scholarly journals Short-Term Passenger Demand Forecasting Using Univariate Time Series Theory

2013 ◽  
Vol 25 (6) ◽  
pp. 533-541 ◽  
Ondrej Cyprich ◽  
Vladimír Konečný ◽  
Katarína Kiliánová

The purpose of the paper is to identify and analyse the forecasting performance of the model of passenger demand for suburban bus transport time series, which satisfies the statistical significance of its parameters and randomness of its residuals. Box-Jenkins, exponential smoothing and multiple linear regression models are used in order to design a more accurate and reliable model compared the ones used nowadays. Forecasting accuracy of the models is evaluated by comparative analysis of the calculated mean absolute percent errors of different approaches to forecasting. In accordance with the main goal of the paper was identified the ARIMA model, which fulfils almost all statistical criterions with an exception of the model residuals normality. In spite of the limitation, the best forecasting abilities of identified model have been proven in comparison with other approaches to forecasting in the paper. The published findings of research will have positive influence on increasing the forecasting accuracy in the process of passenger demand forecasting.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 58
Lu Qin ◽  
Kyle Shanks ◽  
Glenn Allen Phillips ◽  
Daphne Bernard

The Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average model (ARIMA) is a popular time-series model used to predict future trends in economics, energy markets, and stock markets. It has not been widely applied to enrollment forecasting in higher education. The accuracy of the ARIMA model heavily relies on the length of time series. Researchers and practitioners often utilize the most recent - to -years of historical data to predict future enrollment; however, the accuracy of enrollment projection under different lengths of time series has never been investigated and compared. A simulation and an empirical study were conducted to thoroughly investigate the accuracy of ARIMA forecasting under four different lengths of time series. When the ARIMA model completely captured the historical changing trajectories, it provided the most accurate predictions of student enrollment with 20-years of historical data and had the lowest forecasting accuracy with the shortest time series. The results of this paper contribute as a reference to studies in the enrollment projection and time-series forecasting. It provides a practical impact on enrollment strategies, budges plans, and financial aid policies at colleges and institutions across countries.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Richard T.R. Qiu ◽  
Anyu Liu ◽  
Jason L. Stienmetz ◽  
Yang Yu

Purpose The impact of demand fluctuation during crisis events is crucial to the dynamic pricing and revenue management tactics of the hospitality industry. The purpose of this paper is to improve the accuracy of hotel demand forecast during periods of crisis or volatility, taking the 2019 social unrest in Hong Kong as an example. Design/methodology/approach Crisis severity, approximated by social media data, is combined with traditional time-series models, including SARIMA, ETS and STL models. Models with and without the crisis severity intervention are evaluated to determine under which conditions a crisis severity measurement improves hotel demand forecasting accuracy. Findings Crisis severity is found to be an effective tool to improve the forecasting accuracy of hotel demand during crisis. When the market is volatile, the model with the severity measurement is more effective to reduce the forecasting error. When the time of the crisis lasts long enough for the time series model to capture the change, the performance of traditional time series model is much improved. The finding of this research is that the incorporating social media data does not universally improve the forecast accuracy. Hotels should select forecasting models accordingly during crises. Originality/value The originalities of the study are as follows. First, this is the first study to forecast hotel demand during a crisis which has valuable implications for the hospitality industry. Second, this is also the first attempt to introduce a crisis severity measurement, approximated by social media coverage, into the hotel demand forecasting practice thereby extending the application of big data in the hospitality literature.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-47 ◽  
Anila Cyril ◽  
Raviraj H. Mulangi ◽  
Varghese George

Background: Public transport demand forecasting is the fundamental process of transport planning activity. It plays a pivotal role in the decision making, policy formulations and urban transport planning procedures. In this paper, public bus passenger demand forecasting model is developed using a novel approach. The empirical passenger demand for a bus depot is modelled and forecasted using a data-driven method. The big data generated by Electronic Ticketing Machines (ETM) used for issuing tickets and collecting fares is sourced as the data for demand modelling. This big data is time indexed and hence has the potential for use in time-series applications which were not previously explored. Objectives: This paper studies the application of time-series method for forecasting public bus passenger demand using ETM based time-series data. The time-series approach used is the four Holt-Winters’ modeling methods. Holt-Winters’ additive and multiplicative models with and without damping have been empirically compared in this study using the data from the inter-zonal buses. The data used in the study is a part of the transaction on ticket sales by Kerala State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) maintained at the Trivandrum City depot of an Indian state Kerala, for the period between 2010 and 2013. The forecasting performance of four time-series models is compared using Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) and the model goodness of fit is determined using information criteria. Conclusion: The forecasts indicate that multiplicative models with and without damping, which better account for seasonal variations, outperform the additive models.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 1
Teerada Khamphinit ◽  
Pornthipa Ongkunaruk

