersects epistemology and ontology has led to debates that pave the way for various treatments. In particular, Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī’s (d. 672/1274) nafs al-amr epistle that posited it to the cosmic sphere resulted in criticisms of this conception of nafs al-amr, and these criticisms are the same ones directed to the Avicennian theory of emanation and its epistemological implications. Scholars who use this concept free from any metaphysical presumption and implication argue against his leap from the logical to the cosmic sphere. During the following period, this tension occasioned debates that led to the approaches that refer to the various degrees of reality, i.e., to the cosmic spheres, the spiritual realms, and the divine realms. This work aims to create a map of treatments, arguments and problems with regard to the concept of nafs al-amr.

2016 ◽  
Vol 48 (2) ◽  
pp. 357
Maria Teresa De Freitas Cardoso

RESUMO: O artigo apresenta traços do ensinamento de Bento XVI sobre a solicitude ecumênica e uma nota sobre sua renovação e avanço pelo papa Francisco na sua programática exortação Evangelii Gaudium. Depois de se reportar ao compromisso ecumênico do Concílio Vaticano II, considerado irreversível por João Paulo II, e de observar algumas dificuldades, como sobre a Declaração Dominus Iesus, examinam-se entrevistas, discursos e encíclicas de Joseph Ratzinger/Bento XVI, especialmente em relação com uma afirmação da constituição Gaudium et Spes do Concílio Vaticano II, sobre respeito e amor. No final, acrescenta-se uma anotação breve, mas importante, sobre a renovação e o avanço na Evangelii Gaudium do Papa Francisco. Destacam-se o ensinamento de respeito e o amor como fundamentais para o ecumenismo e o diálogo inter-religioso e valorizam-se: a oração e a espiritualidade; o testemunho da fé preservando a harmonia nas diversidades; a gratuidade e a reciprocidade; o diálogo; a promoção do bem e da paz. Finalmente, a abertura, a Igreja em saída, ao encontro dos outros, como é acentuado na Evangelii Gaudium.ABSTRACT: The article presents traces of the teachings of Benedict XVI on the ecumenical concern and a note on its renewal and advancement by Pope Francis in his programmatic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium. After reporting back to the ecumenical commitment of Vatican Council II, considered irreversible by John Paul II, and to observe certain difficulties, such as on the Declaration Dominus Iesus, it examines interviews, speeches and encyclicals of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, especially in relation with an affirmation of the Constitution Gaudium et Spes of Vatican II, about respect and love. In the end, it adds a brief but important annotation on the renewal and the advancement of Evangelii Gaudium by Pope Francis. Here is highlighted the teaching of respect and love as fundamental for ecumenism and inter-religious dialog and value: prayer and spirituality; the testimony of faith while preserving the harmony of diversity; generosity and reciprocity; dialog; the promotion of goodness and peace. Finally, openness, the Church ready to go out, to meet others, as is emphasized in Evangelii Gaudium.

2017 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
Thiago Faccini Paro ◽  
André Luiz Massaro

Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal estudar os fundamentosteológicos e pastorais da Celebração da Palavra de Deus, resgatada peloConcílio Vaticano II. Os objetivos específicos desse trabalho são: apresentar aimportância da Celebração da Palavra de Deus no trabalho de evangelização daIgreja, apontando a inconsistência das resistências e incompreensões a respeitodo assunto. A Celebração da Palavra de Deus em sua estrutura é um valor herdadodos judeus, desde as grandes assembleias do primeiro Testamento (Cf. Ex19,24 e Ne 8,1-12) para a escuta da Palavra, até a estrutura da celebração noculto sinagogal (Lc 4,14-21), foi celebrada pelos primeiros cristãos, perdeu-sesua prática na história e foi restaurada pelo Vaticano II. Ela tem sua característicaespecífica e não é simplesmente um substitutivo da Celebração Eucarística. Ametodologia dessa pesquisa faz referência bibliográfica aos principais títulossobre o assunto na atualidade. Esse é o caminho percorrido dessa pesquisa:Faz-se análise da realidade, reflexão dos conceitos e desdobramentos práticos epastorais. Verifica-se, portanto, que, constatada a sacramentalidade da Palavrae da assembleia reunida, a Celebração da Palavra de Deus é autêntica açãolitúrgica e celebração do mistério pascal de Cristo. As famílias, como igrejas domésticas, podem ser bem mais evangelizados quando descobrirem a dimensãoorante da Palavra celebrada.Palavras-chave: Palavra de Deus. Assembleia. Ação Litúrgica. Mistério Pascal. Vaticano II.Abstract: This research has as main objective to study the theological andpastoral foundations of the Celebration of the Word of God, rescued by theSecond Vatican Council. The specific objectives of this work are: to present theimportance of the Celebration of the Word of God in the work of evangelizationof the Church; Pointing out the inconsistency of the resistances and misunderstandingsabout the subject. The Celebration of the Word of God in its structure isa value inherited from the Jews: from the great assemblies of the first covenant(cf. Ex 19,24 and Ne 8,1-12) to the listening of the Word, to the structure ofthe celebration in the The synagogue worship (Lc 4,14-21) was celebrated bythe early Christians, their practice in history was lost and restored by VaticanII. It has its specific character and is not simply a substitute for the EucharisticCelebration. The methodology of this research makes reference bibliographicalto the main titles on the subject nowadays. The way forward of this research:analysis of reality, reflection of concepts and practical and pastoral developments.It is verified, therefore, that the sacramentality of the Word and the assembledassembly have been verified, the celebration of the Word of God is authenticliturgical action and celebration of the paschal mystery of Christ. Families, likehouse churches, can be much more evangelized when they discover the prayingdimension of the Word celebrated.Keywords: Word of God. Assembly. Liturgical Action. Pascal Mystery. Vatican II.

