scholarly journals Accelerating Financial Inclusion through Non-cash Assistance: Exploring Factor Affecting Beneficiaries Perception

2017 ◽  
Vol 62 (3) ◽  
pp. 152
Sartika Djamaluddin

Distribution of social assistance through a non-cash system is a new government breakthrough to increase transfer effectiveness and promote financial inclusion. After the pilot project in 2014, the recent study found that there is a number of beneficiaries who feel the non-cash system is difficult. Therefore they use non-cash facilities to get the transfer only and do not want to use for other financial services. This fact could become an obstacle to financial inclusion. This study aims to investigate what factors influence beneficiaries perception to use non-cash system. We conducted a survey of 139 non-cash beneficiaries in Kabupaten Cirebon, West Java and Kabupaten Pasuruan, East Java. The results showed that accessibility such as queue time, travel time and transportation cost had a significant effect on perception of non-cash system. Perceptions also vary according to beneficiary characteristics. AbstrakDistribusi bantuan sosial melalui sistem non-tunai merupakan terobosan baru yang dilakukan pemerintah untuk meningkatkan efektivitas bantuan dan mempromosikan inklusi keuangan. Penelitian terbaru menyatakan bahwa, pada uji coba sistem non-tunai di tahun 2014, sejumlah penerima bantuan merasa kesulitan mencairkan bantuan dengan sistem tersebut. Mereka hanya menggunakan fasilitas non-tunai untuk mencairkan bantuan saja dan tidak ingin menggunakan sistem tersebut untuk layanan keuangan lainnya. Fakta tersebut dapat menjadi hambatan tercapainya inklusif keuangan. Studi ini bertujuan menyelidiki faktor-faktor apa saja yang memengaruhi persepsi penerima bantuan untuk menggunakan sistem non-tunai. Kami melakukan survei pada 139 penerima bantuan non-tunai di Kabupaten Cirebon, Jawa Barat dan Kabupaten Pasuruan, Jawa Timur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aksesibilitas seperti waktu antrian, waktu perjalanan dan biaya transportasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap persepsi sistem non-tunai. Persepsi juga bervariasi menurut karakteristik penerima bantuan.Kata kunci: Bantuan Non-tunai; Transfer; Inklusi Keuangan; Persepsi; Penerima BantuanJEL classifications: H31; H55

2020 ◽  
Vol 31 (4) ◽  
pp. 284-299
Hilman Palaon ◽  
Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono ◽  
Taufik Faturohman

Digitizing social assistance for the poor has been proven to increase financial inclusion. The Indonesian Government initiated reform for non-cash social assistance disbursement in 2016. Evidence-based policy approach is an effective technique for informing the government on appropriate new regulations. A pilot project involving 4,295 participants was conducted to evaluate the following payment systems: debit card, mobile money, QR code (quick response), and NFC (near field communication). Beneficiaries utilized the funds for cash withdrawals and food purchases at bank agents. Quantitative and qualitative methods were employed in the analysis. The government decided to use debit card with multiple wallet features. A new regulation was made to support the implementation in 2017, and by the end of 2019, the government provided more than 12 million new savings accounts to the poor. Potential future improvements are proposed for the sustainability of the solution, which include a disbursement providers’ revenue model, broader financial services involvement, bank agents’ inventory system, and optimizing the latest innovations.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-5
Sayan Saha ◽  
Kiran Shankar Chakraborty

The term ‘Financial Inclusion’ signifies a process of ensuring delivery of financial services as well as banking services to the vulnerable groups at the point of need, adequately at an affordable cost. The concept of ‘Financial Inclusion’ was accentuated in 2003 by Kofi Annan, former General Secretary of United Nations. Such, efforts were undertaken by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in 2005 and the said policy as already mentioned in a pilot project was first implemented by Indian Bank. Probably, by implementing such policy resolution a vast section of the rural disadvantaged people in India was gradually coming under the ambit of formal banking services. The main aim of this paper is to assess the level of financial inclusion in Tripura based on composite Index. The study conducted in the four districts of Tripura state. The present study relies on secondary data. Secondary data collected from State Level Bankers’ Committee Reports, NEDFi databank, Economic Reviews and RBI Annual Reports. Through this paper Index of Financial Inclusion (IFI) has been used to assess the level of financial inclusion in Tripura.

2012 ◽  
Vol 39 (10) ◽  
pp. 1113-1124 ◽  
Tian-dong Xu ◽  
Yuan Hao ◽  
Zhong-ren Peng ◽  
Li-jun Sun

Providing reliable real-time travel time information is a critical challenge to all existing traffic routing systems. This study develops a new model for estimating and predicting real-time traffic conditions and travel times for variable message signs-based route guidance system. The proposed model is based on real-time limited detected traffic data, stochastic nonlinear macroscopic traffic flow model, and adaptive Kalman filtering theory. The method has the following main features: (1) real-time estimation and prediction of traffic conditions on a network level using limited traffic detectors, (2) travel time prediction in free flow and congested flow, and (3) prediction of drivers’ en-route diversion behavior. Field testing is conducted based on the Route Guidance Pilot Project sponsored by the National Science and Technology Ministry of China. The achieved testing results are satisfactory and have potential use for future works and field applications.