<p>Demand forecasting is very important for the planning process. The forecast accuracy affects the efficiency of the procurement, production and delivery processes. Our research has the objective of increasing the sales forecasting accuracy of instant noodles for a case study company in Thailand. Many factors affect the sales of instant noodles, such as promotion, other commodities’ prices, national disaster and production capacity. Thus, we collected historical monthly sales data, analysed the data and their pattern and considered whether the data were irregular due to those factors. After obtaining the forecast data, data intervention by adjustment of the irregular effects was performed in accordance with our experience and judgement. Next, we used the predictor function in the Crystal Ball software to determine the best time series forecasting method for actual and adjusted sales data. Then, we verified the result with the actual sales data for one year. The result showed that the adjustment could increase the sales forecast accuracy by 46.14%, 22.53% and 56.42% for products A, B and C, respectively. In summary, the mean average percentage sales forecast error after adjustment was 6.48%–11.62%, which is better than the current method of forecasting based on experts.  </p><p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Instant Noodle; Intervention; Qualitative Forecasting; Sales Adjustment; Time Ser ies Forecasting </p>

Mona A. Alduailij ◽  
Ioan Petri ◽  
Omer Rana ◽  
Mai A. Alduailij ◽  
Abdulrahman S. Aldawood

AbstractPredicting energy consumption in buildings plays an important part in the process of digital transformation of the built environment, and for understanding the potential for energy savings. This also contributes to reducing the impact of climate change, where buildings need to increase their adaptability and resilience while reducing energy consumption and maintain user comfort. The use of Internet of Things devices for monitoring and control of energy consumption in buildings can take into account user preferences, event monitoring and building optimization. Detecting peak energy demand from historical building data can enable users to manage their energy use more efficiently, while also enabling real-time response strategies (including control and actuation) to known or future scenarios. Several statistical, time series, and machine learning techniques are proposed in this work to predict electricity consumption for five different building types, by using peak demand forecasting to achieve energy efficiency. We have used several indigenous and exogenous variables with a view to test different energy forecasting scenarios. The suggested techniques are evaluated for creating predictive models, including linear Regression, dynamic regression, ARIMA time series, exponential smoothing time series, artificial neural network, and deep neural network. We conduct the analysis on an energy consumption dataset of five buildings from 2014 until 2019. Our results show that for a day ahead prediction, the ARIMA model outperforms the other approaches with an accuracy of 98.91% when executed over a 168 h (1 week) of uninterrupted data for five government buildings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10(4) (10(4)) ◽  
pp. 1370-1393
Musonera Abdou ◽  
Edouard Musabanganji ◽  
Herman Musahara

This research examines 145 key papers from 1979 to 2020 in order to gain a better sense of how tourism demand forecasting techniques have changed over time. The three types of forecasting models are econometric, time series, and artificial intelligence (AI) models. Econometric and time series models that were already popular in 2005 maintained their popularity, and were increasingly used as benchmark models for forecasting performance assessment and comparison with new models. In the last decade, AI models have advanced at an incredible rate, with hybrid AI models emerging as a new trend. In addition, some new developments in the three categories of models, such as mixed frequency, spatial regression, and combination and hybrid models have been introduced. The main conclusions drawn from historical comparisons forecasting methods are that forecasting models have become more diverse, that these models have been merged, and that forecasting accuracy has improved. Given the complexities of predicting tourism demand, there is no single approach that works well in all circumstances, and forecasting techniques are still evolving.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 194-207
Riski Arum Pitaloka ◽  
Sugito Sugito ◽  
Rita Rahmawati

Import is activities to enter goods into the territory of a country, both commercial and non-commercial include goods that will be processed domestically. Import is an important requirement for industry in Central Java. The increase in high import values can cause deficit in the trade balance. Appropriate information about the projected amount of imports is needed so that the government can anticipate a high increase in imports through several policies that can be done. The forecasting method that can be used is ARIMA Box-Jenkins. The development of modeling in the field of time series forecasting shows that forecasting accuracy increases if it results from the merging of several models called ensemble ARIMA. The ensemble method used is averaging and stacking. The data used are monthly import value data in Central Java from January 2010 to December 2018. Modeling time series with Box-Jenkins ARIMA produces two significant models, namely ARIMA (2,1,0) and ARIMA (0,1,1). Both models are combined using the ARIMA ensemble averaging and stacking method. The best model chosen from the ARIMA method and ensemble ARIMA based on the least RMSE value is the ARIMA model (2,1,0) with RMSE value of 185,8892 Keywords: Import, ARIMA, ARIMA Ensemble, Stacking, Averaging

