stiffened panel
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Computation ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 5
Vasileios K. Mantzaroudis ◽  
Dimitrios G. Stamatelos

When catastrophic failure phenomena in aircraft structures, such as debonding, are numerically analyzed during their design process in the frame of “Damage Tolerance” philosophy, extreme requirements in terms of time and computational resources arise. Here, a decrease in these requirements is achieved by developing a numerical model that efficiently treats the debonding phenomena that occur due to the buckling behavior of composite stiffened panels under compressive loads. The Finite Element (FE) models developed in the ANSYS© software (Canonsburg, PA, USA) are calibrated and validated by using published experimental and numerical results of single-stringer compression specimens (SSCS). Different model features, such as the type of the element used (solid and solid shell) and Cohesive Zone Modeling (CZM) parameters are examined for their impact on the efficiency of the model regarding the accuracy versus computational cost. It is proved that a significant reduction in computational time is achieved, and the accuracy is not compromised when the proposed FE model is adopted. The outcome of the present work leads to guidelines for the development of FE models of stiffened panels, accurately predicting the buckling and post-buckling behavior leading to debonding phenomena, with minimized computational and time cost. The methodology is proved to be a tool for the generation of a universal parametric numerical model for the analysis of debonding phenomena of any stiffened panel configuration by modifying the corresponding geometric, material and damage properties.

2021 ◽  
Vol 158 (A2) ◽  
M Sit ◽  
C Ray ◽  
D Biswas ◽  
B Mandal

A simplified hollow stiffened hybrid laminated plate model has been developed for the marine structures. The detailed stress analysis through the thickness of the stiffened plate based on the higher order shear deformation theory has been carried out under sinusoidal loading. The hybrid laminates are made by wrapping the GFRP laminates with CFRP at the outermost layers of the stiffened panel. This hybridization technique can be an optimum solution from the point of view of cost reduction as well as enhancement of strength properties. The layer-wise stresses for the stiffened plate have been calculated in the present paper. A 3D polynomial curve fitting technique has been used to obtain higher accuracy and consistency in the computation of stresses. The computer code has been developed using MATLAB considering the plates as eight noded isoparametric plate bending element and the stiffener has been modeled as three noded isoparametric beam element. The stiffened panel has also been analysed using the ANSYS14.0 software package considering 2D model. The results obtained from the present formulation have been compared with those available in the published literature to validate the present formulation. The stiffened panels made of GFRP, CFRP and GFRP-CFRP hybrid laminates have been studied here. An extensive parametric study has been carried out with varying fibre content in the laminates.

2021 ◽  
pp. 95-103
D.G. Georgiadis ◽  
M.S. Samuelides ◽  
S. Li ◽  
D.K. Kim ◽  
S. Benson

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (5) ◽  
pp. 301-306
Victor Tochukwu Ibeabuchi ◽  
Mathias Owus Ibearugbulem ◽  
Kelechi Okechukwu Njoku ◽  
Ezekiel Onyinyechi Ihemegbulem ◽  
Princewill Obumneke Okorie

Analytical solution to the buckling problems of stiffened panels subjected to in-plane compressive loads is presented. The total potential energy functional of stiffened panel is obtained by the summation of that of a line continuum and stiffened panel derived from elastic principles of mechanics. Minimizing the resulting equation with respect to deflection coefficient and rearranging gives the expression for obtaining the buckling load of stiffened panel. Exact deflection functions were substituted directly in the new solution and various edge conditions were considered in this analysis. Obtained results were compared with analytical results of previous works. The method is computationally efficient for complex edge conditions and gives high numerical accuracy.

2021 ◽  

With stiffened composite panels being widely used in aerostructures, critical failure mechanics of the skin/stringer interface need to be thoroughly understood. The interface is design critical and must demonstrate the ability to sustain design limit load throughout the service life. Buckling and out-of-plane deformations, localized in a stiffened panel can initiate separation at the interface. In addition, presence of inherent manufacturing flaws or operational impact events can lead to premature separation and result in failure. Hence, to ensure structural integrity, thorough damage characterization of skin/stringer interface must be performed. The general building block certification approach used for analysis and test validation does not contain standardized test methods beyond the coupon level. In this study, a Seven-Point Bend (7PB) based test methodology is employed to induce localized buckling-based skin separation. The 7PB methodology is utilized to evaluate panels fabricated using both co-bonding and secondary-bonding methods. The experimental work is complimented by a cohesive zone model (CZM) where the disbond initiation and progressive damage growth at the skin/stringer interface is simulated. Delamination is observed at the interface, originating centrally and progressing asymmetrically along the length of the stringer until failure occurred. The zero-thickness cohesive elements based model implemented within this work was able to capture damage initiation and predicted the final damage map. The 7PB test methodology is demonstrated to be robust and can be introduced as a standard test practice to evaluate sub-elements.

2021 ◽  
Nikhil Prakash Joshi ◽  
Jonathan Lewis Brewer ◽  
Christopher John Rose

Abstract During the annual In-Service Inspection of a spar hull, several regions of pitting corrosion on the upper portion of the north and south moon pool external wall plating were identified. The moon pool walls are constructed as typical stiffened panel structures. Visual, ultrasonic (UT), and pulsed eddy current (PEC) inspections indicated regions of corrosion with roughly 40% to 70% averaged localized wall loss. This paper discusses the analytical assessment of the structure to determine the effect of the corrosion on the structural integrity of the moon pool wall and any similar structural panel. To determine the impact of corrosion on the stiffened panel integrity, a finite element (FE) based analysis approach is used to perform a comparative assessment of the "as-built" and "corroded" configuration of the moon pool wall. The nominal plate and stiffener thicknesses are modeled in the "as-built" configuration; whereas, the measured plate thickness from the inspection is modeled in the "corroded" configuration. The structure is subjected to design loads based on the storm damaged design condition. The analysis is performed by uniformly increasing the applied loads until failure occurs, maintaining a constant ratio between the nominal loads. Two different analyses are performed as a part of the strength assessment: (1) a linear-elastic eigenvalue analysis to estimate the elastic buckling capacity and mode shapes of the structure and (2) an elastic-plastic post-buckling analysis to estimate the ultimate capacity of the structure. In addition, the results from the linear-elastic eigenvalue analysis are compared to the results from analytical buckling calculations. The analysis results indicate that the corrosion reduces the elastic plate buckling capacity significantly. However, the overall capacity of the stiffened panel is not significantly reduced. Therefore, from a global strength perspective, the stiffened panel remains acceptable in its corroded condition. The upper portion of the moon pool wall is typically fatigue insensitive in spars. Therefore, the effect of the corrosion wall loss on the fatigue performance was not assessed. Since there is limited guidance in design and assessment codes for assessing corroded stiffened panels, this approach can be used to address future stiffened panel corrosion wall loss. In addition, this method allows for inclusion of future corrosion allowance, if applicable. Determining the capacity of corroded panels using FEA-based numerical methods, like those described in this paper, allows the operators to manage their risks, repair costs, and inspection frequency by determining the actual capacity of the damaged components. This allows the operators to determine the appropriate mitigation measures based on a quantitative risk calculation.

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