Arief Fajar Firmansyah ◽  
Suharno Suharno ◽  
Arintoko Arintoko

This study is based on the transformation of the distribution of cash social assistance into non-cash in the City of Tegal. The non-cash distribution is by using a banking account that has a combo card facility, which is a multi-function card that can be used as an ATM card as well as disbursement of social assistance. There is a slice of the objectives of the non-cash transaction referred to as an alternative to accelerate the increase in financial inclusion of the Indonesian population as stated in the National Strategy for Financial Inclusion with the financial inclusion index indicator. This study aims to determine the impact of the transformation of the distribution of social assistance on financial inclusion in Tegal City and the welfare of beneficiary families (KPM). Primary data were collected from questionnaires that have been filled in by KPM and secondary data were obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics and the Representative Office of Bank Indonesia Tegal. The analytical tool used is a quantitative approach to KPM's response to the distribution of non-cash social assistance. As supporting data, in the problem of financial inclusion, analysis tools are used by qualitatively comparing financial inclusion that is generated as a result of the implementation of the distribution of non-cash social assistance to existing financial inclusion. The analysis shows that the acceptance and perception of KPM supports the transformation of non-cash social assistance distribution, this is supported by KPM's interest in using combo cards as a means of saving. On the other hand, the transformation of the distribution of social assistance to non-cash contributes to financial inclusion in the city of Tegal, namely the Agent Laku Pandai (LKD) contributing 75.20% to banking financial services in Tegal City. From the 4 Welfare Indicator Classifications, it is found that the welfare of KPM has experienced changes in welfare after receiving non-cash social assistance and has improved the welfare of the beneficiary community (KPM).Keywords : Non-Cash Social Assistance, PKH, BPNT

2017 ◽  
Vol 42 (4) ◽  
pp. 173
Eny Yuliawati

Provinsi Jawa Barat, dengan wilayah daratan seluas 3.709.528,44 Ha dan jumlah penduduk sebanyak 35,72 juta jiwa, memiliki potensi sumber daya alam maupun sumber daya manusia yang sangat maju. Potensi tersebut tentu membutuhkan dukungan infrastruktur transportasi, salah satunya adalah dengan keberadaan bandara yang memadai. Saat ini keberadaan Bandara Husein Sastranegara semakin padat, sehingga mendorong Pemerintah Daerah untuk menginisiasi pembangunan bandara baru di Kertajati Majalengka. Penelitian ini bermaksud mengembangkan model demand forecasting berdasarkan modal share dalam rangka mendukung akselerasi pembangunan Bandara di Kertajati Jawa Barat. Analisa prediksi permintaan penumpang ini didasarkan pada modal share data Origin-Destination di 9 wilayah kabupaten/kota yang diasumsikan berada dalam cakupan pelayanan Bandara Kertajati dengan mempertimbangkan pengaruh variabel ekternal berupa variabel sosioekonomi pada masing-masing wilayah prediksi. Selain itu pendekatan teknik stated preference juga digunakan untuk mengetahui preferensi penumpang angkutan udara di Bandara Husein Sastra Negara dengan adanya Bandara Baru di Kertajati. Teknik stated preference tersebut mempertimbangkan atribut-atribut seperti travel time, travel cost dan aksesibilitas. Hasil penelitian model demand forecasting penumpang angkutan udara berdasarkan pendekatan model share dan teknik stated preference diharapkan dapat digunakan untuk menganalisa prediksi potensi penumpang angkutan udara di bandara baru sehingga dapat mendukung akselerasi pembangunan BIJB di Kertajati Majalengka Jawa Barat. [Demand Forecasting of Modal Share of Bandara Internasional Jawa Barat (BJIB) in Kertajati Majalengka] The province of West Java, with 3,709,528.44 hectares area and 35.72 million population, has the great potential for natural resources and human resources. These potentials would require the support of transport infrastructure, one of which is the existence of a proper airport infrastructure. Currently the airport of Husein Sastranegara Bandung is getting more congested, thus encouraging of the local governments to initiate the development of the new airport in Kertajati Majalengka. The purpose of this study is to develop the demand forecasting model based on the modal share in order to support the acceleration of the new airport development in Kertajati in the West Java. The analysis of passenger demand forecasting is based on the modal share with review of Origin-Destination Data in 9 regions that are assumed covered by the new airport in Kertajati and also considering the influence of external variables such as socioeconomic variables in each region. The stated preference technique is used for analysis with the purpose to find the preferences of air passengers in Husein Sastranegara Airport if there is a new airport in Kertajati. The stated preference technique considering the attributes of travel time, travel cost and accessibility. The research result is expected to be used in analyzing the forecasting of the air transportation potential passenger in the new airport so that it can support the development acceleration of BJIB in Kertajati Majalengka.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 204-208 ◽  
Kelsey Hayward ◽  
Sabrina H. Han ◽  
Alexander Simko ◽  
Hector E. James ◽  
Philipp R. Aldana

