scholarly journals Inferring ‘weak spots’ in phylogenetic trees: application to mosasauroid nomenclature

PeerJ ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. e3782 ◽  
Daniel Madzia ◽  
Andrea Cau

Mosasauroid squamates represented the apex predators within the Late Cretaceous marine and occasionally also freshwater ecosystems. Proper understanding of the origin of their ecological adaptations or paleobiogeographic dispersals requires adequate knowledge of their phylogeny. The studies assessing the position of mosasauroids on the squamate evolutionary tree and their origins have long given conflicting results. The phylogenetic relationships within Mosasauroidea, however, have experienced only little changes throughout the last decades. Considering the substantial improvements in the development of phylogenetic methodology that have undergone in recent years, resulting, among others, in numerous alterations in the phylogenetic hypotheses of other fossil amniotes, we test the robustness in our understanding of mosasauroid beginnings and their evolutionary history. We re-examined a data set that results from modifications assembled in the course of the last 20 years and performed multiple parsimony analyses and Bayesian tip-dating analysis. Following the inferred topologies and the ‘weak spots’ in the phylogeny of mosasauroids, we revise the nomenclature of the ‘traditionally’ recognized mosasauroid clades, to acknowledge the overall weakness among branches and the alternative topologies suggested previously, and discuss several factors that might have an impact on the differing phylogenetic hypotheses and their statistical support.

Paleobiology ◽  
1997 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-19 ◽  
William C. Clyde ◽  
Daniel C. Fisher

Stratigraphic data are compared to morphologic data in terms of their fit to phylogenetic hypotheses for 29 data sets taken from the literature. Stratigraphic fit is measured using MacClade's stratigraphic character, which tracks the number of independent discrepancies between observed order and the order of occurrence that would be expected on the basis of a given phylogenetic hypothesis. Acceptance of a phylogenetic hypothesis despite such discrepancies requires ad hoc hypotheses concerning differential probabilities of preservation and recovery. These stratigraphic ad hoc hypotheses are treated as logically equivalent to morphologic ad hoc hypotheses of homoplasy. The retention index is used to compare the number of stratigraphic and morphologic ad hoc hypotheses required by given phylogenetic hypotheses. Each data set is subjected to five analyses, varying in the constraints imposed on the structure of the phylogenetic tree against which fit is measured. Analyses 1–4 compare the stratigraphic and morphologic retention indices using phylogenetic trees consistent with the morphologically most-parsimonious cladogram reported in the original study. Analysis 5 compares retention indices using the overall (stratigraphically and morphologically) most-parsimonious phylogenetic tree, which may be, but is not necessarily, consistent with the reported cladogram. Proceeding from Analysis 1 to Analysis 5, stratigraphic data are allowed greater influence in determining the structure of phylogenetic trees, with the trees in Analysis 1 derived without reference to the stratigraphic character and the trees in Analysis 5 derived from full interaction of stratigraphic and morphologic characters. Morphologic and stratigraphic retention indices for these 29 studies cannot be statistically distinguished in comparisons 3–5, suggesting very similar degrees of fit. The values of these retention indices are high, indicating a generally high level of congruence under these phylogenetic hypotheses. Significant gains (49%) in stratigraphic fit can be realized without significant loss (4%) in morphologic fit as the stratigraphic and morphologic evidence are both allowed to participate in constraining the structure of phylogenetic hypotheses. These results suggest that arguments based on alleged “noisiness” of stratigraphic data offer inadequate grounds for ignoring stratigraphic order in phylogenetic analysis. In terms of congruence, stratigraphic and morphologic data perform about equally well.

Genetics ◽  
2000 ◽  
Vol 156 (1) ◽  
pp. 305-311 ◽  
Jason G Mezey ◽  
James M Cheverud ◽  
Günter P Wagner

Abstract Various theories about the evolution of complex characters make predictions about the statistical distribution of genetic effects on phenotypic characters, also called the genotype-phenotype map. With the advent of QTL technology, data about these distributions are becoming available. In this article, we propose simple tests for the prediction that functionally integrated characters have a modular genotype-phenotype map. The test is applied to QTL data on the mouse mandible. The results provide statistical support for the notion that the ascending ramus region of the mandible is modularized. A data set comprising the effects of QTL on a more extensive portion of the phenotype is required to determine if the alveolar region of the mandible is also modularized.

1990 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 145
DJ Colgan

This paper is a review of the use of information regarding the presence of duplicate genes and their regulation in systematics. The review concentrates on data derived from protein electrophoresis and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. The appearance of a duplication in a subset of a group of species implies that the members of the subset belong to the same clade. Suppression of the duplication may render this clade apparently paraphyletic, but may itself be informative of relations within the lineage through patterns of loss of expression in all, or some tissues, or through restrictions of the formation of functional heteropolymers in polymeric enzymes. Examples are given of studies which have used such information to establish phylogenetic hypotheses at the family level, to identify an auto- or allo-polyploid origin of polyploid species and to determine whether there have been single or multiple origins of such species. The likelihood of homoplasy in the patterns of appearance and regulation of duplicates depends on the molecular basis of the duplication. In particular, the contrast between the expected consequences of tandem duplication and the expression of pseudogenes emphasises the value of determining the mechanism of the original duplication. Many instances of sporadic gene duplication are now known, and polyploidisation is a common event in the evolutionary history of both plants and animals. So the opportunities to discover duplicationrelated characters will arise in many systematic studies. A program is presented to increase the chances that such useful information will be recognisable during the studies.