2016 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
Thiago Faccini Paro ◽  
André Luiz Massaro

Resumo: Essa pesquisa tem como objetivo, apresentar a resposta que Medellín deu aocontinente americano sob a luz do Vaticano II, em relação aos graves problemas que caracterizama vida de seu povo. Por um lado, a miséria, opressão, dependência econômica,política e cultural, e, de outro, um desejo e clamor de misericórdia e libertação, de umpovo impaciente por mudanças e transformações. O homem e a mulher são sujeitos datransformação do continente, como a Igreja pode ajudá-los; qual é a sua missão ? A metodologiadessa pesquisa faz referência bibliográfica aos principais títulos sobre o assunto.O caminho a ser percorrido será: análise da história e da realidade, reflexão de conceitose desdobramentos práticos e pastorais. A Igreja não poderá nunca se esquecer que: “Asalegrias e as esperanças, as tristezas e as angústias dos homens de hoje, sobretudodos pobres e dos que sofrem, são também as alegrias e as esperanças, as tristezas e asangústias dos discípulos de Cristo; e não há realidade alguma verdadeiramente humanaque não encontre eco no seu coração.”(GS 01)Palavras-chave: Medellín. Igreja. Vaticano II. Pobre. Missão.Abstract: This research aims to present the answer Medellin gave the American continentin the light of Vatican II, in relation to the serious problems that characterize the lives ofhis people. On the one hand, misery, oppression, economic dependence, political andcultural, and the other, a desire and cry for mercy and release of an impatient peoplefor change and transformation. The man and woman are subjects of the transformationof the continent, as the Church can help them; what is your mission? The methodologyof this research is bibliographical reference to the main titles on the subject. The way togo is: analysis of the history and reality, reflection concepts and practical and pastoraldevelopments. The Church can never forget that: “The joys and the hopes, the griefs andthe anxieties of people today, especially the poor and those who suffer, are also the joysand hopes, the griefs and the anxieties of disciples of Christ; and there is no reality trulyhuman fails to raise an echo in their hearts.” (GS 01)Keywords: Medellin. Church. Vatican II. Poor. Mission.

Shaun Blanchard

This chapter argues that the reforms of the Second Vatican Council, or Vatican II, are best understood through a triadic grid: ressourcement (retrieval of past Christian thought and texts, especially scripture and of the church fathers), aggiornamento (updating), and the development of doctrine. It highlights four areas in which Vatican II sought to reform the Church—ecclesiology, religious liberty, liturgy and devotions, and ecumenism. The interpretation of Vatican II is still heavily contested. The chapter argues that the best hermeneutic for interpreting the council, advanced by Pope Benedict XVI and praised by John O’Malley, is a “hermeneutic of reform,” a theologically rigorous and historically conscious hermeneutic that sees Vatican II as having “continuity and discontinuity on different levels” with past teaching. It argues that such a hermeneutic can aid conciliar interpretation and deepen reflection on the nature of Catholic reform through a study of forerunners of Vatican II, who attempted aggiornamento and ressourcement.

2011 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 296-313
Julie Clague

AbstractVatican II left Catholicism with some unresolved tensions: on the one hand between the authority of conscience and the teaching authority of the church and, on the other hand, concerning the proper relationship between the hierarchy and the laity. Such unfinished business continues to play itself out in public and political life. This article traces developments in the Catholic understanding of conscientious participation in public life, stretching from John F. Kennedy’s presidential candidature in 1960 up to the present writings of Pope Benedict XVI. In the post-Vatican II era, Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI have emphasized the strong correspondence that should exist between church teaching and the Christian conscience.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 231-257
Michaela Neulinger ◽  
Anni Findl-Ludescher

Abstract The article discusses the relation between liturgy, theology and social ethics, focusing particularly on gender justice and its representation in liturgy as the official worship of the Church. It argues that the way women are (not) represented within liturgy is an expression of problematic gender stereotypes which shape once more the faith and the social engagement of the Church and its believers. First, the text contends that the Second Vatican Council acknowledged the implementation of gender justice as an important mission of the church. However, it is precisely the liturgy of the church that reveals a severe underrepresentation of women and highly problematic gender stereotypes, which is exemplarily illustrated by the saints remembered, the texts read and the way women are (not) allowed to preside over liturgical worship. Finally, possible paths towards a more inclusive liturgy, through the implementation of gender justice within the church and society will be presented.

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