OBJECTIVEThe objective of this study was to examine the socioeconomic benefits to the patients and families attending a regional pediatric neurosurgery telemedicine clinic (PNTMC).METHODSA PNTMC was organized by the Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery of the University of Florida College of Medicine–Jacksonville based at Wolfson Children’s Hospital and by the Children’s Medical Services (CMS) to service the Southeast Georgia Health District. Monthly clinics are held with the CMS nursing personnel at the remote location. A retrospective review of the clinic population was performed, socioeconomic data were extracted, and cost savings were calculated.RESULTSClinic visits from August 2011 through January 2017 were reviewed. Fifty-five patients were seen in a total of 268 initial and follow-up PNTMC appointments. The average round-trip distance for a family from home to the University of Florida Pediatric Neurosurgery (Jacksonville) clinic location versus the PNTMC remote location was 190 versus 56 miles, respectively. The families saved an average of 2.5 hours of travel time and 134 miles of travel distance per visit. The average transportation cost savings for all visits per family and for all families was $180 and $9711, respectively. The average lost work cost savings for all visits per family and for all families was $43 and $2337, respectively. The combined transportation and work cost savings for all visits totaled $223 per family and $12,048 for all families. Average savings of $0.68/mile and $48.50/visit in utilizing the PNTMC were calculated.CONCLUSIONSManaging pediatric neurosurgery patients and their families via telemedicine is feasible and saves families substantial travel time, travel cost, and time away from work.

Wen Zhang ◽  
Yang Wang ◽  
Xike Xie ◽  
Chuancai Ge ◽  
Hengchang Liu

Economies ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 80
Rosmah Nizam ◽  
Zulkefly Abdul Karim ◽  
Tamat Sarmidi ◽  
Aisyah Abdul Rahman

This paper examines the effect of financial inclusion on the firm growth of the manufacturing sector (513 firms) in selected ASEAN countries (Malaysia, Philippines, and Vietnam) using a cross-section threshold estimation technique. The levels of financial inclusion across firms were measured based on the distribution of financial services (access to credit). The main findings revealed that there is a non-monotonic effect of financial inclusion on the firm’s growth. These findings show that the impact of financial inclusion on firm growth in the manufacturing sector is significantly positive below a threshold point, and turns to significantly negative after a certain threshold point has been reached. These new findings suggest that manufacturing firm owners and banking institutions should deepen their financial inclusion efforts, and limit the distribution of credit access within the optimum value or threshold level in promoting the growth of the firm.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-74
Jeetendra Dangol ◽  
Anil Humagain

Financial inclusion is a priority agenda in countries like Nepal. The study seeks to determine the access to financial services, financial innovation and quality of financial services to the financial inclusion.The study is based on questionnaire surveydata with363 household respondents using a convenient sampling technique, and carried out in Namobuddha Municipality of Nepal. The moderating effect of financial literacy and control variable of demographic items have been analysed using generalised regression model. The results show that financial innovation and quality of financial services are the significant determinants of financial inclusion; financial literacy is found significant and it plays a moderating role between the variables under study. The findings revealed that the tendency of higher level of financial inclusion was influenced by gender, education level and monthly income.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Kudakwashe Joshua Chipunza ◽  
Ashenafi Fanta

PurposeThe study measured quality financial inclusion, a more comprehensive measure of financial inclusion, and examined its determinants at a consumer level in South Africa.Design/methodology/approachThis study leveraged on FinScope 2015 survey data to compute a quality financial inclusion index using polychoric principal component analysis. Subsequently, a heteroscedasticity consistent ordinary least squares regression model was employed to assess determinants of quality financial inclusion.FindingsThe empirical findings indicated that gender, education, financial literacy, income, location and geographical proximity determine quality financial inclusion. These findings could inform policymakers and financial services providers on how quality financial inclusion can be promoted through tailoring financial products for various socio-demographic groups.Research limitations/implicationsDue to data limitations, the study was confined to South Africa and did not capture digital financial inclusion. Hence, future studies could replicate the study in Sub-Saharan Africa's context and compute an index that captures digital financial inclusion.Practical implicationsThese findings could inform policymakers and financial services providers on how quality financial inclusion can be promoted through tailoring financial products for various socio-demographic groups.Originality/valueThis study proposed a more comprehensive measure of quality financial inclusion from a demand-side perspective by accounting for important dimensions that include diversity, affordability, appropriateness and flexibility of financial products and services.

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