Sara Fuentes-Soriano ◽  
Elizabeth A. Kellogg

Physarieae is a small tribe of herbaceous annual and woody perennial mustards that are mostly endemic to North America, with its members including a large amount of variation in floral, fruit, and chromosomal variation. Building on a previous study of Physarieae based on morphology and ndhF plastid DNA, we reconstructed the evolutionary history of the tribe using new sequence data from two nuclear markers, and compared the new topologies against previously published cpDNA-based phylogenetic hypotheses. The novel analyses included ca. 420 new sequences of ITS and LUMINIDEPENDENS (LD) markers for 39 and 47 species, respectively, with sampling accounting for all seven genera of Physarieae, including nomenclatural type species, and 11 outgroup taxa. Maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian analyses showed that these additional markers were largely consistent with the previous ndhF data that supported the monophyly of Physarieae and resolved two major clades within the tribe, i.e., DDNLS (Dithyrea, Dimorphocarpa, Nerisyrenia, Lyrocarpa, and Synthlipsis)and PP (Paysonia and Physaria). New analyses also increased internal resolution for some closely related species and lineages within both clades. The monophyly of Dithyrea and the sister relationship of Paysonia to Physaria was consistent in all trees, with the sister relationship of Nerisyrenia to Lyrocarpa supported by ndhF and ITS, and the positions of Dimorphocarpa and Synthlipsis shifted within the DDNLS Clade depending on the employed data set. Finally, using the strong, new phylogenetic framework of combined cpDNA + nDNA data, we discussed standing hypotheses of trichome evolution in the tribe suggested by ndhF.

2021 ◽  
Ixchel Gonzalez-Ramirez ◽  
Sergio RS Cevallos-Ferriz ◽  
Carl Rothfels

Premise of study: El Chango is a recently discovered quarry that contains extremely well preserved fossils. The Cenomanian age of the locality corresponds to a time when the global flora was transitioning from gymnosperm- to angiosperm-dominated, yet conifers predominate in this locality. These fossils thus provide a rare opportunity to understand the replacement of conifers by angiosperms as the dominant group of plants. Methods: We collected material from El Chango in annual expeditions (2010 to 2014). We selected the three most abundant and best preserved conifer morphotypes and conducted a total-evidence (i.e., including molecular and morphological data) phylogenetic analysis of a sample of 72 extant conifer species plus the three fossils. We use these results to inform our taxonomic decisions. Results: We obtained four equally most-parsimonious trees (consistency index = 44.1%, retention index = 78.8%). Despite ambiguous relationships among some extant taxa, the three fossil conifers had the same phylogenetic position in all four most parsimonious trees; we describe these species as new: Sequoiadendron helicalancifolium sp. nov. (Cupressaceae), and Microcachrys rhomboidea sp. nov. and Dacrydium bifoliosus sp. nov (Podocarpaceae). The ecosystem is interpreted as a coastal humid mixed forest. Conclusions: Our findings contribute to the understanding of Cenomanian equatorialregions, and support the hypothesis of a geographically and ecologically structured rise of angiosperms, with conifers remaining dominant in brackish-water and angiosperms becoming dominant in freshwater-ecosystems. These fossils fill in gaps in the evolutionary history of lineages like Microcachrys, which we demonstrate occurred in the Northern hemisphere before becoming restricted to its current range (Tasmania).

John S. Lapinski

This chapter introduces a new measure of legislative accomplishment. To understand lawmaking requires that one move beyond studying political behavior in Congress alone and beyond a complete empirical reliance on roll call votes. Moreover, legislative behavior and legislative outputs must be studied in tandem to gain a proper understanding of the lawmaking process in the United States. Although the idea of studying important lawmaking across time is not controversial, constructing an appropriate measure is not a trivial exercise. The chapter constructs a comprehensive lawmaking data set that provides measures of legislative accomplishment at the aggregate level as well as by specific policy issue areas for a 118-year period. It also explains the construction of Congress-by-Congress measures of legislative accomplishment, including measures broken down by the policy-coding schema.