2020 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Mehdi Khashei ◽  
Bahareh Mahdavi Sharif

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to propose a comprehensive version of a hybrid autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA), and artificial neural networks (ANNs) in order to yield a more general and more accurate hybrid model for exchange rates forecasting. For this purpose, the Kalman filter technique is used in the proposed model to preprocess and detect the trend of raw data. It is basically done to reduce the existing noise in the underlying data and better modeling, respectively. Design/methodology/approach In this paper, ARIMA models are applied to construct a new hybrid model to overcome the above-mentioned limitations of ANNs and to yield a more general and more accurate model than traditional hybrid ARIMA and ANNs models. In our proposed model, a time series is considered as a function of a linear and nonlinear component, so, in the first phase, an ARIMA model is first used to identify and magnify the existing linear structures in data. In the second phase, a multilayer perceptron is used as a nonlinear neural network to model the preprocessed data, in which the existing linear structures are identified and magnified by ARIMA and to predict the future value of time series. Findings In this paper, a new Kalman filter based hybrid artificial neural network and ARIMA model are proposed as an alternate forecasting technique to the traditional hybrid ARIMA/ANNs models. In the proposed model, similar to the traditional hybrid ARIMA/ANNs models, the unique strengths of ARIMA and ANN in linear and nonlinear modeling are jointly used, aiming to capture different forms of relationship in the data; especially, in complex problems that have both linear and nonlinear correlation structures. However, there are no aforementioned assumptions in the modeling process of the proposed model. Therefore, in the proposed model, in contrast to the traditional hybrid ARIMA/ANNs, it can be generally guaranteed that the performance of the proposed model will not be worse than either of their components used separately. In addition, empirical results in both weekly and daily exchange rate forecasting indicate that the proposed model can be an effective way to improve forecasting accuracy achieved by traditional hybrid ARIMA/ANNs models. Originality/value In the proposed model, in contrast to the traditional hybrid ARIMA/ANNs, it can be guaranteed that the performance of the proposed model will not be worse than either of the components used separately. In addition, empirical results in exchange rate forecasting indicate that the proposed model can be an effective way to improve forecasting accuracy achieved by traditional hybrid ARIMA/ANNs models. Therefore, it can be used as an appropriate alternate model for forecasting in exchange ratemarkets, especially when higher forecasting accuracy is needed.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2015 ◽  
pp. 1-11 ◽  
Rui Xue ◽  
Daniel (Jian) Sun ◽  
Shukai Chen

Although bus passenger demand prediction has attracted increased attention during recent years, limited research has been conducted in the context of short-term passenger demand forecasting. This paper proposes an interactive multiple model (IMM) filter algorithm-based model to predict short-term passenger demand. After aggregated in 15 min interval, passenger demand data collected from a busy bus route over four months were used to generate time series. Considering that passenger demand exhibits various characteristics in different time scales, three time series were developed, named weekly, daily, and 15 min time series. After the correlation, periodicity, and stationarity analyses, time series models were constructed. Particularly, the heteroscedasticity of time series was explored to achieve better prediction performance. Finally, IMM filter algorithm was applied to combine individual forecasting models with dynamically predicted passenger demand for next interval. Different error indices were adopted for the analyses of individual and hybrid models. The performance comparison indicates that hybrid model forecasts are superior to individual ones in accuracy. Findings of this study are of theoretical and practical significance in bus scheduling.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2 (29)) ◽  
pp. 41-55
Anna Borucka

Objective– Twomethods of predictionwereproposed in the article, usingsales data. Modelswereidentified and estimated, forecastsweredetermined, theirreliability was verified, and thenvaluesobtained for eachmethodwerecompared.Methodology – The article presents models belonging to two different categories. They are regression function, which is a classic example of cause-and-effect model, and ARIMA model for time-series analysis.Results– The results obtained for both models were satisfactorily described by empirical data, but the regression model is much easier to estimate and does not require complex transformations orcalculations, nor the use of specialized software. In the analyzed case, demand forecasting based on the linear regression model is sufficient and reflects the nature of studied phenomenon.

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