Development ◽  
1994 ◽  
Vol 1994 (Supplement) ◽  
pp. 15-25
Hervé Philippe ◽  
Anne Chenuil ◽  
André Adoutte

Most of the major invertebrate phyla appear in the fossil record during a relatively short time interval, not exceeding 20 million years (Myr), 540-520 Myr ago. This rapid diversification is known as the `Cambrian explosion'. In the present paper, we ask whether molecular phylogenetic reconstruction provides confirmation for such an evolutionary burst. The expectation is that the molecular phylogenetic trees should take the form of a large unresolved multifurcation of the various animal lineages. Complete 18S rRNA sequences of 69 extant representatives of 15 animal phyla were obtained from data banks. After eliminating a major source of artefact leading to lack of resolution in phylogenetic trees (mutational saturation of sequences), we indeed observe that the major lines of triploblast coelomates (arthropods, molluscs, echinoderms, chordates...) are very poorly resolved i.e. the nodes defining the various clades are not supported by high bootstrap values. Using a previously developed procedure consisting of calculating bootstrap proportions of each node of the tree as a function of increasing amount of nucleotides (Lecointre, G., Philippe, H. Le, H. L. V. and Le Guyader, H. (1994) Mol. Phyl. Evol., in press) we obtain a more informative indication of the robustness of each node. In addition, this procedure allows us to estimate the number of additional nucleotides that would be required to resolve confidently the currently uncertain nodes; this number turns out to be extremely high and experimentally unfeasible. We then take this approach one step further: using parameters derived from the above analysis, assuming a molecular clock and using palaeontological dates for calibration, we establish a relationship between the number of sites contained in a given data set and the time interval that this data set can confidently resolve (with 95% bootstrap support). Under these assumptions, the presently available 18S rRNA database cannot confidently resolve cladogenetic events separated by less than about 40 Myr. Thus, at the present time, the potential resolution by the palaeontological approach is higher than that by the molecular one.

Crustaceana ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 92 (11-12) ◽  
pp. 1415-1426
Juan-Alejandro Norambuena ◽  
Jorge Farías ◽  
Patricio De los Ríos

Abstract Daphnia pulex is a freshwater planktonic crustacean, allegedly a cosmopolitan species, which is found in lentic ecosystems. The aim of this study was to conduct a literature review of D. pulex related to its life history and genetic variability, in order to mark a route for future studies. We noted that D. pulex is a model species on which ecological studies have been carried out, as well as molecular studies, in which its molecular diversity has been characterized and such in specimens from different environments: both pristine and under human influence. In particular those studies are highlighted, in which molecular tools have been used to construct phylogenetic trees for study intraspecific differences. Also, in some of these molecular studies, analyses of genetic, inter- and intraspecific diversity have been performed. In addition, analyses of protein expression in D. pulex and related species seem promising in evaluating the detailed role of this species.

2019 ◽  
Vol 88 (3) ◽  
pp. 257-276
Maliheh Pirayesh Shirazinejad ◽  
Mansour Aliabadian ◽  
Omid Mirshamsi

The white wagtail (Motacilla alba) species complex with its distinctive plumage in separate geographical areas can serve as a model to test evolutionary hypotheses. Its extensive variety in plumage, despite the genetic similarity between taxa, and the evolutionary events connected to this variety are poorly understood. Therefore we sampled in the breeding range of the white wagtail: 338 individuals were analyzed from 74 areas in the Palearctic and Mediterranean. We studied the white wagtail complex based on two mitochondrial DNA markers to make inferences about the evolutionary history. Our phylogenetic trees highlight mtDNA sequences (ND2, CR), and one nuclear marker (CHD1Z), which partly correspond to earlier described clades: the northern Palearctic (clade N); eastern and central Asia (clade SE); south-western Asia west to the British Isles (clade SW); and Morocco (clade M). The divergence of all clades occurred during the Pleistocene. We also used ecological niche modelling for three genetic lineages (excluding clade M); results showed congruence between niche and phylogenetic divergence in these clades. The results of the white wagtail ancestral area reconstruction showed the influence of dispersal on the distribution and divergence of this complex species. The most important vicariance event for the white wagtail complex may have been caused by the Gobi and Taklamakan deserts. We conclude that the ancestral area of the white wagtail complex was probably in the Mediterranean, with its geography having a considerable effect on speciation processes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Jouko Rikkinen ◽  
David A. Grimaldi ◽  
Alexander R. Schmidt

AbstractMyxomycetes constitute a group within the Amoebozoa well known for their motile plasmodia and morphologically complex fruiting bodies. One obstacle hindering studies of myxomycete evolution is that their fossils are exceedingly rare, so evolutionary analyses of this supposedly ancient lineage of amoebozoans are restricted to extant taxa. Molecular data have significantly advanced myxomycete systematics, but the evolutionary history of individual lineages and their ecological adaptations remain unknown. Here, we report exquisitely preserved myxomycete sporocarps in amber from Myanmar, ca. 100 million years old, one of the few fossil myxomycetes, and the only definitive Mesozoic one. Six densely-arranged stalked sporocarps were engulfed in tree resin while young, with almost the entire spore mass still inside the sporotheca. All morphological features are indistinguishable from those of the modern, cosmopolitan genus Stemonitis, demonstrating that sporocarp morphology has been static since at least the mid-Cretaceous. The ability of myxomycetes to develop into dormant stages, which can last years, may account for the phenotypic stasis between living Stemonitis species and this fossil one, similar to the situation found in other organisms that have cryptobiosis. We also interpret Stemonitis morphological stasis as evidence of strong environmental selection favouring the maintenance of adaptations that promote wind dispersal.

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